They NY Jets Are the Most Entertaining Team in Sports

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Alright, everybody. Sorry about the off -topic video, but I think that this is a message that needs to get out there.
This is important. This is a very important message. Because it has to do with your attitude and perspective.
Sort of. That's how I justify it. But I gotta say, I watched the
Jets game yesterday. The first Black Friday game. They're trying to start a new holiday tradition.
Everybody was talking about it. Everybody's on board. I even heard that Jets owner, Woody Johnson, is trying to angle for the
Jets to always play on Black Friday. So you know how the Lions and the Cowboys always play on Thanksgiving?
Well, Woody's trying to make it so that the Jets always play on Black Friday. Which is the worst idea ever.
If I was the kind of guy that really cared a lot about the
Jets organization and winning and stuff like that. It's the worst idea ever. The Jets, historically, are the absolute worst team.
The last team that should want to play in front of a nationally televised audience. Because they are the single most entertaining team in NFL history.
That's right. I said it. The New York Jets are the most entertaining team in National Football League history.
By far. I don't think there's even any comparison. They're awful. The Jets are awful.
But they've reached such a low, such a chasm of incompetence, ineptitude, a knack for just unusual ways to lose.
That it's become entertaining in a dark way. They're so bad and they're so inept that it's fun to watch.
I watch a lot of Jets podcasts, or I listen to a lot of Jets podcasts. Because I'm entertained by all the
Jets fans out there that are so upset, they're angry, they're frustrated. They let the expletives fly.
I find that entertaining. Because I've already cracked the code here. I understand what's going on.
If you're going to be a Jets fan, you have to understand that you're watching for the comedic value of what's going on.
Me and my brother, we talk about this all the time. So this is how it all went down. My brother was a
Jets fan as a kid. And I was a Bills fan at the time. And if you remember the Bills, they used to be really good.
And they went to like four Super Bowls in a row. They lost all four of them, which is its own special thing. But there was one season, and my dad was a
Cowboys fan. So this is the only sport where we separated as kids. I like all the same teams my dad liked, except for this one sport.
So I remember that there was one season that my brother would watch almost every game. And the
Jets had only won one game that season. They were 1 -15. And my brother was just so excited.
He was so convinced that the Jets were actually good. And they were in every game, but they would find ways to lose.
But they were in it. It was competitive games. And my little brother convinced me, his older brother, and his father to be
Jets fans like him. And so we became Jets fans. And he was right.
The very next season, they did pretty well. Not great, but they did pretty well. And there were some periods of success,
I guess you could say. Anyway, so I became a Jets fan. Me and my brother, we're at the point now where we talk about this.
And we're like, let's try to come up with the craziest possible embarrassing play or the embarrassing move to make.
And that's probably what will happen because the Jets are good at failing.
But the thing is, we've come to terms with the fact that no matter how much we guess what might happen, what tragedy might befall the
Jets, we can't possibly guess it. Because the Jets are inventing ways to embarrass themselves.
It is highly entertaining. You have to look at it that way. You just have to. Because if you're going there expecting the
Jets to figure out some way to impress you or to make a playoff run or something like that, you're going to be frustrated.
You're going to be angry. You're going to be sad. That's no way to live. That's no way to live.
You have to embrace the Jets for what they are. They are inventors of losing.
They invent ways to lose. No one's ever seen it before. They invent it. It's good stuff, guys.
You've got to learn to embrace this. This is what the Jets are. And I would argue that the
Jets, watching a Jets season and seeing things you've never seen before, like just complete incompetence that you've never seen before, it's more fun than having your team be good and going to the playoffs but then losing in the playoffs.
Like obviously the Super Bowl, that would be the best case scenario. That would be fun and exciting for a few minutes after the game, and then you realize that nothing really changed for you because you're not on the team kind of thing.
That's like the best case scenario. But I would argue second is not going to the playoffs and missing, or worse yet, going to the
Super Bowl and losing. I would argue the next best thing is to be the funniest team in the league.
And the Jets, I think, have that locked. They have that locked. I don't think there's any way any other team can unseat the
Jets for being the single most hilarious, entertaining, humorous.
It's amazing. It's unbelievable. This last game. It's just too good, man.
It's just too good. And you've got Aaron Rodgers on the sideline. He says he's going to come back in December. I hope he does.
I hope they play him in December. I hope they do. And here's what I hope happens. I hope they play him in December and, like, he looks awesome.
He looks awesome. He looks really good. You know, he's dropping touchdown passes.
He's got 300, 400 yards. I hope that's what happens. I hope he comes back for a couple games and he just looks really good.
And he ruins our draft position by doing that. And then he goes into his little hyperbaric, dark journey chamber, whatever he does.
He does some kind of witchcraft. I don't know what he's up to. He goes on his little dark adventure. And then, you know, the spirits that he talks to.
I don't know. This guy's a weird dude. They tell him, Aaron, you've got to retire. And the
Jets are totally screwed. I've got to say.
And I'll tell you right now, a lot of my friends, my Jet fan friends are like, you know, at least the Zach Wilson era is over.
I don't think it is. I think Zach Wilson is going to be on the team next year. I don't think. I have no doubt Zach Wilson is going to be on the team next year, and he will start a game next year.
That's my opinion. Zach Wilson will be starting for the Jets again next year. That's how it's going to go down.
Or if not, they'll find some other fun and entertaining way to be again. The NFL's most entertaining team in history.
In history. How could you prove me wrong? How could you prove me wrong?
You can't prove me wrong. It's obvious. It's a done deal. We got the butt fumble. We got the fake spike.
We got, we got, I don't know if you saw Zach Wilson trip over himself last week's game, get tackled by his own head coach.
That was a good one. It's just, it's just good stuff all around. It's just good. The Hail Mary pass.
That Hail Mary pass gets executed every week, multiple times a week, right before halftime.
Just a heave. Maybe we'll catch it. Maybe we won't. Execute it every time. Everybody knows what to do.
But only the Jets throw the Hail Mary pass almost into the end zone. Pick, picked off.
Return for 99 yards for a touchdown. Good stuff. Good stuff.
And Robert Sala, he's the best. He's the best one. He says the same nonsense over and over again. And you guys probably don't pay much attention, but I saw the
Robert Sala press conference after the game. And they asked him, they said, hey, you know, you thinking about maybe making a change with your offensive play caller?
Because, you know, obviously they can't score touchdowns. So maybe that's a good idea. Maybe you get somebody else in there to call what play to do.
So maybe one day we can score a touchdown. And he says, absolutely not. Just like that.
Just real quick. Absolutely not. And then he continues the answer. And he says, you know, every single day that, you know, you look at it and maybe it's like, you know, it's the quarterback.
It's, you know, this or that. It's the offensive line. It's all these other things. He's basically trying to make the case that it's not the offensive coordinator.
And then as he's talking, he lists basically every facet of an offense, every part of the offense.
He lists how it's a problem. And then he realizes what he's just done. And he said, I'm not going to change the person who controls the offense.
And then he lists every part of the offense has problems. And he goes, you know,
I guess I don't have an answer for you. He said no. And he convinced himself within 30 seconds that the answer obviously has to be yes.
Oh, man. And God bless him, too. You know, he obviously, you know, right at halftime when this
Hail Mary pick six happened, you know, completely deflated the Jets. It completely changed the complexion of the game.
You know, he gets interviewed by Amazon. And I'm assuming he already told them in the beginning that he would do this interview.
And he did the interview. And if I was him, I would have been like, yeah, you know, I know I said I'd do this interview, but I'm just not in a good head space right now.
Did you see what just happened? Did you see the Hail Mary pick six? I got to go talk to the team. But he did the interview.
Robert, how are you going to change what's happening in this game? Oh, you know, we're fighting.
We're going to change it. Anyway, I've got to go get my son.