FBC Adult Bible Study


Adult Sunday School Class


That it would be a blessing to us as we think about this subject of holiness it occurred to me this week as As I was preparing the lesson and thinking about it that this whole subject of holiness is really not even talked much about in Modern and the contemporary
Evangelical view with a very broad umbrella Circles, it's just not all kinds of other things are talked about but holiness is it's kind of like a
Considered to be a little Archaic, you know, we don't want to talk about it too much.
There are certain sub -segments of The the church in our time that still do talk about it but in a very
Distorted way and we may have some time at the end today to Talk about that a little bit don't want to focus on it much but the point is that it isn't there's not much said about it and the and yet What we know is that we are called the
Christians are called to holiness Peter in first Peter one
He is quoting from Leviticus what the Lord said and the Lord said be holy as I am holy
And Paul wrote in first Thessalonians that this is the will of God for you even your sanctification or your holiness
So as Christians we are called To holiness, but holiness is one of those things in the
Christian life that has to be cultivated it's not a We're not called to a passivity about holiness as if all we have to do is sit back
Let go and let God kind of a thing No, we're we're called to cultivate it and so just want to review because last week we on your handout we got down to Number three sub number four.
So just let's just kind of go through that and remind ourselves some of the things we said last week Talking about the call to hope to cultivate holiness.
We need to understand what holiness means and We said it has negative and a positive
Components to that meaning of holiness on the negative side. It means to be separated from sin on the positive side it means to be consecrated or dedicated to God and Conformed to Christ and so when you put those two poles negative and positive together
What you discover and under come to understand is that you know, really holiness is is a comprehensive thing
It comprehends all of life So the separation from sin consecration to God and conformity to Christ Really involves our whole being it involves our being inwardly and outwardly
It fills holiness the subject of holiness affects our entire heart and remember our study on the heart our
Intellect emotion will our mind desires and choices that we make but also is to be outward how we live and that covers all of life all of life we talked about the limits of whole of the cultivating of holiness and Really just emphasized one
Key idea and that is we're not we're not cultivating holiness in an attempt to somehow gain merit with God as if I can just if I can
Scale the next height God will be more happy with me. God will be more pleased with me
I'll have more favor with God if you will and that fails to understand that in Christ we have a status of holiness a status of holiness a sanctified status or position
What we're talking about in the cultivating of holiness is the cultivating of a sanctified condition a
Condition of life. So for example, the writer of Hebrews says pursue peace with all men
But he ought but also adds and holiness pursue holiness
Without which no one will see the Lord So we don't pursue holiness in order to gain favor with God to get a better standing with him
Our standing is settled. It is secure we cultivate holiness to To have a holy condition of life
All right. So what must be cultivated? We said these three things are here on your handout we must cultivate the imitation of the character of the
Father as First Peter 1 16 tells us we are to conform to the image of Christ.
We want to cultivate that Philippians 2 verses 5 through 8 says let this mind or this attitude be in you which was also in Christ Jesus and that attitude as Paul goes on here in Philippians 2 that attitude affects behavior and it always does
So let this mind be in you so conformity to the image of Christ and then submission to the mind of the
Holy Spirit What is the Holy Spirit directing us to do and we must be submitted to that?
and so then that takes us to the to the nuts and bolts of that cultivation to the tools if you will of cultivation in the garden of our life and We said the first tool is to know and love the scriptures know and love the scriptures
Reading it reflecting on it rehearsing it and so forth knowing and loving the scriptures and secondly how to cultivate holiness
Allow the ordinances to be a means of grace to strengthen your faith in Christ In the morning service today, we're going to partake together of the
Lord's Supper and That's one of the two ordinances the other baptism and those ordinances are
Are not religious rituals that we simply go through as a you know some branches of Christianity broadly discussed would look at those sacraments like in the
Catholicism they look at the sacraments as Meritorious earning earning some kind of merit with God.
So that's how they look at as a means of grace You partake of the Eucharist in order to to earn brownie points with God No, that's not what we're talking about what we're talking about is the fact that those
Ordinances baptism in the Lord's Supper. They point us to Christ. They point our attention to Christ and as they do so What what is the effect if if we engage in those ordinances properly?
like in with the Lord's table the Lord's Supper we We reflect on the work of Christ on the cross his death
In our behalf his broken body his shed blood and and what does that do?
well, it's like, you know, Paul says the goodness of God leads us to repentance and so that attention focused on what
Christ has done is designed to Grow us up in grace and knowledge of Christ.
All right, so we talked about that and then thirdly We mentioned regard yourself as dead to sins dominion and as alive to God in Christ You are not under the dominion of sin.
You don't have to obey its demands upon you number four Pray and work independence upon God for holiness.
We pointed out that holiness and prayer go together They're inseparable
You're not gonna we're not going to grow in holiness only to cultivate holiness in our lives without Correspondingly praying but We also need to work
Holiness and work are also inseparable. That's why Paul told Timothy in first Timothy 4 7 exercise yourself
Unto godliness it takes some effort there. All right now number five
Number five how to cultivate holiness Turn to Philippians chapter 4 and look at this verse in a moment number five.
We want to flee worldliness flee worldliness
The the essence of worldliness is very broadly and generally
Described as the lust of the flesh the lust of the eyes and the pride of life First Appearance of worldliness occurred in the
Garden of Eden Worldliness is conforming ourselves to the designs of the wicked one just as Eve did when she
Succumbed to the lust of the flesh the lust of the eyes and the pride of life And when she did that she allowed herself to be conformed in her thinking and then in her behavior
To what the wicked one wanted her to do and to be well
In terms of fleeing worldliness what we want to do Want to be sensitive to do is to strike out at the first appearance of those things at the first appearance of the pride of life when
I'm I'm feeling that pull to self exaltation to selfishness to self centeredness and so forth
Strike out at the first at the first appearance of the lust of the flesh the fulfilling the inordinate in illegitimate
Satisfaction of the desires of the flesh or the desires of the eyes
So as soon as I feel that pull in it in a way that is
Illegitimate it's a violation. It's it's contrary to what I know is God's will God's Word Then I want to strike out against that and strike out against it secondly in this regard
First or Philippians 4 verse 8. I want to I want to Want to work on here.
We are cultivating holiness. I want to work on my my mind my thinking so that I Fulfill what
Peters exhorting me to do here where he says whatever things are true
Whatever things are noble just pure Lovely good report if there's any virtues anything praiseworthy meditate on these things meditate on these things and I I think it was in My pastor's page article this week.
I kind of wrote about that and how challenging it is especially in the chaos of our day and You know one of the things
I've mentioned Chris and I talking about all of the the different fronts in which
Attacks are made. Okay, so you got this mess in Afghanistan. You've got this problem with the southern border you've got the you've got the the
LGBTQ plus Agenda, you've got the gender dysphoria stuff going on You've got all of these all of these assaults going on at the same time and it's like it's like the wicked one
Who is the author of confusion has thrown so many things at the same time that it's
Incredibly difficult to be single -minded and focused especially you can't just focus on one thing because there's all these other things over here and There's all and all these other things over here and all these things going on at the same time for the
Christian are Inclined to take us To take our minds and focus on those things all of those things
And how many how many of those things if we focus on them are Are going to we're going to gonna end up fulfilling
Philippians 4a thinking on things that are true Lovely, you know not just true the things that are true and lovely and noble and just and and pure and Good report virtuous and praiseworthy
So as I mentioned in that article we Paul is not calling us to stick our head in the sand and pretend those things don't exist
But the key is what he writes at the end of the verse meditate on these things
Focus your attention Rehearse these things that satisfy the criteria of Philippians 4a
Mike Barrett writes this statement and I think it's a good summary of fleeing worldliness
He says we must live above the world and not be of the world
Even as we are yet in the world To get that let me say it again
We must live above the world and not be of the world even as yet we are in the world so flee worldliness a sixth tool to cultivate a holiness is to seek fellowship in the church and Associate with mentors in Holiness to seek mentors in holiness
So back in 1st Corinthians 11 verse 1 Paul writes to the church at Corinth and he says imitate me
Just as I also imitate Christ So what Paul was calling the
Corinthians to do was look upon him as a mentor in the pursuit of Christ's likeness in the pursuit of holiness and then in Ephesians 4 verses 12 and 13
Paul writes about the gifts that God has given to the church and and he's given these gifts for the
Development of Christ's likeness or of holiness in Ephesians 4 verses 12 and 13
Verse 11 he talks about the gifts Apostles prophets evangelists pastor teachers For the equipping of the
Saints for the work of the ministry for the edifying of the body of Christ Till we all come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the
Son of God to a perfect complete man To the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ.
So what's he calling us to? He's calling us to holiness right and what has God given to us to help us in that pursuit of holiness
He's given us these gifts given them to the church and so seeking fellowship in the church and associating with mentors of holiness is a valuable tool in our toolbox to cultivate to cultivate holiness
And let me encourage you here also We're thinking about the mentors of holiness to To take advantage of the wealth of mentors that are dead
The old dead guys as some like to call them for example,
I got a I brought a stack of books up to share with you and I think we
We my wife my wife will tell you I think I won't go overboard in this way of getting good books
But and and certainly I have more books on my on the bookshelf the to -read shelf than I will ever accomplish in this life
But by the way, I did hear one valuable Insight on that and that is the good thing about having a bunch of books that you haven't read yet is
That you know, the Lord will oftentimes Peak your interest in a particular area to read
You go to the shelf and there's a book There it is and you can take it off the shelf and you can read
Well, anyway, let me let me just share some of these titles with you and all of these
Are This one by JC Ryle is on the book the bookshelf for sale
This is this is a by the way, let me just say this is a book JC Ryle wrote holiness is the title of it.
It is a classic work on the subject of holiness it's like one of the best and banner of truth published this and Republished it and reprinted it and reprinted it.
This is a hardback book Very well made and it's 10 bucks.
I mean it's 10 bucks You can't even buy I get there's paperbacks in here that are more than that so I don't this must have been a lost leader for banner of truth when they they offered it for 10 bucks, but JC Ryle wrote this classic book on holiness and covers
Probably just about everything that we're covering in this series John Owen a
Puritan John Owen wrote he wrote prolifically But this little book a little paperback is is entitled temptation resisted and repulsed
John Owen was also a very How would you describe his writing
Verbose perhaps But thorough in in that verbosity.
Well this this particular Edition is a it says it's abridged and made easy to read and that's very helpful when it comes to John Owen but temptation
Octavius Winslow We have a book on the bookshelf for sale a devotional book by Octavius Winslow But this one is entitled personal declension like backsliding personal declension and revival of religion in the soul
Then John Flavel I use this Little book by him at the end of our series on the heart
It's entitled keeping the heart how to maintain your love for God Jeremiah Burroughs was a guy who lived in the 17th century first half of the 17th century he was
He was not nearly as difficult to read as a lot of the writers in his day But he he wrote this book entitled the evil of evils
What makes evil so evil? All right, so that's a good title Here's a
Dutch guy. I think he is Yeah, he's a
Dutch guy. And so this book was originally written in Dutch Willem Teelink is his name, but it's entitled the path of true godliness again, it's taking the same concept of cultivating holiness and And developing it and then lastly a guy by the name of Vincent Alsop or Alsop he died in 1703 and He wrote this book entitled practical godliness the ornament of all religion
Now I mentioned these things up all these things will be available in the library But I mentioned them because these are
Classic mentors in this matter of the pursuit of holiness and there aren't very many writers
There are very very few writers that write on this subject today this book that we're using as a basis for this series by Barrett and Beakey is very unusual a radical call to comprehensive holiness
Because I challenge you they I was gonna say go to the Christian bookstore. They don't even exist hardly anymore
If you can find one anywhere You know pop into a Christian bookstore and look at the titles on the on the shelves.
I I dare you to try to find one on holiness. I can find it So where where can you go to read on the subject?
You know a little bit at a time that will just challenge you and encourage you in the pursuit
You got to go to the dead guys You got to go to the dead guys All right, and that's part of the fellowship the fellowship of the
Saints. All right then seven number seven here in our tools live in a present tense total commitment to God a
Present tense total commitment to God and what I'm getting out there is and what Barrett and Beaker are getting at here is
Avoid the Just one more time syndrome Just one more time.
It's temptation comes along. Maybe it's a besetting sin and you say I'll just just this one more time and then then never again
How many times have you said that how many times have you said that just one more time and then
I'll never do it again. I'll stop this. This will be the last time Barrett puts it
Barrett makes this common. He says postponed postponed obedience is what?
Disobedience postponed obedience is disobedience tomorrow's holiness is today's
Unholiness Tomorrow's faith is today's
Unbelief I say well, I'll I'll I'll exercise this faith tomorrow. Well, then
I'm not exercising it today That's that's unbelief. So make it your aim as John tells us in 1st
John 2 1 Make it your aim Not to sin at all.
So I'll never make that we always Fall short, but John wrote this he said my little children these things
I am writing unto you so that you may not sin Now he goes on in verse 2 to say if we do sin
We have an advocate with the Father Jesus Christ the righteous But he he says I'm writing these things so that you may not sin
But is that our aim is that even our aim? Is that even on our radar screen that you know?
Okay, I'm today I've got up today and I'm praying Lord lead me not into temptation
You know like the Lord's Prayer lead us not into temptation Is that my aim if I pray like that that's communicating to the
Lord. This is my aim That sets you in a direction So so make it your aim and 2nd
Corinthians 10 5 Paul says this casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God and Bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ This is another goal in this matter of living in the present tense total commitment to God a goal of Seeking divine strength
Asking the Lord for help in cap in capturing bringing my thoughts into captivity
See that's living in the present tense in this pursuit of holiness
All right. Let's shift gears a little bit and I want to give you four truths
To encourage you in the cultivation of holiness For truths,
I think I just wrote them all out here. I don't even think I gave you a blanks. Did I? Nope, I didn't so you can follow along very very easily.
Here's the first one number one God has called us to holiness for our good and for his glory
Look at this in Proverbs 4 verses 5 and 6 and I want us to I want us to capture this idea
For Proverbs 4 5 and 6 Say get says get wisdom get understanding do not forget nor turn away from the words of my mouth do not forsake her and She will preserve you
Love her and she will keep you So the idea here the point is that a holy life is a safer life
And say it's free from all kinds of physical harm or anything, but it's a safer life the the pursuit of the acquisition of a growth in holiness is a growing in a path of life that will
Be a preserve a preservative in your life. It's a safer life
Again I'm not talking about safety from all the physical harms and sicknesses and all that kind of stuff, but safety from safety from Destructive influences and harmful choices that will bring you down and Some way or another in the course of life
Holy life is a safer life and a holy life Honors God by resembling him
God said in if Isaiah 43 Verse 21. He says quote this people speaking of his people this people.
I have formed for myself They shall declare my praise
So as we as God's people Can form ourselves to to God?
Remember we're one of the aspects that the objectives in the growth of holiness is to be conformed to the image of Christ to imitate our
Heavenly Father as We make progress in that direction We as God says
I formed them for myself to be like me They shall declare my praise
The more the more we look like Christ the more we glorify
Christ So that's encouragement number one number two Holiness gives evidence of your justification and election and fosters assurance fosters assurance
So here's what we mean by that in first look at 1st Corinthians 6 11 1st
Corinthians 6 11 Paul says such were some of you
What were we The Corinthians what were they what were we? Look in the previous couple of verses 9 and 10
He says do you not know that the unrighteousness the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God?
Do not be deceived Neither fornicators nor idolaters nor adulterers nor homosexuals nor sodomites nor thieves nor covetous nor drunkards nor revilers nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God that is not an exhaustive list of Unrighteousness that is a representative list of unrighteousness
Here's what I mean by that. There are other places that you can go in Paul's writing where he gives a
We call him a vice list or a sin list list of sins and he you know, he'll go through a litany of sins and None of those are none of those lists is exhaustive covering every possible kind of sin or iniquity
So this is a representative thing and then Paul says To the believers in Corinth who are having their own struggles in all kinds of areas
He says such were some of you. This is what you were like But he goes on to say you were washed
You were sanctified you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the spirit of our
God All right. So what's the point? the point is that Sanctification is the inevitable fruit of justification
So if you could if you could go back to that list for example if somebody is
If somebody says oh, you know, I'm I'm I'm a Christian How do you know?
Why are you why do you say you're a Christian? Well, because I remember when I was a kid I prayed this prayer.
I asked Jesus to come into my heart Okay, but there's a problem here what what's the problem well
You're just a perpetual thief you just can't you're just constantly stealing or you are
You are engaged in an ongoing behavior of adultery or homosexuality or any one of those lists items in that list
There's no change in your life. There's no there's no moving away from that there's no casting out of that aside, you're just engaging in that and Feeling no sense of of wrongdoing at all in the matter.
You're not a believer You're not a Christian. You don't have any you have no basis for assurance of justification why because Sanctification the growth in holiness is the inevitable fruit of justification
Now let's look at this at another angle Sanctification furthermore is the earmark as Barrett puts it the earmark of Christ's elect sheep
Let me show you what I mean. Look at 2nd Corinthians 2 verse 13 2nd
Corinthians 2 13 Paul says God from the beginning Chose you for salvation
So and the other places Paul writes about how you were chosen in Christ before the foundation of the world
God from the beginning chose you for salvation through sanctification by the
Spirit and belief in the truth So, you know the the subject of election is one that causes a lot of people some discomfort and And here's the deal the unconverted
Should not even be concerned about that subject in the least bit Am I elect or not?
How do I know if I'm one of the elect? I'll tell you how you know, you're one of the elect as God in his grace brought you to faith in Christ Yes There you go
There you go and the evidence of that Election is not only that God in his grace has brought you to faith in Christ But that there has been a growth in this matter of sanctification your life has been changing
Doesn't mean you're perfect. Obviously Perfection is perfection in this life is not the evidence of election.
What is Growth in holiness is the evidence of the it's the earmark of Christ elect sheep
So the conclusion of that matter is that holiness fosters assurance holiness fosters assurance
John writes of this assurance in a couple of places in first John first John chapter 2 and Verse 3 first John 2 3
He says now by this we know that we know him
If we keep his commandments If you have no interest in keeping his commandments if you don't keep his commandments you have no assurance that you know him
Fact you have pretty good evidence that you don't is the point and in chapter 3 verse 19
John says essentially the same thing by this we know that we are of the truth and shall assure our hearts before him how
Verse 18 my little children. Let us love Let us not love in word or in tongue, but indeed and in truth look at the life
Look at the life if I am loving indeed and in truth Loving God loving neighbor if I'm loving indeed and in truth then is that he says by this we know that we are of the truth and Shall assure our hearts before him.
So holiness fosters assurance of our salvation
Third encouragement is that holiness purifies you for effective service purifies you for effective service in 2nd
Timothy chapter 2 Paul is writing to his Protégé young Protégé in the faith and the pastoral ministry
And he says to him in verses 20 and 20 20 through 22 2nd Timothy 2
He says in a great house There are not only vessels of gold and silver but also of wood and clay some for honor and some for dishonor
Therefore if anyone cleanses himself, do you catch that if anyone cleanses himself from the ladder?
He will be a vessel for honor sanctified that is set apart and Useful for the master prepared for every good work
Flee youthful lusts. He says but pursue Righteousness faith love peace with those who call on the
Lord out of a pure heart So Paul's point is you want to be a vessel?
For honor a vessel of usefulness to the Lord. Well Cleanse yourself from the latter things those
Those things that are iniquitous Later he says flee those youthful lusts pursue the right kinds of things holiness purifies you for effective service to God and then a fourth encouragement is from Revelation 21 verse 27 holiness fits you for heaven
Fits you for heaven Revelation 21 27 says there shall by no means enter into it
Anything that defiles or causes an abomination or a lie? But only those who are written in the
Lamb's Book of Life Nothing enters heaven that is defiled
Everything in heaven everyone in heaven will be holy now that that Consummated holiness will occur as we see
Christ When we see him we will be like him for we shall see him as he is
That will be the way we call that glorification. That's the culmination of this lifelong pursuit of holiness this growth in sanctification
John Owen mentioned him earlier Prolific writer
Puritan writer. He said this he says holiness is indeed perfected in heaven but the beginning of it is invariably confined to this world
God leads none to heaven but whom he sanctifies on the earth
So holiness prepares us and fits us for heaven. I Don't have time to develop the obstacles for the cultivating of holiness.
I've given you that I the main ideas here Let me just mention an idea related to number one an obstacle to cultivating holiness
Can be a self -centered attitude towards sin and life as opposed to a God -centered attitude and this shows itself when our focus our focus is inordinately on the consequences of Our sin or Our victory our victory over that sin.
In other words, let me ask the question this way When it comes to the matter of sin
Am I more concerned with the consequences of that sin or my victory over that sin?
Then I am with how my sins Grieve God do you get that?
In other words is God in the picture Other than the fact that he says this is sin.
Okay. He says this is sin. All right If I do this and what's going to happen to me, I've done this what's going to happen to me?
Oh, I've got victory over this boy. Look at me Where is God in the picture you see that's a that ends up being a hindrance to the cultivating of holiness
And and secondly, they're a low or distorted view of sin a lower distorted view of sin and I will close with this quote from the hymn in our
Supplement book the hymn tis the Christ The third stanza goes like this Ye who think of sin, but lightly nor suppose the evil great here at the cross
May view its nature rightly here is guilt may estimate
Mark the sacrifice appointed See who bears the awful load?
tis the word the Lord's anointed son of man and son of God If we can see the value and the and the the depth of the sacrifice of Christ We will not be able to have a low distorted view of sin
All right So you and I we need to press on we need to press on in the uprooting of sin and the cultivation of holiness
Continue the good fight the good fight the fight of faith But continue it and I appreciate this quote from Barrett continue this fight of faith under the best of generals
Jesus Christ with the best of internal advocates the
Holy Spirit by the best of assurances the promises of God for the best results
Everlasting glory so on the bottom of your handout is this prayer that Prayed together last week.
Let's close with this prayer today our Heavenly Father.
I pray we pray together that you would Cultivate within us grant that we might cultivate holiness today
Not out of merit, but out of gratitude for all that you have done for us and all that you are to us
You might cultivate it by your grace through faith in Christ Jesus Sanctify us by the blood of Christ the
Spirit of Christ and the Word of God. Oh our Father make us as holy as pardoned sinners