Behind the Video (AD Analyzes the Reparations Remix Joint)

AD Robles iconAD Robles

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People ask me to do maybe sort of like a behind the music video thing so I can, you guys can get a little bit of an insight into how
I create content and how I get the inspiration for my songs. And to be truthful, you know, us content creative types and us musicians, we're just like you.
We're just regular people like you. We eat three meals a day, you know, we put our pants on one leg at a time.
We get our designer scarves at the same stores you get your designer scarves. And so I just thought it'd be fun, it'd just be a fun little thing to kind of take you through my inspiration for this video.
The beginning part was inspired by DJ Klu, DJ Klu, Klu, Klu, Klu.
I thought this beat really reminded me very much of the urban cityscape and that's why I put that in the background.
And I decided to kind of walk in sort of, sort of soft, yeah, sort of, sort of wanted to walk in sort of soft but yet mysterious at the same time and I thought that that would really convey sort of the energy that I felt from the words of the song about reparations.
That part was inspired by Puffy, you know, I really enjoy Puff Daddy, P. Diddy, what's his name now?
Is it P. Diddy? Yeah, I enjoy his music videos and oftentimes he'll look into the camera like this and if you notice
I even put a little bit of an edit here, I did a kind of like a little bedazzled thing on these glasses. These glasses actually don't look shiny like that in real life.
That's a little, little, little look behind the curtain, you can see some of the magic of movie making. That's right, we are out here, that's why
I nodded my head up and down like that. You know, somebody had sent me this song and that's how I got the inspiration to do the song because they sent me the whole song, they wrote it themselves and edited it and that's how
I got the inspiration to do the song because they already provided it for me so that's what happened. Yeah, I just thought repeating reparations would be very effective there so that you knew it was a song about reparations.
Oh, not yet, coming back. Now there's two of me here to represent sort of the duality of mankind, you know how on one hand they want money but on the other hand they're, they're not a prosperity, prosperity, you know, you know what
I'm talking about. Stacks, that's right.
That's a, that's a, stacks is a slang term for money. I found that out recently, it's a slang term for money.
Back to the cityscape because again it's a very urban kind of feel to this song. I thought this was quite,
I thought this was very artistic what I did here and, and the reason that, the way I had the inspiration for this is I had a buddy who called me up one day,
I was writing this song, well actually I wasn't writing the song but I was doing the video and a buddy called me up and he said, look, you know,
AD, not everyone who talks about social justice is a social justice warrior and I respond, that's how
I got the idea, so I said, well not everyone who's on video actually has clearly defined lines and things like that but it's still the same person, you see, and so I kind of fuzzied this one up a little bit so you know that I was still the same
AD but it was, you know, the lines are kind of blurred and so one man's AD is not another man's
AD, one man's social justice warrior maybe isn't another man's social justice, but these, you know, these words are kind of fuzzy, there's, there's a little crossover between the two and I just wanted to represent that in this video.
He was rich, that's right. This is my, this is my favorite part of the video, there's a slight fisheye effect here, you can see it over here, and this is a straight beam but you can see the slight fisheye effect and it gives you sort of a window, it's actually the focus is on me at this point and because I'm the one that wants you to pay me the money cause it's the reparations, that's what
I was going for. It's just a small artistic thing, again, this is a window into how the creative artistic mind thinks.
I'm the one that gets the money and I'm pointing to you, you, you, you, you, you, see, you, you, you, you give me the money, it's my money, that's my money, oh yeah.
Now this part is very interesting because, you know, you can see it's like a drawing and so I'm drawing conclusions about reparations, do you see how that works?
I'm drawing and I'm filling in the color, you see it's black and white, but then you realize that it's all the colors of the rainbow,
I think, I think that's really meaningful, that's why I did this. And then you notice it's at the end of the video so you can see it's sort of the point, the whole point of the video is this,
I thought that was very good, and of course, you know, it's always polite to say goodbye when you're leaving, that is interesting and I just wanted to give you a little bit of a window into my creative mind,
I have to go though because I've got an appointment at my hat guy, I've got a hat guy and I'm going to go buy some designer hats.
I hope you had a great week and I sure did, I had a fun time and I hope you enjoyed this video getting a window into the behind the scenes of the video,