EXPOSED: Kenneth Copeland’s Healing FAILURE!

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Hey guys, Colin here, and welcome back to the channel where the Bible and critical thinking meet to give you real
Christian commentary about the things that matter. Thanks so much for watching, let's get into the video. Before we begin,
I want to offer a special thanks to Stephen Kozar for the clip you're about to see. I saw it on his channel first and I just knew that I had to make my own video about it, so please check out his video and subscribe to his channel, both of which will be linked in the description.
But before I show you this clip, let me tell you a little bit about who Kenneth Copeland, the subject of this clip, is.
As I have said before, good old Kenneth is the grandfather of all false teachers.
He is one of the most obvious examples we have today of someone spreading false teaching in the church, and he's been doing so for several decades now and shows no signs of stopping.
Kenneth is part of the movement called the Word of Faith or Prosperity Gospel Movement, and in summary, these groups believe that you will, as a guarantee, receive healing and health and wealth from the
Lord as long as you are A. a Christian and B. have enough faith in your heart to receive those things.
When push comes to shove, Kenneth Copeland believes that he can heal almost anyone as long as they are willing to be healed.
But here's what's interesting. Faith healers like Todd White, Benny Hinn, Bill Johnson, Kenneth Copeland, etc.,
they believe that they can heal just like Jesus did. After all, Luke 9, 1 -2 says, quote,
Jesus called the twelve together, that's the disciples, and gave them power and authority over all demons and to cure diseases.
And therefore, Kenneth Copeland and his faith -healing cronies come to the conclusion that they too have all the power and all the authority necessary to heal people.
In other words, they believe that there is nothing special about the apostolic ministry of Paul, Peter, John, or all the rest of them.
Rather, they believe that they are a continuation of the apostolic ministry, exactly as it was.
And pastors like John MacArthur, or Paul Washer, or Vody Bokom, and all these other gentlemen who have never been able to heal anyone, well, these men just simply must not have the faith necessary to accept the promises of God or help others accept the promises of God.
And that includes your pastor. Most likely, your pastor has never healed anybody miraculously, and that's what the prosperity gospel folks want you to believe about them.
But even more interesting than this is the fact that, to my knowledge, neither Kenneth Copeland nor any of his faith -healing pals have ever healed someone from a remotely noticeable injury or ailment.
In other words, they've always been capable of healing someone from a headache or a toothache, things that we in the audience cannot confirm with our own two eyes.
But they have never been able to tell a lame man, get up and walk, as Jesus did in John 5, 8 -9.
You see, most of the time, people who have real, severe illnesses and disorders, they don't even appear on camera at prosperity gospel church healings.
Why is that? Well, it's because the leaders of these churches know that their claims are rubbish, and that they cannot do what they say they can do.
I mean, isn't it just so convenient that most modern healers today claim to be able to heal people just like Jesus did, but they never actually heal people just like Jesus did?
Isn't that curious? Well, today I have a special treat for you, because you're going to get to see a rare case of what happens when
Kenneth Copeland tries to heal someone with an actual problem. The man he's going to touch here happens to be in a wheelchair, and the video will be slightly distorted for copyright reasons.
Watch this clip. In the name of Jesus. Thank you,
Lord. Thank you, Lord. Thank you, Lord. Thank you, Lord. Thank you,
Lord. Thank you, Lord. Thank you, Lord. Thank you,
Lord. Now then you guys just help him up. Help him up. The power of God's all over him.
He's not hurt. He's not hurt. Praise the
God. Praise the Lord. So in that video you just watched, Kenneth Copeland touched the head of a man in a wheelchair, and the man falls down.
Then Kenneth simply has all of his henchmen come around, lift the man back up, as Kenneth assures his audience, don't worry, the power of God's all over him.
He's not hurt. He's not hurt. And if you're a person at this point in the video with two eyes connected to a brain, there's a question which ought to come to your mind.
Why didn't he just heal the guy? Doesn't he have supernatural healing powers? And didn't
Kenneth himself say that the power of God's all over him? So why wasn't he healed then? If he had enough faith to be struck by the spirit to the point that he falls down after being touched by Kenneth, why wasn't he also healed by that faith?
Well, because Kenneth Copeland is a charlatan and a fraud. That's why. Because this guy sitting in the wheelchair has never seen a person who looks like him be healed ever by Kenneth Copeland.
Ridiculous faith healers like Copeland claim to be able to heal people like Jesus did, but I challenge anyone to find a biblical example of something like this happening in Jesus's own ministry.
It just doesn't happen. Give me one example where Jesus saw a disabled or hurting person, puts his hand on them, knocks them over, helps them get up, and then leaves them unhealed and still struggling with their disability.
This doesn't happen even one time in all of the gospel accounts. So how then can people claim that this kind of ministry resembles the ministry of Jesus when
Jesus did no such thing? They can't make those claims. That's how. This is just food for thought.
So let me offer you two points regarding this whole wheelchair fiasco. Number one, according to Kenneth Copeland, the reason this man was not healed is because he did not have the faith to receive that healing.
Don't believe me? Here's a clip of Copeland saying exactly that. You will receive your healing if you will receive it.
Amen. So the point Kenneth is making theologically is this. God's ability to heal us depends on our ability to exercise faith in him.
That's what Todd White and Benny Hinn and Kenneth Copeland and all the rest of the faith healers and prosperity gospel teachers believe.
That is the essence of their heresy. And the concept they are presenting here is absolutely unbiblical, which brings me to point number two.
Why are the faith healers wrong when they say that faith is what heals you? After all, didn't
Jesus himself say in several places, your faith has made you well? That's what he told the bleeding woman in Matthew 9 22.
Well, that's a great question and a great point. And I think it's my duty to deal with and contend with that point honestly and biblically.
There are a few reasons why faith healers are wrong to use this kind of passage as justification for their doctrine.
But here's just one reason. Saying that all a person has to do is have faith and then they will be made well is not quite accurate because faith itself is a gift from God.
It is not something that comes from your ability, but from God's own will. Ephesians 2 8 through 10 says exactly this when it says, quote, for by grace you have been saved through faith and it is not your own doing.
It is the gift of God. Faith itself is a gift from the Lord. So telling people that their lack of faith is the reason that they are sick isn't quite accurate or biblical.
At least it doesn't tell the whole story. It's not have faith and God will grant you healing. Rather, it's
God is the one who grants both faith and healing to whomever he wishes. That is what it means to honor the sovereignty and authority of God rather than trusting in human ability.
The second reason your faith has made you well type passages are not good arguments in defense of prosperity teachers is this.
If faith is the common denominator when it comes to being healed, then why are people healed and helped miraculously by Jesus in the scriptures who do not have faith?
Let me give you two examples of this happening. Number one, in the Garden of Gethsemane, Peter cuts off the ear of the high priest servant,
Malchus. This is described in Luke chapter 22. Now we know that Malchus does not yet have strong faith in Jesus because he is part of the team that is coming to arrest and murder
Jesus. This is a clearly unsaved man. Yet in the very next verse,
Jesus said, quote, no more of this. And he touched his ear and healed him. So here we have
Jesus healing a man's ear who is actively trying to arrest and kill him. The servant
Malchus is not exercising any great faith in Christ in this moment. In fact, he is being complicit in the greatest sin ever committed, the crucifixion of Jesus.
Yet this man is healed by Jesus. Nonetheless, while he is in the process of sinning, it's clear as day.
The man is healed without faith, and therefore faith is not the deciding factor in whether or not
God heals a person. The second example of someone being helped despite their lack of faith is when
Jesus walks on water. Jesus is walking on water in Matthew 14, and he invites
Peter to walk with him. After a short time of them both staying above the surface, Peter begins to sink and drown.
But Jesus lifts him up and saves his life. But rather than saying your faith has made you safe, your faith has made me save you,
Peter. Rather, Jesus says in Matthew 14 31, O you of little faith, why did you doubt?
Here we have someone helped by Jesus miraculously without exercising the faith that they should have, and that's according to Jesus himself.
So here's the conclusion I come to. While Jesus can and does use the faith of his followers to heal them at times, he is not bound by that faith.
Matthew 5 45 says that God blesses people with and without that faith because he quote, makes the sun rise on the evil and on the good and sends rain on the just and on the unjust.
God can heal whoever he wants, whenever he wants, and under whatever circumstances he wants.
So while we should definitely encourage everyone to exercise biblical faith in Christ at all times, it is not ultimately man's faith, but Christ's power, which heals a person.
So please pray for Kenneth Copeland and all other people trapped in prosperity gospel and word of faith movements like his pray for their repentance and that they would turn to the word of God.
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And until next time, fight for truth, never surrender and keep your eyes open. Thank you and God bless.