I'm Starting to Think Scott Might Not Have a Clue What He's Talking About

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I had to pop two xin for this one so you know you know my head hurts but I don't know guys
I'm starting to think that that some of these anti -christian nationalists they know what the heck they're talking about yeah man just now
I just started this just occurred to me oh man so I I saw this this tweet from Scott annual and I I just I don't even understand like when
I saw it I I think I understand now but I don't even understand what what what was the point he was trying to make here like why why is this so important to him let me just read you the tweet and it may not even make sense to you because it doesn't really make sense at all once you kind of look into it a little bit but here's what it says it says quote ethnicity is a group of people with a shared heritage culture is how people behave keeping those distinct is very very important he put two varies there so you know he's not kidding and I read this and I said to myself you know when
I think of the word ethnicity and I think of the word culture I think of them as very linked there may be maybe there's a distinction there
I think but but they're very very linked you know and they're so linked that that a lot of people will use them sort of interchangeably now that might not be technically accurate but there's just there's just so much connection there you know people of the same ethnicity oftentimes share a culture very closely and then
I think about culture is that it can change over time it can morph over time in fact
I was recently recently talking to a German immigrant and you know real German guy stout guy kind of thing and we were talking about the area of Texas where we were and there's like a
German area of Texas but but he said that going there is like is like going to Germany but back in time like like you know back you know 50 100 years ago and even their dialect even some of the things like it not not just what they do and how they behave but their dialect it's very different than Germany today and over time you know
Germany today has has changed and so culture is a little bit fluid but but there's definitely something to it as well you know and there are people that study this it's not that's not me but you know you go to you go to like Chinatown in any city or you know you go to little
Italy or whatever and you see that that you know yeah they're ethnically Italian there they're ethnically you know
Jewish or ethnically whatever Chinese and they have a culture that's that's very different than if you walk a few blocks down the street and you're in little
Mexico do little Mexico's exist I guess they probably do I don't know I don't think I've ever been to a little
Mexico or a little Havana or something like that or the Bronx you know the
Bronx is just Puerto Rican not really there's different sections of the Bronx and all that but anyway so you know you understand that there though there might be differences and though I might be a
Puerto Rican and ethnically Puerto Rican and and you know that kind of thing a lot of my behavior is different from people in the island because there's some fluidity there and all that kind of thing but there's also going to be some things that I do that my family does and it's gonna be different than than your family because I am
Puerto Rican you know there'll be certain things that will do at Christmas or things that will eat at Christmas or even just behaviors and how you engage the world and things like that that that are gonna be different right so so anyway there's a part of me that is that is sort of very
New England because I grew up in New England I'm still here and I love New England and I like being
New England but at the same time there's gonna be certain parts of me that are you know very distinctly
Puerto Rican and you can tell and that kind of thing and so you know while ethnicity and culture are not identical they're very very connected and depending on where you're at and who you're around and stuff like that they can be very connected and so it just it just didn't really understand why he was making this point but actually this is not the first tweet he actually said a tweet similar to this but he actually didn't put the the definition here ethnicity is a group of people with a shared heritage and so you know
I have a general idea of what heritage meant but I just wanted to look it up because I just wanted to make sure that I wasn't crazy and so I did
I looked it up I just you know did a quick Google search here and I typed in the word heritage and it has different definitions of course there's different usages and stuff like that but here's one that I think is kind of what he was driving at valued objects and qualities such as cultural traditions cultural traditions that's part of your heritage and so Scott here he's very keen on making this weird distinction but it's like even the definitions of these things recognize that they're very tightly linked ethnicity is a group of people with shared cultural traditions culture is how people behave these aren't totally separate you know what
I mean ethnicity and culture these are things that we all and the thing is and this is the thing it almost feels stupid to do this video but you know we live in 2023 so I have to do these kind of videos where I say something that is patently obvious to pretty much everyone who's an honest actor that these things are very closely connected sure maybe there's some kind of scientific difference but they're very connected and so this major chasm of distinction that you feel like you're making here is totally irrelevant to normal people you're not crazy ethnicity and culture is they're very similar chances are if you see a
Puerto Rican walking down the streets in the Bronx he's going to have a Puerto Rican culture you know what
I mean because he has a shared heritage with Puerto Ricans you can be sure that that if you see a
Chinese person chances are their family dynamic and the way that they operate the way they engage the world their traditions that they're very
Chinese this is that this is the reason why ethnic jokes are funny this is the reason why ethnic stereotypes exist it's because there's truth there and it doesn't do you any good to find the one
Chinese person that doesn't really act Chinese and say see they don't all act that way well that's the point he's an outlier and so you can tell a
Chinese joke and everybody laughs because they know there's an element of truth there and people do find some of the things that Chinese people do you know kind of funny in comparison to the things that they do and black people think the same about white people and white people think there's a you know like you know you and black people from Jamaica think the same about black people from Nigeria or whatever it is like the reason those jokes land is because ethnicity and culture are tightly connected and so I I wanted to just to say that when
I read this this this this tweet I just I wondered to myself what what like what are these holy robes he's he's getting on why is he doing this and then
I found out that what he's he's trying to do is she's trying to say that people that said the thing that I just said about how ethnicity and and culture they're very tightly connected well those people must be white supremacist
I kid you not that's the point that's the point multiculturalism and white supremacy both equate culture with ethnicity and they're both wrong well maybe if they're both wrong
I didn't read this article because I'm not clicking on g3 I'm not doing that maybe
I I probably have to read the are I will read the article but he wants you to see you know all these ethnocentric white you know white
Christian nationalists out there they're just like the multiculturalist they both get this wrong
I'm not so sure they're wrong I'm not so sure that they're wrong and I gotta be honest
I was I was I grew up and I'm just autobiographical to a certain degree I grew up and my father you know he raised me in a very
New England kind of way you know what I mean my dad and my mother they were both born in the
Bronx and all of my grandparents were both born in Puerto Rico and they were raised differently than the way
I was raised you know and some of this I feel like was to my detriment and some of it was good but for example like I didn't grow up learning
Spanish that's just something my father chose not to do I wish he did but he didn't my father speaks
Spanish kind of he does he does they people laughing at the way way he speaks my mother speaks really good
Spanish and the thing is like my cousins that grew up in a more
Puerto Rican way you know they will often just kind of laugh oh yeah you're you're whited out you know kind of thing that's what they'll say and and and you know people my life have said that to other people and they've gotten very offended by that I never got offended by that because it was true it was true in a sense right not completely like obviously
I you know I'm Puerto Rican still and I do have you know some elements of Puerto Rican culture that I that I practiced and that I do but again you guys you're not crazy like like like don't let guys like Scott here's
Scott this is him don't let this guy make you like second -guess reality it's reality that ethnicity and culture are very very closely connected that's reality don't let these guys disconnect you from how the world actually is you know and and they have they have purposes for what they do they have purposes for what they do and even if they're not really in the know what those purposes are because I don't think that Scott is like planning and plotting and performing dark alchemy to try to get you to deny reality
I don't think that that's what Scott's up to but Scott he he he was brainwashed as a child but it was it wasn't just him it was all of us we all kind of grew up and were taught these like these doctrines and many of them are just unexamined and they're and they don't comport with reality and they're and they're they're damaging
I think to our nation they're damaging to our nation you know you know the other day on Twitter I just said you know the only thing remotely
Kinnis that I've ever said is that you know when you enter into an interethnic marriage you marry someone of the other ethnicity or you're considering it you should do that after careful thought after much prayer after considering what your family members have to say after considering you know consulting with your pastor and even more so than then then then a non interethnic marriage because everyone wants to do pre -marriage counseling and the reason why you do that is because there are challenges marriage is wonderful and my marriage is wonderful chances are a lot of your marriages are wonderful but you know they're difficult it's difficult to combine two families that aren't connected right and they have different expectations and assumptions of what the role of the husband what the role of the wife is going to be and and and a lot of times sometimes the families don't even get along really and so there's challenges that come with any marriage and I think that with interethnic marriages there that that's almost exacerbated even a little bit more because when you have different cultures the differences are going to be more stark and so you need to enter that into a situation with your eyes open with your expectations set properly with with a lot of consideration a lot of consideration it's not to say that they're they're bad and that you shouldn't do them but you should think and you should think long and hard before you do that that was very similar to actually what
Eric Kahn was saying the other day about adoption you know when you adopt someone that should be done with a lot of care a lot of thinking a lot of praying a lot of soul -searching and things like that and the reactions to both of those statements you know
I'll be called the kinest for what I just said even though obviously I'm not a kinest and and and Eric will be called an anti adoptionist or whatever they call him only because he said you really need to think about this it's not something that you can just enter into assuming everything's gonna be okay you've got to actually plan if you fail to plan you plan to fail that's what he's saying and and people responded to that with fury with anger with with they were scandalized by that even a lot of these g3 guys were scandalized by that it's like they're scandalized if you even think about it and and here's the thing that's the sign in my opinion that you were dealing with kind of a form of doctrine because if somebody came to me and I and and it was close to me or whatever and said hey you know
I'm toying with the idea of Unitarianism like like I probably wouldn't respond that way but but but still like there would
I would be sort of scandal I know no no don't go down that road don't go down that road so what are they really offended but they're offended that you would even think about these doctrines that they grew up believing so I got a lot of sympathy for people like that I do
I have a lot of sympathy for this man because he was brainwashed just like I was and so far he has not been able to break the programming and I get it man you know the other day
Andrew Isker said about the previous generation you know they were the most psyops generation in history and that's true that's true and so that does not give you an excuse for promoting things that are wrong or even evil or even a moral that doesn't give you an excuse but from my perspective it gives me a lot of sympathy for that I don't get mad at Scott O 'Neill because he's responding to stimuli quite frankly the way that he was taught to and so you know that's kind of my take on this but but yeah
I mean you don't have to deny reality friends it's it's not evil I know it's going against the doctrines you grew up with and all of this kind of thing and you were taught them in in public school or whatever and by movies and all this kind of stuff
I know it goes against the doctrine you know obviously you know inter -ethnic marriages is the best thing ever and you don't even have to think about it you know that kind of thing it's just good in fact it's the uber it's the uber gospel
I know that's what you were taught but you don't have to deny reality in order to have respectability to have to be in the in crowd or maybe you do
I in the in crowd but you know if you're not concerned with being in the in crowd you don't have to deny reality you know why ethnic jokes are funny you know why you laugh at them you know why stereotypes exist it's because ethnicity and culture are very connected and it's real and you might not know the intricacies of it you might not might not know the science of it and all that that's okay that's okay anyway