God Speaks, Finally


Scripture Reading and Sermon for 02-07-2021 Scripture Readings: Deuteronomy 4.32-39, John 1.1-4, 14-18 Sermon Title: Hebrews: God Speaks, Finally Sermon Scripture: Hebrews 1.1-4


Today's Old Testament reading is from the book of Deuteronomy chapter 4
Verses 32 through 39 which can be found in the Hebrew Bible on page 149
Please stand for the reading of God's Word For ask now of the days that are past Which were before you since the day that God created man on the earth and asked from one end of the head of heaven to the
Other whether such a great thing as this has ever happened or was ever heard of Did any people ever hear the voice of a
God speaking out of the midst of the fire as you have heard and still live? Or has any
God ever attempted to go and take a nation for himself from the midst of another nation by trials by signs
By wonders and by war by a mighty hand and an outstretched arm and by great deeds of terror
All of which the Lord your God did for you in Egypt before your eyes To you it was shown that you might know that the
Lord is God There is no other beside him besides him out of heaven
He let you hear his voice that you might that he might discipline you and on earth he lets you see his great fire and You heard his words out of the midst of the fire and because he loved your fathers and chose their offspring after them
And brought you out of Egypt With his own presence and by his own great power driving out before you nations greater and mightier than you to bring you in to give you their land for inheritance as it as It is this day.
No therefore today and Lay it on lay it to your heart that the
Lord is God in heaven above and on the earth beneath There is no other New Testament scripture reading this morning is found in John I would be reading from chapter 1 verses 1 through 4 and then we'll jump ahead to verses 14 through 18
In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God He was in the beginning with God all things were made through him and without him was not anything made that was made
In him was life and the life was the light of men The light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it and The word became flesh and dwelt among us and we have seen his glory
Glory is the only son from the father full of grace and truth John bore witness about him and cried out this was he of whom
I said he who comes after me ranks before me because he was before me and From his fullness.
We have all received grace upon grace The law was given through Moses grace and truth came through Jesus Christ No one has ever seen
God the only God who is at the father's side he has made him known
You may be seated. I might
But could just for a second here add a few words to what Parker has said and that is there have been some folks here
Who have volunteered to provide quote -unquote scholarships for those who may be interested in going to Echo Ranch, so Don't don't let the idea of Support get in the way of serving
God. So just want to let you know there may be more We don't know yet, but at least a couple people have come forward and said they'd be willing to do that.
All right All right, let's take our Bibles let's turn to Hebrews chapter 1
Last week we kind of got the bird's -eye view of this book and now we want to dive in See what
God has to say to us in this marvelous book You follow as I read verses 1 through 4
Long ago at many times and in many ways God spoke to our fathers by the prophets
But in these last days he has spoken to us by his son Whom he appointed the heir of all things through whom also he created the world
He is the radiance of the glory of God and the exact imprint of his nature and he upholds the universe by the word of his power
After making purification for sins. He sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high
Having become as much superior to angels as the name he has inherited is more excellent than theirs
Let's pray father once more we opened open your word
To hear you speak. These are your words These are what you would have us to understand
Help us now as we seek to understand this not just to know more That we might be changed.
We might serve you well That we might endure we might be assured and thus
Be useful to you and we'll thank you in Jesus name My dad served in the
Eighth Army Air Force in World War two in England and during that time when he wanted to communicate with His with my mom
The only way he could do that was by letter when I was getting to know
Becca and we went our separate ways when school ended in the summer of 1975 she to Iowa and me to Indiana.
I would write her almost every day But we also had the use of the telephone so we could hear each other's voices
But that was rare because back in those days there was a thing called long distance that would cost you a whole lot more and so even though we had that available we rarely used it a
Few decades ago those extra charges were eliminated when since cell phones had taken over and we could call anyone anywhere
Soon new phones were developed and that included texting and another way of communicating was introduced
Smartphones came along and now we have the ability to talk and to see a whole bunch of people all at one time if we can use zoom or Skype or FaceTime or Something along like that apps like that And so we have a whole variety of ways by which we can communicate
We can write we can text we can conference call we can FaceTime and so on it goes
But there's one form of communication that's better than any others and that's face -to -face
Now our writer the one who penned this book tells you something like that God revealed himself to his people in a whole variety of ways in the age that has passed
However, now he has spoken to you Finally and supremely in his son now, that's important for us to understand.
It's important for you to understand What Jesus has done in his life and his death and his resurrection settles all the questions about Forgiveness about how
God intends to reconcile people to himself about how he communicates what he expects from you
What Jesus has done in his life and death and resurrection says to you that you must endure that There's no other way of living for or Relating to God that will relieve the pressures that come when we follow
Christ. It's the only way We must endure So once more, let's look at our text before we look deeply into it long ago at many times in many ways
God spoke to our fathers by the prophets But in these last days he has spoken to us by his son whom he appointed the heir of all things through whom also
He created the world He is the radiance of the glory of God and the exact imprint of his nature and he upholds the universe by the word of his
Power after making purification for sins He sat down at the right hand of the majesty on high having become as much superior to angels as the name
He has inherited is more excellent than theirs First of all, you need to believe that God speaks by his son
God speaks by his son. One of the first truths about God you have to grasp is that he reveals himself
It is in his nature to make himself known God is not the kind of deity who hides himself away in the darkness and you have to go searching for him
What does he like? What does he demand of us? How do I understand life? You don't have to twist yourself into all kinds of contortions and knots trying to discover this
God He's not one who hides himself in the darkness while you strive through all kinds of different means to find him
Now when I was a kid When I was a kid we would end up our summer evenings almost every summer night by playing hide -and -seek
Our parents were great. They let us stay out way past dark in the summertime And and that's when we play when it was dark.
We never played during the day. We always played after the Sun went down and We would go and look we'd look behind that look under that always trying to make sure that someone didn't make a run for the goal and and You know get home free and all that sort of thing
We had to go looking and we had to look carefully peer out in the darkness. We'd look behind that bush
We'd get certain angles so we could get back there and still catch him and all that kind of stuff
But God does not play that game with us He does not play hide -and -seek with us.
The entire Bible is the story of God Revealing himself to us who he is
What he expects of you how you have to understand him how you have to understand yourself
How you understand your world? How to understand everything all of reality
God spoke God revealed The term used in Scripture to reveal or the term revelation actually means to uncover and our
God is the one who pulls aside the curtain and reveals himself We do not discover
God he uncovers Now According to our text
God reveals himself different ways in different times Note the contrast first.
There's this epic this age called long ago their speech revelation
God spoke There's an audience to the fathers There are messengers by the prophets
But in this epic in this age called the last days these last days
Again, their speech there's revelation. God speaks. Who's the audience to us?
Who's the messenger? his son There's a difference between these two ages different ways of revealing himself of speaking to his people
But is one better than the other is One better than the other well
Let's look at the previous revelation He says in our text. It's from long ago
Long ago now that doesn't mean way back in the distant distant past when he uses that term
He's talking about the previous era before the new area era, which
Jesus inaugurated was Jesus brought It was to our ancestors in the faith our fathers
This revelation happened at many times. It was piecemeal for for millennia.
All right God spoke God revealed himself in the days of Abraham and over a thousand years in the days of Haggai God spoke and he revealed himself in the days of the
Exodus and 400 years later in the days of Saul and David He spoke to Jacob and centuries later is speaking to Elijah Elisha in Isaiah God spoke a bunch of times over a long period of time
He spoke in many ways he thunders from Mount Sinai But he talks in a still small voice to Elijah He spoke face to face with Moses, but addresses the people from the pillar of fire
He sent prophets to preach and the angel of the Lord to deliver particular messages to particular people
God even used a donkey one time to get his point across right various ways over a long period of time in many different ways he used historical narratives hymns
Proverbs poetry Parables love songs wisdom and apocalyptic literature.
All of these things were used by God to speak To our ancestors in the faith over a long period of time in all these many ways
This is how he spoke and the whole Old Testament is prophetic. That is it successfully communicated
God's Word It successfully communicated God's Word all those means and all that time
God did speak He spoke to his people But how has
God spoken to us in these last days? You see God isn't done speaking.
He spoke again But now he speaks to us in the last epoch of his redemptive work
When he's talking about the last days There are the days the prophets identified as the days in which
God's saving promises are fulfilled So one of the ways you could look at it is in days gone by it's
God's speaking Promises but in these last days through his son he speaks fulfillment
All right. It's one way of looking at it These are the last days the last epoch of history in fact in 1st
Corinthians chapter 10 verse 11 the Apostle Paul writes that we are the people on Whom the end of the ages has come
We're in the last epoch. It appears that if this is the new era, it's probably better, right?
But notice that he says that God has spoken by his son
This final revelation is not piecemeal or very it comes in one person the
Lord Jesus You can look to one person and see what he has said and see what he has done and know who
God is What God expects and how to understand life? Certainly the
Son is better than all other Ways of God speaking to us. This is the best.
This is better But the question is well, how can that be? Why is that better?
Why is it better? And he goes on to tell us because of who the Son is and what the
Son has done That's why it's better. That's why him speaking through the
Son is better. And so you have to believe that God speaks supremely and finally by his son
Now he's he's very careful in how he outlines this for us He gives us a
Particular way of looking at the Son in order to show that the Son is a supreme and final
Revelation from God that he is the one that we ultimately have to look to First of all, he says
God speaks supremely and finally by Jesus because he is God's Messianic Son verse 2 second part of verse 2
He says that he appointed the his son the heir of all things
God appointed Jesus as the heir of all things. What is that all about?
What is that all about? Well, if you look at Psalm 2 You'll get it. So turn over to Psalm 2 the second
Psalm the second Psalm And we're gonna be looking at verses 7 through 9
God had promised to his David a king that he would inherit all things So in Psalm 2 beginning verse 7, here's what we read
I will tell of the decree The Lord said to me you are my son
Today I begotten you we're gonna see that show up again Ask of me and I will make the nations your heritage and the ends of the earth your possession
You shall break them with a rod of iron and dash them in pieces like a potter's vessel Now what's what's crazy about this is this is being said about a king and a little
Middle Eastern nation Not the most powerful one by any means right
It's like saying to the king of Denmark the whole world's yours right and So he is saying to the
Davidic King. I'm promising you the entire earth will no King No King ever
Filled out the parameters of that no one ever had the whole world until Jesus and when you go to for example
Acts chapter 13 Around verse 33 you see the Apostle Paul preaching in the
Pisidian city of Antioch when he said this and We bring you the good news
That what God promised to the fathers This he has fulfilled to us their children by raising
Jesus as also it is written in the second Psalm You are my son
Today I begotten you that son who is to get the possession of the entire earth who's appointed heir of all things happens to be
Jesus He is the one he's the Messianic one by raising
Jesus from the dead God declared that the king who had passed who had possessed the entire earth
Had arrived and was now ruling. That's why you should see him as the one through whom
God speaks supremely and finally It goes on God speaks supremely and finally in Jesus because he is
God's divine son All right. Look at what else he says about him
Through whom also he created the world He is the radiance of the glory of God and the exact imprint of his nature and he upholds the universe by the word of his power
So in relation to the universe Jesus created all He created it all the one who was put to death in Jerusalem and across a few decades earlier is
Now praised as the one who created the world now think about how much that would rattle your thinking
Wait a minute. This one who was crucified Who died shamefully?
Is the one who created everything it's exactly what he's saying he created everything
Jesus is the God who created the universe not only that in relation not just to the universe but in relation to God Jesus embodies and displays
God's glory Now the Bible tells us that as human beings we are made in the image of God We reflect the character of the being of God in some fashion
But that's not what he's saying here. He goes way beyond saying that Jesus is in the image of God He says he is the radiance of God's glory not a mere reflection, but Actually radiating
God's glory Okay That's what he's saying. He's actually radiating
God's glory. He is God. This is his glory He's the exact imprint of God's nature and what's fascinating here
He's not just saying he's the exact imprint of what God is like. It's of his nature his essence
God's being The very substance or Essence of God as a divine
Uncreated being is in Jesus. He shares in the being the nature the essence of God Wow now
That's quite a statement, isn't it? This one who died is God Wow Now he turns again
One more time to Jesus relation to the universe he's told us about his relation to the universe what he created it his relation to God he's the radiance and Possesses the essence of God now again in relation to the universe
Jesus sustains everything now this should should dispel any questions we have about the about the the the divine nature of Jesus because it says
That and he upholds the universe by the word of his power He no creature could do that Jesus is not merely human because he sustains the universe by his personal and powerful word the created world
Depends on his will for its functioning and its present perseverance
Is any human being capable of that? How sometimes I wish you know
I wish I could go out to my car And place my hand on the hood and say from now on you will run without any problems ever again and the power of my word would keep my car running
I had Furman an Amish guy out to my place to look at our chicken coop.
Hey, we want to really fix this up Instead of instead of hiring Furman, you know what
I'd rather do all decay must stop Right well, that would be so much better, but that's impossible for any human being but this one
This Jesus is the one by his powerful word by his will keeps the universe running and Functioning right
Jesus is God the divine son That's why you should see him it see him as the one through whom
God speaks supremely and finally he's God Last thing he tells us is
God speaks speak supremely and finally in Jesus because he's God's ruling son having after making purification
For sins he sat down at the right hand of the majesty on high Jesus rules at this very moment because God exalted him to the right hand of his throne now
Listen, God is a spirit. He's not sitting on a literal throne and off to his right. Jesus is sitting there
All right, he's using language that's going to communicate something and what is he trying to communicate to us?
What he's trying to communicate is is the fact that Jesus shares in the sovereign rule of his father
He with the father rules He is God. He is the ruling son
Now this in fact fulfills What David said in Psalm 110 verse 1 and by the way?
You will see that the Apostles use this all the time speaking about Jesus and this is going to be a passage
That's going to keep popping up all the way through the book of Hebrews Psalm 110.
I want you to turn there. Let's look at Psalm 110 together Psalm 110 verse 1
All right Again this is a great picture of exactly what he's talking about here.
God spoke this truth through David centuries ago But when you look at it
It it's weird. It doesn't quite make sense until Jesus comes along and you go, aha
Okay, so here's what he says The Lord says to my Lord sit at my right hand until I make your enemies your footstool now consider this the
Lord God now, you notice you see the Lord there. It's in all capital letters, right?
That's the that's the way the translators have tried to communicate to you. This is God's personal name This is
Yahweh the God the only true and living God Yahweh and the other
Lord the second Lord you see there means A Lord a king a master
So he says this is David the Lord God says to my
Lord Now David the King writes that God says something to his
Lord. That is the Lord of the King Someone of higher rank than the king himself
The Lord God says to my Lord David who is your Lord? You don't have anybody above you
You're the king but no, there's somebody above David and he's and David is saying the
Lord God is saying to somebody to my Superior sit at my right hand until I make your enemies your footstool
Wow, that's kind of a mysterious passage till Jesus comes look over at Acts chapter 2 Acts chapter 2 this is
Peter at Pentecost Peter is speaking here, by the way once more
You see exactly what God is saying here happening throughout the New Testament Peter is essentially saying
It's in Jesus that you understand all this stuff. This is God's final revelation Acts chapter 2.
Let's pick it up in verse 32 This Jesus God raised up and of that we all are witnesses being therefore
Exalted at the right hand of God and having received from the Father the promise of the Holy Spirit She has poured out this that you yourselves are seeing in hearing
For David did not ascend into the heavens, but he himself says The Lord said to my
Lord sit at my right hand until I make your enemies your footstool Let all the house of Israel therefore know for certain that God has made him both
Lord and Christ this Jesus whom you crucified There's the answer to the riddle
Jesus resurrection from the dead and his exaltation to heaven That's who
David was talking about That's who David was talking about but why did
God exalt him Why did God exalt him? Well, it says in our text after making purification for sins.
He sat down After making purification for sins. He was exalted He was exalted because he had performed the priestly function of atonement of atonement he actually accomplished the purification of sins for the people of God He actually accomplished that Now by the way right now at the very beginning of the book before you ever get way down the line into the book
He's made it clear what he thinks about Jesus He's already superior to anything else that's ever happened because this
Jesus made purification He's already telling you Jesus did it all
All right He actually accomplished the purification of sins for the people of God.
There's nothing more to do after that sacrifice and so Jesus reigns with God because of the work he did for God That's why you should see him as the one through whom
God speaks Finally and supremely So why should you listen to why should you think that Jesus is the final and supreme revelation from God?
Because he's God's messianic son because he's God's divine son Because he is
God's ruling son All of those things say to you you must listen and that's what he concludes then in verse 4
Do you see because of his title? Jesus is the supreme and final revelation from God verse 4
Having become as much superior to angels as the name. He's inherited is more excellent than theirs
What is this title? What is this name that he's inherited? It's son
It's son The son who fulfilled the covenant promises to David the son who created the universe
Sustains the universe who's the very essence of God the son who reigns now because because of his glorious work of atonement
He has the title son. He has the name son and It involves all of those things, right?
Messianic son divine son ruling son because of that title he occupies a position.
That's superior to angels now the question I See bringing up angels. What is that all about?
And here's here's what you need to understand because the angels were instrumental in delivering the
Mosaic Law It was the angels who delivered it. So You remember
Stephen remember the story of Stephen he's one of the first deacons and Stephen kinda
You know, he preaches this really interesting sermon in which he tells the Sanhedrin you guys are bunch of nothing nothing
You're not you're not leaders. You're just rebels You're just like your fathers who killed all the prophets and now you killed
Jesus and so they stoned him It's not what you would call it. It's not a seeker sensitive sermon by any stretch of the imagination
I mean, he just got in their faces and said Jesus is the one and when he comes near the end of his sermon
He just makes this statement in Acts chapter 7 verses 52 and 53
Which of the prophets did your father's not persecute there again? There's his his carefully worded accusation and They killed those who announced beforehand the coming of the
Righteous One Whom you have now betrayed and murdered you who received the law as delivered by angels and did not keep it the
Apostle Paul who used to be a Rabbinic scholar right says in Galatians chapter 3 verse 19
Why then the law it was added because of transgressions until the offspring
Should come to whom the promise had been it had been made and it was put in place through angels by an intermediary
Now if you just skip ahead and look down at chapter 2 Where the writers summon up everything he's saying in chapter 1 you see in chapter 2 verses 1 and 2 therefore
We must pay much closer attention to what we've heard We've heard from whom by the way from the
Sun Lest we drift away from it for since the message declared by angels
Proved to be reliable and every transgression or disobedience received a just retribution
How shall we escape if we neglect such a great salvation? What's his point?
His point is if the angels have delivered a message that brings with it justice and retribution
That's what's happened What do you think is gonna happen to those who ignore the message from someone who's greater than them you see?
So what's the point Jesus occupies a place above the ones who delivered the law?
That's why you should see him as the one through whom God speaks supremely and finally
So The book of Hebrews sets the stage for us now these first four verses sets the stage
It's Jesus. He's central And look God has not left you in the dark
He has spoken He spoke in the past and we have all those truths recorded for us right here in the
Bible Don't we we do have all those truths But all of that becomes clearer and we know even more because God spoke supremely and finally by his son
Jesus Now look, where do you look for answers?
Where do you look for answers? There's all kinds of competing voices out there telling you
Here's the answer. Here's the answer But you need divine answers
To how you relate to God? How you relate to yourself and how you relate to your world?
You need divine answers. And if you want those kinds of answers, you cannot ignore
Jesus Because God speaks through him. He is the supreme and final revelation from God Ignore Jesus and you remain in the dark
Seek him and You'll find light God spoke in many ways in the past But in these last days he has spoken to us
Through his son father. Thank you for your word and for the hope that it gives us
We thank you that you have Not been a God who ever hid himself
But you are a God Who reveals himself who speaks and you have spoken in your son
And father if we want to know who you are and what you expect and how to understand the world
We must look to your son And so as we embark on this study, we pray that you would help us to do just that To look to Jesus Thank you
That you speak to us in your son Thank you for your mercy and sending him to die for us.