Why My Church Will Not Be Supporting SOULFEST


SoulFest is a Christian music festival coming to Greenfield MA August 15-17 featuring CCM artists such as Crowder, Lecrae, Zach Williams, Matthew West, Matt Maher, We Are Messengers, Ben Fuller, David Leonard, Seventh Day Slumber, Disciple, Maryanne J George (from Maverick City Music), Paul Colman, Brennley Brown, Sean Forrest and many more.


hello and thank you for watching this video I'm going to be addressing soul fest which is a
Christian contemporary music festival that's coming into our area they tour all around the country so this is people like Matt Maher, Lecrae, Ben Fuller, Zach Williams and several others okay
Crowder some of these guys I know I know a little something about them and I just want to start out by saying if you like their music
I'm not against you if you go to the concert I mean that's your choice but I'm going to explain why
I as a pastor am not going to support it meaning I'm not going to stand up from the pulpit or send out emails to our church members and say hey go and go to this concert and listen to these people and check this out this is great
I'm not going to do that for the following reasons number one if you know anything about Christian contemporary music there's a lot of problems a lot of modern artists are apostate they've gone through deconstruction they are
LGBTQ affirming and they're just very unbiblical
I mean so many articles and stories have come out just like a new one every week it seems like switch foot and jars of clay just one artist after another denying the faith supporting gay marriage and all the rest so I look at the list of artists and I have some concerns and I'm going to share those with you number one there's no accountability most of these people are not most of them don't go to church okay most of them are not connected to a church
Matt Maher is a Roman Catholic last time I heard Matt Maher was endorsing
Pope Francis didn't I read something about that yeah just Protestants and evangelicals if you like some of Matt Maher's music
I mean that's one thing but here's the thing these guys preach in between songs so Matt Maher preaches the gospel at this thing you know wouldn't he be proclaiming the false gospel of Roman Catholicism so I mean that's a concern
Lecrae has openly admitted that he has gone through so -called
Christian deconstruction Crowder was involved in founding a church with an emergent church pastor back in the 90s that congregation is now performing gay weddings
I mean Crowder I think is he's moved on since then but he was at least to some degree mixed up in the emergent church movement the emergent church movement said oh we believe the gospel but everything else is up for grabs basically so you know you can reject or deny pretty much ninety -nine percent of the
Bible but we believe the gospel and then of course many of the emergent church leaders they they denied the gospel too so it's just there's a lot of problems and there's no accountability every ministry needs to be connected to a local church every ministry has to have some oversight for accountability reasons because if there's no connection to a church what if one of these guys you know espouses heresy but there's nothing you can do about it and I've been as you know
I'm not saying specifically for soul fast or what will or won't happen I don't know but I have been to Christian contemporary concerts and the gospel that they're proclaiming on stage it sure sounds like universalism to me again
I can't say that that will or won't happen here but some of these people yeah there's reason for concern because they're preaching in between songs so do
I really want to tell my church members hey go and listen to their music when by the way Christianity today which a lot of people call
Christianity astray because they're so off base these days and liberal but even
Christianity today wrote an article where they said that these CCM musicians they need to be held to the same standard because their lyrics teach people they need to be held to the same standard as pastors so there needs to be a theological standard applied to the music and that's just not happening so what are they saying in the song some of its glorifying to God sure some of its not some of it is very man -centered but what if they espouse a false gospel heresy
LGBT affirmation or something close to it where they hint at it right or social justice or there's something off base what if they get up there and they do that there's no accountability because most of these people don't go to church there some of them don't go to church at all most of them are not members in good standing so there's no accountability here many of the
CCM artists I mean they are anti -church I read an article about Ben Fuller you know and he was talking about how his road crew you know the guys who you know set up the amplifiers before and after the show he said they're atheists but they're more like Jesus than these
Christians that go to church you seem to have a very you know anti -church attitude you know these are typically the people that call faithful believers
Pharisees they have a very anti it's an anti -church attitude what can
I say so they should be held to the same standard they should all be part of local church
I mean this is this is my opinion this is my and I think I think the Bible bears this out the
Bible knows nothing of you know people ministering that are free agents that are not even attached to a church and they're just off on their own there were people like that in the
New Testament and they were the false teachers who are usually itinerant teachers who went from place to place but they weren't actually connected to any church what's kind of the problem here so every ministry we say what's your opinion
I think this is a biblical principle every ministry should be a church needs to have oversight of every ministry needs to be connected to a church in some way shape or form and that's just not happening here so I have a lot of concerns again they have they have their music they're teaching through the lyrics and then they're preaching in between songs so do
I really want to get up from the pulpit and tell my church members or send an email around saying hey go to this concert and you know send your kids and have a look pray preach to your children
I don't think so so if you have any questions or comments leave them below but that's what
I that's what I think and I know there's several pastors in the area who feel the same way that you know your church people are going to go or they're not going to go and we hope that we teach people to where they have discernment to recognize truth from error so a lot of pastors you know we're not nobody's losing sleep over this
I'm not trying to make it seem like you know a huge deal however there are some serious concerns about the
Christian contemporary music that's out there we just need to be discerning in these last days and I can say but a lot of the pastors though in the area they're just fully supporting it and they just don't see the problem and it's hard for me to understand that so leave your comment below thanks for watching till next time may the