Random Thoughts From a Free Man...

AD Robles iconAD Robles


Its good to be free. i have not arrived yet....but im running the race


Let me let you in on a little secret here, um, you know, I And I consider myself in in a lot of ways a free man
I'm a free man and that doesn't mean that I'm free from like any fetters at all Like I'm free from any rules at all.
I'm just like a wild man. Just crazy. No, no, no No, that's not what real freedom is because when you're when you think you're free in that way
You're actually just a slave to your own sin nature. You're a slave to sin see see
Those of us like myself that that that are free like truly free like we fear
God and we follow his rules and we Seek to honor him in everything that we do.
We fear God, right? So we we're not trying to break the shackles of God's oppression on us.
He doesn't oppress us, right? We know that his rules and his statutes are holy and good and for our good
We understand that right? But but what we're free from is Fear of man, right?
We're free from from the fear of like, oh, can I provide for myself? My family and stuff like that.
No, the answer is no so newsflash The answer is absolutely no God will provide for us.
You know, the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want you see what I'm saying. So here's a little bit of a piece of advice for you from those of us who are free men, okay
The worst that the enemy has is Actually, not that big a deal. Let me take it for me.
I've been I've been called all kinds of names Racist white supremacist.
You're just a big meanie Misogynist all this kind of stuff. I've been taught I've been called every name in the book, right?
I've been called every name in the book. I my life has the people have attempted to destroy my life, right?
They've attempted to they've they've attempted to ruin me now I've never gotten the phone call and and and a lot of you guys out here know about this phone call
I've never gotten this because I've never gone this route, right? But the phone call that says if you continue to do
X, you'll never get another book deal again You'll give it never get another job in a seminary again
I've never been on the receiving end of that phone call But guess what when you are a free man and you don't fear that and you know that the
Lord is your shepherd He'll provide for you When you don't fear that and you're a free man It becomes not that big a deal almost instantly
So if you're worried about getting another book deal you're worried about am I gonna be platform? I'm gonna be promoted is is so -and -so gonna write the forward to my book like this is small potatoes, man
It's not that big a deal. What's the worst they can do? They can call you racist been there done that I've been called a racist a million times.
Guess what? Doesn't hurt me Oh, yeah, yeah, you know, they might they might make it so you can't work again.
Yeah, okay fine So if they whoever they is makes it so that you can't get another job again is the
Lord still your shepherd Will you want? See when you're a free man, you realize that the worst that the enemy has for you
It's nothing compared to what you deserve When you're a free man people that want you to fear them and their power they wield power over you
You know, they send you text messages. They tell you to kill yourself They tell you they tell you that you'll never get another job in this town again
You know that kind of stuff the Mafia stuff Mafia tactics. Listen, the reality is In Big Eva, there are people like that and evangelicalism a lot of your heroes have fallen
Because because they're scared of people like that like the mafioso type, you know what I mean? There's a month there's like a mafia style group in big a big evil evangelicalism
When you're a free man you realize that all of their threats all of the worst they could do It's no big deal
Because the Lord is your shepherd and you shall not want It's good to be free.
It's really good to be free And I'm not saying that again It's not like a total like libertine type freedom where you just do whatever you want.
No, no, no I I have to do what God Requires of me like I have Constraints I can't just do whatever
I want and then trust me if I did whatever I wanted on my youtube channel My channel would look a lot different than it does right now
But the reality is When you're a free man and you fear God more than anything
It's awesome It's great You truly are free
So all you guys out there I'm telling you I'm encouraging me There's a lot of you that are on our side in this issue our side of this war
But you're still kind of fearing what man can do to you Don't it seems like a big deal
But I'm here to tell you from someone who's bared the brunt of some of it. Not all of it, but some of it
It's not that bad It's not a big deal. I promise you Anyway, I hope this is helpful.