Andy Stanley's New SHOCKING Open & Affirming Stance Towards LGBT (Unconditional Conference)


Link to article: After the death of his father Charles Stanley, Andy has doubled down saying he doesn't draw lines he draws circles referring to his inclusive stance towards those living in open homosexual lifestyl


All right. So in this video, we're going to be talking about Andy Stanley. This is just outrageous. He keeps digging himself deeper and deeper now that his father has passed away.
He's becoming more affirming towards homosexuality and really he's trying to have it both ways.
So let me start out this video by saying true churches are being replaced. They're being replaced with entertainment centers that don't preach the
Bible. There's no repentance concerning sin. The music and the atmosphere is not showing reverence towards God.
And sometimes the music is just straight up secular and false teachers like Andy Stanley.
They use, as Paul put it in Romans 16, they use deceptive speech to deceive the hearts of the simple.
In other words, they speak out of both sides of their mouth and those who are naive or undiscerning, they buy into it.
So in this video, I just want to weigh in on the recent story regarding Andy Stanley.
Here's a headline from Protestia says, Andy Stanley, his unpublished sermon addresses his gay affirming conference, and we have the audio.
The article says, here's a partial excerpt from Andy Stanley's sermon today, addressing the controversy over his gay affirming conference.
It was not streamed or publicly shared, but we that as Protestia, we have access to it.
And if you want to check out the article, I'll leave the link in the description.
Now here's the bottom line, and I'm going to play a clip of what Andy Stanley said in a moment, but here's the bottom line,
Andy Stanley, he's saying one thing and doing another. And he's saying one thing over here and then saying something totally different over here.
So now that he is facing immense pressure at his church, and apparently a lot of people are leaving his church.
Now he has gone into full damage control mode. So as one of the nation's most influential pastors operating within the realm of evangelical
Christianity, Andy, when backed into a corner, he'll say some of the right things.
And I say some of the right things, not all of the right things. He says that he believes in traditional marriage.
He says that the church's doctrinal statement or, you know, their official beliefs, they believe the
Bible, but in practice, they're doing the opposite. And it's worth pointing out that Andy basically admitted in this speech, this lecture at his gay conference or whatever.
He basically admitted that nobody in his church will be put under discipline for living an open homosexual lifestyle.
So let's play some of the clips. So from middle school to high school, to college, to singles, to marriage, to single, single again, every age and stage of life, this is what we teach, whether a student is straight or gay or questioning.
This is what we say, hey, if you're going to follow Jesus while you're figuring this out, if you're going to follow Jesus as you struggle with your identity or some of the things you're feeling, if you're going to follow
Jesus, here's what it looks like sexually to follow Jesus. And the reason your heavenly father has called you to live this way is because he loves you.
Here it is. It's just three statements. Number one, honor God with your body because the
Holy Spirit lives in you and your body is how people know what you believe and where you stand and your behavior through your body is to exemplify the goodness of God and the grace of God and the love of God.
So you always honor God with your body and you always honor other people's bodies. Number two, don't be mastered by anything, not by porn, not by a sexual addiction.
Don't be mastered by another person. Don't be mastered by your infatuation. Don't be mastered by your lust.
Don't be mastered by anything. You have a master and he's the king and he loves you and he created you and he knows what's best for you.
And number three, the old -fashioned one, don't sexualize a relationship outside of marriage. That is so old -fashioned.
No sex before marriage? Well, if you're not married, I mean, who even teaches that anymore? We talk about marriage or we talk about and teach about marriage the same way
Jesus and the apostles did. Every instruction in the Bible regarding marriage references or assumes a husband and a wife, a man or a woman.
So biblical marriage, biblical marriage is between a man and a woman.
We've never shied away from that. We don't change the words in order not to offend people. Now here's what may surprise all of us straight people.
The gay attenders in our churches, they are shocked that we talk that way.
They are shocked by that. They expect that. They grew up on that.
They hoped. They prayed.
They prayed that God would change them so they could experience that. I've sat in groups with small groups of gay men, 35 up to 65, and watched them weep.
Because they don't have family. They couldn't have family. They prayed for that and God didn't answer their prayer.
Many are convinced that traditional marriage is not an option for them. So they committed living a chaste life, an old -fashioned life.
And for many men and women who put their faith in Christ, they just decide, okay, I'm just going to buckle down,
I'm just going to bear down, I'm just going to be by myself, I'm not going to have family, I'm going to be sexually pure.
And many, many, many, many do that for long seasons of time. For some, it's their whole life.
But for many, that is not sustainable. And so they choose a same -sex marriage.
Not because they're convinced it's biblical. They read the same Bible we do. They chose to marry for the same reason many of us do.
Love, companionship, and family. And in the end, as was the case for all of us, this is the important thing
I want you to hear me say, it's their decision. Our decision is to decide how we respond to their decision.
Our decision as a group of local churches is how are we going to respond to their decision.
And we decided 28 years ago, we draw circles, we don't draw lines.
We draw big circles. If someone desires to follow Jesus, regardless of their starting point, regardless of their past, regardless of their current circumstances, our message is come and see, and come sit with me.
And this is not new. This is who we are, this is who we've always been, and this is why I love our church, and this is why
I'm so extraordinarily proud. So Andy is smart enough not to come out and say,
I affirm sin. In fact, he went on to say that, no, I don't affirm sin.
But here's the thing you have to realize, because people hear that and say, oh, he's, you know, it sounded like he said some of the right things.
Well, even the churches that fly the rainbow flag, you need to realize this, even the lesbian minister down at your local
United Methodist Church, even she doesn't say that she affirms sin. Nobody says
I affirm sin. Here's the thing, they don't think it's sin. That's the first part, and they're smart enough not to put it that way.
So Andy Stanley is not going to come out and admit, hey, I'm a false teacher, I affirm sin,
I don't believe the Bible. He will never say that, obviously. But here's the thing.
So he says, I don't affirm sin, but yeah, he does. He says one thing over here, but then what does he preach?
Remember he, there's that one clip that made the rounds where Andy Stanley said that gay
Christians are more faithful than straight Christians. Okay, there is that statement.
On the sermon, or there's a sermon in 2012 where he admitted that he had men who are married to other men, you know, married to them.
He has men in his church married to other men, and they are serving in ministry positions.
And the one situation he talked about, two guys serving in a ministry position.
It only became a problem when he found out, when Andy found out that one of the gay guys married to another dude, he was also married to his wife at the time.
Or he was in this homosexual relationship, but he still had a wife and kids over here.
Now that's the only moment where Andy sort of took exception and he called it old fashioned adultery.
So basically long story short, he has no issues with people living an open LGBT lifestyle.
But if one of them is married to a woman and her and the kids are upset about it, then Andy might take issue.
But you know, two guys together, hey, according to Andy Stanley, no problem.
And they love Jesus more than you do, apparently. So that's the kind of things that he will say. But then over here he says, why
I'm not affirming sin. Yeah, you are. And you won't discipline anyone for it.
So, I mean, that's really what it comes down to. But this all highlights the issue that Andy, number one, he doesn't preach against sin.
In fact, he doesn't even really preach sermons at all since he rarely, if ever, opens the
Bible. One time he took the Bible out as sort of like a prop on stage, but he doesn't preach from the
Bible, you know, 95 % of the time. And when he does reference Bible verses, he usually gets it wrong.
Like the time he said that Christians need to unhitch from the Old Testament. So apparently it's okay for us to ignore two -thirds of the
Bible. So that's the first thing. The second thing, he preaches affirming sounding messages.
Again, that sermon he said that gay Christians love Jesus more than straight Christians.
That's the second thing. And then the third thing, there's no church discipline. North Point Community Church does not practice excommunication.
Therefore, it's not a real church. Why is that? Well, the church is what?
The church is regarded as the flock. Jesus Christ is the good shepherd.
And Jesus has appointed in his church pastors or under shepherds to protect the sheep and to feed the sheep.
Remember, Jesus told Peter, feed my lambs. So a pastor is supposed to feed the sheep.
He's supposed to preach the word of God to them. And he doesn't do that. And the shepherd, it's his job to protect the sheep from wolves.
And also to make sure that goats are not... Now, it's good. We want unbelievers to hear the gospel.
And anyone can come through the front door and sit and listen to the gospel. But when someone is living in open sin and they're just there week after week, month after month, and then they are embraced as part of your church.
If they're living in open sin, I'm not talking about things they do in secret that nobody knows about.
But when it's just out in the open and they're proud that you can't allow that. It's the pastor's job to preach the word and to, here's another thing, protect the flock from wolves.
Andy is a wolf. And that's the bottom line. Andy is a wolf. He is a wolf in sheep's clothing.
He's a false teacher. If Andy Stanley is not a false teacher, then that term has no meaning.
Because there's no standards being upheld at North Point. Therefore, it's not a true church.
It's not a flock of sheep. It's turning into a herd of goats. I'm not saying there's no believers in that church.
Matter of fact, one of the believers sat there and recorded his sermon, his secret sermon, on a cell phone and sent it in to Protestia.
So there apparently are some believers there, but clearly they see the issue. So churches are being replaced.
And if this is what is happening, and usually this is happening more with the mega churches, but it filters down into the local assemblies.
But if you go to church and the greeters at your door, or at the front door of the church, are in a so -called gay marriage, and the church starts off with a
Led Zeppelin cover band, and yes, that actually happened at Andy Stanley's church. They started out worship with a
Led Zeppelin concert. So if you have gay greeters at the door, and to kick off worship, you have a
Led Zeppelin cover band. And if the pastor is not preaching from the Bible, and he's just giving gay affirming lectures, this is not a
New Testament church, obviously. And again, true churches are being replaced with these entertainment centers.
Because local church pastors, they look to the famous guys. And again, all of this filters down into the local assembly.
So here's what you have to watch out for. And here's the game that Andy is trying to play. He says one thing and does another.
When a church has a sound doctrinal statement, maybe what they officially believe sounds right, but they preach something completely different.
That's what Andy's doing. He said, well, we believe this, we believe what's biblical, but that's not what you're preaching.
Or if a church has a sound statement of faith in a filing cabinet somewhere, it becomes null and void when your practice is basically the opposite.
It's sort of like our country, we have a great constitution, but what good is it if all the people in Washington, D .C.
are ignoring it? So maybe Andy Stanley on paper believes some of the right things, but what he's preaching and certainly his practice, it really denies that.
So that's what matters. What are you doing? What are you preaching and how are you applying that?
What are you doing? Because talk is cheap. If there's no actions backing it up, it's worthless and how much worse if your actions contradict those correct beliefs that you say you have.
So Andy, he thinks that he can fool people by speaking out of both sides of his mouth.
And you know what? He's probably right. I think he probably is fooling a lot of people.
Evangelicals, the average evangelical today, they have not been brought up in a church that preaches verse by verse through the scripture.
Or maybe some of the older folks, they used to attend a church like that, but they left and now they're in one of these rock and roll churches.
So the average person just hasn't been taught correctly. So they lack discernment and when they hear
Andy Stanley, he's a powerful communicator. So when he kind of lays it on thick here, people buy into it.
But what Andy and those like him are doing, it's what James said, those who are hearers of the word.
I mean, Andy Stanley knows what God's word says. He's just not a doer of the word. He's just not upholding it.
And James says, James chapter one, if you are a hearer of the word only and not a doer, you are deceiving yourself.
And I've spoken at length about pastors in my area, locally, how they all claim that they are, again, and there's many good pastors around, but there's a lot of pastors who will say that they're against false doctrine.
They say that they believe all of the Bible passages that talk about church discipline or excommunication.
They say they believe all that. But when it comes down to it, they're not actually willing to apply it.
They're not actually willing to take a stand. That's what really matters.
It's not that, well, you say you believe the right things. Yeah, but are you doing it? So concerning false teachers,
Paul says have nothing to do with them. Romans 16, 17 and 18 says they are to be marked and avoided.
So that's how we are to regard false teachers. Like Andy Stanley, he is dangerous.
No question about it. Concerning unrepentant homosexuals who are in his church, 1
Corinthians 5 says that if they claim to be Christians, which the
LGBT couples in his church, they do claim the name of Christ. He admits that. 1
Corinthians 5, 11 says, Paul telling the church, he says, I have written to you to not keep company with anyone named a brother who is sexually immoral.
Paul says, do not even eat with such a person. Yet when North Point Community Church has communion, guess what?
All these people who say they're gay and they're in these gay marriages, they're taking communion with everybody else.
My friends, they're totally going against the word of God. And Andy Stanley stands up in front of thousands of people, and he boldly defends sin.
That's what he's doing. Now, he's not going to say that. He's not going to admit, I am defending sin. Nobody says that.
No false teacher admits that they're a false teacher. So you have to kind of watch out for that.
So that's what's happening at North Point Community Church. And it's just the way things are these days.
It's filtering down into churches, probably in your area. And I don't want to make it all about the music or anything, but it's just a thing to take note of when your church gets rid of the hymns and they bring in the rock and roll and the pastor, you know, starts to sound very kind of squishy about LGBT issues.
You have to ask, is he upholding the standard? And if they're not practicing church discipline, the answer is no, they're not.
So don't be fooled. Again, 1 Corinthians 5 .11 is so very clear. And Andy Stanley is openly defying this verse.
He admitted it in that clip. He says, we don't draw lines. We're not going to take a stand.
We draw circles. We want to be, in other words, we want to draw circles and be inclusive of everyone.
So that's what's happening at Andy Stanley's church. Now, in conclusion, is there a solution?
Yes. And it's very simple. We all just need to follow what the scripture says.
If you are at one of these fun center churches that don't preach the word of God and they just bring people in with rock and roll and a soft lecture about how to live your life and they're not standing up and saying, thus saith the
Lord. If you're in a church like that, you need to leave. You need to get into a good local
Bible believing church. You need to sit under a pastor who preaches sound doctrine verse by verse through the scripture.
And again, there's a lot of people who are maybe in their 50s, 60s, 70s, even 80s.
Years ago, they left their Baptist church or their Bible believing church. And for the last several years, they've been in one of these rock and roll fun centers.
And it's only recently since like 2020 or after the gay marriage ruling in 2015.
But more recently, especially, you know, in the past two or three years, a lot of people are waking up and they're saying, yeah,
I think there's a problem. And you know what? It's true. There is a big problem. So get plugged.
Here's the solution. Get plugged into a good Bible believing church. Sit under a pastor who is interested in being biblical more than he is interested in being inclusive.
You know, instead of drawing lines, they're drawing circles. Yeah, you get the idea.
So I hope this video has been helpful to you. If you have any questions, leave them in the comment section and I will try to respond.
And until next time, thanks for listening. May the Lord be with you. Have a great day.