Christ is King of Perryville, AR! And everywhere else too.
- 00:02
- God has given us Christ to fulfill righteousness and then to die on the cross for our sins and to raise again on the third day.
- 00:11
- I'm not sure who's hearing this message tonight, but whoever is hearing this message, know that the gospel comes to you with an offer.
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- Not only an offer, but with a command. The gracious God of the universe commands you this day to find your rest, find your hope, find your pardon, find your reconciliation, find your eternity, all in Christ.
- 00:33
- Here it is. The gospel before you. If you will come to Christ, you will be saved. But there's only one way.
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- Faith in him. You must repent of your sins and believe the gospel. A life of righteousness we could not live and then he died on the cross for our sins.
- 00:55
- The Bible tells us that he came to save sinners and then he rose again on the third day, victorious over death, hell and the grave.
- 01:03
- But he sent his son to die in the place of sinners, that it took God himself coming as a man and dying on the cross to pay for our sins.
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- The eternal debt we owe for a rebellion against God. Friends, turn from your sins today.
- 01:20
- Stop trusting in yourself. Stop clinging to your pride and playing Christian.
- 01:26
- Friends, be born again this day. If only you'd come. Jesus says, all who come to me, all who come to me will never be cast out.