Acts 29 Pastor PROMOTES Transgender Bathrooms?!

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Hey guys, Colin here, and welcome back to the channel where we bring you Christian commentary about the things that matter.
As ever, please know this video isn't a sinful attack, but rather a Biblical critique. In today's video, we're going to be talking about a recent clip from an
Acts 29 church. Now, Acts 29 is an organization led by President and Pastor Matt Chandler.
Chandler is one of the most popular pastors in America today and has been a huge influence on evangelicals for at least a decade now.
According to the website of Acts 29, they are, quote, a global community of healthy multiplying churches, end quote.
It is important to note that Acts 29 is a church network. They are not a denomination.
That's a big difference. On their website, they make it clear that, quote, Acts 29 does not assume responsibility for monitoring or policing matters of orthopraxy in our member churches, end quote.
In other words, I want to make it abundantly clear that this video is not representative of the entire
Acts 29 church network. Many ministers in this church network would probably disagree with the opinions expressed in the video you're about to watch.
And speaking of that, the following clip is one in which Acts 29 Pastor Guy Mason of City on a
Hill Church in Australia talks about the issue of transgenderism. The video is entitled
Transgender Rights. Watch this. So in the end, for Christians, the question is not, who does the world say
I am? The question is not, who does society or some religious or political figure say
I am? In the end, the question is not even, who do I say I am? The question is, who does
God say that I am? So in this first clip, Guy Mason lays the groundwork for his overall response.
He says definitively that you do not get to make up your own definition of yourself.
God gets to define you. The real question, according to Pastor Mason, is, quote, who does
God say that I am? This is a good start, and it applies very well to this particular issue.
Our modern culture has rejected God as creator, and as a result, they think they can create themselves into whatever they want, even with regards to their gender.
This clip appears to be very doctrinally sound, but unfortunately, it goes in an unbiblical direction very quickly.
Watch this. And this is where Christians can and must lean into the rights of those who identify as transgender.
The Christian philosopher, uh, Edith Stein explains, whoever is near us and needing us must be our neighbor.
The love of Christ knows no limits. It never ends.
This is the part of the video where your ears should start to perk up. He says that in light of God's truth, we should, quote, lean into the rights of transgender people.
And be careful when you hear fancy language like this on controversial issues. More often than not, it doesn't actually answer the direct question at hand.
What does it mean to lean into the rights of transgender people? Does it mean that they should have the right to work for a living, or that they should have the right to drive a car or go to a restaurant?
Because if that's the case, then I don't think there's an issue here. But then Guy Mason goes on to talk about the boundless love of Jesus Christ, and how we ought to share in this love as we care for our neighbors.
And again, the question then becomes, what exactly do you mean when you say that we should love our neighbor who thinks that they're a transgender?
What are the direct implications of the statement being made? Well, that will be presented in the next part of the clip, and this is where the wheels fall off.
Watch this. So if that means advocating for better healthcare and social support, if that means creating space for gender -inclusive bathrooms and policies that acknowledge a person's humanity, then we, as Christians, should be on the front lines shining light and offering love, because trans people are real people.
So now we know what this leaning into trans rights and loving your trans neighbor is all about.
When Guy Mason said to love your neighbor, he immediately gives an example. And one of those examples, in his own words, is, quote, creating space for gender -inclusive bathrooms.
This is 100 % unbiblical. First off, there is already space for gender -inclusive bathrooms, because the only two actual genders, male and female, already have bathrooms.
It doesn't get more inclusive than that. If you say that male and female aren't inclusive enough, then you are suggesting there is a gender category that is not included within those biblical categories.
Guy Mason's statement here is not merely an issue that Christians can agree to disagree on. It flies in the face of the biblical worldview.
There is nothing loving or Christlike or compassionate about any of this, and it should be deeply worrying for any discerning
Christian when they hear rhetoric like this in a so -called evangelical church. It is true that we ought to love our neighbors, but Pastor Mason is twisting the command to love our neighbor into something that says we ought to ignore and reject
God's Word. In Mark chapter 12, Jesus is asked what the most important commandments of the law are.
His response in verse 30 is, quote, You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.
The second is this, you shall love your neighbor as yourself. There is no other commandment greater than these, end quote.
So it is clear that loving our neighbor is the second greatest of all the commandments God has given us.
But when Guy Mason takes this command and says, therefore you should support transgender bathrooms, that is simply a bridge too far.
Make no mistake about it, this Acts 29 pastor is saying that your church should have a transgender bathroom.
Think about it. This is the direct implication of his statement. If it is Christlike and compassionate and biblical to provide space for transgender bathrooms, and if that is part of the command given to us by Christ, then to not make space for trans bathrooms in your church is unbiblical and sinful.
According to the worldview being presented by Guy Mason here, every church that can afford it should be building or designating a special transgender bathroom right now.
But here's the question. Is there any actual evidence in Scripture that would help us come to this conclusion?
No. Is there any evidence in Scripture that tells us loving our neighbor means making a transgender bathroom?
No. Romans 13 10 says this, quote, love does no wrong to a neighbor. Therefore, love is the fulfilling of the law, end quote.
And even Christ himself in Matthew 22 40 says this, quote, on these two commandments depend all the law and the prophets.
In other words, loving your neighbor means treating your neighbor willingly according to the righteous standard of God.
You cannot simply say love your neighbor and then make up your own standard as to what that means.
So the question then becomes how precisely and biblically do I love my neighbor with regard to transgender bathrooms?
And the answer is quite simple. By opposing them wholeheartedly. Genesis 1 27 says this, quote, so God created man in his own image.
In the image of God, he created him male and female. He created them, end quote. So God created mankind as male and female.
And part of our society's particular recognition of that fact is that we have designated male and female restrooms, especially in public places.
This isn't commanded of us, but it is a reasonable response to God's creative decree.
In other words, here's the dilemma. If we change our bathroom structure, then what are we suggesting has changed in our worldview?
To put it another way, when we create a gender -neutral bathroom, aren't we directly suggesting that there is such a thing as a gender -neutral person to occupy said bathroom?
We have male and female bathrooms because we believe in the reality of male and female. If we change this to a gender -neutral bathroom, then we are changing our biblical view of gender to one that is distinctly unbiblical.
We are saying through this action that we agree with the secular world rather than God. Again, in what way is this
Christian? Obviously, it is not. And keep in mind that while Pastor Mason says in the beginning of the video that you do not get to define yourself, he passionately says only
God gets to define you. He then proceeds later to encourage Christians to let transgenders define themselves and define the restrooms that we ought to create.
It was all about God's truth at the beginning, but the conclusion was the opposite of God's truth.
In fact, it went directly against God's truth. The fact is, Acts 29 Pastor Mason is not suggesting that we make space for transgender bathrooms because the
Bible leads us to that conclusion. Our understanding of the Bible has not changed on this at all.
Only the position of the culture has changed. And when a church starts adjusting their actions according to the cultural standard rather than God's standard, then that church is not acting biblically.
It is extremely concerning then that any evangelical pastor would say these things and teach it before a group of Christians.
And it is all the more reason to be very careful in what church you attend. You do not want your children or your family or your friends or even yourself being taught this kind of unbiblical compromise.
So be a careful Berean and compare these things to Scripture. I pray that this has been a blessing to you, and please know this.
I do not offer any of this correction from a high and mighty position. I am nothing but a wretched sinner saved by the grace of Jesus Christ.
So let's pray for Pastor Mason and others with similar views that they would stop this secular compromise by God's grace and turn to the truth of God's Word.
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