Dead Men Walking Podcast Short: What is integrity and character really?
Welcome to Dead Men Walking Podcast Shorts! Released every Saturday, Greg & Jason sit down and dissect a biblical subject, theological term, or a doctrinal teaching in five minutes or less. Enjoy!
- 00:00
- Hey guys, welcome back to another dead men walking short It's where we take a subject and we talk about it for a few.
- 00:06
- This one is going to be entitled integrity and character and I'm going to read the first verse from Proverbs 22 a
- 00:16
- Good name is to be chosen rather than great riches and favor is better than silver or gold
- 00:24
- I Love the way that's worded too. Hmm like it's coming from Solomon and he had that choice of riches or wisdom
- 00:33
- Remember that yeah, right if we all know our Bible What do you want you want everything you could possibly have or do you want wisdom?
- 00:39
- And so he sets it up the same way. He goes a good name is to be chosen rather than great riches
- 00:45
- So if you had the choice between a good name with integrity and character and people went that's a stand -up guy
- 00:52
- Right or riches beyond what you can imagine he says oh no that first thing is what you should choose.
- 00:58
- Yeah, and It's just insane to me because that's totally counterculture right now opposite when you agree
- 01:05
- What yeah the opposite of what we see on I don't have tick tock, but okay
- 01:10
- I've seen some stuff on Facebook. It's filtered through filters through or whatever But but yeah,
- 01:16
- I mean and anyone that's that's you know, trying to show off their new Lamborghini or you know
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- Their new house there or whatever. I saw this car earlier online. I had never seen in my life
- 01:27
- It looked like the Batmobile but it looked like it was probably like a you know Yeah, a hundred million dollar car or whatever it was, but I'm just sitting there like why would you even want that?
- 01:36
- But anyway, but yeah, I mean it's it's very important to be you know to have a good name in the streets
- 01:42
- You know, you know, I mean at church or you know among among brothers and sisters, right?
- 01:49
- I mean, but not in the you know, no, you just made a good point though You just made kind of a joke like in the streets, but isn't it funny that even at the street level?
- 01:58
- They understand that your word is more important than that money and I would even say
- 02:04
- I'm not even looking at it Like oh you have all these riches I'm saying look at our culture today how if you have riches and power we elevate you to a status of intellect
- 02:16
- Right look at the Bill Gates and the Elon Musk and the Jeff Bezos And we're just talking about them all the time and we hang on there every word and we all they said this and I'm not saying
- 02:27
- Anything pejorative about any of those guys that just mentioned I'm saying we heighten Oh, they're status because of their riches and power over someone with good character and a good word the
- 02:37
- Kardashians Right, like you know, like what type of like? Yeah good name.
- 02:43
- Yeah. Yeah. I mean What I from what I've seen, you know, we can see that it's the riches that yeah really attracts, you know
- 02:53
- And probably, you know the the the beauty or whatever, but still, you know, it's like what's more important Yeah, I mean, is there anything wrong with riches?
- 03:02
- No, we've talked about that before. Yeah, nothing wrong with being rich Nothing wrong with you know, having having things on earth, but keeping in stewarding it.
- 03:10
- Well, yeah stewarding it Well keeping it in perspective, you know But yeah,
- 03:15
- I mean it's it's it is a hard a hard Thing for humans to get past.
- 03:23
- I think it's the slipperiest slope and it's the biggest funnel So my point is is we understand it right there like the real man like the real working man
- 03:33
- Yeah Understands that your word is your bond like integrity means everything every small business owner every politician
- 03:41
- Every you don't I mean like a man of my word I stand for integrity and we say that But how easily we get sucked into trusting in other people who don't have integrity who don't have good word
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- Who don't have those characteristics that are godly and righteous because they have power money
- 04:00
- Status notoriety, whatever it is and you look past and we look past it and we go but they have those things
- 04:07
- So I'm gonna listen to I'm gonna be influenced by him. I'm gonna follow them I'm gonna listen to their advice and yet Proverbs is telling us very plainly.
- 04:15
- Yeah, a Good name is to be chosen rather than great riches, right or Silver than gold favor is better than silver or gold and what you just described is idolatry and covetousness, right?
- 04:29
- And it's a very subtle form of that yeah, but it's one of those I mean that's straight up man, it's like, you know, if you're if you're
- 04:37
- Going after you know, someone's Relationship and it's all about what they have that makes you love them more, you know, it's like well, you know
- 04:48
- Take everything away. Take take all this away, you know, how do you see this person? You know, is it is he a good guy?
- 04:55
- Is he is he you know, is this person, you know worth having the relationship with without all these things?
- 05:01
- Absolutely. Yeah. No, it's good stuff. You know as always guys when we do a proverb on a short
- 05:07
- I just like to remind you there's 31 Proverbs 31 days in the month. That means a proverb a day
- 05:12
- There's no such thing as a coincidence with God. That's called Providence Make sure you're reading a proverb a day as always
- 05:18
- Thank you for listening to another dead men walking short as always God bless Be sure to follow us on Facebook and Instagram at dead men walking
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- Podcast for full video podcast episodes and clips or email us at dead men walking podcast at gmail .com