DUMPSTER FIRE: May "Prophecy" Menagerie


Prophecy Bingo Card Here: http://www.piratechristian.com/fightingforthefaith/2017/4/fighting-for-the-faith-prophecy-bingo Support Fighting for the Faith Join Our Crew: http://www.piratechristian.com/join-our-crew Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/PirateChristian Fighting for the Faith Radio Program: http://fightingforthefaith.com Social Media Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/piratechristian Twitter: https://twitter.com/piratechristian Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/piratechristian/


Welcome to another installment of Dumpster Fire, and I know it's been a while since we've done one of these, and it's time for Prophecy Bingo!
Yeah, now I want to thank those of you who posted on the hashtag,
Prophecy Bingo hashtag, or sent us copies of your Prophecy Bingo cards from the last time around.
Let me go ahead and turn my display on, and we'll take a look at a few people.
The guy is over at the YouTube channel Emden Christian Church. They do a segment called
Taking Every Thought Captive. They actually did a Prophecy Bingo segment.
We had a fellow on Twitter, Jeremy Robison, he apparently got bingo, and then also we had an entire family playing along, and they sent us photographs of their
Prophecy Bingo cards. Apparently nobody got a bingo from Sean Mark's family, but just wanted to say thank you all for participating and playing along.
If you'd like us to feature you on an upcoming Prophecy Bingo segment, then hashtag
Prophecy Bingo! We'll try to have a little bit of fun here.
So we're going to take a look at the May prophecies, and I've got to say there are a lot of them. I'm going to try to work through them as quickly as I can.
Here's my Prophecy Bingo card. Now if you want to print out a
Prophecy Bingo card the way you do so, we'll put the link down below, or you can click on the link.
It'll take you right to this particular post at the Fighting for the Faith website from April 25th, 2017,
Fighting for the Faith Prophecy Bingo. Or you can go to FightingfortheFaith .com, type in Prophecy Bingo in the search bar, and it'll take you to it.
And there'll be a link directly below, so you can just go straight to it. So this is interactive.
We want you to participate. Play along. Have a little bit of fun. And you'll kind of get the idea, is that many of the people who claim to be receiving prophetic words from God, yeah, no, these are not prophetic words at all.
These people are Looney Tunes, and all they're doing is spewing prophetic buzzwords, if you would.
So let me close that up, and oh yeah, I'm saving her for the last.
Let's see, who are we going to start off with today? Ah ha, here we go.
We're going to start off with Jennifer LeClaire and her May prophetic word.
If you remember last year, if you were a listener to Fighting for the Faith's podcast last year in the month of May, she was claiming that the
Lord had released the word Mega. And so one year later, we're going to move beyond Mega to something a little bit different.
Let's check in with Jennifer LeClaire. Jennifer LeClaire here with you, senior leader at the Awakening House of Prayer, founder of the
Ignite Network, the Awakening Blaze prayer movement. We are fruitful from the Lord, accomplishing the mission of the
Lamb, at least our part in it. I'm coming to you today with a vengeance against Jezebel, but that's not what we're talking about.
Yeah, her t -shirt, I don't tolerate Jezebel, I throw her down. Yeah, more prophetic merchandise from Jennifer LeClaire.
I don't tolerate Jezebel, I throw her down. Amen. We'll talk more about that later tonight when we do the live
TV taping of the Jezebel, Exposing Jezebel's Operations TV show.
Exposing Jezebel's Operations. They're doing a whole TV show on that. Wow, that should be fun.
In three quarters of the world, very, very soon. I'm so excited about this.
We've been working on this, gosh, I don't know, six, seven months, and we're plowing through. I'm sure you've really been working hard because there's so little talked about Jezebel in Scripture, unless you're talking about the historic person.
And then some mention of a false prophetess named Jezebel in the Book of Revelation. Apart from that, yeah,
I'm not so sure what you're talking about. Remember, these things don't expire.
This is a seasonal kind of thing. All right, so whatever prophetic word you hear, regardless of the month, you know,
May, June, July, December, if you're listening to this for the first time right now, don't worry, it didn't expire.
These things are always fresh, apparently. I don't know what
I expected. He gives us something. He's always moving forward. He's always progressing.
And I feel that what he's saying this month, again, doesn't expire on May the 30th. So if you're watching this broadcast sometime in the
Facebook future land, YouTube future land, Twitter periscope future land, grab hold if it bears witness to you, and you can war with this word.
War with it, man. War! I'm going to put on war paint. War! I'm going to war with this. What on earth?
For your epic. Amen. The word of the Lord is epic. We're moving from mega to epic.
Come on. I have no idea what that means. Mega, you know, epic. Yeah. Is that even one of my, you know, epic is not one of my words.
Bummer. Okay. All right. A year ago this month, I began to prophesy about the mega.
We had mega faith and mega grace equals a mega movement. And that word went viral.
It went everywhere. Down east, west, north, south. It went all around the world. Mega. People started having conferences on mega.
Started making t -shirts called mega. Different people began to pick up on the prophetic word mega.
Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Yeah. Why would you be saying hallelujah? The mega prophecy is not actually found in scripture.
Sounds like everybody who was, who came under the influence of this so -called prophetic word got off track.
It went all around the world. Mega. People started having conferences on mega. Started making t -shirts called mega.
You know, we're to make disciples teaching all the things that Christ has commanded and Christ has not commanded us to.
Lift up the banner of mega. Yeah. I don't know. Hallelujah to that. But the
Lord shall listen. He wants us to move from mega to epic. Right.
How does one do that? Listening to me. Are you hearing me?
From mega to epic. Let me tell you something. Epic is just a few notches up. It's just a few steps up.
Let me read you the word of the Lord. Read me the word of the
Lord. Okay. In order for this to be the word of the Lord that you're supposed to be reading from, that would mean you're going to open up a
Bible, right? Where can I go? What page number in my Bible am
I going to go to here? Let's say epic. We're moving into a season of epic.
We're moving from mega to epic. Yeah, this ain't found in the Bible. She's reading the word of the
Lord and she's not opening a Bible. Wow. My promises are epic.
Come on, somebody. My promises are epic. My thoughts towards you are epic.
My plan, says God, for you are epic. Yeah, I would call this an epic fail.
Yeah, just saying. Just saying. All right. Moving along. Yeah, the
Throne Builders. Okay. There's a very interesting introduction, if you would, from the
Throne Builders. And before they get into the May Prophetic Word, and it's oh, so interesting.
Let's listen in. It's Thomas and Christa with Throne Builders. And this is the
Prophetic Word for the week of April 29th, 2018. The month of May 2018.
So thank you so much for following us on YouTube. We appreciate the constant increase in our audience.
And we're so excited about all the cool people we're meeting. Getting a lot of interesting requests for Prophetic Words through our website.
If you'd like a Prophetic Word from Throne Builders, please go to... There is no charge.
We do ask you to bless us back financially, but we don't charge anybody for that. And also, if you're looking for counsel...
We want money, but you don't have to give us money. But we want money for our Prophetic Words. They're like fortune tellers, you know, without the palm reading.
We want to pray with you or be a blessing to you. You can go to the phone consultation place and schedule a phone call with us.
Again, there is no charge, but we do ask that people honor our time if they're able to. Many can't, so that's why we have our partnership program, which is also available on our website.
So, Throne Builders advertisement... Done! So, for the month of April, we released our
Prophetic Word. And in that word, God led us to talk about the fact that you are the God that He has put into the situation.
No, I'm not a God. No, see, that's false doctrine. Yeah, it's really fascinating.
Your life. And what has happened throughout the month is we have had a repeated number of comments from people coming on to our channel and saying,
You're heretics, you're Mormons, you're... You are heretics. And you're teaching
Mormon doctrine. You know, whatever all this, just whatever their spirit of accusation is.
Oh, yeah, spirit of accusation. I don't know what that is, but okay. Remind you that anytime accusation is present,
Satan is present, because Satan literally means accuser. Let me interject one thing, too.
I just want to throw this out there. I don't agree with everything everybody does out there. Obviously, everybody has different opinions.
But I don't go on somebody's timeline. I don't go on somebody's YouTube channel and start attacking them. If I didn't agree with somebody and I really cared about...
You don't. You don't go on anyone's timeline and attack them. We'll talk about that in a second. And I want to just say something to them.
Guess what I would do? Do you know what I'd do, Tom? Send them a fortune cookie. You are the weakest link.
Goodbye. I might just send them a nice email saying, hey, you know, and then explain to them. But I wouldn't go on their
YouTube channel or their Facebook or whatever and just start accusing. She'd never do that. That's how you know the spirit of Papa is not there.
That's right. Father God never works an accusation. But that's kind of off the track. Just want to throw it in there.
But we just wanted to throw that in there, because if you're walking around judging everybody because you think their doctrine is wrong and they're leading people astray, shame on you.
You're not walking in the spirit of truth. Not your job. All right. So notice what they said.
They would never do that. Now, let me just point something out here. On my
Facebook, on my Facebook, from the March Madness Dumpster Fire Prophecy Edition, Krista Shirley, that's who she is, she came on to my
Facebook and tagged her husband Thomas. And let's just put it this way. I'll let my editor take it from here.
Thomas Shirley. This is fantastic advertisement. Thank you so much for promoting us through your religious stupidity.
LOL. Gotta love it. The Pharisees are alive and well.
When you partner with accusations, you truly show who your daddy is,
Chris. So sorry you've never met dad. He's so wonderful and he truly aches over your ignorance.
Someone played the Pharisee card. That's cute. Redacted. No doubt posted by a
Pharisee. I'll pass. Satan. Nah. Actual Pharisees would be purveyors of false doctrine.
Sort of like the people Chris Rosebrook critiques. So call me crazy, but coming onto my
Facebook wall and saying I'm a Pharisee sounds like the spirit of accusation to me.
And when you do that, according to them, there's a certain person behind that.
Could it be Satan? And now let's continue with the prophecy. LOL. LOL.
So as I was really in the last couple of days been praying and meditating, what's the word going to be for this week and for the month of May?
I've been meditating on it. Haven't really gotten anything until this morning. The morning that we filmed this, it came to me really strongly.
And God said, I want you to talk about the fact that my people are the gods that are on the earth to bring forth my judgment.
I don't know why that is. Gods, plural. You know, Isaiah chapter 43 says something about this.
Let's take a look at it. Isaiah 43, starting at verse 10. You are my witnesses, declares
Yahweh, and my servant whom I have chosen, so that you may know and believe me and understand that I am.
Before me, no god was formed, nor shall there be any after me. I am
Yahweh. Besides me, there is no savior. Yeah, Isaiah 43, 10 explicitly says that there are no gods before or after Yahweh.
He's the one true God. So I'm not sure which God you're hearing from there, Thomas Shirley.
Offensive to people. I marvel at how people have to verbally and scripturally genuflect to twist things around to not say the obvious.
In John chapter 8, Jesus said that he was the son of God. And it said that the
Pharisees picked up stones to stone him. Why? Because he said he was the son of God, making himself equal with God.
Yeah, that's because Jesus is God the son, second person of the
Holy Trinity. There is one God in three persons. We are not that at all.
A son of God is a God because you carry the divine nature. We have received exceeding great and precious promises whereby we have been made partakers of the divine nature.
It says that he has given us, he's caused us to be born again. This guy is a straight up heretic.
Wow. Not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible. And the visible terminology there literally has to do with sperm.
He's literally through his word breathed into us this divine nature of God.
And the beauty of it is people are like, oh, we're just humans. Jesus was just human, but he was just God too.
He carried the very divine nature of the Godhead and he walked in absolute authority and he brought forth the judgment of the father constantly.
And then I love what it says in Hebrews that through his death, burial and resurrection, he brought many sons to glory.
That's right. You are a son or a daughter. Yeah, we're adopted sons. Jesus is
God of God, light of light, very God of very God, begotten, not made, being of one substance with the father by whom all things were made.
Yeah. So this guy, pardon me if this didn't give you an opportunity to put something on your bingo card, but it's very clear to me that Thomas Shirley and his wife
Krista are full blown heretics. They are little antichrists is what they are.
Yeah. They're teaching you the same doctrine that the devil taught Adam and Eve in the garden, that you will be like God.
Yeah, that's what they are. Wow. All right. Moving along. This is Anna Marie Straw Hand and I'm not sure if this is a good prophecy bingo, a prophecy segment, but this is from a prophecy from this time.
Hello, my friends. Hello, my friends. It's your faith coach, your faith and victory coach,
Anna Marie. And boy, do I have a word for you today. You need to share this video because this is the most encouraging, encouraging word.
It is an encouraging word. Yeah, this will change your life. She's a faith coach and stuff.
To share this word with you guys today because I know some of you have been really needing it.
Yeah. So as you can see, I've got the road behind me. Yeah. And you know the old adage, why did the chicken cross the road to get to the other side?
We've got some chickens in the backyard, but we don't allow them to cross the road because this road that I live on, even though we're in the country, it is a really busy road.
And we've got a sand quarry down the road going that way.
So we always have a bunch of big old heavy trucks coming through here, you know, and so you don't want to let your pets out around here and stuff like that, you know, because they could get hit by a car.
Yeah. But anyway, listen, I've got to tell you what happened to me yesterday, okay?
I was coming home down my road and just in front of one of the wonderful sweet churches, country churches that we have,
Piney Grove Baptist Church that we have here. I was just getting going past my church, Oak Grove. And all of a sudden, a pickup truck just kind of stopped right in front of me, in front of Piney Grove Baptist Church.
And I was just like, oh, you know, is he getting ready to turn in the church parking lot? You know, what's he doing? And all of a sudden,
I saw him slowly move around and there was a big, I mean, this turtle, a big turtle.
And I don't think it was a snapping turtle. It was just a big turtle. There was a big turtle trying to cross the road.
See, there goes one of the big old trucks. Like I said, you don't want to cross the road here without looking both ways.
That's some good advice. I'm going to pause you right there. So you saw a turtle. You know, we have a lot of other prophecies we need to check in with, but we'll come back to you,
Anna Marie. This is Jojo Dawson in the May Prophetic Words. Here we go.
All right. Hey, I hope everybody is having an absolute amazing day.
I'm super excited about what is coming in the month of May. If you've been following anything that I've been sharing over the past month and even the past six or seven months, you'll know that there's something that God has allotted for the season of May and June.
You know, even back in October, November of last year, the Lord was telling me the first three months of this year is going to be so important.
And then even into the fourth month, it's going to be a time of consecration because what is coming after that.
So in those words, I was getting in October, November last year in 2017. It was about the first 90 days, about the first 120 days.
You know, I was getting super excited and the Lord's been speaking to me so powerfully and so strongly in my spirit.
And I've been really encouraged about what is coming in May. And then right before April got here, the
Lord gave me a prophetic word, New Day dawning. And then the one about multiple doors opening up.
And so many people have been confirming these words. So I'm excited tomorrow.
Yeah. How do they confirm those words? They don't sound like they meant anything.
It is May. And so I've just had a different, just a bunch of different things and coming into my spirit.
And so what happened a few days ago, right when I woke up, and I hope you encounter some of these, but right when you wake up sometimes, it is the time that you hear
God the clearest, usually. Right when you wake up, boom, it's just right there. Boom.
Yeah, boom. It's just right there. You know, right there I was sitting in my bed and boom, you know, whoa.
I could hear God so clear by like that time in the morning. What on earth?
When I woke up, I heard these three words. I heard the word move. I heard the word establish.
And I heard the word advance. Move, establish, advance.
All right. Let's take a look at my prophecy bingo card. I better take the free space while I can here.
Okay. Hmm. Dream? Oh, no, no. Maybe not dream yet.
Okay. Let's come back to Jojo Dawson. Okay. Oh, man, I got up and I went into the prayer room and I started praying before anybody got up.
And I said, Lord, speak to me the deeper revelation of these three words. And so this is what the
Lord spoke to me about. And the Lord said, about a week ago, you prophesied the word that your next step that you take in life and in ministry would take you from your next season to your now season.
Now, you got to understand that. Okay. Yeah. I'm having a hard time understanding that my next season versus my now season.
See, I'm looking for a new season here. That's what I need on my card. But, okay.
Whatever. So many people prophesy your next season, your next level, your next whatever's coming.
There's a time that when you take your next step, it will actually step you into your now moment.
So let's get into the word. So when I take my next step, it'll take me into my now moment.
Okay. Let's come back to Anna Marie as she's telling us she saw a turtle crossing the road.
So anyway, so there's this big turtle trying to cross the road, and he was going really slow, and he was just getting started to cross the road.
So the guy in the pickup— Slower than this prophecy, I bet, yeah. He slowly goes around the turtle, and he goes and he pulls into the parking lot of the
Piney Grove Baptist Church. And so I stop, and I put on my flashers, and you guys see, you know, I have a nice bright red pickup truck here.
I always say the Lord gave me this pickup truck because it's colored in the blood of Jesus Christ, and he protects me.
He protects me by his blood. But anyways, this big old turtle's trying to cross the road, and the man with the pickup truck pulls in to the
Piney Grove Baptist Church parking lot, which is one of the oldest old Baptist churches we have around here.
And I'm like, oh my gosh, I'm going to stop and protect this turtle from oncoming traffic. So I stop, and I put my flashers on, okay?
And of course, I'm hoping, Lord, you know, thank God this truck is covered in the blood of Jesus, and nobody will hit me.
So I put my flashers on.
Yeah. And the man gets out of his pickup truck. Yeah. And he runs over and picks the turtle up with both hands, picks the turtle up with both hands, and carries the turtle across the road, carries the turtle across the road, and the turtle starts moving his legs, like, really fast, like he's swimming across the road, like he's running across the road.
This guy has got this big old turtle in midair going across the road, and this turtle's like, as fast as he can, right?
And he puts him in the grass safely on the other side of the road, and we're both like,
He's like, yeah, we got the turtle across the road, woo -hoo! And the minute that happened, the
Lord spoke to me, and I heard the Holy Spirit say, I'm picking people up.
Uh, no. No, you didn't. Not even one bit. And expediting them to their goals.
They just need to stay and wait, don't cross, just ask me, and I will pick them up and expedite them to their goals.
And I was like, whoa, Lord, wow, what a word! What a word, indeed.
Okay, so, uh, let's move along. Jolynn Whittaker and her prophecy for, so God's picking turtles up and, you know, swimming them across the road.
Yeah, a powerful word. My life will never be the same. God said that when it's all said and done,
May of 2018 will be a memorable month. It's gonna be
May. It's going to be one to remember. So it's going to be a memorable
May. Now, if you're watching on YouTube, go ahead and just write in the comments, memorable
May. If you have a notebook and you are taking notes, or if you'd like to write things in your journal, write down May 2018 will be a memorable
May. That's what God said. Now, the Lord, I'm going to go to my notes. The Lord said for in this month, many will see the salvation of the
Lord and the sovereignty of the Lord. Now, those are two very specific terms that mean very different things.
But we're going to go ahead and get into it. And that is a direct reference to Psalm Chapter 17, verse two.
You're going to see the salvation of the Lord and the sovereignty of the Lord. Allow me to unpack that and break it down for you.
Yeah, do that. Now, why is God going to be doing this? Well, we have to go to Psalm 17, verse three.
He said, you have tested my heart. You have visited me in the night.
You have tried me and found nothing. I have purpose that my mouth shall not speak transgress.
So, in other words, this is what the Psalmist David wrote. But this is what many of you have been calling out to the
Lord. This is your stance. This is your perspective. This is your cry to the Lord.
Many of you have said or are saying now you have tested my heart. God, you have visited me in the night.
God, in other words, you've checked me out. You have tried me and found nothing. You know that I'm faithful.
You know that I am obedient. You know that I love you. You know that I have passed tests. Now, watch this.
It also says you have. I have purposed that my mouth shall not speak transgress.
There are some of you. You have been in very difficult situations. You have been in very challenging or trying seasons, but you have not cursed
God. You have not spoken transgressions. There are people I know that you're going to be listening where you have been in situations where you have been done wrong.
You, you would be 100 percent justified to just go off on somebody, to just, you know, just just really tell somebody who they are and what their truth is.
But you have believed the Lord that he will fight your battles and that he will vindicate you.
And you have not allowed yourself to descend into that place. You have chosen to be disciplined.
Does any of this make any sense to y 'all? Because I, I'm not getting it.
Okay. Let's check in with. Oh, no. Okay. Reina4321. Are you sitting down?
Hello? You might want to be. Here's her prophetic word for May of 2018.
Here we go. Do y 'all remember, do you remember what happened a few weeks ago whenever I walked into my kitchen and my calendar had fallen on the ground?
Yeah. And it was opened to May. No. And I have no idea how it opened to May like it did.
That would be like, you know, random chance. And if, you know, if calendar falls to the ground, if it opens while falling to the ground as part of its, you know, collision with earth, then most calendars having 12 months, there's like a one in 12 chance that it could open to the month of May.
I mean, just, you know, statistically, that's not all that, you know, amazing, you know.
And this was showing, this was my May calendar coloring. Mm -hmm. And I just really felt like the
Holy Spirit, like, did it. Like an angel went in there and just, the
Holy Spirit was like telling the angel, go take that calendar, open it up to May, put it on there. So an angel opened it up to May.
Okay. And it was just like so encouraging. May Manifestations.
Father, may I? Yes, two can. I'm caca for Cocoa Puffs. That is
May. And so our May Manifestation Prophetic Word is sponsored by Get the
Tea. Go over to getthetea .com. You actually have a corporate sponsor for the
May Prophetic Word. No way, wow. And check out their amazing products. So, yes, two can.
All right. I really just sensed this whole month that there's going to be so much manifestation of joy and blessings, no matter what the circumstances.
No matter what. Absolutely no matter what the circumstances. So Father, may I? Yes, two can.
My friend Shana sent me a picture that her son colored yesterday. And guess what it was?
It was a toucan. And it was green and red, just like Christmas colors.
So yes, two can, open up. This is not a good month for prophecy, bingo.
I'm just saying. Yeah, wow. Wow. It's like I got free space and that's it.
This is a weird month. It's as if they're learning. We can't do the prophecy buzzwords thing, so we have to do something different.
Okay. A gift that God's given you. And I'm telling you, the manifestations of the
Holy Spirit, those gifts are opening right now. Yeah. So this is something that's really been, let me make sure
I get it right, but this is something that was put on my heart for May. There is a song by the
Goo Goo Dolls called Slide. Here we go.
The song Slide by the Goo Goo Dolls. God is speaking through that right now.
There's a part in there, and he's actually singing to a girl named May. But I saw this,
I got this prophetic vision, and I heard these lyrics in my head about the month of May.
Let me read them to you. Okay. I was like, where is it?
I got to click here to see more. Sorry. I'm just like so confused. Right. I would agree with that statement.
Right here it says, Oh May, put your arms around me. What you feel is what you are, and what you are is beautiful.
Oh May, do you want to get married and run away?
And I super love that because that's what I see. I see so much joy and blessing, the manifestations of Father God giving good gifts to his sons and daughters coming that you're just going to want to take the whole month of May, and you're going to be like, let's just hug.
Let's have a big hug. And you're going to even be like, this month has been so incredible that you just want to run away and never forget all the things that Jesus has done for you.
Okay. So I'm going to run away and want to marry
May. Moving along. Okay. This is
Inez Marinan, and she's got a little bit of an
Irish accent going on here. Let's check in for the prophetic word for May from her.
Something, anyway, that I've been praying for. Last night, I consider this person like a spiritual mentor, anyway.
It's always praying for me. Just texted me out of the blue last night and said something, and I just went, wow, my gosh, that's what
God is being saying. Basically just texted me that there's a prophetic shift, that God is going to do something in a certain area.
Shift, by the way, is one of our prophecy buzzwords. I just don't know if I'm seeing it on my card.
Bummer. Okay, coming back. Wow, God, that is just, you know when there's two or three witnesses,
I mean, come on. Yeah, when two or three witnesses are saying there's going to be a shift, fasten your seatbelts.
It's going to be a ride. I'm going to start now what God is being saying, okay?
All right. God is a God of love, but God is also a God of justice. Yeah. Of judgment, right?
Indeed. Not firing brimstone, not bashing you with a stick or anything, but he brings justice to those who have been wronged, okay?
But God is a God of love, but he is a God of justice. What about those who transgress his holy law and persist in impenitence and unbelief?
Okay. Now I feel in this month of May and onwards, now I include myself,
I received this award because it's just, I know it's from God, okay? So pray about this yourself, okay?
I'm not claiming to be anybody special. I just know this is God. You're just claiming to hear directly from God, which would make you a prophetess.
I have to say. So I just kept hearing the word breakthrough.
Breakthrough there is going to be. How do you spell that? Breakthrough. Okay.
It's going to be a breakthrough. I remember New Year's Eve. By the way, breakthrough is one of our prophetic buzzwords.
Okay. So I'm not seeing it there. Break, but break true.
You know, if you have breakthrough on your prophecy, a bingo card, go ahead and put it, although she said break true.
I was asking the Lord, like what's for the year? You know, what's going to happen? You know, I have my own personal life as well, my own walk, what
God is doing, you know, and I've been praying for certain things myself. Yeah. But I remember New Year's Eve. God just gave me this word acceleration, acceleration, acceleration.
Acceleration is one of our words too. Uh, no, I'm not seeing it. Accelerate would count if that's on your prophecy.
Bingo card. What God is saying to me, right back in January. This is now. Can you believe it's already May? No, I can't believe it.
So what he's saying now is breakthrough. Those who have been waiting on God, I have written stuff down.
So that's why I'm looking down. Okay. Those who've been waiting on God, you're waiting for a long time, whether it's a prophetic word.
No, I put myself in this as well because I've been for a long time for certain things.
But you know, when you pray, you have to press through, you can't give up, you know, you have to be faithful. Yeah. So those who've been waiting on God for certain things, whether it's a healing, whether it's a financial breakthrough, whether it's a child coming back to the
Lord, whether it's someone to get saved, whether you're going through something, and you need God to help you something.
It is breakthrough time. It's time. And I mean, it's like, boom. Last night, God did something to me.
I couldn't sleep for ages. He was just like, boom, boom. And I was like, okay, God, I'll do it. I'll do it. Justice for those who have been wronged in the church.
Come Holy Spirit. Now I'm telling you now, there has been so much hurt going on in the church.
Yes, there's those who've been wounded, wounded soldiers, those who have been pushed out, those who have been misunderstood, those who have been slandered, gossiped about, those even on YouTube have been, have been saying horrible things about men and women of God, giving them a bad reputation, bashing people, exposing people who are wrong.
People in their own homes, after church, talking about people behind our back, you know, putting word courses there in the spirit.
God is saying that is enough. That is enough. God is saying, okay.
And also, no more discernment ministries. God's said enough of that. All right, moving along.
Oh boy. Okay. Father's heart ministry. Here's Russ Walden and his may prophetic word.
Hello, this is Russ and Kitty Walden with father's heart ministry. And this is the breakthrough word for may 2018.
The father says, I am bringing broken and shattered women out of the prison house of regret and despondency.
God's breaking, bringing broken and shattered with women out of a prison house. Okay. I see manacles being broken off of their ankles.
And the angels applying healing oil and substance to their ankles and slipping ballet, dancing slippers on their feet.
So God is switching out manacles for ballet slippers. Okay. Women coming up on their toes and they begin to parallette and spin as Jesus takes them in his arms and dances them across the stage of their life.
Yeah, I'm pretty sure ballet slippers are not. Um, yeah, it's not on my card.
Bummer. Okay. Yeah, this is new here. Today says the father, it's a new day for women and it's a new day for you.
You're going to now serve me in a new way beyond what you've experienced before, says the father.
I hear the father say satellites, communications, satellites are being retasked to make room for and accommodate my word and my gospel.
Satellites. Ever hear of Sputnik? Yeah, it's the first satellite in space.
Foreign satellite, Hogarth. And all that that implies, it orbits overhead.
Boop. Boop. Watching us. We can't see it, but it's there.
Okay. The angel in the heavens is descending and spreading wings of glory and bringing liberty and glory to men and women.
Wings of glory. Okay. Hang on. Glory is one of our words, but I don't think it's on this card.
You know, I'm like, keep getting skunked month after month after month here.
Boys and girls across North America, Europe, and the African continent. Russia is about to experience a sovereign outpouring of my spirit.
Souls, many souls are being pulled back from the gates of hell. By the way, outpouring is definitely one of our buzzwords.
It's not on my card. Okay, coming back. Let's see here.
Plundering hell to populate heaven, says the father in the hinterlands of Russia, Siberia, and the
Baltic States. The I am that I am says, I don't need a passport and I don't need a plane ticket.
And my service, says the father, will travel by supernatural means. And they won't need passports and they won't need plane tickets.
Vouchers. We ain't got no vouchers. We don't need no vouchers.
I don't have to show you any stinking vouchers. Better not come any closer. So apparently
God's giving free travel privileges without passports or train or plane tickets necessary.
Okay, let's check in with this prophetess. You know, everybody, you know, it's like for me, it's like if I don't get a word,
I don't get a word. You know what I'm saying? So I was like, okay, God, what's the word for make? You know what
I'm saying? What is the word? And I didn't feel a wind on anything yet. I was like, what is the word? What is the word? You got to excuse me.
We've been praying my lipsticks off. We've been praying. I've been praying. I've been praying all night. Um, but, um, uh, but I believe that this is a season.
Hallelujah. I heard the Lord, uh, that God's about to do some things phenomenally. I heard just right now when
I was in my group, I heard the Lord say due date. I heard him say due date. And I was like, wait a minute. There, there, there's a wind on this word.
I heard him just simply say, it's a due date time. It's due date. And so I've never been pregnant before.
And if any of you have been pregnant, then you would understand that right after the due date, sometimes it's like you have to wait in order to be induced.
So the Lord begins to tell me that I'm inducing their situation. I'm inducing that, that it may happen now.
I'm propelling that situation right now that it's due date season. All right. Due date season.
You know, cause one of my words is birthing. Oh, come on, say birthing. Would you, I, I, I need at least one more marker on my bingo card.
I began to pray and I'm like, Lord, what does that mean? Like, what does that look like? Well, where's the Bible verse that begins to talk about that.
And the Lord began to talk about how it was his covenant. Hallelujah. To, to say at this, this appointed time that the time has been fulfilled.
The time has been fulfilled. I began to hear the Lord talk about the appointed time.
And we know the appointed time and the word of God, that there was an appointed time when Sarah had to bear her child, that there was an appointed time.
And I know the prophet spoke the word. And he said that by this time and this season next year, you will bear a son.
And so the Lord, but she's really wound up, isn't she? Yeah. She's really wound up there. Yeah. Speak to me.
And he said that that was the last season that you got that prophecy, that it was the time that you would bear. But right now it's due date.
And so I said, father, if it's due dating, you said, I'm inducing that thing. Hallelujah.
Supernaturally that I'm causing that thing to come. So yes, there's been labor pains. Yes. There's been so many things that have been going on.
Hallelujah. Yes. It's a fear because there's been this fear like, Oh my God, I know it's coming, but I'm telling you what
I know. This is, it is due date time. Listen, it's due date time.
I don't come on here with no propaganda. I don't speak nothing unless the Lord says it. I heard the
Lord say it's due date time. For you and your family, for you and your household. I prophesy it in the name of Jesus.
And I prophesy, hallelujah, that that word you received last year, hallelujah, that said that he would hit, it said, but my covenant,
I will establish with Isaac, whom Sarah will bear to you at this season next year.
And so it is that season next year. You hear me? You already received that prophetic word last year.
And so right now God said it's due date time. Uh -huh. Yeah. Yeah. It's due date time.
Prophet. It's due date time that you, prophet Kevin, you step into your mantle. It's due date time for you.
step in and mantle. Those are definitely prophetic buzzwords. I just don't,
I'm doing terrible this month. Okay. We continue. Hallelujah. It's due date time.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's time that baby's about to come. I hear the Lord saying I'm inducing many people on this broadcast tonight.
I'm inducing labor for them. Some of you will wake up tomorrow with the answer. Some of you will wake up tomorrow with the answer.
In the name of Jesus. There's somebody on who has been dealing with cancer.
Hallelujah. And it's due date. That thing has been canceled. Cancer. Cancel. Cancel. Cancel.
Okay. Okay. Kevin Bridges. This is like the exact opposite energy level of what we just heard.
Prophetic word for May 2018. You've been walking towards a brick wall. It's been getting close.
There's been no escape. No escape. This is a dead end, a lost situation. Yeah. May is the month when you'll come to this wall.
You will walk up to it. You'll come close. You'll reach out. You'll touch it and discover that it's made out of nothing more than paper.
You will walk through the wall in confidence and you will laugh. Walk through the paper wall in May.
In confidence. On the other side, the father is saying to you, step out in faith.
Know that I am with you. And if I am with you, then who can be against you?
Please clap. Kay Nash.
Let's check in with her. Hi, and welcome back to another episode of Living Well.
I'm Kay Nash. And I'm really excited to share
May's word with you. I heard... Did you notice her title? Messenger of the Lord. May is money transfer.
Yeah, she expects you to transfer your money to her. Something like that. Been going through some heart surgery and we're going to be going through some more heart surgery this month.
People are going through heart surgery? What? You know, in the Bible, in Isaiah 61, it says,
I have come to mend the brokenhearted. And I feel like the Lord is mending our hearts this season in order to receive wealth.
You know, you have to have a better heart position in order to receive what
God has for you this year. And so there's a wealth transfer this month to those who have been faithful in the prayer...
Yeah, by the way, wealth transfer is one of our prophecy buzz phrases. ...to work on their heart.
You know, some people only go in the prayer closet to get their assignment. We also have to work on our hearts so our hearts are prepared for the next assignment.
You know, the Bible says, out of the heart flows the issues of life. Jesus. And so if you've got a lot of issues going on, you might need to say, what's going on in my heart?
And as you start working on your heart, watch your finances change. Watch your position change.
You need to shut up. Because you're going to have better things happen.
You know, out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks. If you find yourself saying negative stuff, what's going on inside your heart?
Journal. Ooh, I feel the Lord strongly. Journal this month. Figure out what is going on.
Yeah, what's going on? Just journal. Little tiny heart foxes, pull them out and get rid of them.
Did she say heart foxes? Little tiny heart foxes.
Oh, how cute. I should have a heart fox emoji or something. That would be great. Jesus. Jesus.
I also felt like the momentum is continuing this month. And so we were kind of busy last month.
Momentum is one of our prophecy buzzwords. You might have it on your card. April, you know, we were in Kenya and all that, but I feel like the momentum is going to keep going this month.
There's more to do this month. Yeah. I heard the words busting out of the seams. Some of you are busting out of the seams, ready to go.
And God is going to push you forward this month. He says, I'm going to push forward my servants this month.
The faithful ones will be pushed forward and shown to the nations.
You know, um, Jesus nationwide. Prophets are arising, traveling prophets.
I heard the Lord say, get your bags together. Traveling, um, this month.
Now, some of you, it's not going to be literal traveling. Some of you might just be traveling online. Maybe you're going to be sharing with people overseas online.
You know, we don't always have to be in a physical location to minister there, you know?
Right. Okay. And last but not least, princess
Ebola. Adelante. Adelante. Sorry. Let's. Okay.
So today I am ending that series. My God, everybody hashtag ending the series.
Yeah. I told you when a major, major prophetic season and I'm ending that series today.
Okay. With the prophetic word for me, hashtag for me, prophetic word for me, ending the series with a prophetic month for me is welcome.
Welcome. Welcome. Welcome. All of you who are just joining for the first time. Okay. So the prophetic word for, for me.
Yes. Yes. Thank you for hashtagging. Thank you. Thank you. Welcome. All of you who are joining me, it's princess
Bola. Delaney, the total success coach. Yeah. Princess Ebola Adelante, the total success coach.
Oh yeah. Proclamations .com is where you find me. Some of you are joining from Turkey and all of those places.
Why see you? I see you there. Okay. So now the prophetic word of may, may is a month of manifestation.
The buzzword, the manifestation that is one of our prophecy. Bingo buzzwords.
I got, yes. Thank you, Deb. Thank you, Deb. The buzzword, the buzzword in my spirit is the word manifestation.
Hashtag that word manifestation for me. You know, may is about mind blowing.
My God, mind blowing. Memorable, miraculous, majestic.
Why God, thank you for inviting manifestations. Did you hear what I said? I want you to hashtag hashtag hashtag.
Welcome me met. Thank you for all those who are inviting and who are joining. Okay. Praise God.
Keep sharing. Keep inviting. We are at the deep end and I'm here with a prophetic word for me.
So it is a month of manifestation. It is about memorable. That's the first M memory boo.
Tag memorable, mind blowing, mind blowing, you know, miraculous, majestic manifestation.
You know, the Bible talks about on earth as it is in heaven. And if you know anything about me, thank you for hashtagging.
Thank you for sharing that. Yes. If you know anything about me, even in the natural, you know, that may is about blooming.
You know, they, they, they say April showers, may flowers, you know,
April showers, may blooming, that kind of thing. So may is about blooming is about manifestation.
You know, even in the natural, you know, so on earth as it is in heaven, praise
God. So before I go into, you know, greater detail in terms of manifestation,
Oh, bless you. You're traveling. You're driving. Okay. No worries. No worries, but you can keep sharing, keep inviting.
She's like the prophet, prophetess of ADHD. Wow. Okay. And you can always catch up on the real, on it, on the, on the replay.
Yes. So you will notice. So manifestation is about blooming. It's about things about seeds that you are planted, you know, in secret becoming public secret seeds that I planted becoming public.
Okay. Okay. Things that were hidden starts coming to light, right?
Praise God. It is about harvesting. It is about manifestation. It is about exposure.
Okay. Exactly. Deb, both negative and positive. So that means if you sold negative seeds, you know, your manifestation will be negative.
Oh no. Oh man. I mean, what am I going to do? Praise God.
Praise God. So that is what we're going to be seeing in May. Right?
Your negative seeds are going to bloom. Okay. So I think you kind of get it.
I totally got skunked this month. Prophecy bingo. Bummer. Yeah, I'm just, you know, it happens, you know, and I do think it's kind of funny that they have started to kind of figure out that we're critiquing them based upon them using the same buzzword.
So they're trying to mix it up a little bit. But did any of that change your life? Do you feel like you are better prepared to handle the month of May?
Because the prophets and the provinces have spoken, you know, where, I mean, we can't live without this, right?
These people are just wackerdoodle. And this is what happens when you give the mentally ill a camera and give them a
YouTube account. And they're hearing from God. And probably they should be locked up in those little padded cells and be taken care of by other people.
These are not prophets or prophetesses. These are delusional people. I think you get the idea.
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And, and hopefully you, you will be protected and learn how to exercise biblical discernment and sound biblical exegesis as you protect yourself and others.
So I think you kind of get the idea. So until next time, may God richly bless you in the grace and mercy won by Jesus Christ, His vicarious death on the cross for all of your sins.