Should Men Insult Women Given Their Delicate Nature?


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It kind of seems like the rules are basically, you know, hey, give me all of the benefits of being a man without any of the responsibilities that come with being a man, right?
Which is why, you know, I think we talked about this a couple weeks ago too, but that's why you have so many women who are very concerned with the amount of female
CEOs there are out there, but they're not at all concerned about how many female janitors are out there, construction workers, you know, firefighters, whatever.
They're not concerned with that stuff because that's not where the money is, right? They're concerned about getting as much of the benefit of being a man with little to no responsibility that comes with being a man.
People are tired of hearing nothing but doom and despair on the radio. Found in Christ alone hope of salvation, any hope of heaven.
The issue is that humanity is in sin and the wrath of almighty
God is hanging over our heads. They will hear his words, they will not act upon them, and when the floods of divine judgment, when the fires of wrath come, they will be consumed and they will perish.
God wrapped himself in flesh, condescended and became a man, died on the cross for sin, was resurrected on the third day, has ascended to the right hand of the
Father, where he sits now to make intercession for us. Jesus is saying there is a group of people who will hear his words, they will act upon them, and when the floods of divine judgment come in that final day, their house will stand.
Petey Welcome to Bible Bash, where we aim to equip the saints for the works of ministry by answering the questions you're not allowed to ask.
We're your hosts, Harrison Kerrigg and Pastor Tim Mullett, and today we'll answer the age -old question, should men insult women given their delicate nature?
Now Tim, as we kick this episode off, what Bible verse do you have for us related to this topic? Tim Yeah, Colossians 3, 19 says, husbands, love your wives, and do not be harsh with them.
Petey Don't be harsh with them. So, seems like a, but alright, alright, Tim. That seems like an open and shut case, but hang on, there's a few things here.
Number one, you can't just go around saying that women are delicate. I mean, we're living in, you know, in the year of our
Lord, 2023. You can't say women are delicate anymore. Number two, that Bible verse is only talking about husbands and their wives.
So, obviously, this Bible verse now doesn't apply to any other context whatsoever at all.
Tim Yeah, okay. Petey There you go, Tim. So, I just, I just defeated your entire argument. Tim Yeah, I don't know what to do anymore.
Petey Why don't we start with the first one? Well, actually,
I want to start here because we're kind of, to talk about this subject, there's a, there's a, you know, there's like a prerequisite for this conversation and that, in my mind, at least, and that would be number one, we're assuming it's okay to insult anyone.
Petey Right, because, or better worded, it's okay to insult at all, right?
Because I know there, you know, obviously, the Bible talks about love. Christians are supposed to love because Christ first loved us.
And so, you know, in a lot of people's minds, insulting other people is the exact opposite of love.
So, why don't you talk a little bit about that first? Because I'm sure there's a lot of people who are saying like, hey, the answer to this question, should men insult women is no, because, you know, men shouldn't be insulting anyone and women shouldn't be insulting anyone.
So, why don't we start there? Jared Yeah, I mean, I think if you just read the Gospels for any length of time at all, one of the things you're going to find is that Jesus, he obviously frequently insults people.
And not only does he frequently insult people, but then, I mean, there are narratives in the
Bible where Jesus is insulting the scribes and the Pharisees, you know, and so then the lawyers come along and say to him, hey, you know, in saying these things, you insult us too.
And then he proceeds to continue and says, you know, well, woe to you lawyers, right? So, not only does
Jesus like freely give insults that are well -deserved, but then even when, you know, individuals like call him on it, they say, hey, you know, you're insulting us, you hurt our feelings, right?
You're being mean to us. That wasn't something that was a trigger in his mind that he needs to stop what he's doing or that he did something wrong, he would just continue and pile it on.
So, I mean, I think that there's obviously a category in the Bible for a righteous insult.
And that's, I mean, this is just related to the language of rebuke in general.
So, I mean, just an insult is just a category of a rebuke. And there's, you know, a lot of creativity that you can find as you read the
Bible and how these rebukes need to be delivered, right? So, one of the things that's happened is we've lost the category of a rebuke and you can plate that with the idea of love.
So, in the minds of many people, like the loving thing to do is not to rebuke, essentially.
That's what many people think about. So, like the issue is like, they just don't have a category for rebuke at all, okay?
And so, then insult is just one subcategory of that and that's all that's happening.
And I mean, they can obviously come in many forms. I mean, you read through the Proverbs, faithful are the kisses of an enemy.
What do you think that means? That's obviously something that's harsh, right? That's using harsh language.
I mean, just think about the prophets, think about Jesus, think about their ministry. When John the
Baptist comes on the scene, he sees the scribes and Pharisees. He says, you brood of vipers who warned you to flee from the wrath to come, and Jesus uses the same kind of language.
So, I mean, there's a place for rebuke. And what people don't understand when they're dealing with this kind of topic in general is they don't really have a strong, they don't have a filled out category for that.
What they have is they basically have like a one -size -fits -all approach to the Christian life and a one -size -fits -all approach to communication in general.
So, I mean, the Bible will say, admonish the unruly, encourage the fainthearted, help the weak, right? Be patient with everyone.
But like that category of admonish, that's a strong rebuke. And people, what they have is they go into every single situation and they pretend like their standard of communication is the standard of communication that you might adopt to like a five -year -old girl or something like that, right?
And that's how you have to approach adult grown men in your communication. And so, what you need to do is you need to think more broadly about what the
Bible is saying about communication in general. And there's no one standard of communication for men and women.
There's not like the same standard of communication for men and women. And there's not even like the same standard of communication for like adults and children, just people in general.
I mean, there's not even a same category of how do you address any individual situation with adults?
So, a lot of this is like depending on what is the context and what is actually happening in the moment. And so, who are you talking to?
What situation are you in? Are you in the situation where you're answering a fool according to their folly?
Are you in the situation where you shouldn't answer a fool according to a folly? Like, is this like, are you attacking an idea?
Is that what you're doing with your words? Are you talking to a person in general? In our culture, we don't know how to make basic distinctions along these lines.
So, everything just gets muddled at that point. But a lot of it just centers on the idea that we really don't have a category for rebuke.
Petey Man, imagine getting called a whitewashed tomb by Jesus. Jared That's got to put a damper on your day, huh?
I wonder if people really understand though. Jared You hypocrites, you fools, you blind guides.
Petey Yeah, I wonder if people, I mean, I think there are a lot of people who they read those verses and they have one of two reactions.
The first one being they just don't even understand what's being said here by Jesus, right?
When he calls them all these things, brood of vipers, whitewashed tombs, you know, all of these things.
I don't think they, a lot of people really comprehend how, you know, rude, quote unquote, how rude
Jesus is being here, right? According to our modern standards, right? Or the second, you know, the second response simply being, well, that's
Jesus, right? He, you know, he's God. He can, he's always right.
He knows how to handle every situation. He knows the heart of every man. We don't, right?
Jared So, I think a lot of that though too is that they just, they have never read the Bible. Petey Yeah, I think that's probably pretty fair.
In my experience, generally, I've found that people don't really know their
Bible very well. Jared It's like, what's happening, I think a lot of times in the, so, you gave answers that they give, but then
I think the root problem is they've never read the Bible before, okay? So, then like -
Petey I'm giving them too much credit. Jared You're giving them too much credit. Petey I'm trying to give them arguments. Jared No, but what, those are the arguments they're using, but then like the issue is it's coming from a certain context of like, they're just like bone ignorant about the
Bible. So, then what's happening is they don't, they think what you've done with this kind of thing is you've pulled out some obscure verse that's like some sort of hop hex legomenon or something like that, one word occurrence or something.
They think you've just pulled out this weird random thing, who knows what it means kind of thing.
Does that make sense? Petey Yeah, yeah. Jared So, you point out a verse and they don't understand that this is like typical of Jesus' ministry.
This is what He does from start to finish, okay? So, then when you're putting that verse forward, you're putting it forward as this is characteristic of Jesus from start to finish.
This isn't like a isolated occurrence or something like that. This is something that happens over and over and over again, like this is
His mode of communication, okay? And so, then they're looking at that having never read, they don't know anything about Him at all, okay?
So, then you're saying that and that's out of character with the Jesus that they know, right?
And the Jesus that they know is kind of a figment of their imagination. So, then the only thing that they can think to do is just say something like, hey, but you're not
Jesus or something, right? Go like full, who was that who said that?
Oh, you know who that is, Matt Chandler, yeah. Go full Matt Chandler or something like that. You're not
Jesus or something along those lines. So, what they're trying to do, like they think that they can - Tanner Iskra Yeah, you're not
Paul, yeah. I think maybe, yeah, you're not
Paul. Maybe it may have been both, but I don't know. I can't remember. But anyways, like that's what they do, but then it's like that's coming from just like a vast ignorance about how often this thing is happening.
And so, they just think it's like a weird, random, odd occurrence that they can just ignore and throw some kind of like a dodge on there just to get you distracted or whatever, but yeah.
Pete Turner It's you're not David, that's what it was. That's what he said, you're not
David. Maybe he mentioned Jesus in there too, but I just looked it up because it felt like I didn't give you a good answer either, and apparently he said, you're not
David. But I think the point stands either way because essentially what's being said is, hey, we've got these big leaders of the faith, right?
Significant people within the Bible, obviously Jesus being the apex of these people mentioned in the
Bible, and I do think sometimes it's almost like, hey, when these people do read about a significant person mentioned in the
Bible, it's kind of like they have their own set of rules that they get to play by and then everyone else has their own set of rules in some people's minds, which is where they come to these conclusions about like, hey, you're not
David, you're not Paul, you're not Jesus. Well, Jesus was following all the same laws that the
Israelites were commanded to follow, right? I mean, he said he didn't come to abolish the law, a verse that I think very few progressives like to acknowledge, but okay.
So, I think we've established enough for this episode that an insult is, like you said earlier, an insult is simply a form of rebuke, right?
So, I think we've established enough for this episode anyway, the fact that an insult is simply just, it falls into the rebuke category, right?
An insult is simply, we're talking about it as a form of rebuke towards someone else.
Now, focusing in the conversation a little more, speaking still on insulting people, but now turning our attention towards specifically men insulting women,
I think it seems like anyway, from my perspective, that as feminism has grown in popularity and whatnot, it's become more and more common to see men insulting women and some pretty, sometimes depending on the context and what kind of people you're talking about, sometimes in some very, very inappropriate ways you might see men insulting women.
And so, you read a verse earlier, what verse was that again? Jared Yeah, Colossians 3 .19,
the husbands love your wives and do not be harsh with them. Ted Okay, so, it seems like at least in terms of husbands with their wives, you wouldn't want to insult them, is that correct?
Jared I mean, sure, at least as a generality. Ted As a generality, but then what about even beyond the marriage relationship?
Do you think the Bible teaches that men shouldn't insult women? Jared Yeah, I mean,
I brought that up as a passage that I think has broad and far -reaching application.
So, part of the way that you answered this question is just to try to talk through why does that have broader application than just husbands and wives?
And you noted your scandal, your fake scandal at the beginning that we should apply that more broadly than just husband and wife.
So, that's part of the discussion. I mean, the other part of the discussion is what you mentioned in terms of just your experience of observing that as our society has, as feminism has been entrenched in our society, you've noticed that men speak a lot more harshly to women in general than what they used to.
And that obviously, maybe we could start there and then talk about what's actually happening. So, why this has broader, far -reaching application than beyond husbands and wives, but then talk about the cultural phenomenon first.
So, one of the things that happens is that when you embrace egalitarianism, you embrace feminism, then this is just simply living out that experiment.
That's the whole point. So, meaning if men and women are the same, like if men and women are fundamentally same, then there's no logic that says that women should be treated differently than men, right?
Petey Right, yeah. Naturally, that would be the conclusion. Jared Yeah, I mean, you can imagine the scenario where you're holding the door open for a woman, and she looks at you like you're stupid or something like that, and she didn't need you to do that, right?
Or you see a woman carrying a heavy box or something and you try to help her out with that, and then she gets indignant with you and acts like you're a chauvinist or something along those lines.
So, I mean, I think there's a natural reaction in our society to where if women insist on acting like men, then you're gonna have a lot of men who are gonna come along and say, hey, if you wanna be treated like a man,
I'll treat you like a man, right? Petey Right. Jared So, if you don't want me to hold the, like if the last lady
I held the door open for gave me a hard time about it, then as you're walking into the convenience store behind me,
I'm just gonna let it slam on you, you know? Petey Well, have you seen that video that was really popular like 10 or 15 years ago where there's some lady and she's arguing with the bus driver and the bus driver stands up and just like slaps her as hard as he can and she falls to the ground and the bus driver is a man and he slaps her and then he stands over her and he says, act like a man,
I'm gonna treat you like a man, you know? And like I think everyone's like, they're cheering him on or whatever because I guess she was being extremely rude, but that's just the highlight, maybe that's the video you need to put at the beginning of this episode.
But, you know, that's an example of a very extreme example, obviously, of, you know, going beyond, we're going beyond insulting there, but of what you're talking about, where essentially you have these people that are demanding they be treated like men.
And so, the natural, you know, response there is to say, okay, well, if you're gonna want to act, you know, if you're gonna want to be treated like a man,
I'll treat you like a man, but it's different than the way you're treated right now. Sure, I mean, and I think that that kind of thing, you know, maybe not the extreme form.
I mean, there is like a, there is like a, I mean, I've seen videos like that on the internet where like the lady is just sitting there wailing on the man and then the man just like has enough of it and, you know, hits her back or whatever and it's like, well, what do you, what do you think is gonna happen here?
You know, like, what do you, like, if you want, if you want to be treated like a woman, then certainly you need to act like a woman.
And if you're not gonna act like a woman, if you're gonna violate, like, the thing is this whole project is all held together by like an understanding on both sides, like that men are looking at women and saying, hey, you're the weaker vessel, both physically, emotionally, mentally, and in every way possible, you're the weaker vessel.
So, we're gonna treat you differently than we would treat a man. But then if you insist, like, so, like in the mind, like, here's the thing, like, like logically, you think it through logically, if you're going to insist on, you know, bowing up to me like you're a man, right?
Like slapping me as if you're a man, like, if you're gonna enter into that realm, then you, like, you better be careful because you don't know, like, if you want me to treat, like, if you're gonna treat me like that, you, like, our agreement here is off, right?
And as understandable as that might be in some ways, like, that's still not a godly response, okay?
You get what I'm saying? So, like, for pagans, it's, like, it's totally understandable. Like, if you're gonna act like a man,
I'm gonna treat you like a man. That's totally understandable because what's happened is that you're violating the social contract here, okay?
Right? So, you violated the rules. And so, like, and part of the problem with feminism is that they're violating this social contract at every single point, but then they're insisting on men holding up their part of the bargain, right?
And so, it's, like, well, that isn't really the way this works. Like, that's not, like, meaning, meaning, like, yes, it's, like, a man should never hit a woman, but if you're gonna hit a man over and over and over again, and you're gonna get three of your friends to hit a man over and over and over again, at some point, you might poke the bear enough to where you're all gonna find out what you are being sheltered from at some point, right?
Yeah, so, and that's not, like, and I'm not saying that that's godly, and I think that godly people should be, like, there should be something within godly people that says,
I'm still gonna follow the rules even if you don't, because I know where these rules come from, right?
And so, but then the issue is, are they coming from a biblical worldview or not, right?
Because these aren't actually the rules that every society governs themselves by in general.
These are just the rules that our society has governed themselves by because we're, in large measure, the product of a
Christian worldview. So, but then if you take a step back, you do have to ask yourself, like, why are we following these rules, right?
Is there anything in the Bible that tells us that we should be following these rules, or did we just make it all up, right?
So, the issue is then, no, I mean, like, the Bible will painstakingly go into great detail to describe women through the language of them being delicate, right?
Like, delicate and refined, so much so that, like, the delicate and refined woman who wouldn't so much as put her bare foot on the ground, right?
Like, I mean, that's, like, the language the Bible uses to describe, like, women in general, like, that kind of language to say that they're not, like, women aren't made to just get rolled around in the dirt or whatever.
Like, they're more sensitive in terms of their constitution. They cry for no reason.
If you've been married to a woman for any length of time, you'll realize that that's what they do.
You know, I have a daughter who's five years old, and she's discovering emotions right now, and she's, like, just looked at me, and she's like,
I just feel sad, and I don't know why. I have no idea why. I just feel so sad, and I don't even know why.
It's like, well, welcome to being a girl, honey, you know? That's the way it works, you know? But no, but so,
I think you think about, like, the way that the Bible describes women, the
Bible describes women in this language of, like, they're weaker vessel, they're delicate, right? That kind of language.
And husbands are told to not be harsh with their wives because, like, it's one of those things to where, like, everyone knows how this works in other areas.
Like, if you know that, like, a human being is going to be reduced to tears if you say something, like, you could say something innocuous and, like, not even, you could fail to say something that you should have said, and your wife could cry, you know?
So, like, the literal content of your words could be absolutely nothing, right? Like, non -objectionable, whatever else.
I mean, I think there's a lady on Twitter who was posting a conversation between her and her husband today, and she was explaining some course of action that she had taken, and, you know, the husband's response was, okay, sounds good, you know?
And then she interpreted that to be some sort of passive -aggressive comment towards her or something like that.
Like, it was a little bit short, you know? He's like, wait a minute, I said it was okay, sounds good, what do you want me to say, right?
Like, that was enough, you know? She thought he was being rude, you know? But, I mean, if, like,
I mean, ladies are like that, and, you know, if you know that about them, then, like, if you know that they have the capacity to cry for almost no reason at all, then, like, a normal, like, sane, loving, other -centered person would obviously just make adjustments on his own to say, hey, yeah,
I'm going to try my best not to set off this thing, you know? Now, that doesn't mean that ladies, they obviously have some, you know, responsibility to not jump to conclusions and everything else, but,
I mean, this is the product of a biblical worldview. So, men are made to be tough, they're made to be strong, they're made to be courageous, like, those are the adjectives that are being described to men over and over and over again in the
Bible, is to be physically strong, to be mentally strong, to be courageous. Courage is mental strength.
So, if you know these things, like, and the Bible tells you, like, men, to act like men, to be strong, right?
To do not fear anything that's frightening, all that kind of stuff. Like, when you know that the
Bible speaks that way, and you come to a passage like this, it says, husbands, love your wife and do not be harsh with them, then all you're doing is you're importing into that passage, like, a biblical understanding of the difference between men and women, and that's described in every page of the
Bible. You know, they're different, they're different kinds of creations. And so, then because they're different kinds of creations, you make allowances for them, just like you wouldn't give, like, you know, a difficult calculus problem to someone who is terrible at math, right?
So, also, you have to understand what kind of person this is and talk to them in a way that's appropriate to that.
So, but then, like, the issue is we used to have a social contract to where, like, women would, we would treat women like women, right?
And that means holding the door for them, that means trying to pick up heavy things for them. Jared That means, like,
Pete Paying for meals, right? Jared Paying for meals, like, you know, all that, you know, and that does mean, like, you never hit a woman because, like, you're two and a half times stronger than her, and you could probably put her in a coma if you tried, you know?
Like, if you really seriously tried to harm her, it would be really bad. Pete Yeah, just go look at the, quote -unquote, transgender men fighting women in UFC.
Jared Right, just, yeah, all the athletic competitions. Yeah, I mean, and this is after they're put on all the hormones and everything else, it doesn't matter, you know?
Like, so, the issue is, like, these rules are in place for a because men and women are different, and if men and women are different, then our reason tells us, and the
Bible will tell you to make allowances for those differences. But then, like, if you are engaged in this project of feminism that basically says, hey, we're all the same, then what happens is, like, you better treat me like a man, and I'm not gonna be a lady, right?
In any way possible, I'm not gonna act like a woman, I'm gonna act like a bad man, right? And there's nothing more provoking to men than when you're gonna be a bad man, right?
It's like, if you want me to judge you on those terms, like, you're not gonna measure up to anything, right?
So, but then… Pete It kind of seems like the rules are basically, you know, hey, give me all of the benefits of being a man without any of the responsibilities that come with being a man, right?
Which is why, you know, I think we talked about this a couple weeks ago too, but that's why you have so many women who are very concerned with the amount of female
CEOs there are out there, but they're not at all concerned about how many female janitors are out there, construction workers, you know, firefighters, whatever.
They're not concerned with that stuff, because that's not where the money is, right? They're concerned about getting as much of the benefit of being a man with little to no responsibility that comes with being a man, right?
Jared Yeah, so, and that happens in every conceivable way. So, like, there is that double standard.
So, you know, I mean, when Trump calls Rosie O'Donnell a fat idiot or whatever, then, like, immediately what happens is like…
Pete You would say, no, don't, hey, don't call her a fat idiot, right? Jared Well, me?
Pete Yeah, yeah. You would say, hey, let's, you know, she might be a fat idiot, but we don't need to actually call her a fat idiot.
Jared I think I have a category for some kind of rare use of it that is, like,
Paul, like, it needs to be flagged like Paul, like, I'm acting a fool here, right?
You know, that kind of thing where he goes out of his way to acknowledge that he's, like, he's answering a fool according to their folly mode kind of thing, you know?
And so, I think the more that you can flag that kind of thing better, but then, like, meaning
I don't think that should be your routine response to women or something like that. But then what's funny about that, though, is that ladies say, hey, you know, he attacks women, right?
As a category, as if he's done something bad. And it's like, well, hey, but, like, now you have to take a step back and ask what you're asking for here, because you can't be asking for the old social contract that you violated.
You get what I'm saying? Like, you can't have your cake and eat it, too. So, do you want to be treated like a woman or do you want to be treated like a man?
If you want to be treated like a man, Trump treated you like a man here, okay? So, I don't think that that's,
I don't think that that's a good thing, okay? But then I do, I am gonna, I am,
I do have eyes and I understand what's happening. So, I mean, I understand that, like, you have to explain, ladies, why you're taking offense to that, because I thought you wanted to be treated like a man.
So, it's just a great object lesson. And, like, he didn't actually attack women, he just attacked
Rosie, right? And he didn't even attack her, he just said something mean to her, like, he said something obvious about her, which is true, you know?
Which, you know, everyone with eyes knows anyways, you know? So, like, the issue, though, is, like, if you want, like, you have to think about what kind of rules you want to be governed by.
And this often happens, like, with the slut -shaming kind of stuff, like, conversations that come up on the internet over and over and over again, to where, like, women take that, like, if a man were to use those words that God uses, like, whore and slut and all that kind of, like, whore, you know, predominantly whore or whatever, if men were to use those words about women who sleep around in the abstract, so many women are getting offended by that in the abstract, right?
Jared Just so, I mean, in the way that God is doing that in the, like, it's not like he's pointing out a particular woman and just saying, like, whore, whore, whore, whore, whore, you know, that kind of thing.
It's like, that's all you are, you know, just a worthless whore, that's what you are, you know?
I mean, that's not what he's doing, but then, like, he is looking at Israel, you know, as a group collectively and saying, this is what you're acting like.
And then, you know, the Bible does warn about, like, that kind of woman, like, dressed like a prostitute, you know, like, those are warnings that you have to do.
And so, what you have is you have women who are overly sensitive to those kind of things who are just proving the point they're not made to handle war, right?
They're not made to handle physical war, they're not made to handle verbal war, and then they get themselves all worked up and been out of shape about it.
It's like, well, what rules do you want, though, really? Like, what rules do you want? So, do you want the old social contract, the one that you destroyed, or do you want the new rules?
Like, and then the new rules, if you're a man, you think you could, this is the way men talk to each other, okay?
So, think about what you're asking for here. So, I think part of it's that, but then, I do think as a generality,
I think, I mean, which maybe admits rare exceptions or something like that,
I think you should, godly men are going to follow the old social contract regardless of whether or not the women do, you know?
So, I think a godly man will hold the door open for women when he sees women, even if, like, maybe even 50 % of them are going to fuss at him about it, right?
I think you still do it, you know? And then you still pay for the dinner, you know, if you're going to take them on a date, and if they get all mad about it, you don't take them out again, you know?
That kind of thing. So, I mean, I think it's, and then, you know, whatever you do, you don't sit there and let a woman wail on you with her arms.
I mean, my goodness, just, like, literally put your hands up, you know? Like, how hard is this?
I mean, it's not that hard. She'll just let her wail on your arms and hurt her hand or something, and maybe try to shelter her from that if you can, which shouldn't take too much work, you know?
But then, I mean, so I don't think you should be a doormat or something, but then, like, hitting a woman back, there's just no reason to ever do that, right?
I mean, it's just, I mean, it's like hitting a kid, you know? If they're wailing on you in the face, trying to wail on you in the face,
I mean, my goodness, and you just knock them out. I mean, you're an idiot, you know?
Like, stop them, you know? You should be strong enough to be able to stop them, you know, if you're not.
Yeah, like, you've got to be able to show some kind of mercy, even when they, you know, they're obviously not doing anything in the moment that's deserving of mercy, right?
They're asking for something that they're just totally out of their depth on, and they don't realize it.
Yeah, your mouth is writing checks your body can't cash on, you know? Right. I mean, and there's something that's funny,
I mean, there's obviously something that in our flesh is like, in those moments where the little dog is, you know, barking at the big dog and doing all that, and, you know, the big dog just kind of swats it inside or whatever, and then it goes yelping off or whatever.
I mean, there's something in us that's like, hey, you know, like, there's a kind of satisfaction that that's what you get, right?
But then the only kind of, like, the only kind of satisfaction that there might be found in that kind of moment is like a completely, yeah, if I was unsanctified, maybe
I would do that, but I, you know, that's not a God thing. Yeah, if I was totally worldly, ungodly, carnal.
I could understand the frustration, right? It's the same kind of thing where you watch the revenge movie or whatever, and it's like, yeah, there's part of me that's like, yeah, yeah,
John Wick, go get them for your dog. But then there's the other part of you that's like, man, this is so stupid, ungodly and unsanctified, you know, it's like, yeah, this is just bad, you know, this is gruesome, stupid, you know, but yeah.
So, I think in general, men should treat women, there's a very different standard of communication you have to women in general.
And, you know, I think there's, that doesn't mean there's no place for rebuke. Pete Yeah, that's what
I was about to ask, is can you rebuke at all women? Can you rebuke at all women?
Jared Yeah, I mean, I think Jesus says, describes the woman in Revelation as Jezebel, you know, he says he's going to throw her on a sick bed and all that.
So, I mean, I think there's a place for pointed language for sure, you know. But it's like, you know,
I think you need to be real careful with that kind of thing. And, I mean, that's obviously, a lot of that is inescapable when you have ladies who are in positions of authority, you know, who are taking on the role of a man.
And, you know, you can't just let them destroy the world, burn the whole thing down, you know, with their feminine impulses at that point.
There's like, there has to be, it's like, hey, I, you know, I, I'm gonna play the role of madman here, you know, if I'm John Knox, I'm writing my pamphlet against the monstrous regime of women, you know, like,
I mean, there's something about, I mean, like, at some point, it's just like, hey, I, there are rules to this kind of thing that we have to depose this crazy woman, you know, she's, we have to, this lunatic lady, you know, is killing everyone, you know, it's like, all right, well, all right,
I guess we're gonna have to take her out, you know? PJ. All right, we're gonna have to put the man gloves back on.
J. Yeah, I mean, there's a point of, there's obviously, like, when they're entrenched in positions of power and everything else, like, what do you do, you know?
But, I mean, I think that as much as you can, like, even in those kind of situations, acknowledging that there's a different standard of communication is good, you know?
So, yeah, for sure. PJ. Okay, fair enough. Well, I think that's a good place for us to wrap up the conversation on, and certainly one that'll, there's just so many things about it that don't really jive with the current cultural climate, right?
But then it's just obvious, I mean, just look, there's so many differences between men and women, and it's not, the thing is with these kind of conversations is oftentimes people view them as these sort of demeaning conversations or women, and it's not meant to be, it's, you know, it's meant to acknowledge that, hey, women have significant value in society, and they should be treated like they have significant value in society.
J. See, that's the thing, that's the thing, it's like if there's, the only way this contract makes sense is if there's some acknowledgement on both sides that we're different.
And so, I mean, we can't just, like, we can't hold you to a different standard unless there's some reason for it, right?
And if you're going to deny that there's any reason for it, then we're left just with an irrational situation that doesn't make any sense, right?
And so, and then that isn't really any way to, that isn't really any way to move forward for sure.
Pete Right, okay, fair enough. Well, again, we want to thank all you guys who listen week in and week out, who are supporting the podcast in so many different ways, interacting with us online, giving financially.
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Now, go boldly and obey the truth in the midst of a biblically illiterate world who will be perpetually offended by your every move.