Overview of the Book of 2 Thessalonians

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The overview of the week for this Sunday is the book of 2 Thessalonians, written by the
Apostle Paul in 51 AD. The theme of this letter is the day of the
Lord. This second letter to the church at Thessalonica was written only a short time after 1
Thessalonians, probably only a few months had gone by. So why did Paul write to them again so soon?
His first letter, or in his first letter, Paul answered the church's questions about the return of Christ.
But they apparently received another letter claiming to be from Paul, Silas, and Timothy telling them that Christ had already come back and that they were living through the tribulation or the day of the
Lord, which they believed because they were experiencing intense persecution.
But at the same time, it confused the church because it seemed to be at odds with Paul's other letter.
So Paul reminds the church at the end of his letter, you know, you need to be careful. Basically, you have to look for my signature to know that the letter is from me.
Apparently Paul, his signature was very large, very unique, perhaps because he had eye problems.
But this letter they got was essentially a forgery or it was a forgery.
So this all caused a great disturbance in the church. And that may be the reason why some of the people in the church got distracted or discouraged and started exhibiting bad behavior.
Paul comments in chapter three about those who are walking disorderly and how some were refusing to work at which
Paul, at which time Paul says, if a man refuses to work, you shouldn't give him any food to eat.
And of course that would solve the problem. But this issue about the day of the
Lord, Paul again, like in his first letter, he wants to give the church comfort because the return of Jesus had not yet come and no, they were not living through the day of the
Lord, which is why Paul tells them in chapter two that the rapture is not going to happen until the falling away comes first.
Paul tells them in chapter two, do you not remember that when I was still with you, I told you these things?
And then he says, and he who now restrains will do so until he is taken out of the way.
And that is almost certainly a reference to the Holy Spirit and his influence upon the earth through the church.
Because God's people, we are to act as salt and light, both preserving godliness and restraining evil.
But once the church age comes to an end, after the falling away, the church will be removed.
That restraint is lifted. So after the rapture, once the tribulation begins, that is the period when basically all hell breaks loose upon the earth.