Thought I Had to Defend Jon Harris - Then THIS Happened!

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All right, so I just I just got the script flipped on me So somebody had sent this video to me and I was getting all amped up, you know
I was ready to I was ready to defend my boy, you know, somebody had said that Matt Hall the the provost of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary Somebody said that he was going after John Harris on the down -low
And so I was like, yeah, I'll watch that and I'll you know, we'll do a video or two, you know We'll defend them. You know what
I mean? I Don't know if it gets worse or if it gets more serious
But I I almost died laughing watching this like this this attack and I I tend to think that he's right
It is an attack on John Harris He doesn't name him because that's how Big Eva operates, right?
They like to criticize their opponents without naming them so they could never be held to account but Which is just so it's just so It's not even girly.
It's just pathetic I mean, yeah, that'd be an insult to girls. It's just pathetic the way that they operate
They always criticize their opponents nameless So, you know who they're talking about, but they could never be held accountable for talking about it's so sad
It is unbelievable. But in any case so he this little weasel, you know, it starts doing that exact thing.
So I thought I was gonna have to do a video defending John Harris, but but just look at this I I almost died when he said this
I Get too political. This is John. Hold on work on anger and fear and those kinds of things and then watch what he says
And they all stand to gain from your outrage and your fear And in case you're wondering they're happy to give you the link for their patreon account
He sounds like he's not kidding he sounds like he's not kidding he's like he gets off he thinks about it
He stops in his book. It's almost like this wasn't even in his notes and he's like see stops for a second
He gets all serious and then he looks right at the camera. They're all too happy to give you the link to their
Patreon account Got you John, he thinks he got you so bad and then
I don't know I don't know if you've had maybe he's not talking about you though. Cuz John have you done conferences that he's
Referring to here. Maybe he's talking about the fight laugh feast guys. I don't know but But man, this is this is so Typical Big Eva like they they can't help it.
They are they like they cannot help but be elitists, you know Yeah last week we ended with the you know with the what's -his -face.
What's that guy's name? Ortlin Ray Ortlin thinks he's better than you. That was one of the most elitist things
I had ever seen on Twitter and then but but Matt Matt Hall went and topped him with this.
He's like They're all too happy to Give you their patreon like as if that's some kind of a knock on John Harris and it's like are you are you insane, dude?
Do you want to compare salaries like I'm not trying to blow up John spot or anything But John strikes me as a very humble guy.
He probably does. I mean, I'm John This is I hope this is not an insult to you But the provost of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in the kind of the way he dresses it strikes me
He probably has a better salary than a guy like John Harris or a guy like me, you know,
I mean, I'm not again John I'm not trying to insult you Hope you don't take it that way But I just find it so amazing that he this guy his his income comes from people giving him money from donating to this just seminary the this regular
Southern Baptist paid this man's salary and he has the Audacity to be like he's gonna give you his patreon link
And the thing is like most people pay this dude's salary on your screen and they have no choice in the matter because they're giving
You their church faithfully and the church participates in the certain programs They donate their money like most people don't have any choice in the matter, but you see
John John provides free information and free Just stuff all day long.
Yeah, he writes books as well that he sells and that's fine But most of his content is completely free and the fact that anybody dares support
John of their own free will It just it just burns this guy up and you know what this is about it's not about the money
I don't think it is about the money because you know, hey, that's what he's talking about He's talking about money So it's clearly about the money a little bit like he can't fathom that John makes an income from giving
Information about the social justice controversy or the Church of God or the evangelical movement and stuff
He can't fathom that anyone would pay a peon a a plebe a peasant like John Harris He can't fathom that but really what it's about It's not so much the money because I think he probably knows that he makes a lot more money
Doing this exact thing rip in the church and stuff like that all day long John doesn't even rip the church like John just talks about these social issues
Matt Hall does the same thing He talks about socials except he drags the name of the church through the mud But he makes a lot more money doing it than John Harris does
I think he knows that so it's not so much about the money what it's about though is that John is uninitiated
John is unwashed. He's unclean He didn't go and jump through all the same hoops that Matt Hall jumped through like it probably burns him up that Anybody if even one person listens to John Harris that probably angers him so much because he knows
The things that he's had to do to get to the position that he's in the sidekick of al moeller
He understands the kinds of things that he's had to do to get his position And he thinks it's not fair that Anybody gives
John Harris the time of day when John Harris hasn't done any of these things now John actually does have
Credentials which is something that I lack I lack credentials, but John actually has them But he's most certainly not in the guild
John Harris is not in the club at all So the fact that John Harris makes even one dime doing this stuff, and he makes more than one dime
I happen to know that you know what I mean, so he's probably not getting rich off patreon
But he makes you know a decent amount of money off patreon which as he should he puts out a ton of content
But no no no that he's unwashed. He should not be making a dime on these issues.
I I am the great Matthew Hall I am the provost of the
Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and Matthew Hall we're all very impressed I'm sure that that was a very difficult road to climb and all you probably
Probably got al moeller coffee a bunch of times in order to get there And it probably burns you up that anybody listens to John Harris, but this is the ticket my friend
Matthew Hall not only do people listen to John Harris, but the number of people listening to him is growing every day and We know that you feel the sting of this and we are very very pleased to know that you see
It's not about all the stuff. You're trying to slander this guy as if he's doing underhanded things
And he's gonna sell you into slavery like what a drama queen Matt Hall is seriously
How could you could you be more dramatic than this? But you did reveal something that helps us very much
You would not have mentioned this if you weren't feeling the impact of it where it hurts you most
Your wallet, and I would be very surprised to know that you that To find out that that John Harris's name hasn't been brought up in fundraising meetings and in meetings where people are
Potentially going to give you money or potentially not and you've had to defend yourself because of the the true
Accusations and the exposure that a guy like John Harris has opened up to the world whereas you prefer everything to be behind closed doors
Now that's not gonna fly any longer Sorry to say but the internet allows us to do research and to find out what you're up to and to see things that you
Say that are unbiblical and to say hey That's actually not biblical when you say
XYZ or or or the video the gray the famous Matt Hall video I'm a racist and it's like dude art.
You're a racist So maybe you should resign because that's the apparently the worst thing in the world According to people from your end
So maybe you should probably resign or maybe admit that you're a critical theorist and then you should resign anyway
Because critical theory isn't biblical. So it's just it's just so funny Like like he just I can't even fathom that an unwashed uninitiated
Adversary is actually having a pretty big impact on him John Harris good on you
Matt Hall. I guess I'll watch the rest of this but Man I think that about sums it up.