46. Pastor Story Hour


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What is Pastor Story Hour? Why should you come? How can you be praying? --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/theshepherdsprodcast/message Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/theshepherdsprodcast/support


47. Painting Sin With Virtue Signals

Welcome back to the podcast where we prod the sheep and beat the wolf. This is a special episode called pastor story hour
Yeah, I'm going there We live in a drag queen story world you know just a few years ago in the
LGBTQ stronghold of San Francisco drag queen story hour was birthed and unleashed upon the world
Adult perverts with a penchant for sexualizing children Donned their demonic costumes and infiltrated one public library after another
Within a few weeks and continuing on in the years ahead an unholy movement was spawned that would captivate the country today in libraries all across this nation
The mentally disturbed and morally degenerate Continue unabated mustering all of their energy that they can spare to bring the kids to bring our kids
Into their world of seedy shadows and dank darkness enough is enough
Point one. We need to stop being turtles When I was deployed to the
National Training Center in Death Valley, California One of our pre -mission briefings was about a local indigenous turtle
Now apparently whatever the poor beast whenever that poor beast felt frightened it would hide in its shell
Which to me seemed like a kind of fairly normal thing for a turtle to do, right? but if the predator persisted if it for instance picked up or jostled the frightened testidine the turtle
Would do the unthinkable and it would actually urinate in its shell
Drowning itself in its own urine Apparently you really could scare the pee out of this animal and it would inevitably kill it now knowing about this was extremely important for the
United States Army because this particular turtle was on the endangered species list and It came with a hefty price tag and the last thing you can imagine uncle
Sam wanted to do was one of his boys Accidentally suiciding this poor turtle with a very peculiar defense mechanism this unfortunately is
What many churches and many Christians in the United States have become? You see instead of rising to the challenge of our day like lions
Or becoming salt in a decaying culture and light in the midst of darkness far too many have ran back and began hiding in their shells and The moment that culture flames up against it.
Is it any wonder that we look like we've wet our pants and that We appear like we're dying
What we've done is we've adopted the cultural engagement strategy of a
Death Valley turtle instead of continuing that Miserable and failed approach
I'd like to offer something different because I believe it's time for us to be honest as Christians about who we are.
We do not support the perversion of our children We don't stand idly by while the perverts in our society in the line of Kenny Continue to perform disgusting social experiments on our kids enough is enough
Now Finally is the time for the church to wake up and to begin speaking the truth and love which most definitely requires speaking
It is time for us to stand up for truth So that the nation that that we live in doesn't continue to fall into rancor and danker error
Now is the time for us to boldly herald the truth from the Word of God even if it conflicts with what society elites are shoving down our
Throat and even if it conflicts with some people's view of niceness enough is enough
Which that brings us now to Pastor story hour. What is it? Well last month or so one of my friends named
Michael Foster He was a fellow brother in the CREC denomination. He's also in the Augustan Presbytery, which
I'm a member of he's definitely not a turtle Announced that he was doing a pastor story hour at his public library and he announced that on Facebook Soon thereafter.
I saw that Dale Partridge not related to a bird would do the same thing followed by Kirk Cameron And then several other pastors around the country now
I watched and noticed that the Lord was moving in this and As I was passionate for discipleship for the discipleship of our children and encouraged that our families might be blessed by something like this
I decided that I was gonna reach out to our local library here in Massachusetts and I was gonna try a similar thing to see if the
Lord would open up a door for us to do this as Well, I know let me be honest. I felt sure that one church one pastor could not change the world
Like us doing this is probably not going to end drag queen story hour but if I was inspired by just a few men who were doing this and If I begin doing this maybe
I can inspire just a few more men to begin doing this as well Maybe we could start a movement Maybe just maybe
One library at a time all across this country. We could begin teaching our children who their
God is Why his plans for their life are best and how following him?
Will lead to a life of joy and peace. I Use something like this to show the world who he is and why following him is the only way to salvation
Now at the time of this recording it was yesterday when I found out that the library accepted my request they approved it
So we have reserved our very first spot For pastor story hour at the
Chelmsford Public Library. I'm gonna give you the skinny on the details now We are gonna be meeting at the
Chelmsford Public Library on Friday January the 13th at 11 a .m. To 12 p .m Now I chose this time for two reasons
First the public library has got a lot of requests and not that very many spots available so I had to pick what we had and I wanted an hour to be able to do this, but the second thing is that I thought families could come before lunch and Then they could leave with plenty of time for food and naps and all of that So that that time slot of the ones that I had to choose from seemed like the best one now if it doesn't work out
For everybody, that's okay. I'm gonna be doing this more than once. I'm hopefully gonna be doing this once a month and If there's better times just reach out.
Let me know I'd love to consider other options as we continue doing this in the future now
This gets to the point of how can you help? I want to offer four things As you can imagine the unholy
Trinity in the world the flesh the devil hate when Christians bring the gospel into the public square
Satan has been working overtime for the last 50 years or so to muddle marriage
Redefine sex and gender and it calls a rising generation of children to adopt the disgusting sexual ethics of brave new world.
I Do not expect that this fight is gonna be easy, which no fight is But I actually think that it will be a fight
It's a fight worth fighting both a material and spiritual realms and it's a fight.
We must win With that I'd like to ask you to help me with four things number one if you're a pastor and You have time in your schedule for the discipleship of children in your area and you don't like seeing
Drag queen story hour coming into your town and you want to see
Christ reign supreme Through your public library and you want to do something that's going to immediately have impact on the life of a child
I'm gonna ask you to do the same thing I'd ask you to call your library Register for a pastor story hour choose a book that's going to immediately
Engage with the child and teach them biblical Truth and then go and do it take pictures of it post it on social media
Let the world know that Christ reigns and that we will not stand by and let the world redefine truth
That's the first thing pastors get involved Number two, I would ask that if you're not a pastor and you're listening to this podcast pray one of the most important things you can do about things like this is pray pray that the
Libraries that we're gonna be reaching out to don't bend to the societal pressures and cancel our event
Pray that woke mobs don't show up and accost us. We've seen that happen on TV and everything else pray that God would get the glory pray that we would have a platform to be able to share his truth and pray that we would be honorable humble and Wholly and everything that we do as faithful ambassadors of Jesus Christ pray
That we would love the librarians well that we would love the people Well that we would be good stewards of Christ and that his good glorious news and gospel truth
Would be at the center of everything we do. That's the second thing the third thing
Would you share this? Would you talk about this? Would you let other people know that we're doing this one of the ways that events like this can be
Successful is that if we get the word out The room that I have reserved it's gonna hold about 75 kids and I would love to get as close to or over that number
As we can I want the library to see a massive group of Christians Joyfully gathering around the love that we have for our
Savior and a commitment to his truth over everything else Now also perhaps there's children and parents that you know who would benefit from something like this
We would love for them to come In fact, we're open to anyone coming so long as they're willing to give
God and his word a fair shake So that's the third thing. Would you share this event on social media?
Would you send it to your friends an email or text message or pen power carrier pigeon or shoot it out of a cannon?
I don't really care. Let's just get the word out And number four, would you finally mark your calendars and commit to coming our pastor story hours?
January the 13th at the Chelmsford Public Library come join us because it's gonna be great and remember