F4F | Trump Prophecy Goat Rodeo


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Welcome to another installment of Fighting for the Faith. My name is Chris Rosebro. I am your servant in Jesus Christ.
This is the program that compares what people are saying in the name of God to the Word of God. Well, you knew we had to do it.
We had to actually do a program dedicated specifically to the failed Trump prophecies, especially since some of these false prophets, because that's what they are.
Some of these false prophets are doubling down now. I mean, I've even seen people talking about Trump being a spiritual president rather than being a physical president.
It's just Looney Tunes what's going on. But rather than, you know, head off into the deep, into the murkiness of these failed
Trump prophecies by myself, Kozar thought it would be a good idea if the two of us reviewed a video that he put together.
And I agree. I agree. Kozar did a lot of the work here in putting this video together. And so I've invited him on.
Stephen Kozar, good to see you, sir. Great to be here, Chris. That's not your right greeting. You're supposed to say
BASTA. BASTA! There you go. I'm still jealous.
It's like every time you come into the chat, live chat in our premiere, it's like, you know, you show up and you say
BASTA. It's like, I still, I don't have a good way to introduce myself that way.
I have so little in my life, Chris. Just let me have BASTA. That one thing.
I tried BLAMO and it didn't work. It just... It's a pale substitute.
It doesn't even compare. It's really... You know what, if he gives
Cindy Jacobs a chance, she might give you something. Between Cindy and Jim Baker, there might be something in the coming year.
We can only hope. We can only hope. Okay, so you have put together, and it's longer than an hour.
We're not gonna go through the whole video. Longer than an hour, failed Trump prophecies, and we're gonna take a look at some of these.
We're gonna look at Pat Robertson and others, and note that what biblically does this make them?
This makes them false prophets. And here's the thing. I stand by the video a few videos ago that I did pointing out that when somebody takes
God's name in vain, they have taken God's name and they've carried it into falsehood.
That's how the Hebrew works out in Genesis 20 verse 7. And so one cannot say, the
Lord told me Trump is going to win at this point without having spoken falsely.
And those words that they spoke in God's name didn't come from God. That's the whole point of Deuteronomy 18, and we'll take a look at that when we get there.
So I mean, at this point, we as the greater body of Christ must label these people what they are, false prophets.
We must call for their repentance, for them taking down their platforms, ending their so -called prophetic ministries.
And one of the people who gave a false prophecy regarding Trump was none other than the head of the Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry, Chris Vallotton.
I think the only ethical and biblically correct thing to do would be for Vallotton to leave public ministry, and for the
Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry to close. That is the right response to these failed prophecies.
Clearly, if the head of Hogwarts is incapable of prophesying, none of the people there are learning how to prophesy.
I'm sure Chris is listening right now, and he's taking notes on everything we're saying, Chris. Yeah, he really cares.
I don't think he is going to be saying, you know, those guys are speaking biblical sense, because at this point, and it's sad, people like Dr.
Michael Brown refusing to label them as false prophets, and I think of the guys at Remnant Radio who are engaging in the same kind of obfuscation.
These are people who have blasphemed the holy name of God and carried his name into falsehood. They have taken his name in vain, and we shouldn't be giving them a light slap on the wrist and saying, well, they just need to put some accountability over them, but don't discredit them and say they're not real prophets.
This is nuts. This is absolute nuts. So let me whirl up the desktop here, and let's take a look.
There we go. Ah, this is gonna be tough, Kozart. You do know that I just don't even want to press the play button just looking at Pat Robertson.
If it makes you feel any better, I was up till 4 in the morning working on this video, and I've seen this so many times now that I think
I'm numb to how truly bad it is. All right, let's rip the band -aid off.
Let's go for it. Are you ready? We're gonna do a deep dive here, and if you want to stop, you tell me to stop, but we'll let this play out and see what we got.
I believe the Lord told me the president is going to be re -elected. I'm saying by all means, get up and vote.
I think it's time to pray, but ladies and gentlemen, that's the word. You ask what's gonna happen next, that's what's gonna happen next.
Well, we know for a fact the Lord didn't tell him that. Here's Jeremiah Johnson. There was an article he wrote.
Okay, Trump will be third of my recent prophecies to be fulfilled, Prophet Jeremiah Johnson says.
Okay, but the Lord told me to watch the LA Dodgers, to watch
Amy Coney Barrett, and watch the re -election of Donald Trump, so I'm doing it.
All right, so Jeremiah Johnson, and he's apologized for getting it wrong, but he hasn't apologized for being a false prophet.
Well, there's a video, a clip of him later on, where he says that doesn't make me, or maybe he said it doesn't make a prophet false just because he said something false.
Actually, it does, and let's take a look at a text, shall we? Yeah, and this is where Deuteronomy 18 comes into play.
Deuteronomy 18, and we're gonna note there's a question that is asked talking about presumptuous prophets.
The prophet who presumes to speak a word in my name that I have not commanded him to speak, or who speaks in the name of other gods, that same prophet shall die.
We're gonna note here that this is a text referring to anybody speaking in the name of God a word that God has not commanded him to speak, and one of the clear signs that you're dealing with somebody like that is somebody who's prophesying in the name of other gods, but that's only one of the tests of Deuteronomy 18.
So the question comes up, if you say in your heart, how may we know the word that Yahweh has not spoken?
How do you know? How do you know a word that Yahweh hasn't spoken? When a prophet speaks in the name of Yahweh, if the word does not come to pass or come true, that is a word that Yahweh has not spoken.
And you'll note then, it says the prophet has spoken it presumptuously, you need not be afraid of him.
And why does it say you need not be afraid of him? Because here's the reason why. False prophets, they come speaking in the name of God, and so anybody who is
God -fearing should have some degree of fear of God in this particular case, and you'll note that false prophets, one of the things they're known for, touch not
God's anointed, thus saith Benny Hinn and others, right? But here's the thing, all of these people, we can say we should have no fear of them, we have a clear word from God, that if because what they spoke and said in his name has not come to pass, that was a word that God did not speak.
Jeremiah Johnson did not hear God say, watch the re -election of Donald Trump.
God didn't say it, flat out. So what does this make him? A false prophet, according to this test in Scripture.
And then I pointed out the other day that Ezekiel 13 is a wonderful passage in this regard, and we should pay close attention to God's disposition towards those who are false prophets.
Ezekiel 13 says, the word of Yahweh came to me, son of man prophesy against the prophets of Israel who are prophesying, and say to those who prophesy from their own hearts, hear the word of Yahweh.
Thus says Yahweh Elohim, the Lord God, woe to the foolish prophets who follow their own spirit and have seen nothing.
I can definitively say Jeremiah Johnson didn't see nothing. Claims to have heard from God?
God didn't tell him to watch the re -election of Donald Trump. Whatever he was listening to wasn't God. Your prophets have been like jackals among ruins,
O Israel. You've not gone up into the breeches or built a wall for the house of Israel that it might stand and battle on the day of Yahweh.
They have seen false visions, lying divinations. They say, declares the Lord, when the
Lord has not sent them, and yet they expect him to fulfill their word. And you'll note,
Jeremiah Johnson, Pat Robertson, and we're gonna see a whole host of others, they have spoken words that God did not give them to speak,
God did not send them, and they fully expected for God to fulfill their word.
I noted yesterday that on our, we, it was actually, so it was on Wednesday when we released the video that I did of reviewing that guy's sermon from Manchester, Audacious Church, that somebody came into the chat during the premiere and said, don't panic, don't worry,
God said that Trump is still going to be the president, he's gonna serve a second term. And I rebuked the person,
I think it was a woman, and said... I saw that, Chris, I thought that was somebody being sarcastic and making a joke.
No, you could tell they weren't. And so I rebuked the person and said, God didn't say that, and I quote, you know,
I referred them to Deuteronomy 18, and that person changed their tune and started then slandering us and saying, well,
I'm gonna leave this chat because it's clearly full of socialists. It's like, what? So I had to quote another fact.
Thou shalt not bear false witness against your neighbor, you know, now slandering.
I'm no socialist or Marxist. You know, that brings up a really common thing
I've noticed, and that is if you have a weak idea, and it's held based on weak foundations, you will see everything else as the polar opposite of it.
So what that person did was, oh, you don't believe the Trump prophecy, therefore you must have voted for Biden, and you love socialism, and you're probably a communist, and you probably are serving the devil.
So they go to one extreme to another, because that's how you protect a really weak idea.
You think that unless you have this idea, you have to have this other really, really terrible idea, when in fact there are multiple ways of looking at something.
Yep, but Scripture clearly is teaching us God did not speak,
God did not say that Trump would be reelected, God did not send these people to say these words, and here's
God's disposition, you know, to the ones who expect them to fulfill their words, have you not seen a false vision, an uttered, a lying divination, whenever you have said, declares the
Lord, although I have not spoken. This clearly applies to them. It's like this verse was written to apply to what has just taken place.
This does not appear to be thousands of years old, this seems like it was written yesterday. And for those sitting there, well, you're quoting the
Old Testament, Rose, bro. My question is, it's like, all right, who then told them that Trump was going to be reelected and serving a second term?
And talking about the last cycle we just went through, who told them that?
It wasn't God. I mean, the only other options are these people are mentally deluded, so the voices in their head mean that they actually need to get psychiatric help, or they're hearing the demonic.
I mean, there's really very little options. Other option is, they're flat -out liars, they just made it up, okay?
So note, then, Ezekiel 13 .8, therefore, thus says Yahweh, Adonai Elohim, because you have uttered falsehood and see lying visions, therefore, behold,
I'm against you, declares Adonai Elohim, the Lord God. My hand will be against the prophets who see false visions and who give lying divinations.
They shall not be in the council of my people, nor be enrolled in the register of the house of Israel, nor shall they enter the land of Israel, and yeah, you get the idea here.
God is not, let's just say, lenient when it comes to people who speak falsely in His name and speak lying visions.
Another text in this regard would be Jeremiah 14, and let me find it in the passage itself.
Let's see here. Then I said, ah, Lord God, behold, the prophets say to them, you shall not see the sword.
Yeah, Jeremiah had to deal with a bunch of false prophets in his time, and I would note, in the irony of ironies,
Jeremiah, the real prophet of God, he was forbidden. They ended up not allowing him to even attend worship in the temple in Jerusalem, and he was the true prophet.
Okay, so the Lord said to me, the prophets are prophesying lies in my name. I did not send them, nor did
I command them to speak. They are prophesying to you a lying vision, worthless divination, and the deceit of their own minds.
Therefore, thus says Yahweh concerning the prophets, who prophesy in my name, although I did not send them, and who say, sword and famine shall not come upon this land.
And you can sit there and say, this applies, then, to the Trumpers, the Trump prophecy people. God didn't send them.
God didn't give them these words. God is against them. These are worthless divinations.
These are lying and deceiving visions. I mean, all of these categories apply to these people.
Yeah, and you know what? Looking at sword and famine shall not come upon this land as being a false prophetic utterance, it sounds eerily similar to the people who said,
Trump is God's man, because if we have Trump, we'll have prosperity, and we'll have successful, great
American, everything is gonna work, blah, blah, blah, sort of thing. But if we don't have Trump, God's hands are tied, and America goes down the toilet.
Well, it's your fault, Kozar, you didn't have enough faith. Yeah, that's the other issue.
Yeah. We'll get into that. But here's the thing. We can definitively say
God did not tell any of these people these things. Not Pat Robertson, not
Jeremiah Johnson, not Chris Vallotton, any of the videos, clips that we're gonna be looking at. God didn't say these things.
The only other options as to where they got, the voices that we're talking to them, is they're crazy, they're liars, or they're hearing demonic voices.
But we can absolutely patently rule out God altogether. And I would be interested if somebody has another option, put that in the comments, where you think these ideas are coming from, because...
And I can hear somebody say, well, Scripture says we prophesy in part. Prophesy in part doesn't mean that we prophesy partly true and partly false.
Right. All right, that's ridiculous. And I would note, I was talking with Justin Peters the other day, and he said something that I thought was worth kind of relaying.
I hope he says it in one of his videos. But he noted that Scripture is very clear that the New Covenant is always described in Scripture as superior to the
Old Covenant. All right? So the New Covenant that we're in, that we have greater sacrifices, better priesthood, all these things that the book of Hebrews talks about.
And his point was, and he asked the question, well, if we are in a greater covenant with greater sacrifices, a greater priesthood, and all these things, then why is it that prophecy tanked?
You know, whereas the Old Covenant, you know, prophets had to get it 100 % right, but apparently in the
New, yeah, you know, you just kind of have to chew the meat and spit the bones. You know, everything is superior in the
New Covenant except for prophecy. It's way worse, you know. Yeah, that was a great point. And I want to make sure people know, it was
Peters, Justin Peters, who said that, not Roseborough. I'm just relaying what he said because I thought that was a brilliant point on his part.
And he's gonna have a video probably out very close to this one. Yeah. Using some of these same clips, and I'm really glad.
I really want as many, you know, knowledgeable people to be commenting and to make these things super super clear.
Yeah. So that Lord willing, this will have a huge impact in the lives of genuine
Christians. That's my hope. My hope is that people who are confused by this, and they have this nagging thing in the back of their mind, like, you know,
I know that all the people I used to follow are saying this is okay, but it doesn't seem okay.
That nagging is the Holy Spirit. And scripture is clear. God is against them. These are worthless divinations.
He didn't send them. He didn't say these things to them. God had nothing to do with this nonsense.
Now, I put out a meme yesterday. Poor, poor Steve Schultz. I mean, he literally staked the entire reputation of the
Elijah List on pink -haired lady, old lady Kat Kerr, who is bat guano crazy, okay?
This is a woman who thinks she can gandalf a hurricane and, you know, and wave her stick at it and send it back off into the
Atlantic. And every time she's done that, you know, I feel terrible for the residents of the
United States and Florida and Georgia. They got walloped, you know? Anyway, so I'm just saying, you know, betting your reputation on Kat Kerr actually having gone up to heaven because,
I mean, the lady lives up there, practically. She's got an apartment or something, you know? Play this clip, and then
I want to mention something about her as well. Okay, all right. So here's the first question. Do you really believe
President Trump is going to be reelected? If you are caught up to the throne of God, and he face -to -face tells you he is winning, there's no doubt whatsoever.
So she's been caught up in the throne of God, there's no doubt he's winning. He will win, because that's God's plan.
This isn't just man's plan, this is God's plan for this time in the year, and he is going to have his way.
There's no doubt whatsoever. He will win, because that's God's plan. That's God's plan, man.
I made a whole video about her in that particular clip, but what I wanted to say was,
Kat Kerr has always been the fringe of the fringe of the fringe, and this thing where she claims to control the weather has been proven utterly false every single time.
She's never done anything to stop any weather phenomena, but she doesn't stop doing it. She just keeps plowing forward.
So she's either a mentally disturbed person who really does think this stuff is real, and I think it's more likely that she is making money doing this.
She goes on the speaking circuit, and she sells crap, and she... I'm sorry, I shouldn't use the word crap.
She sells stuff, and so she's got to keep this thing going. She sells dog excrement.
There we go. So what I noticed, and I was talking to Justin and myself the other day, all three of us have been talking about this.
We were on SocialBlade, thanks to your son Josh, who turned me on to SocialBlade, where you can check all the statistics on everybody's
YouTube channels. Sid Roth's channel has had a huge drop in viewership in the last 30 days.
And it should. And it should, and that's good, but here's the weird thing. The Victory Channel, which is the pseudo news channel from Kenneth Copeland Ministries, they have had a...
I don't remember exactly, but it's four or five times growth. Not a doubling of growth, but two or three or four or five times growth in the last 30 days.
And here's what they did. They didn't do any of the apologies. They became the one channel where you could go, and you could hear that Trump is still our man.
Trump is still gonna win. You just gotta hold on. And they brought the fringe of the fringe of the fringe. They brought
Kat Kerr onto their show just about a week and a half ago, and she was a special guest.
I saw that, man. It was like watching aliens from outer space.
It's just nuts. And I got it in this video, which we probably won't get to, but at the very end of this video,
I recorded her last night on Facebook still doing her shtick. After the inauguration ended, she's making excuses for how it's not over yet, the date doesn't mean anything.
So anyway. All right, let's take a look at Donald. What church is this at? This is the church in Las Vegas that he would sometimes attend.
I forgot the name, but it's a charismatic megachurch in Las Vegas. Got it. Okay. Lord didn't tell that to you, lady.
I know. Here's another view of her saying it again. That's Trump's reaction.
Three meetings. And the Lord said he is ready for the next four years, and I'm giving him a second wind.
You understand that? What? Next four years. She was very specific. Very specific. That didn't work out.
Here's Robert Henderson being very specific as well. I've heard that he's filed a lawsuit in the courts of heaven regarding the...
That's right. No, that's for real. He's filed a lawsuit in the courts of heaven regarding the election results.
Robert Henderson is so bad and so fraudulent and so phony that even the
Remnant radio guys were clear about condemning his teaching. You have to really work hard to get condemned by the
Remnant radio guys, but it's good on them that they would at least do that much. Yep. All right.
Let's take... They did two whole episodes on this guy. Two whole hour -long episodes, but let's take a look at his broadcast.
What they intend to do through him, it will take two terms to do. This is what he said. The army of God.
God didn't say that to you, buddy. Mark Taylor. Yeah, we got to cover this guy. We'll have victory after victory after victory, and I love what
President Trump always says. He says, you're going to get sick and tired of winning if there is such a thing, and that's going to be the same way for the army of God.
It's going to be victory after victory after victory. That didn't work out. Eight -year presidency?
Absolutely. The army of God will have victory after victory after victory, and I love what President Trump always says.
He says, you're going to get sick and tired of winning if there is such a thing, and that's going to be the same way for the army of God. It's going to be victory after victory after victory.
Will it be an eight -year presidency? Absolutely. Absolutely, we will. You're sure about that? Yeah, I'm sure about that.
In a prayer meeting... Mm -hmm. Yeah, that didn't work out. That didn't work out. Lauren Sanford, R.
Lauren Sanford, all right, let's take a look, from NewsongChurchandMinistries .org... ...with our church last week,
I saw in a vision Joe Biden melting away like a digital image disintegrating as the pixels fell apart.
Maybe you just had bad reception on your antenna, dude, because the images
I saw yesterday was with his hand on a really ginormous Catholic Bible, you know, as he was sworn in as the 46th
President of the United States. So yeah, just bad reception here.
I saw him fading into obscurity, and the Lord followed with a passage of scripture,
Psalm 47, starting at verse 1, oh... Well, we know for a fact that wasn't the
Lord who gave you that, so let's rule out God here. This is your own heart, or the devil.
Clap your hands, all peoples. Shout to God with the voice of joy, for the Lord Most High is to be feared, a great king over all the earth.
Great passage has nothing to do with Biden or Trump. He subdues people under us. He subdues peoples under us, and nations under our feet.
He chooses our inheritance for us, the glory of Jacob, whom he loves. I've seen, and I've sensed, that with nothing to lose politically in a second term, the
President will intensify his draining of the swamp. So it's going to be tough for him to drain the swamp, since all the water's flowing right back into it now.
You know, and that guy actually did make a very sincere apology, and he repented and said I was completely wrong.
And this brings up, in my mind, an issue. That was, I think, October 22nd.
What is it that gives somebody like, and he seems like a nice man,
I don't want to sound overly harsh. Obviously, that was a false prophetic word from what we have to call a false prophet.
But he doesn't strike me as a horrible, demonic, you know, anything.
He seems like he sincerely wanted to give what he thought was a word from God. And I'm thinking, why would you do that on October 22nd?
Why would you go out on a limb? What benefit is there to doing that? I see nothing but the potential for harm.
But for whatever reason, as a person in his position with his charismatic background, he thought it was really important for him to go publicly just, what would that be, roughly two weeks before the election, and to make this basically prediction.
It's really Christian fortune telling. What is the benefit? The only benefit is there's a 50 -50 chance that you could be correct.
And then you could say, you know, hey, come to my meeting, buy my book, you know, whatever. Or he could be unselfish.
He could sincerely think that he was helping. But really, how does that help? All the people listening to him, they were going to probably vote for Trump anyway.
And anybody who wasn't going to vote for Trump, they were probably going to vote the same way. So the prophetic utterance,
I just don't see the benefit. It's really weird. And I'm not saying... Not only that, I want to point this out.
And that is that the atheists and the Muslims are having a heyday with these false prophecies. Absolutely. A heyday with it.
They have... These people with their false prophecies have brought severe reproach on the body of Christ and on the
Christian message and on the gospel itself. Severe. And I'm sorry, but I don't care how nice you are, blasphemy and taking
God's name in vain and falsely prophesying are severe, severe ministry disqualifying types of sins.
And I think that brings up another issue, which is, I think that there's a really bad understanding of what it means to speak prophecy or to speak prophetically.
To give a word of prophecy has been loosely interpreted to mean, basically, you're going to predict a future event.
That's the main emphasis. And yet, they're basically, at best, they're making a guess.
That's all it is. And God didn't say these words. And if God did tell them something about the future, you have to wonder, is that really what
God is in the business of doing? Is that the purpose of the church? Is that the purpose of a prophetic ministry? To give us, basically, a heads up on the future.
It's almost like they think that without these little tidbits of information about the future, we can't get by in this lifetime as Christians.
Oh, sure. Jesus died for our sins. We have God's word. We have the Holy Spirit to guide and direct us through God's word.
But that's not enough. We need to have a little bit of extra information about something coming up in the future that the non -Christians don't have.
And I just don't see that. Right. Well, they misuse Amos here in this context. Amos 3, 7, for the
Lord God does nothing without revealing his secret to his servants, the prophets. Over again,
I've heard them quoting this. But this is not a New Testament concept at all.
And clearly, God didn't tell them COVID was coming. Didn't tell them the
BLM riots of last summer was coming. And God clearly didn't let them know
Biden was going to be president. And they didn't even see the insurrection and the riots at the
Capitol on January 6th. None of them saw these things coming, all right? So I'm going to note something here.
And that is that when it comes to these things, the people who are giving these prophecies, we're not talking about Kay Nash.
We're not talking about Princess or Queen Bola Adelani. The people who gave these false prophecies are the cream of the crop, the senior generals of the charismatic movement in the
NAR in many instances. And this calls into question their entire definition, methodology, and who is behind all of the prophecies that they've given.
Because if they can't even get this right with a 50 -50 chance, the question is what else are they wrong about?
That's an excellent point. In this video, I have some of the big names and I have some smaller names. I just tried to find everybody
I could to give a full picture. In fact, the reason I made this video so long, and it's not my typical video with lots of little quick clips and jokes and, you know, kind of humor.
It's really just a catalog. I wanted to, if all these people decide to take down their video at some point,
I wanted to have my video as a document, so to speak, so that we can all say, from here on into the future, this is what happened, whether you like it or not.
This is what happened. In their own words, on their own channels, with their own cameras and their own microphones, this is what they said.
Yep. All right. Let's keep going. Let's slog through some more of these. I'm initially reluctant to release this prophetic word because I'm not comfortable with being seen as some sort of political pundit or political prophet.
My whole focus is the Kingdom of God and how the Kingdom of God is expanded across the face of the earth.
But I'll just share with you what I felt the Lord say to me this morning. The Lord didn't say this.
You know, the scripture says, let the prophets prophesy and let the others judge. So I know some people will judge this word harshly, others will receive it.
The end result is not up to me whether you receive it or not. It's my responsibility to share what
I believe the Lord has shown me. So I felt the Lord say this, that there is a blue wave threatening to engulf the
United States of America. And that blue wave obviously represents the Democrat side of politics.
But I heard the Lord say, for the sake of my remnant and for the sake of the gospel, I am releasing a red wave.
That red wave is the blood of my son, Jesus. Donald Trump.
Misappropriation of the blood of Christ here. Yes. That's really bad. We'll win a second term and we'll enact laws that will protect the clear, clarion call of the gospel going out as never before.
For the sake of the gospel. Well, apparently God doesn't care about the gospel anymore. God didn't tell him this.
Yep. All right, Sid Roth. Who's that fellow in the other block there?
This is the protégé of Jesse Duplantis, the fake doctor, Kevin Sedai. Oh, that's right,
Kevin Sedai, yeah, that's right. He went to heaven for 45 minutes and he's been milking that fake story for years now.
Every time he goes on Sid Roth, he's got a new crazy fantasy world story of what God told him most recently.
All right. Well, let's take a look. I mean, Sid Roth for months now has been, you know, all
Trump, you know, and it didn't pan out for him either. Now most of my prophetic... Can you play this?
Yeah. This is what happens when Sid Roth is in a hurry and he doesn't put on any makeup.
If people want to notice this later on and zoom in, it's very interesting, to say the least.
Friends, every one of them has said to me that even though he's not your consummate politician,
President Trump, he's God's choice. Do you feel that same way? Yes, I believe that without a doubt.
I believe that the Lord had ordained this long ago, Sid. And what's going to... Yeah. Okay.
Mike Lindell. All right. And Stephen Strang of Charisma Magazine. ...happen this election. Donald Trump, I know, is going to win
Minnesota, Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania. Wow.
I can name some of those states where he didn't. Wow. Everywhere.
You know, Ohio, Florida, even Nevada. I mean, these polls are false.
And everywhere you go, on the ground, people... You don't see Biden signs out there. You see...
I'll just take the black demographic, the African -American. Their vote was like 6 % to 8%, I think, in 2016.
He's going to get 20 % to 25 % of that vote. He's done more for African -Americans than anybody in history.
So these are the things I'm seeing. It's going to be the greatest red wave you've ever seen.
Yeah, that didn't pan out either. These are horrifyingly bad. Yeah. And Steve Strang is on the other line with him.
Yeah, Steven Strang actually was selling a book about Trump, and he was interviewing all these people. And Mike Lindell, I don't know if he would say that he was speaking prophetically or not.
That's maybe a distinction that's worth mentioning. Some of them just really believed it.
Most of the people on this video, as far as I can tell, were saying... It wasn't that they believed it. Thus sayeth the Lord. Yeah. Thus sayeth the
Lord is what they were saying. All right. Let's keep going. Well, that's exciting. Hello. Sid Roth here.
I'm here with my friend, Dr. Francis Miles. Francis, you said something to me on the phone last night that got me so excited, because I've heard this phrase before.
I've heard about the November surprise, but God told you there'd be two
November surprises. And not only two November surprises.
He told you who was going to win the presidential election.
So God said to me, in November, there is going to be an overwhelming number of white liberals who talk like they hate the president publicly, but in the secrecy of the ballot box,
God says, I'm going to work a miracle. Each one of these guys is trying to win the
How Wrong Can I Be contest. And I don't know who the winner is. They all get first prize. I mean, who knew that Ellen DeGeneres was voting for Trump?
I mean, who knew, man? And the secrecy of the ballot box. Let's go forward like about 10 minutes, because it just keeps going.
All right. 10 minutes. So I'm going to go to about the 16 minute mark. Hang on.
You know, I got to get Mullet Guy in, I'm sorry. I mean, seriously, if your source for theology and prophetic words is somebody who can't even pull off MacGyver, you know, anyway,
I got to get him in, hang on. And even to establish some things that would work in his behalf. But I need someone to run with him in the spirit to see that accomplished.
Who is going to win? I hate to say it is nearly worse than Kat Kerr.
It is so distracting to look at. I mean, it looks like the guy went to Home Depot and grabbed a mop, went over to Walmart, grabbed some hair dye and colored it up and threw it on his head.
You know, it's interesting in the thumbnail for some of the videos he's in, there's a different picture of him, which has got to be fairly recent.
And his hair was completely different. He had like bangs. And so this hairdo, which looks like it's left over from 1977, is actually a very recent construction.
He's only done that in the last few years. So he thinks this looks good. This was a deliberate decision to style his hair that way.
We don't normally talk about the way people look. If I ever do this, I want you to come to my house and take away my camera.
God's shown you, Robin. Well, you know, I was in a meeting down in Florida and I was listening to the
Lord before this meeting. And this wasn't even on my mind, but this is the way it happens at times.
And I turned around and the news was on and I saw Joe Biden on the screen.
And you remember this. I told you this. I said, I looked around and just out of conversation,
I said, Lord, Joe Biden don't need to be president. And just like this, just like if you'd answered me, he said he won't.
God didn't say that because as of yeah, I mean, so we're recording this on a
Thursday, Kozar. Biden's been president for almost well, actually, for 24 hours now.
24 hours. So God didn't tell him that Biden won't be the president.
Yeah. You know, maybe we should scoot forward a bit because I want to get to what's happening in the last few days.
All right. Give me a timestamp. Give me a timestamp. Let's go to 45 minutes and about 30 seconds. I think that will get us.
We're missing all of these. Oh, man. 45 what? Yeah, just before this
Hank Kuhneman. I can't see what the numbers say. OK, hang on.
I'm at 45, 29. Let me just back up. Let's finish this Kat Kerr.
OK, she's wearing the NASA shirt. So this is recent. OK, hang on. I hope you're not listening to the fake news. There, I said that to you.
You don't even know who you're listening to. After 400 years of bondage to interject himself.
Now, is this on the Kenneth Copeland Victory Network? OK, yeah, that's right.
And Kat Kerr is going to be on that show again tonight. She was she was promoting it on her own
Facebook channel last night. And I have that. Oh, good night. So good night. People are in and I want to.
They're just they're tripling down and they're moving the prophetic goalposts. That's exactly what you're going to hear me say in my quote here.
But yeah, the thing that I I I have to wonder is this channel, like I said,
Sid Roth lost viewers, but the Victory Channel has gained a tremendous amount of new viewers. And if they have monetized, that means they're making probably.
And I know this based on my experience on YouTube. They're probably making tens of thousands of dollars in revenue because they're getting millions of new views.
And just the last few weeks, they're doing it wrong. Yeah, I got to start. I got to stop heresy hunting, man.
I'm not I'm not making that kind of bank on Earth. Anyway, let's let's take a look into a nation of people who had been under harsh taskmasters for 400 years.
Now we're misappropriating the book of Exodus and the the slavery of the children of Israel.
By the way, Chris, did you know that the the Egyptians were communists? According to this guy, he says it twice.
What? Yes. Karl Marx said he had written his
Communist Manifesto back in the B .C. era. What on Earth is he saying?
We may have and there are those that may have been giving up on God. They're seeing that it doesn't appear that anything.
No, no, no, no, no. I want to make something very clear. Anybody who gives up on these false prophets isn't giving up on God.
In fact, it's quite the opposite. You give up on these false prophets and you embrace the truth of Scripture.
Then what you're doing is you're giving up on the devil and his deceptions. All right. Let's just make that clear.
It's changing. It doesn't look like there's anything that has changed. And so they're giving up and they're all looking at somehow that the 20th next week is the deciding factor, whether the prophets are true, whether they're false, whether this nation is going forward or not.
This is called moving the goalposts. So you all right. Let me let me get your commentary in here, because you have great minds.
Think alike, man. Moving the goalposts. January 20th is Inauguration Day, and the president begins his term on this day.
The Electoral College has already declared Joe Biden the winner of the presidential election on January 7th.
Yeah. And Trump got re -impeached. And there's a good chance that that's actually going to stick, which means if if they actually take this thing to trial,
Trump may not be able to ever run again. You know, this is like reading the score after a football game has ended and saying just because one team has more points than the other doesn't mean they won the game.
God is. Right. Yeah. Yeah. I hate to say this to all you out there who don't root for the
Los Angeles Dodgers. Dodgers won the World Series in 2020. Get over it. You can't go back and say, no, no, no.
Spiritually, the Tampa Bay actually won. And this is where somebody like this guy,
Hank Kuniman, he is what we're doing right now.
We're talking off the cuff. I'm OK at it. I'm not as good as you. And there are other people better than both of us.
And this guy. He is amazingly good at it. He talks with confidence.
He sounds like he knows what he's talking about. And what he's saying is utter falsehood. It's incredibly deceptive.
And he does it with authority. And he sounds confident. And but if you take the words apart, and that's part of what
I do with my videos, I watch every single word carefully and I dissect them. And when you do that, which is what nobody ever does, most people are listening and they're just kind of hearing it one time and they're getting a gloss overview.
And if that's all you're doing, it kind of sounds good from a distance. But when you take the words apart and you look at the actual meaning, you see that what he's saying is it's nonsense at best.
And it's really more than nonsense. It's it's actually it's deceit. It's falsehood.
It's lying. Oh, yeah. Yeah. In the name of God, in the name of God, it is utter blasphemy.
This is what it means to take God's name in vain, to carry it into falsehood. I'm not looking at any of this. I've said what
I've said. I'm remembering my covenant. The people may not be remembering the covenant.
What covenant is he referring to? When did God make a covenant with us regarding who's going to be president?
People may be cowering or or or quitting or flip flopping, but God has an intent and it's this he's not taking his hand off of the
United States of America. He's not changing his plan. At this point, nobody should take this man seriously when he.
No, everybody needs to abandon listening to him. You know, no money, no money to Ken Copeland, no money to any of these people.
They're cut them off, cut them off. Well, you know, we'll declare a spiritual embargo, you know.
Can I do that? And he tends to speak on behalf of God and tries to explain what
God's plans might be. Now, here's something that's interesting that that I want to share real quick. And that is this.
And, you know, oftentimes and I wrote this down that, you know, some are feeling like their hope is being doused with next week's events.
Did you ever? They are. You got to see what he does here. There's no hope here. Think about First Kings chapter 18.
When here this prophet stands up. First Kings 18 is where we're at.
Mount Carmel prophets of all and Elijah, right? You've got to be kidding me.
The prophet Elijah and he he begins to declare a prophecy. The God who answers by fire is the true
God. And so he builds this altar and guess what he does? Well, God didn't burn Biden up before the inauguration.
But can you can you even guess what he's going to do with this passage? Let's know. I have no idea. I just want to point this out, though, that those angels that Paula White summoned from Africa, they they
I think they got a lot. They got they they took a round turn in Albuquerque or or they failed to actually pass a covid screening in order to get into the country.
The Gulf Stream lifted them up to the UK or something. Maybe they're in Antarctica now. You know, you never know.
Yeah. All right. I have no idea where he's going with this, but I am already getting like annoyed at the moment as flagrant misuse of scripture.
This man has no fear of God. None. So. All right. Let's go. He's instructed to pour water or douse the very prophetic word.
It almost looks impossible. Are you kidding me?
This is so bad. There's there there's like a there's a level of badness.
And then when you get to the very top, you still haven't reached Hank Kuhneman. He's he's above the highest level of badness.
I don't know what that is. So in other words, Biden being inaugurated is the equivalent of water being poured on the sacrifice.
Well, and what he's doing is he's saying to all the people who are doubting, as they should, they're saying, I don't know if I can trust these men anymore.
He's saying, no, you can't. I never could. Right. But but he's he's trying to protect himself from the obvious doubts that people are having about him and about his his fellow false prophets.
Let him keep going a little bit. In the world, is God going to act now that we just poured water on a prophecy that we just declared that he would answer by fire to some
January 20? Is there dousing if it goes the other way? They think that every prophet is wrong.
Every prophet who said Biden would lose and Trump would have a second term is wrong. There is no other way to look at this.
Hi. I remember that. And there is no way this nation is ever going to go forward.
There's no way that Donald Trump will ever be part of the future plan of how God is going to raise up this nation in greatness.
But I want to say this, right now it looks like... This doesn't sound like anything to do with Christianity. This almost sounds like some weird, idolatrous form of Christian nationalism that these people are promoting.
Yes, that's a good way to put it. I am sorry, but as a warm -blooded conservative growing up in the
Reagan era, I don't recognize this as having anything to do with Christianity or even real love for the
Constitution. Our hopes are being doused. Next week it looks like our hopes are being doused, but that's when the fire falls and things begin to shift and change.
Have you noticed any fire falling in the last 24 hours? That was on the 14th, and he said, you know, the 20th is right around the corner, but it's not here yet.
You wait. When the 20th comes, that's when the fire will fall. Well, the 20th came and left, and these guys are still, they're just pushing the goalpost further down the line.
Wow. There comes a moment when you prayed through, you fasted, you've done what you have to do, and then the outcome is in God's hands, and you have to really look with trust and say, what
God's doing. You know, I have to wonder, is the reason why all these false prophets, they're putting so much energy into doubling and tripling down and moving the prophetic goalposts, due to the fact that they don't care a whit about Trump or America, they care about their money stream, you know?
Yes. One just has to wonder. It's a legitimate question, because they have great,
I mean, if they see a huge drop like Sid Roth did, I would expect that their narrative will change.
They'll go on to something else. It'll be about who knows what. But I do notice something in the, even before the election, they were sometimes mentioning
Trump is going to get reelected, and there's going to be a great revival. So then after he was not elected, but there was still this doubt because the inauguration hadn't happened, they increased the comments about this great revival.
And they decreased the idea that Trump was definitely going to win, although most of them still said that he was definitely going to win.
Now they're saying either Trump is going to come in office, even though he won't, but they still think that that might happen.
But they're really increasing the idea that there's going to be a revival. And the crazy thing is, they said, with Trump, we're going to have a revival.
In other words, we need this election to go towards Trump to have the revival. Now guess what they're saying? Well, because Trump didn't get elected, that means there's going to be a great revival.
So either way, they're still promoting this end times revival thing, which has been going on for decades.
And I'm not against a revival, but that's just part of the story that they sell. And if there is no revival, there is no need for people to watch the next video.
So I really think that whether they would admit to it, and even if they're aware of it, they have to have this idea of this great new thing is coming.
Either that or a really, really bad thing is coming. It's got to be something really sensational.
Well, something's coming. Yeah, that's how you get viewers. If they said, hey, we're going to do a video about teaching the
Bible next week, nobody would watch it. So that's why they're always pushing some crazy, exciting, dramatic, maybe really bad, maybe really good.
We have the inside track. Yeah, this is the stuff your pastor doesn't want you to know. All right.
Let's keep going. Let's keep going. Now, I may not understand, but I'm convinced that God is doing something that is going to become clear to me once he makes his acts known.
Amen. Now, I want to go on record right here, because I know a lot of people have talking heads from hell.
Sorry. Texted, and I know Pastor Hank, you've got this too. Well, are you guys moving off of what you stood for?
Are you saying that this was wrong and are you going to apologize? I'm not backing off one bit.
I'm not. I'm staying right here. I'm not going to repent for blaspheming
God's name. Right. Got it. Pastor Hank, are you backing off? No.
In fact, I'm not. And something that Lance just said, you know, regarding the misery, we cannot forget the pattern of how
God operates. There was so much misery and... Yeah, well, in the past, the pattern that God operated from is, if somebody gives a false prophecy, it doesn't come true, they were stoned to death.
I mean, that's the Old Testament pattern. Are we... Okay. ...and crying out from a communist government, the
Egyptians? What? What? Yeah.
Yeah. You can forward this, because this is me talking over this. Skip forward. Regarding the things that we've seen.
So no, I'm not conceding. But I did write something down, Pastor Gene, that I want to just make a couple of references.
He's not conceding. Right. Who is he? I mean, I didn't know that Hank Kudiman conceding had anything to do with who's the president of the
United States. Yeah, I've conceded that I'm not going to be the next monarch of the
United Kingdom. That's right. You know. Good. Well, it's about time, Rose, bro.
Okay. ...about that I think are important so that people understand why I am committing over the next few nights, weeks, to continue to stand and put my face out there.
First ... Why? Well, God has not spoken to me to repent, to concede.
Oh, yeah. He has. In his word, he has clearly called you to repent of your blasphemy, of your breaking of his commandments, of you speaking false lies in the seat of your own heart.
Oh, yeah. You just haven't read your Bible. God clearly has spoken to you from his word to repent.
And I'm asking that people afford me and others, other prophets, other believers, other pastors, intercessors that are standing right now to hear
God's voice regarding it and some of the demands for repentance that has happened.
I think we're going to find has been a little bit premature because ... This just goes on and on.
Premature. So, let me ask you this. Is this entire video going to be up on your channel? Oh, yeah.
Oh, yeah. Okay. All right. The whole thing. All right. So, I think we're just belaboring the point at this point because I think we've done a fine sampling.
And for those of you who are gluttons for punishment and would like to watch the thing in its entirety ... And you know what
I might do? I might make a shorter, funnier version because this is so painful. But I wanted to ...
Basically, I had somebody email me and say, I really appreciate the way you compile things, but can you make one without all the jokes so I can send it to my charismatic friends because there's a better chance they might watch the whole thing.
And I said, you know, that's a good idea, especially with this Trump thing and all the false prophets all doing the same thing.
I thought it would be a good idea. So ... Okay. So, all right. So, those of you who've hung on this long on our video ...
We just dropped the playhead at several different places and you got the idea. But I do think that this will become the encyclopedia of false prophecies regarding Trump.
And you know what? There's more. I could have made a five hour video. I could have made a 10 hour video.
I don't think my computer would have functioned. I think you'd be put in an institution if you tried that.
Yes, that's true. There's only so much the human psyche can take. But this long, hour, 20 minute long thing that you put together, people will be able to view it at the
Messed Up Church YouTube channel if you want to watch it in its entirety. And this will be the non -joke version that people can send to their charismatics and call them to repent, man.
Call them to repent. And again, this is real simple. I'm not a communist.
I'm not a Marxist. I am a firm, conservative, confessional, constitutional guy.
But all of that being said, Trump lost. And it's time for you to get over that fact.
Whether or not there was cheating involved, if these prophets were really telling the truth, then
God would have said, well here's what's going to happen. Trump's really going to win, but they're going to cheat and they're going to steal the election.
That's what the song they would have been singing all the way back in September and October and November. That's the song they were singing.
But none of them said that. Trump's going to win. He's got four more years.
He's going to do all this stuff for the sake of the gospel and the remnant and all this kind of stuff. And all these people are false prophets.
And that's what they are. They need to be cut off. Everybody needs to stop watching them, sending money to them, listening to them.
If these people were truly penitent, they would not say, well I missed it, I made a mistake.
They would say, I blaspheme God's name, I'm a false prophet, and repenting means me leaving ministry.
And if they want to then go and attend a reputable seminary and have some accountability along them and have some kind of path to restoration, but not in prophetic ministry, then they can discuss that with whatever reputable church body and organization that they want to be accountable to.
But the thing is, is that you know why they're not going to repent and why they're not going to go away? Because none of these guys have any accountability at all.
They are accountable only to themselves, and as long as they're able to deceive people and make them believe that they are speaking prophetically from the voice of God, they're going to continue on and make a killing, a lot of money doing so.
Anything you want to add? Some of the smaller people that most people have not heard of who made these false prophetic utterances,
I would give them the benefit of the doubt and say they're not doing it for the money. But for the really famous ones, the ones that we focused on, yeah, there's definitely an element of profit involved that you just have to take into account.
It's just so obvious that this story of this false prophetic thing has made them a lot of money, and maybe in some cases, the smaller ones, that's not the case.
So I want to be fair to some of these small time, because I did put some people in my video who are not very well known and who are,
I would say, genuinely deceived. And my heart is, I don't talk about my heart very much because I don't like that language, but my heart really is to give information to people, compare it to Scripture so that they can find freedom in God's Word.
That's kind of the bottom line. There is freedom in the unchanging Word of God.
And there is no freedom in the false prophets who say some things that might sound good and other things that are obviously false.
Why do you put yourself into that place where you have to constantly decide what's true and not true? Just trust
God's Word. That's my plan. And get to a church where these people have no sway or influence, and you don't have to worry about them showing up in your church as a special speaker or anything like that.
Get into a church where the pastor only cares about rightly proclaiming God's Word, proclaiming repentance and the forgiveness of sins, and exegeting and expositing the
Word of God correctly. That's what you need. All these other yahoos, they are sent by the devil.
You know what they are, Chris? What are they? Basta. Ah, see, you know. That's how you end a program right there.
You can't top me. I got the basta. You know, I'm capable of switching scenes and cutting your microphone is what
I'm able to do. Josh, take the Sidney Jacobs basta thing and stick it in here right at this point.
Basta! It'll be the best video ever, I'm telling you. Without basta, you're not - I'm not going to tell him not to, because he'll do it.
All right, well, Steve, thank you for your time, and thank you for your work, and I pray that this video will help people.
It's time for the body of Christ to wake up. These people have never been telling us the voice of God from their dreams, their visions, and their so -called prophecies.
All of these people have been prophesying their delusions of their own mind, and it shows up in the fact that they are constantly filling our heads with words that don't come from God.
That being the case, they aren't going to disciple you in the doctrines of Christ and what
Scripture says. They are false teachers, they are false prophets, and they are the ones that Christ describes in the
Sermon on the Mount when he says that, on that day, people will say to me, Lord, Lord, do we not prophesy in your name?
Do we not perform mighty signs and wonders in your name? And he'll say, depart from me, I never knew you, you workers of lawlessness.
That's what these people are, and it's time for us to adopt Scripture's view, God's view of these people, and consider that blaspheming
God's holy name and prophesying falsely is not something that we should take lightly.
It's something that we should consider so serious of a crime that it disqualifies somebody from being heard within the visible body of Christ.
That's what I think Scripture teaches us to do, because God wills for these people to be silenced.
See Titus chapter 1 if you're not sure about that. But Kozer, I'm going to sign off real quick, and we'll chat afterwards about your
BOSTA breakthrough here. If you found this video helpful, all the information on how you can share the video is down below in the description, and until next time, may
God richly bless you in the grace and mercy won by Jesus Christ, his vicarious death on the cross, for all of your sins.