Noah's Ark and Sodom & Gomorrah Archeological Sites with Pastor Todd Find


PhD and Pastor Todd Fink covers Noah's Ark and Sodom & Gamorrah from a Historical and Archeological point of view. If you are unfamiliar with these teachings in the bible, it's time to hear about it. Excellent presentation. Please like our video and subscribe to our channel [email protected]


Good evening, and thank you for joining us. We're creation fellowship, and we were in Santee.
We've been meeting for 10 years, eight years in person and presently online for two years.
We're a group of people who come together to learn more about the six day creation account that happened some 6000 years ago.
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I send out one email a week, just letting you know who's speaking. We're doing a new thing this year we're including throughout all ages ministry in memory of Joe Guyana and Stacey, his wife widow is now the
CEO, and to tell us more about Tam is Diane. Okay.
Yeah, throughout all ages ministries 1530 apologetics goes into the public high schools to build up the students character and intellectually think about their worldview, and to weigh it with truth.
For more information you can go to throughout all ages .com.
You can also follow Stacey gay owner on Facebook it's STA see a y g a o n a.
And you can go to Christ girl on YouTube to follow her story. Thank you,
Diane. Tonight's speaker is pastor and PhD, Todd think he's the founder and director of go missions to Mexico and the
Holy Land site ministries is his an extensive bio. So I'm just gonna hit some highlights.
He holds the following degrees, Bachelor of Theology from Freelandia Bible College, Master of Divinity Studies at Western Seminary and Master of Theology from Freedom Bible College and Seminary Master of Divinity from Trinity theology, theological seminary, and a
PhD in theology from Trinity theological seminary. He served as a youth associate pastor for 11 years, and at about a evangelical church in Oregon from 1987 to 1998.
So Pastor Todd. If you could open us in prayer, and then you're free to speak for as long as you need to.
Okay, thank you. What's a real honor to be here with you all. So let's go ahead and begin with a word of prayer.
Heavenly Father we come before you. We acknowledge Lord that you are our creator.
We exist by you and, and because of you. And Lord we asked this this evening that you would be with us we invite you to be with us pray
God that you would open our hearts or pray that you give us a hunger for your word for your truth
Lord. Pray that you would just grant us grace or pray that you would be with each person in their knees and their struggles.
Lord we just ask that you would speak to us tonight and just give us a real joy as we spend this precious time together.
We pray these things in your name. Amen. Okay, well thank you all for joining and we're going to go, we're going to be talking about two large topics, but we're going to do that in a smaller scale because I want to get plenty of time for q &a at the end here.
So we're going to break this down into two parts. The first part is going to be Noah's Ark, we're going to be talking about that some of the evidence for the location of it.
Then we're going to be talking about Sodom and Gomorrah so we're going to go ahead and roll here.
So the great flood. Was it a real event, the answer is yes it was a real event it wasn't a myth.
It's mentioned 47 times throughout the Bible, with references in nine different books, such as Genesis Chronicles, Isaiah, Ezekiel, Matthew, Luke Hebrews and first and second
Peter most people don't really realize I didn't really until I really researched this, how many times that the flood is mentioned in these nine different books.
So this means Moses, Isaiah, Ezekiel, Jesus, the Apostle Peter the author of Hebrews, all attest to the truthfulness of this catastrophic event as being literal and real.
Now what's very notable in all of this is that Jesus reference Noah and the flood, five times in the gospel accounts and this is weighty evidence of the reality and truthfulness of Noah's Ark, and the great flood because Jesus referred to it as being a literal event, not some myth or fairy tale, as many believe today in fact there is even a growing number among the big camp of evangelicals that are moving away from a literal six day creation, a literal flood account and these things are becoming mythical figurative in fact, the first eight chapters of Genesis is highly contested and like I say many in the camp of evangelicals are moving away from literal to figurative.
However, that presents a great problem for them because Jesus spoke about it as a real event.
And Jesus is just not any person as we would all agree so in Matthew 24 36 and says, but about that day talking about his second coming.
No one knows. And pardon me but about that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven or the sun but the
Father alone for the coming of the Son of Man will be just like the days of Noah.
For as in the days before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage until the day that Noah entered the ark, and they did not understand until the flood came and took them all away.
So will the coming of the Son of Man be and once again, Jesus spoke about Noah, five times.
So it is a real event that did happen and it's found all throughout
Scripture. Now, a lot of people would ask, why would God send such a catastrophic flood upon the earth.
Well Genesis six five through eight tells us exactly why it says then the Lord saw that the wickedness of mankind was great on the earth.
I'm reading from the NASB version if you would like to follow, and that every intent of the thoughts of their hearts was only evil continually.
So the Lord was sorry that he had made mankind on the earth, and he was dream in his heart, and the
Lord said, I will wipe out mankind, whom I have created from the face of the land, mankind and animals as well and crawling things, and the birds of the sky, for I am sorry that I have made them, but Noah found favor in the eyes of the
Lord. So what we see here is that there was great wickedness on the earth.
So from the time of the creation until the great flood is approximately about 2000 years, we know that by following the genealogies.
So during this period, it just continually grew worse and worse and work so that the thoughts of all were just continually evil.
And so evil causes great heartache and suffering. So actually, this was an act of mercy, but because it lead alleviated the righteous which were few.
But anyway, it was because of their great wickedness that God sent the flood. Now, God is a just God.
Did God give the wicked an opportunity to repent before the flood? The answer is yes.
It says in 2 Peter 2 .5 that Noah is referred to as a preacher of righteousness.
That means he was a preacher and he preached to the people of his day to repent and turn from their wickedness to God.
So he built the ark, simultaneously preached and the ark was a tool through which he did preach as well.
Because it was something very unique. There had never been a flood before and it never rained before.
So this was very, very unique. So it was a tool that Noah could use inspired by God.
And so we don't know exactly how long Noah preached to the people of his day, but it could easily have been between around 50 to 100 years.
And then to those who didn't directly hear Noah's preaching, they had a conscience given to them by God, God's laws written in their hearts, and God's spirit convicting them of their wickedness, as it says in Romans 2.
So everyone, even though they don't hear the verbal message, they have the internal spirit of God that speaks to them through their conscience, through his laws written in their hearts, and as it says in Romans 1, through creations, so that no one is without excuse.
So God gave everyone ample time to repent and to turn to him, but they chose not to.
Now, where did the water come from that flooded the whole earth? Some people have a problem with this.
It says in Genesis 7, 11 through 12, in the 600th year of Noah's life, in the second month, on the 17th day of the month, on that day, all the fountains of the great deep burst open and the floodgates of the sky were open.
The rain fell upon the earth for 40 days and 40 nights. So this means that the water came from two sources, came from the fountains of the deep and from the floodgates of the sky.
And so the earth then rapidly filled up with water. Now, it appears that during this time that the continents were formed and the fountains of the deep opened and the water gushed out.
So it's believed by many that that's when the continental plates shifted and then because you had this fountains of the deep opening up.
And then it's also believed that the water canopy that God had created at creation says that there was the water expanse above that before the flood, the earth was like a huge greenhouse that was tropical in nature worldwide.
That's why we find tropical fossils in places like the North and South Pole. So there was this water canopy around the earth, but when the flood came, the canopy came down.
And so this canopy came down, the earth's atmosphere changed drastically because there was no longer a water canopy to protect the earth and keep the heat in.
Rapid cooling took place at the northern and southern poles in the higher mountains. And this is evidenced by animals found frozen instantaneously in the poles and higher mountains.
And also, as we mentioned, we find fossil, we find tropical fossils in the pole area.
So it seems really like this is what it was. There was a canopy above the earth. When the flood came, it came down, exposed the atmosphere, you had instant freezing simultaneously on the poles.
Now, how long was there water on the earth? This escapes many of us that we would think, oh, maybe it rained 40 days, 40 nights.
Soon after that, no one got off the flood. The reality is, as you can see here in this photo, the water was on the earth up until about day 278.
And then 285 day, Noah sends out the dove and stuff.
And then day 314, the earth's surface is dried up. And on day 370, that's when Noah and his family finally leave the ark.
So there was water on the earth for around 285 plus days.
And Noah and his family and the animals were on the ark for 370 days total.
That's well over a year. That's a long time. But that's what the Bible says.
Now, we're going to look at some evidence that supports Noah's ark at the Drupanar site.
Now, there's basically two options at this point. Well, there's more, but there's two main options that have become popular over the past years.
One is on top of Mount Ararat. And then the other is the Drupanar site, which we're going to be talking about today.
And I have to be honest, the research that I have done leads me to believe that the greatest, the best candidate for the location of Noah's ark is at the
Drupanar site. And I'm going to share some of that with you. And then at the end, if we have time, you might have the question, well, what about Mount Ararat?
Why shouldn't we consider it? And we can talk about that if you'd like. So what is the evidence that supports
Noah's ark at the Drupanar site? And I'm just going to kind of walk through this fairly quickly if I may.
I should say that, once again, we're sharing just a small part of what we could share.
If you want to watch our videos about this, you can do that, which will be far more extensive.
And you can find those at holylandsite .com. So the location of the
Drupanar site, the Drupanar site was named after a pilot who was flying for a mission.
And he spotted this. And so he took pictures of it. It was named after him. But this site, this Drupanar site, has been venerated for millenniums.
And we're going to be showing you evidence of the way in which it's been venerated or recognized for thousands and thousands of years.
Okay, so it's not a new site. It's an old site, actually. So it's in the mountains of Ararat, as the
Bible says. So it says in Genesis 8, 4, then in the seventh month, on the seventh day of the month, the ark rested upon the mountains of Ararat.
So notice that the ark came to rest in the mountains of Ararat. It doesn't say that it came to rest on the mountain of Ararat.
So this means it could have come to rest in the region of Ararat. So it appears that this
Ararat was a region. Okay, so according to the Encyclopedia Britannica, the name
Ararat, as it appears in the Bible, is the Hebrew equivalent of Uar2, the
Assyrio -Babylonian name of a kingdom that flourished between the Aras and the upper
Tigris Rivers from the ninth to the seventh century B .C. So this was a kingdom.
The Bible even says it was a kingdom. I would read that to you, but I won't because of time's sake. But it was a region.
And so it says that the ark came to rest on the mountains of Ararat, which seems to be this region area, not necessarily on the mountain.
Here you can see the region of Uar2 or Ararat.
And then here's a map that shows where the location of the
Jerubinar site is in relation to the Black Sea, the Caspian Sea, and East Turkey.
So it's here, as you can see. And then you can see where Mount Ararat is.
And then here's the area in which the evidence, there's a lot of evidence that has been undercover, revealed.
Okay, so then you can see here, this is a close -up somewhat of an area that has a lot of evidence, which is called the
Arsat. And it has the drogue stones, which we'll be talking about, what appears to be some evidence for Noah's house ruins,
Noah's altar, and corrals and things like that, that someone claimed would be the evidence for Noah's Ark.
So we'll be talking about that a little bit later. So now let's look at this boat -shaped object.
And right here is this boat -shaped object. And you can see the photos of it here.
There's substantial evidence that has been found in this boat -shaped ark, or this boat -shaped object, we'll say.
One, it fits the general ark dimensions of 300 cubits by 50 cubits wide and by 30 cubits high.
Its length is exactly 30 royal cubits, which is 515 feet long, or 157 meters.
Its width is larger than the royal cubits. So anyway, it really seems to fit the size of the ark.
Now, it is a little bit wider, and this has been explained by the belief that as it decomposed, the walls fell outward.
Now, it is unique that this shape is shaped like the ark, and there's a lot of evidence in this that we'll just look at briefly.
It has three distinct layers that have been discovered by these geophysical scans. And then
Ron Wyatt dug a six -inch hole shaft, and he found some petrified animal dung, deer antlers, cat hair, human hair, and other fibers.
Let me just say for the record that just because I quote someone in their discoveries does not mean that I endorse everything about them or what they claim to discover.
I'm just simply citing just some evidence from this person. And then there were some metal detector tests taken over the years that reveal a distinct organized pattern of metal beneath the surface, and metal objects as well that seem quite unique.
And then there's been some scans taken that seem to reveal there's something underneath here.
You can see some photos here where it looks like there's ribs to this structure.
Some just, like I say, just discoveries that have been made within it. There have been found four intact metal rods by the
Turkish government. And once again, some of these objects seem to be man -made and not just from nature.
So in June of 1991, there was an object that was discovered. It was a large rivet with a washer around it that appears, and it's believed to have fastened the large timbers of the ark together.
And the analysis of the object showed that it was made of various metals, such as titanium, aluminum, iron, and such.
And these metals, according to the Encyclopedia Britannica, are not found in nature.
They are man -made materials. Here's a picture of the rivet that you can see here.
Okay, and then there was also found... Once again, I'm going to kind of just move through this.
You'll be able to see this stuff if you want to go back, or once again, if you want to watch these videos on our website.
But there was some petrified wood that appears to have been discovered here as well.
And you can see a piece of that. It seems to be laminated, so it wasn't just like a solid piece of wood.
It seems to have been laminated together. And then now we're going to talk about these drogue and anchor stones.
Now, this is what I would say. These drogue and anchor stones fascinate me, and to me, they are the greatest evidence.
Now, the boat -shaped object, we can dispute that. I know some would. But these drogue stones and anchor stones, we'll tell you what they are, are really...
I think they're the strongest evidence to be with you, and they're really persuasive to me. So we have around 30 of these stones that have been found in this area.
And they are shaped like tombstones, but they have these holes in them. And they're not uncommon.
In fact, we'll show you pictures later on. They were used in the ancient world when I was at Caesarea Maritime there in the
Mediterranean. You can see these drogue stones there. They're found by the Nile. They're not unique. They were used to stabilize ships.
They were ship stabilizers that would hang down from the ship. They were like a sailboat. They were ballast.
So they're very unique. And I told you about these. They were attached to the ship so that they weren't driven to and fro.
And there's around 30 of these that have been found scattered from east to west. Or west to east, pardon me.
And so it appears as the arc was coming down that these drogue stones hit. That's what they're called, these drogue stones.
That's what the name of them are. And so that they kind of just broke loose and then were scattered along.
Now these drogue stones are 200 miles from the closest ocean.
And about 5 ,300 feet or 1 ,650 meters above sea level.
Why in the world are they there? They have no business being there. Other than that, a huge ship like the arc dropped them there.
So why someone would haul them up there is that makes no sense.
And they are the largest drogue stones found in the world. And this would make sense as the arc was massive in size and would need extra large stones to stabilize it.
Now many of these stones have carvings on them from early
Christians visiting the sites in the Crusader period. They carved crosses on them.
And then several of the stones have been used as grave markers. So there's a lot of ancient carvings on these stones.
So once again, this Drupanar site, while it's a new name for this site, is not a new site.
It's been venerated for millenniums. Now one of these stones has an ancient carving that appears to be the
Tower of Babel. And then some other ancient writings.
So here's just some photos of some of these drogue stones here. This one's broken off.
You can see how they were used in ancient ships, how they would hang down. Once again, they had a hole through them at the top.
And here's some photos of other drogue stones that were used. So once again, they're not some unique new phenomenon.
They were common in the ancient world. Once again, why these stones, these massive drogue stones, were at an elevation of 5 ,300 feet, 200 miles away from any ocean, any large body of water, is very unique.
You can see some more of these drogue stones. Here's one here that you can see pretty clearly.
Now, so we have these drogue stones that are quite unique. Again, all around the area, the names of the places are very unique and are related to the
Noah's Ark event. So we have the Village of the
Eight. That is, today is called, it used to be called
Kazan. Today it's called Gilyar. Some of these names, the crocker bird won't land, the crow bird won't land.
This Ziyaret Dagi means to take a voluntary pilgrimage, likely refers to the pilgrimage of Noah.
The Mizengali Town. This is drawn from the same name as Moses.
So the root word is Mosher, but it seems
Moses shares the same word, root word. Nasser, which means to make a sacrifice.
I'd say you just have these names that are very unique and they're old names that have been brought through the languages, so they're not something new.
And so they just really seem to give greater evidence that this area, once again, has a long historical background to it.
And then of course, due to the history of this site, the Turkish government designated the place as Noah's Ark National Park.
Now, that does seem to give a little bit of weight. And here's a picture of the visitor center.
They have plans to refurbish it. Here you can see it. You can see in the background Mount Ararat and the smaller, lesser
Ararat. I should mention that this boat -shaped object is down below the visitor center.
Then also, some have claimed that the evidence for Noah's home, gray gravestone markers in a stream by Noah's home that provided water for crops, vineyards and animal husbandry can be found, and then a large rock where possibly
Noah offered sacrifices. And this is in the town of Arsat.
And here you can see this used to be a structure, but when word got out that in the 80s that this was possibly by Westerners and places like that, that this was
Noah's Ark area, then grave diggers and relic hunters came in and just demolished things, looking for relics and things of that nature.
But we have photos of it from years past where it's standing.
Anyway, here's a photo of Arsat, and then up here is where Noah's home and stuff like that someone claimed would be.
Here's some old photos of Noah's home claimed to be standing, and here's a tomb that was there that has an interesting photo on it.
This is a recreation, but it was from what was there. Anyway, they believe it was a tomb of Noah's wife because right here her head is kind of hanging down.
So anyway, that's the belief there. There are also many ancient relics that one would expect to find at a site venerated for thousands of years here.
This looks like it is, maybe some believe that there's three layers here, which were the three layers of the
Ark someone claimed. Here you have some Crusader markings on a stone, but what's unique is there are eight crosses here for Noah and his family, which were eight in total.
You have some carvings. This is Crusader. Here are some writings from,
I believe these are Turkish or Uartu or something dating way back.
Some say they're not decipherable. Others say that they are. I don't know. I don't speak that language.
Here's another stone with just different carvings on it. Just a unique shape here.
Just things that are just old and ancient at this place. And then there are a number of historical, supposedly eyewitness accounts that claim that they had seen the
Ark or it could be seen. Josephus, Labius Josephus, is one who was a contemporary of Christ during that period.
Shortly after, who claims that the Ark could be seen. And so that's one reason, just one small reason, that would lead me to believe that the
Drupanar site is a better candidate than on top of Mount Ararat. Because Mount Ararat, it's the claim is that the
Ark has been kind of in a glacier and it can be seen on rare occasion. These people all say it can be seen.
Okay. Anyway, here's the Mount Ararat. It's a massive, it's over 17 ,000 feet high.
And you can see it here. And if we have time, we can revisit and I can tell you some reasons
I think are very credible why it doesn't seem like the Ark being on top of the mountain up here is really a good candidate.
I'll leave it at that. So when we're done, we can do that. Okay, so now we're going to move into our
Sodom and Gomorrah talk. Once again, I know that these are big subjects that we could spend much time on, but we're just kind of reducing these down.
And then we'll give you guys some Q &A at the end. So Sodom and Gomorrah. The story begins with God telling
Abraham that he's going to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah because of their wickedness. So it says in Genesis 18 and the
Lord said the outcry of Sodom and Gomorrah is indeed great and their sin is not just a little bit.
It is exceedingly great. That means it's serious, huge.
I will go down now and see if they have done entirely according to its outcry, which has come to me. And if not,
I will know. God already knows, but he's just speaking here in the sense of language we can understand.
So then during a dialogue between Abraham and God, Abraham pleaded with God to spare the cities on account of the righteous ones living in them.
So Abraham's looking at this from a justice standpoint. God says, okay, I'm a just God. If there are 10 winds down, he starts off with many winds down to 10.
Says if there's just 10, I won't destroy the city. Now, what's interesting is that in this
Dead Sea Valley, this Dead Sea region, Scripture says that it was watered like the garden of the
Lord. That's why Lot chose it. And there were millions of people that lived in this valley.
It was they have found 500 ,000 graves, mass graves there. So it was it was very, very populated.
And so the fact that they couldn't find 10 righteous people out of these hundreds and hundreds of thousands speaks of just how extreme they were.
So it says in Genesis 13, 13, now that men of Sodom were wicked, once again, exceedingly, and sinners against the
Lord. And so now we're going to see, we're going to read this, because I think it's important.
The wickedness of Sodom and Gomorrah revealed. So why did God destroy Sodom and Gomorrah?
Well, he says it's because of their great wickedness. Now, let's see in detail what that entails. So in Genesis 19, we pick up the story.
It says, now the two angels came to Sodom in the evening, and they were angels that met with Abraham.
And Lot was sitting at the gate of Sodom. When Lot saw them, he rose to meet them and bowed down with his face to the ground.
And he said, now, behold, my lords, please turn aside into your servant's house and spend the night and wash your feet.
Then you may rise and then you may rise and go on your way. Rise early and go on your way.
They said, however, no, but we shall spend the night in the square. So in those times, people that would travel would come to a square.
And it was the obligation of the townspeople to take them in for the night. They didn't necessarily have hotels like we did today.
The hotels were other people's houses, and they would put them up, feed them, and things like that. So they said, no, but the angel said, no, we'll just spend the night in the square.
Yet he urged them strongly, so they turned aside to him and entered into his house.
And he prepared a feast for them and baked bread, and they ate. So this is
Lot who invites these angels in to the square. He says, hey, it's dangerous there. Don't.
I'll feed and take care of you. Okay, so he does. Verse four. But before they lay down, the men of the city, the men of Sodom, surrounded the house, both young and old, all the people.
They called to Lot and said to him, where are the men who came to you tonight?
Now these angels appeared in the form of men, so they didn't know that they were angels. Bring them out to us that we may have relations with them.
Okay, so I think we can all understand that. What kind of relations? Sexual relations with them. So men with men.
But Lot went out to them at the doorway and shut the door behind him and said, please, my brothers, do not act wickedly.
So this sexual relation was wickedly. Lot recognized that. Now, behold,
I have two daughters who have not had relations with men, with man. Please let me bring them out to you and do to them whatever you like.
Only do nothing to these men in as much as they have come under the shelter of my roof. We could spend an hour on that passage right there.
Why Lot did that to me is just utterly foolish. But anyway, he did it.
But they said, stand aside. Furthermore, they said, this one came in as an alien.
So now we have the townspeople speaking. These men say, stand aside. So they're getting bold. Furthermore, they said, this man came in as an alien and already he is acting like a judge.
Now we now we will treat you worse than them. So they pressed hard against Lot and came near to break the door.
But the men, the two angels, I'm going to icon this down.
I can't see exactly what it says because my the the boxes are covering.
But the two angels said something. What did they say?
Reached out and reached out to Lot. Okay. Okay, yeah, I got I need to see if I'm going to icon this down.
There I go. Okay, now I can see. Okay. Reached out their hands and brought Lot. And they called Lot and said to him.
I know. Okay. So into the house with them. So back up right here. But the men, these two angels reached out their hands and brought
Lot into the house with them and shut the door.
They struck the men who were at the doorway of the house with blindness, both small and great, so that they wearied themselves to find the door.
So these angels executed judgment on the spot here to some degree.
Okay. So then God warns Lot and his family to flee and get out to save their lives.
It says in Genesis 1912. Then the two men said to Lot. Whom else have you have here?
A son -in -law and your sons and your daughters and whomever you have in the city, bring them out of the place where we are going to destroy this about to destroy this place because their outcry has become so great before the
Lord that the Lord has sent us to destroy it. Now, I'll just say here is a footnote.
I think the text is really obvious. What the big reason is, is why God's going to destroy these towns.
Not only are they extremely wicked, but one of the manifestations of that that's being brought to light here is homosexuality.
That is what is standing out and glaring at us in the text here.
And we'll see about that a little bit later. So then God destroys Sodom and Gomorrah.
So Genesis 1923, it says, so I should mention it to fill in the story a little bit.
So we know that Lot, it just is, you know, he's just not wanting to go.
He has no sense of urgency. So finally, the angels have to just grab him and drag him out. Basically, tell them not to look back.
His wife looks back and she becomes a pillar of salt. We'll see that right here. So it says the sun had risen over the earth.
When Lot came to Zor, Zor is located south of Sodom and Gomorrah. Then the Lord rained on Sodom and Gomorrah brimstone and fire from the
Lord. Now, brimstone is the old fashioned word for sulfur out of heaven.
And he overthrew these cities and all the valley and all the inhabitants of the cities and what grew on the ground.
But his wife from behind him looked back and she became a pillar of salt. Now, Abraham arose early in the morning and went out to the place where he had stood before the
Lord. So Abraham was up on top of the plateau that overlooks the valley, the
Dead Sea Valley. So the geology is it rises steeply up. And so Abraham was able to look down and see this.
And he looked down towards Sodom and Gomorrah and toward all the land of the valley. And he saw and behold, the smoke of the land ascended like the smoke of a furnace.
Thus, it came about when God destroyed the cities of the valley that God remembered
Abraham and sent Lot out of the midst of the overthrow. And he overthrew the cities in which
Lot lived. So what you have is this raining down of fire and brimstone upon this whole valley.
It wasn't just upon Sodom and Gomorrah. There were five cities in the valley.
I'm going to show you a map of that shortly, wherein God rained down this fire.
And these I will talk about it. But these remains of this sulfur, this brimstone is found all over in these five cities to this day.
In fact, we just got back from Jerusalem and I found one ball that I'm going to show you. So there were a total of five cities that were destroyed.
Sodom, Gomorrah, Zorah, Adam and Zebulun. And this is where they are located.
And you can see what's interesting is that that the geology, the lay of the land, the type of soil, if we can call it that, is very unique in each of these places.
The soil is just very different than other places around the area. So there's also some eyewitness accounts of Sodom and Gomorrah, their location.
Josephus said he could see it in his day. And as I mentioned, archaeologists have discovered around 500 bodies and graves around Sodom and Gomorrah.
And there are a lot of these brimstone, old fire, old name for sulfur balls in these cities. Now, this sulfur is unique to any other sulfur around the world.
It's around 90 to 95 percent pure. Other sulfur is more green. It's found in mine.
It runs about 45 to 50 percent. This is white. It's like pumice.
It runs 90 to 95 percent pure sulfur. In fact, you can light it on fire and it burns a blue flame.
And it's only found in these cities and not in between. So here you can see a little bit of one burning here.
Here are some of these sulfur balls. So also,
I guess I'll just show you real quick if you would like. I'll bring this back up so I can see myself.
Anyway, I think you guys can see me fine. Anyway, can you see this? I see a handful.
OK, so is the camera not on me? Can you can you see me? It will depend on how people have their own.
OK. Well, anyway, OK, so people aren't. That's fine. So then later, if you want to put the camera on me,
I can show you one. I found it. They're basically the same, so it's not necessary. OK, so there's also a lot of a lot of ash in these areas as well, which fits the biblical narrative.
It says in 2 Peter 2 6. And if he condemned the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah to destruction by reducing them to ashes, having made them an example to those who would live ungodly lives thereafter.
So there's just a large amount of ash, charcoal and calcium sulfate in these areas which reveal that there was just overwhelming heat here and should be mentioned that there's no geothermal activity, which means volcanoes or anything like that that would cause this ash, charcoal and this calcium sulfate.
So very, very interesting. Here's one of the sulfur balls. So also, in addition to these other evidences, there's just there's just a lot of unique shapes in these areas.
They're just unique. I guess over here it looks like a Sphinx. So here it looks like a pyramid.
So there's just different buildings that just look just unique. You can see that the color of the ground is different than other places around it.
These structures, they just seem to have like corners. And I don't know. They're 4 ,000 years old.
It says they were reduced to ashes. They just look unique.
And all these sulfur balls are the only way I can explain it. Others would disagree and say that there's other places.
But I'm not a hard and fast on this. I wouldn't pound any stakes or die on any hill for this.
But it's just unique. I'll just say that. They're just all these cities are very unique. And they're the only places where you're going to find these sulfur balls.
Once again, you can see some of these shapes. So we'll wrap up this right here.
And then we'll go into our Q &A. We're going to have just a little bit of application here, though. What we find with Sodom and Gomorrah and what we find with Noah in the
Ark, is that they're repeatedly used throughout Scripture as warnings of judgment to come.
Judgment is an unpopular topic. We don't like it. Sometimes we wrestle with God's justice.
We want to frame God as just a loving God who just kind of winks at everything. But God is also a just God.
And so we see that everyone will give an account.
They will stand before God. They will give an account. And so we see that the Ark, Noah's Ark, that event, the great flood, and Sodom and Gomorrah are used more than any other examples as judgments to come.
So if judgment already happened, what would lead me to believe that what's prophesied to happen is not going to happen?
I would be a fool, if I can say it that way, to think that God, what he did say happened, but now what he does say is not going to happen.
That would be irresponsible. So we see Moses used it. The prophets used it.
We see that Jesus used Sodom and Gomorrah as examples of judgment on the ungodly.
Let's read Luke 17, 28 here. It says, it was the same as happened in the days of Lot.
I've got stuff covering. I can't quite see that. Okay, Lot. They were eating.
They were drinking. They were buying. They were selling. They were planting. And they were building. But on the day that Lot went out from Sodom, it rained fire and brimstone from heaven and destroyed them all.
It will be just the same on the day that the Son of Man is revealed. So there's a sense in which everyone's just eating and drinking.
Everything's fine. No worries. Also says that about the flood, that they were married, giving in marriage.
Everything's fine. No worries. Even though they've been preached to, even though Jesus warns, we're not worried about it because we just don't think it's going to happen.
Very foolish. The apostles also used it as examples of God's judgment on the ungodly.
It says, now I want to remind you, although you once fully knew it, that Jesus, who saved a people out of the land of Egypt.
Isn't that interesting that Jesus, who saved the people out of the land of Egypt, afterward destroyed those who did not believe.
And the angels who did not stay within their own position of authority, talking about falling angels, but left their proper dwelling.
He has kept an eternal change under gloomy darkness until the judgment of the great day, just as Sodom and Gomorrah and the surrounding cities.
That's why we know it was more than just Sodom and Gomorrah, which likewise indulged in what? Sexual immorality.
Not having a lack of hospitality, as some would claim today. Very clear here why
God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah. They indulged in sexual immorality and pursued what kind of desire?
Unnatural. That means men with men, women with women pursued unnatural desire.
So very clear why God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah. So they serve as an example by undergoing a punishment of eternal fire.
So the apostles used it. But interesting here, Jesus was the one who led them out of Egypt and he's the one who destroyed those who didn't believe.
Jesus is God. We would all agree upon that. So we see repeatedly throughout scripture talking about the judgment of Sodom and Gomorrah, that the sin of homosexuality is highlighted as the main wickedness for which
God destroyed them. Some who defend homosexuality claim that God destroyed them because of their lack of hospitality.
That's an error right here. Put this together fast. Now, I'll just say this.
We we love the sinner, but we do not embrace their sin.
God loves homosexual homosexuals. We love homosexuals, but we don't endorse their sin, their activity.
According to God, according to his word, homosexuality is a sin.
It's not what God desires. He's desired sex to be between a married man and a woman.
So we already read this right here, but I just want to highlight it here because of sexual immorality.
So God also, interestingly, uses the same imagery of this fire and brimstone in the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah as for what hell will be like.
So it's a picture. So in Revelation 2010, it says that and the devil who deceived them was thrown into the lake of fire and brimstone, brimstone, once again, a sulfur where the beast and the false prophet are also and they will be tormented day and night forever and ever.
So there we go. So that concludes our talk about these two sites here.
So I am now more than happy to, to answer any questions
I can to the best of my ability. Oh, that was. Go ahead,
Terry. Well, I was just gonna say great because we have some questions. So, um, Robin Did you want to comment first.
Oh, I just wanted to say that was really good. And I didn't even think about this coinciding with coinciding with June.
And that June friend June but the month of.
Yes, this month. Yeah. I'm timely. Yes, it was very timely message.
So I like that very much now I'm kind of torn between you, stopping your presentation because there are some pictures
I want to look back at, but I also want to see your, your brimstone ball.
Okay. Do a couple of questions first so that you can, we can look at those slides and then we'll turn off his slideshow so they.
Okay. Well, so Robin, Robin wondered if you could go back in your slideshow to where you have a picture of the two mountains.
Oh, well. Yes. Okay. That was an amazing picture.
And I could see that more than them trying to come down off of.
Yes, back a little bit yet. That's that mountain Yeah, and then where is that one where it had the visitor center, oh wait you didn't see that I didn't see those pictures.
He's right here. Okay, that one I remember. Um, it was the visitor center and it had the two mountains in the back.
Yeah, okay, great. I'll go to that here. And this,
I saw, I saw your presentation on YouTube. Okay, and it made a lot more sense if this picture right here, rather than trying to come down off of that big mountain.
And where is the arc in here.
Now, or the alleged arc be down below this sorry for not having a better picture of that but it's just, can you see my cursor.
Yes. Okay, so it would be moving down here so it's just down in the valley just a short ways.
Okay, but it's not actually in the picture. No, not not in this picture. Okay. All right.
Thank you. Now let me if I if I may real quick. You want me to address briefly why
I, I don't think that Mount Erad is the best candidate. Yes.
Okay. One, it seems to be a recent volcano not recently in the last thousand years but it seems to be a post flood volcano because they haven't found on on that mountain.
Any sediment any, any like depository like sediment from water anything like that they have found no sea fossils, nothing like that, which around this area here lower down, they find tons of sea fossils sediment from water so they find none of that on Mount Erad that's one.
Two is, is that if it is true and I believe it is, is that the earth changed at the flood, then you had the poles and the high mountains instantaneously froze.
So that would mean that tree line is here. That means that their way up here that's where the alleged findings are is up here.
So that means that they're, they're deposited on the top of a mountain, that is harsh, wherein they have to rapidly get down or otherwise they're going to freeze to death, there's no food up there, anything like that.
So, they have to rapidly get down. Also, there has been some alleged findings up there as far as like petrified wood and stuff but it seems that those were fraudulent and that one guy that wrote a book about it says
I found the art. It was placed up there then he went up there and got it brought it down those who knew him and then he to sell his book.
Anyway, so it just doesn't seem logical to me that God would drop these people and all these animals up on top of a harsh mountain where they've got to get down quick.
And I would assume that it's very likely that the art was used for a period for housing for Noah and his family.
So anyway, that's, that's some of the reasons why doesn't seem to me as a good candidate. Yeah, I've just never heard that before I've always heard that was up on the mountain and people climbed up there.
So this is a very, very plausible explanation for Noah's Ark, as opposed to it being up on that huge mountain.
Yeah, the evidence. There's, there's, I'll just say this, there's no other site that has all of as much evidence as this group in our area
I should say because we're the, we're the, the shape of the arc this object is, is 30 or so miles away from some of these
So, it's the area that we're talking about that like I say, the boat shaped object, let's say we just dismiss that as a freak of nature.
Okay, I can say I just can see that these drug stones and all these names and all this, this place being venerated for all these years and their tradition and the locals and I can say it's, it's, there's no other place that has as much evidence as this area so I think it's it's in the, it's in the mountains of area
I mean it fits the biblical location. It's within the parameters of the area.
So, it's, I just, the way I say it is, it's the best candidate. I have a question and a comment.
Documentary several years ago. And I think it might have been about this place.
And to me, it really did make way more sense when I saw it because they were talking about the, the villages around there and their traditions and their history of, of, you know, the
Noah and his family living there and so I'm wondering if that was probably the same place that you're talking about.
Yeah, yeah, I'm certain that it is yeah because I see all the name locations around there they're just really connected to affiliated with the, with the arc.
Yeah. That was kind of a variant of Noah's name even or something right that Mosher Mosher that was,
I don't know who made the documentary it was many many years ago I saw it but it really impacted me.
So this was this was good. Thank you. And then I'm one of Robin's other questions was would know
I have had the ability to make those rivets. Oh, absolutely. I didn't put the text in there, but who was it
Nimrod or whatever it says that he was skilled and all kind of metal workmanship so yes, they had metal during those days, and it was a, they were very skilled and I could,
I could maybe pull that up if you go. I'll see if I can find that text here.
Okay. Okay. Go ahead and ask away other questions if you like while I'm looking for this text.
Okay. Robin's next question is, who would have carved the
Tower of Babel would that have been Noah's family. Maybe, maybe it could have been just someone after because the
Tower of Babel is going to happen you know not a lot, not long after.
So, it wouldn't have been Moses, or pardon me it wouldn't have been Noah because the
Tower of Babel is after Noah. But it would have been some of Noah's descendants, if that is indeed the
Tower of Babel. We don't know for certain but it certainly looks like it could be the Tower of Babel.
But it would have been one of Noah's descendants down the line. Yeah, you said it was carved down the drogue stone so I was wondering, you know,
I mean it did it happened some 200 years after Noah. That particular one wasn't, I don't believe was on a drogue stone.
But even if it was. Yeah, it would have been, it would have been one of Noah's descendants, or it could have been,
I mean, like you say that the, the Tower of Babel isn't happening until chapter 11.
I believe of Exodus right. So, I mean we're all
Noah's descendants right but one of his recent ones. Right, right.
And then while you're still looking for that we have another question of how heavy are the drogue stones.
Oh man they're massive in size, they're tons. Well you hear let me. Can you still see the just looking at me now or do you can you see the slide presentation.
No, we're the main, the main screen right now is still your slides. Okay, great. Let me go up here, and you'll be able to see these drogue stones in relation to the best one here, right here.
You can see that so it says you know that that person is I think roughly about six foot tall.
So yeah, they were they were big. If they were used and now they're before you had this picture there was look like there were several of them out there.
Yeah, we found, they found 30 of them some of them are broken, the holes are like right here to see the holes broken on this one, because they're ancient.
Because I'm wondering if they were going to be balanced, we shouldn't they be some in similar size.
Okay, so those were similar in size. Yeah, some, some of these are just, they're not drogue stone some of these out here they're just, they're not drugs don't they're just stones that they've stood up,
I believe that when there's a drug stone. I had those look like right here yeah there you have a drug stone there.
Yeah, a lot of them are similar, it might be that they had them dispersed, you know different sizes a little bit different.
Yeah, maybe bigger ones more center. Here's this verse if you want to hear it. Go ahead.
Okay. So Genesis for 22. It says, as for Zilla. She also gave birth to to ball came the forger, you know what a forger is right of all implements all implements of bronze and iron.
So this is Genesis for 22. So yes, the answer is yes.
Noah had access to. Oh, before the flood. Okay, yeah yeah
Genesis four is is before the flood sometime before the flood so you know sometimes we forget there's 2000 years from the time of Noah to the flood is believed by many know they lived a lot longer so skills could be fine tuned better knowledge could be passed on better.
There's some believe that they were more astute their brains were more, more better capabilities and we have today.
So, they were sophisticated people. I'm just following along, long and I remember hearing
Dr. Morris talking about that before to how sophisticated that they probably were that we, we can't, we don't know for sure but that's interesting to think about.
Next question is, when was Sodom and Gomorrah discovered in modern times, and where people living there.
There are a couple candidates for Sodom and Gomorrah. One is on the north, north east side of the
Dead Sea, another one is on the south east side.
There have been on the south east side I have a colleague who believes that's the site, you can find ash and stuff there, you can find some blocks stuff like that stones.
So those discoveries are happening. Mainly in from like the 1950s on those discoveries the,
I have to confess the Sodom, the location that I have proposed these five cities.
That's more recent, and they really haven't been excavated is the truth. I mean basically they're open.
You just have like you say you have these sulfur balls you have these distinct type of topography or soil.
Well that's what I was wondering about. I mean, that site's been there for like 2000 years, nobody ever thought, hey, what is this.
And in just since the 1950s people have been questioning. Okay, what is this. Yeah. Or do you think that people knew what it was and they stayed away from it
I, I guess I saw a place with a bunch of sulfur stones laying around. I would be investigating.
Yeah. Yeah, I don't know, to be honest with you what what those people were thinking it.
Most people I mean, I don't know if you've ever been to Masada but there's a hundred thousand people or half a million people that go to Masada every year and basically they're driving right through the middle of Gamora, which would be is believed to be
Gamora. Oh wow. Yeah. A lot of people would say they're just, just, just unique shapes.
And that's what they would leave it at the sulfur balls are harder to explain. Why do you have these unique sulfur balls and, and I'd say they're like pumice and we know that when volcanoes go off that there's different kinds of products that are that are delivered or disseminated and we have hard lava rock we have pumice and stuff like that.
So these are and I say there's no, there's no, there's been no volcanoes in that area. So, how you're going to explain the sulfur balls is,
I don't know how you do that unless you just say it's just it's just unique. Yeah, I don't know.
I guess part of it is, is, you know, we're talking 4000 years which is a long time scriptures very clear that God reduce these cities to ashes.
And this was this was no just partial destruction. This was a total destruction, and it appears that the, the whole climate was changed as well because scriptures clear that when lot was there was watered was like the garden of the
Lord was like the Garden of Eden was well watered it was beautiful that's why it was so richly inhabited.
Today there's no one that lives there virtually because it's just a barren wasteland where nothing will grow. So, it appears that he changed the climate and he just totally just demolished thoroughly.
Well there's other places in scripture where it says that you know not nothing would even grow there. So that's what you have so I guess coming back to the to the question is is why it hasn't this been, you know, researched earlier than just recently is,
I guess people just thought it was just, just a natural, you know, type of land and left it at that and just a wasteland.
And of course, I don't want to rob more questions but briefly it's scripture speaks very clearly that during the millennial reign, and I believe it's a literal millennial reign after the
Christ comes back, that the, there will be a fountain of water that comes between the part will go to the
Mediterranean Sea part will go down to the Dead Sea and it says that people will fish on in Getty which is one of the kind of a small city or small town on the west side of the
Dead Sea. That's kind of an oasis right now, but anyway that is going to be flourishing with with fish and it'd be totally changed.
Well there's our climate change. Mm hmm.
Um, next question, what has kept more extensive financed and academic excavation and study like like National Geographic from taking place at this site.
Um, I, the question came in while you were talking about the tower. But the question is referring to do you expect research to increase at Sodom and Gomorrah.
Um, I'm not sure, maybe, maybe Todd and Tina asked this question maybe you guys can clarify which site you were talking about they they posted the question while you were talking about the
Tower of Babel. Okay. About the side of the art.
Okay, the side of the art. Well there is a substantial renewed energy now in Noah's Ark the
Turkish government. There's other entities, they are planning to do core drilling.
I didn't have it in my presentation you can see it online but a company from Bend, Oregon did a serious scan there.
Few years back. Yeah, there is renewed energy in that site, the boat shape object.
So I would, yeah I would fully expect for substantial studies or research to to spring forward with over the next five 10 years, if that should the
Lord Terry. Yeah, it's actively being pursued as we speak. Okay, if you stop sharing your slideshow so that people can see if you want to go ahead and show, show your sulfur rocks.
Okay. Alright, so let's see. Alright, so I'm not. Okay, so I stopped it for you so we okay great okay so can you see me then.
Yes. Okay so here's it's not that big. But I have a colleague who's found big ones the size of his hand.
Can you light it on fire. I could, but I don't want to I want to,
I want to keep it. I'll tell you real briefly so we were there.
We spent seven weeks in Israel and we were seeing three or so sites today we were just, we're putting in the hours and going hard and so on that particular day, we did
Masada. I think we did in Getty, and then we did Sodom and Gomorrah I wish we could have spent more time at Sodom or Gomorrah.
Anyway, so we were there probably for two hours. And so we were walking around there and I walked up this ravine and was doing some filming and stuff and I turned around on my way back
I said Lord. I said, wouldn't it be nice if you could allow me to find one of these silver balls and I know more than I said this prayer to close my eyes and afraid
I was just talking and look down and bang saw this silver was it Wow, silver ball.
So I picked it up was very careful with it. It's, it's pretty fragile I mean I'm going to rub it look if you saw that falling off.
Yeah, don't do it too much because it'll just disappear. Right. So, but we'll be back over there and we'll get some more.
But, yeah, I wanted to keep it to display but I have colleagues that have lit them on fire and yeah they mean
I could light a corner on fire I guess but anyway. Yeah, they burn just burn right up, they just kind of burn into a liquid.
In fact, if you look at our video you can see where we have one that kind of burns up. Yeah, I saw that.
I saw that one. Well, it seems like maybe that's the end of our questions on Facebook we did get a comment from somebody named faith think, oh yeah that's my mother.
Right. Son. Okay, yeah, she's my greatest fan. So if you'd like to go ahead and share how people can find you.
Okay, find your products. Okay. Yeah, the best way, should
I share my screen or just tell them. Oh yeah, go ahead and do that. Okay, so I'm going to share my screen.
Okay, I guess I'll just share here. I'm going to close this out. See, I want to actually
I'm not so great at all of this I might instead of taking a bunch of time figuring it out. I was just going to go to my website and show you, maybe you can do it if you more.
Just hit your escape button and that'll take you out of the up in the escape key up in the left hand corner just go ahead and hit that.
And that'll shut down your full screen, and then you'll be able to manipulate or maneuver to your on your keyboard.
Okay, yeah okay I gotcha. All right. Okay, there we go. All right. Yeah. Okay, and now you can minimize this.
Yeah, okay. Yeah, there we go. All right. Okay, so you can see what I'm doing right that's where is that where was that.
That lake. That on your screensaver what are your best that's that's the
Sea of Galilee that's what I have is my screensaver. Oh, nice. Okay, yeah, yeah. Yeah, that is my screensaver.
Okay, so. All right, so I'm going to go to home here. All right, so this is our website holylandsite .com.
And we have probably hundred and 25 to 30 sites that we have covered.
Okay, so they're, they're listed by area by Jerusalem and then as we're scrolling down these are some books that we've written about Israel, one is, they're basically the same this is just a travel guide but this covers all of the sites.
And what is unique about it is it's biblically based in that you can see at each site, all the things that happened in the
Bible from that place. Okay, and then we've also have some just a Jerusalem Sea of Galilee and then to give.
Okay, and we offer trips to Israel, but yeah holylandsite .com. And if we scroll down.
You can see, here's the Noah's Ark where there's, we have two videos at this point on the
Noah's Ark. Okay. And so if you wanted to contact us.
Here's our YouTube channel right here we have. We, we get to give God all the glory but we get about a half million views a month on our
YouTube channel. And so God's allowing us to reach a lot of people. So here at the bottom is our email.
Here's my Mexican phone number here's my US phone number. So our we are on Facebook as well as a
Facebook page, but probably the easiest would be the would be this and then let me go to.
This is our YouTube channel. Okay. And I will go to our videos.
Our YouTube channel is Holy Land site right here
Holy Land site. And so you can see here, the videos that we have we've taken.
We've taken some of the Noah's Ark and broken them down into smaller videos to answer specific questions.
But we have a lot of videos, a lot a lot of videos. Half of them.
Yeah. Oh, bless your heart. Thank you. And we, we will be doing a lot more.
I say my son is, is on board. We both have very high powered computers.
And so we spend a lot of time producing videos and I say we just got back from Israel and we have a lot of content to do a lot more video so we're say
God's really blessing the this ministry and we're reaching a lot of people. So we continue we have plans to continue on serving the
Lord in this capacity. Well, praise the Lord for that and thank you so much for coming and speaking with us tonight.
And if people want to find more of our videos of course we're creation fellowship
Santee, and we're also on YouTube and on Facebook and rumble and bit shoot.
And then we also want to say a special thanks to our friends throughout all ages ministries and you can find out more about their ministry throughout all major throughout all ages ministries .com.
Let's, I'm going to go ahead and pray to close us and then we'll go offline and then people who are in zoom, if they want to turn on their microphones and cameras can ask you questions directly before we say goodnight.
So, okay, let's pray dear Heavenly Father we just thank you so much for this presentation that we've been able to learn from tonight we thank you for Pastor Todd and his ministry and we just asked for a blessing over his family and over the work that he continues to do.
Thank you for the great findings that he's had so far for blessing him with the sulfur ball, so that he could have that as a resource and we just pray for more blessings like that in the days and weeks and years to come, as, as you choose to Terry, and we pray that Pastor Todd's messages reach many people so that they can learn about the truth of you and of your word and of the need to have a relationship with you.
We know that you love us and that's our whole goal here is to be able to share your love and your plan of salvation with as many people as we can.
So we thank you for this opportunity and we ask for a blessing over our friends for the week to come until next time in Jesus name.
Amen. Alright, so I'm going to stop recording and I'm going to.