Collision w/ Jeff Durbin: Responding to Planned Parenthood
This is a portion of our show Collision. Jeff responds to a video that Planned Parenthood published. Collision is exclusively available on All-Access at To watch the full response follow the link and check it out. We release a new episode every week.
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- 00:00
- Hey, what's up, everybody? I'm Pastor Jeff Durbin. This is another collision video. Today, we are interacting with a
- 00:05
- Planned Parenthood video with someone named Lucky, who's a woman dressed like a dude that got pregnant and killed her baby.
- 00:13
- Here we go. All right.
- 00:27
- So we're dealing with a Planned Parenthood video right now. And this is someone named
- 00:33
- Lucky. And as I said in the opening, it's a woman dressed like a guy who said that she got pregnant and then killed her baby.
- 00:43
- And so let's let's see what she has to say. Hi, my name is
- 00:49
- Lucky. I've had an abortion and I get gender affirming care from Planned Parenthood.
- 00:55
- I wound up in a very, very difficult relationship. And within three months, I found out that I was pregnant.
- 01:03
- I was like, oh, no. Now, just real fast, 100 years ago, somebody would have looked at a person like this, giving their story, dressed like a man, wearing a man's suit and, you know, make kind of a man's haircut and saying, you're a guy and you got pregnant in the middle of a difficult relationship.
- 01:23
- It would be confusing to people. But now it's it's just a feature of our culture. Now, this this is supposed to be seen as normative now.
- 01:31
- But I think even the, you know, slowest five year old would look with a little bit of a squinty eye at this of this video already.
- 01:41
- My abortion was one of the greatest acts of compassion
- 01:46
- I had ever committed. It was an easy decision. And it was a decision that for the friends
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- I told I was trans, they were like, get it, get it, get it, girl. So the greatest acts of compassion that I've ever done.
- 02:03
- It's it's an amazing thing to be in this world where we're living like in the upside down, right?
- 02:09
- I mean, you've got a woman dressed like a man, boy haircut, behaving, trying to act and look like a man, saying that she got pregnant.
- 02:19
- And of course, again, a little bit of squinty eye over that. And then saying that when I killed my baby, that was a result of a sexual relationship with a man.
- 02:28
- When I killed my baby, it was one of the greatest acts of compassion that I've ever done. We can't help but say everything about this seems absolutely broken and upside down completely from what's in front of me visually.
- 02:42
- I see something screaming at me biologically that is being reversed. It's a it's a woman dressed like a man.
- 02:49
- And so it's it's flipping the definition of the woman on its head. So that's upside down. It's a woman pretending to be a man.
- 02:56
- So we're flipping everything on its head. And then to take a word like compassion and say that my taking the life of my baby in an unjustified manner was one of the greatest acts of compassion that I ever, ever did.
- 03:10
- And so we're only 35 seconds into this video, and it's a complete redefinition in every case.
- 03:17
- It's a redefinition of what's before our very eyes. A woman dressed like a man, a redefinition of compassion turned into something completely different.
- 03:26
- Compassion doesn't mean that. Compassion for another human being doesn't mean what she says.
- 03:31
- And it's interesting because you look at something like this and people want to dis the word of God. Oh, that old archaic book that says all those things from so long ago with a bunch of scruffy nerf herders and all the rest like this old book that, you know, why is that for today?
- 03:44
- Well, it's amazing that thousands of years ago in the book of Proverbs, God's God's book of divine wisdom, skillful living from God in Proverbs chapter 12, verse 10.
- 03:55
- It says this, it says, whoever is righteous has regard for the life of his beast.
- 04:01
- You even care for your animals. The righteous person will even show concern for their animals, compassion for their animals, right?
- 04:11
- Love and care and concern and provision and protection for their animals. The righteous person, the righteous person will show regard for the life of his beast.
- 04:22
- Even the beast, the righteous will show concern for. It says this, though, but the mercy of the wicked is cruel.
- 04:30
- The mercy of the wicked is cruel. And that's what you see right here with Lucky is that very thing.
- 04:36
- The mercy of the wicked is cruel. It was such a compassionate act on my part to take the life of my own child in my womb.
- 04:46
- It was the most compassionate thing I ever did. The mercy of the wicked is cruelty.
- 04:52
- And so you couldn't say it better than than Solomon. You know, that's fine. Like, great.
- 04:59
- You know, that's your decision. You want to finally begin your life. And there you go.
- 05:06
- And so that is, I think, fundamentally what we should all see in this issue of abortion. This is very, very important.
- 05:12
- Oftentimes, people in this this debate, this discussion over the murdering of children in the womb, they will often go to like the the the lowest numbers in the abortion industry.
- 05:24
- They'll say things like, well, what about rape and incest and life of the mother or what about if the woman was coerced?
- 05:30
- And what we're finding in those numbers consistently across across the board with like rape, incest and life of the mother is that you're talking about like two percent around two percent or even less at times of all abortions committed.
- 05:43
- But the reality is the vast majority of abortions are committed because at will, because it's my life, because I want to be happy, because I want a good career, because I want to be financially stable, because I want to have fun, because I want to do what
- 05:59
- I want to do. And that's precisely what Lucky is saying here is that the crowd around her were giving her shouts of praise, saying, you know, you do you, you do you, girl or guy, you do you.
- 06:13
- And you need to get on your life. You need to do what's right for you. You need to do what's right for your life. And what's amazing here is that this issue of abortion isn't something that just occurred in North America.
- 06:24
- Abortion, the use of abortifacients is something that's as old as the hills. It's long, long ago.
- 06:30
- As a matter of fact, something I'd say very often to our own church body is that you had the issue of abortifacients and infanticide happening within the
- 06:39
- Roman Empire during the time of the inception of the church. You have even the early
- 06:44
- Christians writing creeds and confessions, including the issue of abortion and abortifacients in their creeds and confessions in the second century of the church, the
- 06:53
- Christian church calling it murder. The Christians were, of course, this is well known, picking up the children that the
- 06:59
- Romans were throwing away to die of exposure in the streets, just picking them up, adopting them into their families, calling them their own and raising them in the nurture and admonition of the
- 07:10
- Lord, pointing them to Jesus Christ. Christians were involved very early on in the the pursuit of saving the lives of these children.
- 07:19
- And you have the issue of abortion and abortifacients and infanticide going all the way back pre
- 07:25
- Christ, pre the ministry of Christ. And you have, of course, the historic worship of the god
- 07:30
- Molech, where people would literally take their offspring, living children like four year old children, one year old children, months old children.
- 07:40
- And they would offer them up to this false god, Molech. And the reason they were offering their children literally screaming in the flames and in this hot device, the reason they were doing it is because of that very reason.
- 07:55
- You need to get on with your life. You need to have better crops. You need to you need to give up your child. So you have rain for your crops.
- 08:01
- You need to give up your child so that you have success. You need to give up your child so that you guys can live yourselves, your own lives.
- 08:09
- And so the sacrifice of the child to Molech then was for your life, for your well -being, for your good.
- 08:18
- It looked a little different. Right. I agree. It looked different. You had an actual identifiable version of the god in front of you, heated up to thousands of degrees sort of a thing.
- 08:29
- You had all the physical apparatus there in front of you of the god and you placing your child into the hands of the god.
- 08:36
- And or the belly of the god and and destroying your child. But you did it for the same reason.
- 08:41
- It was for you. It was for your well -being. It was for your crops. It was for your financial blessing.
- 08:47
- It was for your future. It just looked a little different. I mean, it was much uglier than in terms of, man, that is wild.
- 08:54
- And it's more sanitized now where it happens in air conditioned rooms where, you know, you don't necessarily see the remnants of the child that you've killed, but it's the same reasoning.
- 09:04
- You know, nothing is new under the sun. The scriptures say nothing is new under the sun. It might look a little different in how it functions and how it's actually applied, but it's the same reasoning.
- 09:16
- Get on with your life, girl. You do you. You make sure that you have a future. You have a career.
- 09:21
- You have financial blessings. And that's exactly what's taking place here. And of course, it's being redefined.
- 09:28
- Compassion is being redefined to the murder of your child is compassionate. But in reality, she's showing there's no compassion for the child.
- 09:38
- She's really more concerned for herself. That's not compassion to take the life of your child for your well -being.
- 09:44
- That's not compassionate. We actually define that as complete abject selfishness.
- 09:50
- Hey, what's up, guys? This is Pastor Jeff Durbin. Thank you for watching Collision. We wanted to provide a solid resource to help you to respond to anything coming into collision with the
- 09:59
- Christian worldview. There's more as a response to this video and others at Apologia's all access at Apologia Studios dot com.
- 10:08
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- 10:18
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