Matt Slick vs Rodney Smith After Show, Trinity Oneness


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Matt Slick vs Rodney Smith After Show, Trinity Oneness


Hey, there we are. All right There we go. I'm gonna give people that link.
I just I just I just put it on Facebook really fast Okay, so we'll see how many people come in if they do it all man
Yeah, you know, I think he's been taught by someone He respects a great deal and he's been taught all the proof texts that lay the foundation for his pretexts
You know It's hard to overcome something like that, you know, yeah.
Yeah, it is and You know, it is it that's why I spent time going over the
Exodus 6 2 & 3 you know John 6 46 over and over and over and over again because that's what it takes and Plus people can learn it.
So well, you know, it's lovely to deal with someone who's Seems to be honestly mistaken or an error.
Yeah, it is not a willful deceiver. I don't detect that on his part at all So it's refreshing to deal with somebody like that Even though he's at this point not an agreement, you know,
I just love it. Yeah. No, he was an honorable guide unlike Stacy Tracy from the other, you know the other two weeks ago, you know, he was ridiculous
But this guy was was really polite and he was competent as intelligent He was stuck a few times and you know, they had to introduce weird philosophy at the end but at the beginning of the debate,
I Went nice and polite. I said so I didn't want to hammer him But after a while, you know what
I'm gonna turn it up on him and let's see Yeah, so he should never apologize for being inexperienced.
He did well Comforted himself very well. I hope you I hope you write him a nice letter of thanks for for allowing us to Yeah Okay, well
I only see one person Yeah, we left a two or three or four. No, I saw four
We'll give it under a couple of minutes. If not, then it's time to bail Yeah, that was over four hours that was enjoyable and instructive
You know that that's like a half a semester of learning in one spot You want to go through it and put a syllabus together
It would be very instructive. I think yeah. Yeah, that's right. Okay. So what's this guy want to debate me?
He says God's servant as he calls himself. He wants to debate me. Who is he? I don't debate on what it's on It's inside here
I'm looking inside of a stream yard. Oh I'm not looking at it.
Why don't I see it right here? Oh God's servant.
So come on people type in relief What you think? Yeah reform one does
Yeah, he didn't realize He's a beauty with election
Predestination. He didn't realize that he was agreeing with at least two persons in the Godhead without if he couldn't do it
But he was but he was you know You want to make one versus Trinity? Oh, yeah I Well, if he watches a replay of tonight's debate and goes to the articles and brushes up on the topics
I don't think you'll want to debate it anymore Yeah, I gotta get back into some other studies now
Good now I can My question was who is right it was the proverb proverbs is wisdom literature and So I don't usually don't go to the usually let's it but let's just see 30 verse 4
Who was ascended into heaven descended scattered as his fist wrapped his waters established the end of the earth
What is his name and his son's name? Surely, you know, yeah, I would say well his son's name is
Jesus and that it's the it's It's the pre -incarnate God or the God Jesus who's saying that he's just talking about his incarnation
They would do Even though the language is distinguishing people.
Yeah Okay, mr. Servant, so how do you think it went let's hear some feedback really fast
Anybody else who wants to it's only six people. It's late. And so I know people want to hit it I do too actually go down and watch
TV and relax for an hour And go to bed then get up and start researching on kovat He started going to reform theology
That's right That's right, I thought that was that was kind of good
All right Let's see, I'd like to hear Rodney explain his thoughts on when
Jesus said before him was I am yeah There's so many things to to talk about Yeah, his claiming to be the person who spoke from the burning bush to Moses was a claim that got him in trouble
With the Pharisees, yeah Well, the Pharisees didn't know he was really God in flesh the father in flesh
But anyway, yeah, I know I know All right, I guess it's time to go.
It's a short after show Okay All right, everybody.
God bless People that don't know already Can join you in your regular show tomorrow?
Mean radio show your radio show. Yeah. Let me put let me put the little blurb in there.
There it is Gives the time windows. There you go where they can call in live and drive the topic
Yeah, it's topic driven by the caller. So Calling and drive the topic. Yeah, absolutely
There you go and go to a calm radio Yeah, that's right. You'll know rise at 40 16.
We already did that. Yep. Yep Yeah, the pace is a bit more rapid in the in the live broadcast venue
But you usually take some time to slow down in the after show, which is which is good.
That's right Hey now people now, it's 14 people We're shutting it down now folks because people didn't really come in and Maybe we can do another show tomorrow or something like that Okay, people really want to do an after -show talk if not, no big deal