Harold Camping and May 21, 2011


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Harold Camping, May 21, 2011, rapture, return of Jesus, Matt Slick, carm


Hi, I'm Matt Slick from Karm. There's been a lot of talk lately about Harold Camping's prediction that Saturday May 21st 2011 will be the day that the rapture occurs
Now, let me just tell you don't worry about it. It's not going to happen. I'm not making a prediction It's not going to happen.
Harold Camping has made a false prophecy before saying 1994 that Jesus would return He's stated that the
Holy Spirit is no longer involved in churches. All the churches are apostate and all our churches are false Look just don't don't give him any credence.
Don't worry about it. All right, just just relax. It's not gonna happen What I want to do is just read some scriptures that Jesus has said about No one knowing the day nor the hour when
Christ returns. I'll check this out. This is Matthew 25 verses 1 through 13 then the kingdom of heaven will be comparable to ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom and Five of them were foolish and five were prudent for when the foolish took their lamps
They took no oil with them, but the prudent took oil and flasks along with their lamps now while the bridegroom was delaying
They all got drowsy and began to sleep But at midnight there was a shout behold the bridegroom come out to meet him
Then all those virgins rose and trim their lamps and the foolish said to the prudent Give us some of your oil for our lamps are going out but the prudent answered saying no there will not be enough for us and you to Go instead of the elders and buy some for yourselves
And while they were going away to make the purchase the bridegroom came and those who were ready went in with him to the wedding feast and the door was shut and Later, the other virgins also came saying
Lord Lord open up for us any answered and true and said truly I say to you do not know you be on the alert then for you do not know the day nor the hour
Now in Mark 7 13 verses 30 through 32 Jesus says truly I say to you this generation will not pass away until all these things take place
Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away But of that day or hour no one knows not even the angels in heaven nor the
Son, but the Father alone and finally Luke 1246 says this the master that slave will come on a day when he does not expect him and at an hour
He does not know and will cut him in pieces and assign him a place with the unbelievers So here's the thing look a lot of people have made predictions the
Mormons Jehovah's Witnesses made various predictions Christians are starting to do that as well. Don't listen to them
No one knows we can know the times you can know the seasons, but that day we're not gonna know don't worry about it folks
Just relax go to church on Sunday and by God's grace, you know things will be going fine.