I'm Still Angry About that Tim Challies Article

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Alright, well, I hope you had a really good weekend, a good Lord's Day yesterday. I know I really did. My youngest son turned two years old this weekend, and we had a party for him, and it was just really awesome.
We got together with his grandparents and even our great -grandparents and celebrated the life of my youngest son, and it was just a really great time, a really good time.
But I wanted to—it got me thinking about all of this coronavirus stuff, and, you know,
I know that there are people out there that think what we did over the weekend was irresponsible. You know, my great—my son's great -grandparents could catch the coronavirus from us and potentially pass away and stuff like that, and really, everyone is in lockstep in agreement that you need to cancel your life.
Like, you can't have dinner parties—look, this is a headline from the Washington Post. Dinner parties and game nights, casual
American life is fueling the coronavirus surge as daily cases exceeded 150 ,000!
And it wants you to be terrified. Everyone wants you to be scared out of your ever -loving mind, and I am absolutely sick of it.
This is unbelievable, ridiculous. We have to keep our wits about us, guys, and I think that there are too many of you right now that are in the grips of panic and fear so much that you've lost your head and you're just not thinking straight.
This is a video about the coronavirus surge. All right, well, let me calm down, because I did a video this weekend about the
Tim Challies article where he—it's about the cruelty of the quarantines. And Tim Challies, man, it's hard to even put yourself in his position.
He lost his son, his son passed away, and he's in—he's grieving, man, he's grieving.
I read the article, and, you know, the part that got me—this is stupid, but, like, the part that really got me to feel for this guy is he talked about what his plans were for Thanksgiving.
His son was going to come with his girlfriend—I guess this is his fiancée—and they were going to, you know, play games and play
Mario Kart and stuff like that, and just that simple stuff, man. Like, he won't get to do that, and he's grieving, man.
I can't even imagine, God forbid, that I'm ever in a situation like that myself.
But the article made me furious, because the whole point of it was that, you know, he's grieving, and when you're grieving, you're supposed to be with your family, you're supposed to be with your church, and they're supposed to come over and pray with you and read the scriptures to you and sing with you and—and—and grieve with you, like, be there with you.
We see in the scripture all the time, like, people don't grieve alone, like, the community comes and grieves with you, and they—you remember there's one point where—where
Lazarus's sister goes and runs off, and everyone assumes she's going to the tomb to grieve, so they go with her, because she's not—it's not—it's not meant that we're going to be alone through these difficulties and stuff like that.
That's not how life is supposed to be lived. Like, that's why, like, when you think about prison and stuff like that, you see prison shows, like, the worst punishment—like, you could be in a—in a—in a—in a cell block with a—a bunch of cavemen, barbarians,
I mean, these people fight each other, they kill each other, they rape each other, and you prefer that, being with all those psychopaths, than to being in the hole.
Like, the hole is, like, the worst possible thing, like, you're just alone, there's no one around, you're with yourself and your thoughts, and that's it, like, that's, like, the worst punishment imaginable.
You'd rather be in a cell block with a rapist than be in the hole, but it's like, for some reason, coronavirus comes out, and we all just kind of forget common sense, we forget how we handle these things, and it's just—and it's cruel, guys, it's—it's not—it's not loving your neighbor to not go over to your friend's house when he's grieving and pray with him and read the scripture with him and sing with him, that is not loving your neighbor.
Yes, you might get him sick, but the thing is, that's always been the case, it's not just new with coronavirus, like, coronavirus didn't invent asymptomatic spread, like, that's the thing, like,
I even looked this up back in the day, because I was just curious, you know, people say, oh, it's asymptomatic, you could—you could spread it and not even know.
Well, I looked it up, and I looked up leprosy, because that's the scripture—that's what the scripture talks about when it talks about quarantine laws, leprosy.
Leprosy can be asymptomatic as well, you can spread leprosy asymptomatically as well.
So God knew about asymptomatic spread, guys, like, this is not—this is not too hard to understand.
God knew about asymptomatic spread, and yet, he still only had laws for quarantining the sick.
And by the way, we all have the law of God written on our hearts, we all understood that if we're sick, we don't do—we don't go about our daily lives, right?
Like, that's obvious. When you're sick, you don't go to work. Partially it's because you don't feel like going to work, but partially it's to protect everybody else at work from getting sick.
Like, when I'm sick, we don't go to church, right? We don't want to spread our sickness to the whole church.
Like, we don't need the government to tell us that, right? When you're sick, you stay home. You don't want to get everybody else sick.
I was saying this on my own channel today, I'll get to that in a second. But like, this is common sense, guys.
Like, if you're sick, okay, you don't go about your daily life, but brothers, let's not treat our brothers and sisters in the
Lord as if they're unclean when they're not. Guys, if you know someone that's grieving right now, like, don't leave them alone.
Forget what the governor says. Let me calm down, because I don't want this to be a rant.
I don't want this to be a rant, but at the beginning of this whole coronavirus pandemic thing, I said that these laws and these quarantine laws, they're actually going to hurt more people than they help.
And what I had in mind when I said that was mostly economics, because when you think about shutting down entire economies, that's not good for poor people.
What I said was, you're not actually helping people from dying. Instead, what you're doing is you're just transferring who dies.
So instead of the elderly and the sickly, instead of that, it's going to be poor people or people in Africa that die, because when the economies are destroyed, it's usually the people at the margins that are affected the most.
Like, when the economy goes down, rich people and middle class, they can get by, but poor people can't.
So what I said was, when you do this to the economy, when you torpedo your own economy because of a coronavirus pandemic, you're actually just transferring who dies.
It's not saving lives. It's not loving your neighbor. Despite what an idiot like Russell Moore says, it's not doing that.
Instead, it's engineering who survives and who doesn't. That's what it is. It engineers the survival rate instead of just letting nature take its course and letting
God's plan essentially take its course. Seriously, guys, this whole situation has been a disaster.
I was thinking mostly about economics, but I wasn't thinking about mental health, right? I wasn't thinking that suicide rate would go up 200%.
I wasn't thinking about that kind of stuff. Because I'm the kind of guy that I do well on my own.
I'm not an introvert. Anyone who met me at the Fight Life Feast conference knows that I wasn't standoffish or shy to talk to people.
That's not who I am, but I'm just fine on my own for periods of time.
Obviously not for forever. But I don't have a problem being alone.
I don't have to be around people. I can certainly be around people, but I can certainly be alone as well.
I wasn't thinking about mental health, but not everybody's wired like me. Some people, when they're not out and about, that really affects them.
We need to pray for those people. We need to visit those people. We need to visit widows. Guys, I know coronavirus is scary, but just be smart and continue to do the things that God requires of you.
He requires you to go and visit widows and lay hands on the sick, and he requires you to pray with your brothers and sisters in Christ who are suffering.
I mean, guys, mourn with those who mourn, guys. This is not an abuse of that text. This is actually using that text.
Your brother Tim is mourning? Well, go to him. Go to him and figure out how to mourn with him.
The cruelty of these quarantine laws. People aren't getting to bury their loved ones. People aren't able to have funerals.
Because if you do, the law will come against you. Listen, guys, disregard those laws. That's how you handle this. You disregard those laws.
Guys, they don't want you to have dinner parties. Have a dinner party, if that makes sense. They don't want you to have game nights. Have a game night, if that makes sense.
They don't want you to have freaking Thanksgiving. Have Thanksgiving twice. This is the thing. Have Thanksgiving as normal, because we can play these emotional manipulation games too.
Because someone today on my Facebook was like, well, how are you going to feel if one of your loved ones gets sick at Thanksgiving and dies?
That's what they told me. And I just, I don't really understand even how to approach answering that question, because I'll answer it.
I would feel sad. If I had Thanksgiving and somebody ended up getting sick at my
Thanksgiving and ended up dying, a very low chance of that happening with coronavirus, because it's really not as serious as a disease as we were told.
But let's just say it happened. How would I feel? I'll answer it. I'm a human being, so I would feel very sad.
I would probably cry. Why would you ask a stupid question like that?
Well, because coronavirus broke our brains. That's why. Because we think that this is the first pandemic that's ever been deadly in some cases in our entire lives.
Like, this is the first time people could get sick at Thanksgiving and die. Guys, don't be an idiot. Any Thanksgiving in history, someone could get sick at and die as a result of their sickness.
That's just what life is. Life is a risk. Anything you do has a risk of death attached to it.
Anything you do. Literally everything and anything that you do has a risk of death attached to it.
This is why I say, look, celebrate Thanksgiving as normal. And in my mind, I'm thinking as normal is, if you're sick, you don't go.
You go, it's you chalk it up to the providence of God. You know, I'm sick. I can't have Thanksgiving. That's what I would have done three years ago if I came up with the flu or something.
I was planning on going to my grandmother's house for Thanksgiving. I would call up grandma and say, you know, Abuela, you know,
I wanted to come, but I've got the flu. I can't come. I mean, is this really that difficult, guys? Like, this is what we used to do.
And then on the off chance that I have an asymptomatic case of the flu, and then
I go to Abuela's house and she gets the flu and dies. What do you mean? How would I feel? I'd feel sad.
I'd weep. I mean, wouldn't anyone if your grandmother caught a disease at a family function and then died?
Obviously that would be the case. So why is it a big mystery about how to deal with COVID -19 and coronavirus?
I just don't understand that. Why do the cruel thing? Because I can play these emotional games too.
What if, how about this one? What if you don't have Thanksgiving as normal because you're terrified out of your ever loving mind of a disease that's not that deadly.
And then you never get to see your grandmother again because she passes away in a few weeks. This is the thing, like you have to live your life the way you, the way, the way it's intended to be lived.
And it's not intended to be lived terrified out of your mind so much so that you can't even have people over for dinner for a game night.
That's not how we're supposed to live our lives. Look, look, be smart. This is not, this is not tempting fate.
This is not, this is not, uh, challenging God to, to, to, to, to, to pull a job on you or something like that.
No, no, no. I'm very grateful for everything that I have from God. I'm grateful that my family is as healthy as it's been.
I'm grateful for my health. I'm grateful for all of that. I'm grateful for my two year old son and all of this kind of stuff. I'm grateful.
And, and, and, but, but I, I put myself at God's mercy and I trust him and I say, God, I'm going to be smart about these things, but you know,
I'm not terrified out of my mind so much that I can't have my family over for Thanksgiving for goodness sake. If you're sick, you don't go.
If you're not sick, you have a good time at Thanksgiving. Does this mean that you, that you start spitting everywhere, spreading your, your, uh, your, your, your, your particles, what are they called?
Droplets everywhere. No, you just talk and sing and love like normal, like normal guys.
Like don't, these coronavirus quarantine laws, these, they're, they're, they're, they're ridiculous laws.
You know, like you can't have certain people over, you can't do this, can't do that. You know, we can all laugh at how stupid and ridiculous they are and they definitely are.
Right. But let's just get this straight. They're not neutral. They're evil. Don't consent to this evil stuff because your brothers who are suffering like Tim Chalies right now, your brothers who are suffering, they, they're going to suffer more because of all the
Christians that consented to insanity, to consented, to treating like everyone as if they're, uh, unclean when they are clean, like that, these might seem like small things, you know,
I'm just wearing the mask. I'm just doing this. I'm just doing that. Yeah. But all as an aggregate, they essentially buy into this cultural lie that we're all telling ourselves that this is somehow loving your neighbor to not visit
Tim Chalies in his suffering. It's not loving your neighbor. God's already defined how to do that. God's, God's the one who gets to define how to love your neighbor.
Not, uh, Mayor Gretchen, whatever her name is. Not, not, uh, Beetlejuice from Chicago, not, uh,
AOC or, or, or Trudeau or whoever it is. They don't get to decide how it is to love your neighbor.
God has already defined that. And we need to follow God's law. That's it. It's just that simple. It really is just that simple.
So when I'm talking about not consenting, this is not about just a rebellious spirit. That's how people like to like to characterize it.
Well, you're just a rebel. You're just a rebellious spirit. You don't have a submissive spirit. And I'm like, look, it's,
I'm, I'm thinking, I'm thinking a few steps ahead here, guys. I'm thinking a few steps. I like to comply with the government, but the thing is
I can't comply to nonsense. When I know I can think a couple steps ahead and say, yeah, there's going to be situations where, you know,
Tim Chalies is going to lose his son. God, hard to even imagine that kind of situation. And so many people are going to be so bought into this system where it's loving your neighbor to obey the government.
That's it's, it's equivalent, right? And that they're not going to visit him for God's sake. If you are one of his, his congregants, go to him, go to him for goodness sake.
I'm going to, you know, I, I tried to be calm during this video, put it that way. I tried to be calm.
Don't, don't consent to this stuff, guys. Real people, real brothers and sisters are actually really suffering.
We all knew how to do this pre COVID with the flu and all that stuff. The seasonal flu. There was a pandemic every year and we knew how to handle it.
Obey Christ. These laws are not innocuous. They're small, but they're not meaningless.
They're evil and wicked and must be resisted by a godly people. Don't consent to giving the governor the ability to define how it is to love your neighbor.
God's already spoken. I hope you found this video helpful. Please guys, brothers, if any of you guys know,
Tim, go to him. That article, he's crying out for help.
Go to him for God's sake. And if you know anyone that's in a similar situation, because Tim, you know, he's a well -known guy.
He's not, he's by far, not the only one in this situation. Go to them, go to them.