Todd White Says I’m Going To Hell!

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Hey guys, Colin here, and welcome back to the channel where the Bible and critical thinking meet to give you real
Christian commentary about the things that matter. Thanks so much for watching, let's get into the video. So for those of you who don't know,
Todd White is just your friendly neighborhood dreadlocked prosperity gospel teacher and faith healer.
Wow, that's a mouthful. But in all seriousness, Todd White is a pastor who gained fame by allegedly healing people on YouTube miraculously.
He would just walk around on the street and ask people if they had any pain or any kind of discomfort going on, and then he would pray for them and they would be healed.
Now this has been enough evidence to fool many Christians into thinking that this is legitimate because they think that Todd White's ministry is more in keeping with Jesus's own healing ministry than most modern pastors today.
John MacArthur and other pastors like Paul Washer or Votie Bauckham, none of these guys have ever healed anybody.
So it must be that there's something missing from what they're doing compared to what Jesus was doing, because Jesus healed a lot of people, and so did
Todd White, hypothetically. There's just one problem with that little theory, which is that the majority of these supposed healings have been exposed as fake.
In fact, Christian YouTuber Mike Winger has an excellent video in which he proves that Todd's healings are fake.
He actually goes over them, watches them, and demonstrates how he faked it. That video will be linked in the description because I think it's very helpful.
But in any case, Todd believes that all sickness is outside of God's will and that it is never
God's will for a believer to have an illness of any kind. Now he is a true prosperity gospel preacher who believes that if you have enough faith, you will be healed no matter what.
But that is just the introduction, not the topic for today's video. Today's real topic is going to be
Todd White's most recent comments about people like me and wonderful people like you who watch this channel,
Christians Who Expose False Teaching. Now I know some of you are already thinking this video's title is dishonest, it's clickbaity, as some of you will say, because Todd did not specifically mention my name in the statement.
He wasn't specifically talking about me, but I disagree with that conclusion. You see, in the video you're about to watch,
Todd White says that those people who expose false teachers are leading people to hell and have no relationship with Jesus Christ.
When he makes that statement, it absolutely applies to myself as I am a person who calls out false teachers regularly.
Therefore, it is not at all dishonest for me to tell you that Todd White said, I'm going to hell. That is an accurate representation of the message that he communicated, like it or not.
But in any case, I want to show you guys this video of what Todd White says, and I'm going to distort it for copyright reasons, but you'll still be able to hear and see everything that's going on.
Check this out. If you are a religious without relationship person, you will study the word to find the ways that you can expose all the false teachers that are out there and not realize that you're actually leading people to hell.
So let's tackle this with three biblical points. Number one, I know some of you are wondering about the fact that Todd never explicitly said to those who expose false teachers are going to hell.
Rather, he simply said that they were leading others to hell, and he left open the possibility that they themselves were still
Christians. And I agree with you to a certain extent, but allow me to explain why you're still wrong on this.
First, Todd says that people like me who expose false teachers are, quote, religious without relationship people.
In other words, he's saying that people like me who expose false teaching effectively have no relationship with Jesus Christ.
And where do people who have no relationship with Christ end up? Well, according to Matthew 7, 23, and several other scriptures, unless they develop a relationship with Christ before they die, they do end up in hell.
In that passage, Jesus says this, quote, And then I will declare to them, I never knew you.
Depart from me, you workers of lawlessness. Notice how Jesus says to these people, depart from me,
I never knew you. This means that they did not have an intimate relationship with Jesus.
He didn't know them after all. So no, I'm not being dishonest or lying to you when
I tell you that Todd White effectively said that people like me who expose false teachers have no relationship with Jesus and therefore are going to hell.
I just thought I should clarify that for anyone who's confused. But now for the next two points, let's specifically talk about why
Todd White is wrong biblically. Number two, Todd says that people who expose others as false teachers are leading people to hell.
Why is this incorrect in my estimation? Well, because Jesus, Paul, Peter, John, and many others participated in rebuking false teachers.
Seriously, let's go over this. Jesus calls out false teachers in Matthew 7, 15, when he says, quote, Beware of false prophets who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves.
Paul himself calls out false teachers in scripture several times. But one example of that would be first Timothy 6, 3, which says, quote,
If anyone teaches a different doctrine that does not agree with the sound words of our Lord Jesus Christ and the teaching that accords with godliness, he is puffed up with conceit and understands nothing.
Indeed, Paul exposes false teachers by name in second Timothy 2, 17, when he says, quote,
And their talk will spread like gangrene. Among them are Hymenaeus and Philetus. And Peter calls out false teachers in second
Peter 2, 1, when he says, quote, But false prophets also arose among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the master who bought them, bringing upon themselves swift destruction.
So we know that Jesus, Paul, Peter, John, and many others called out false teachers.
They even did so in scripture, inspired by God to write these things down. But Todd White says that all of those who expose false teachers are leading people to hell.
So does that mean that all these men, including Jesus himself, were leading people to hell?
Of course not. I think it's far more plausible to believe that Todd White simply has no clue what he's talking about, just like the majority of other faith healers that are out there.
But you, the person watching this video, this is why this is important. You have a choice to make. Are you going to trust
Peter, Paul, John, and Jesus Christ himself? Or are you going to listen to that guy?
The choice is yours, and it seems like a no -brainer to me. And that brings me to point number three. Todd White is blatantly contradicting himself.
He is demonstrating that his perspective is incoherent. If the standard of having a relationship with Christ is that you cannot call out false teaching, then
Todd is involuntarily suggesting that he himself does not have a relationship with Christ.
Let me show you how I came to that conclusion. According to Todd White, those who expose false teaching are religious without relationship.
But what exactly is Todd White doing in this video? He is, in fact, calling out people who he says are, quote, leading people to hell.
In other words, he's calling out false teachers. It's that simple. So according to his own standard, he himself must now have no relationship with Christ, and he himself is leading people to hell.
There are several more reasons why his arguments here are ridiculous and unfounded and illogical.
But before I leave you today, I want to deal with one possible objection to the points that I've made thus far in the video.
Some of you are going to note the context of what he said, which I agree is very important.
When we note the context of Scripture, we are honoring God. Just like when we note the context of a person's statement, we're honoring them and we're being respectful by giving them the benefit of the doubt, so to speak.
Whenever we analyze a person's statement, we must know the context of it to be fair. In this case, he did not just say that those who call out false teachers are leading people to hell.
He also said beforehand that these people, quote, will study the Word of God to find ways that they can expose all the false teachers, end quote.
So in other words, I know that there are some people who are going to suggest that Todd is actually condemning the type of person who reads their
Bible in order to call out false teachers, and this argument will not pass the test either because there's a serious flaw in it.
And that flaw is that we have no way of finding out who is a false teacher in the first place without studying the
Word of God. We have no objective criteria with which to expose someone if we do not have the
Bible as our standard. And knowing this, Paul commands the Roman Christians in Romans 16 -17 to, quote, mark those who cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine you have been taught.
Avoid them. Therefore, here is my conclusion. Since we are commanded by Paul here to mark and avoid false teachers, and since we also cannot know what a false teacher is without Scripture, we are then commanded to study our
Bibles in order to expose false teachers. Otherwise, we wouldn't be able to fulfill the biblical command adequately.
And the Bible tells us to study it so that we aren't led into false teaching, yet this is the exact activity that Todd White is condemning as unbiblical in his sermon here.
There's just no way around it. Todd is not just wrong, he's dangerously wrong.
So to Christians who watch this channel, keep exposing false teachers as the Word commands, but do so with caution, and with the
Bible, and with love, and with fellow believers, because we want to be biblical in everything we do, especially when we're doing something as serious as rebuking another person.
And please stay far away from Todd White and all of his false teaching and pray that he would repent and turn to the
Word of God. Thank you so much for watching. If you liked that video, please like, comment, share, subscribe, and hit the notification bell so that you never miss another one.
If you didn't like that video for any reason, then I invite you to watch my Frequently Asked Questions video, link in description, where I deal with some common objections and define the purpose and goal of my channel using
Scripture. This channel is funded by generous donations from my amazing Patrons. If you'd like to help us put out more videos fighting for truth, hit the link in the description or go to patreon .com
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And until next time, fight for truth, never surrender, and keep your eyes open. Thank you, and God bless.