F4F | My Official Response to Kathryn Krick's Prophetic Warning


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On December 12th, 2023, Apostle Catherine Crick issued a prophetic warning, which is more than a warning.
It's actually an ultimatum and it's aimed at, well, older guys, the old guard like me in ministry.
And this is a prophetic warning from God with a definite threat of an, or else attached to it.
But Catherine issued this prophetic warning slash ultimatum on her
YouTube channel in the community tab of her channel. And although she hasn't read this out, what we've decided to do for the sake of you in the audience is that we are going to offer via the help of video editing software and artificial intelligence, a dramatic reading of this prophetic warning slash ultimatum so that you can understand the severity of what it is that men like me face if we do not comply with this ultimatum.
And then I'm going to offer you my official response to this prophetic warning.
Here first is the dramatic reading. Prophetic warning for the body of Christ.
Since 2021, God has been speaking to his body, including the leaders in the body of Christ, to accept his new move, the end time revival.
In this new move, God is restoring and reviving what has been lost by and large in the church, his anointing, the power of God, his apostles and prophets, deliverance and healing, miracle signs and wonders.
In this revival, God is purifying his bride, transforming it to be how the Acts church was and going glory to glory from there.
God has given the leaders and his body time to obey his voice and accept his new move.
Time is running short. God's move will prevail and will go to new heights no matter what.
If the baton is not passed, older generation leaders acknowledging and accepting his move and the new leaders he's raised up, he will take it, the baton, by force.
It is time now to have the fear of God. This is a prophetic warning. It is not something to take lightly.
And now, here is my official response to Catherine Crick's prophetic warning slash ultimatum.
I'll blow my nose at you, you empty headed animal food trough whopper.
I fart in your general direction. Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries.