

Pastor David Mitchell



All right. So anyway, Dave just introduced himself and I was just about to say, Charlotte, I'll be out of town next
Sunday. So Dave Huber will be preaching for you and, uh, make sure you get the record button hit, because I want to hear it when
I get back home. Remember that while you're preaching that I am going to listen to it. No, I'm kidding. He doesn't, he doesn't care.
He doesn't care. You're going to preach the word. That's all you had to worry about. Uh, if you can preach and brother in front of brother
Otis, you can start preaching front of brother David, right? Wow. That was fun. Yeah.
So anyway, um, I'm happy you agreed to do that, Dave. It'll be awesome.
We'll be back the following Sunday. We're going out to do, uh, during COVID our trade way business was, we were unable to speak before crowds obviously, or do live meetings.
So we had to do everything with zoom and you see how good I am with that. So it's amazing. We made it, but I did have some help from Katie and Dave and Ben and all the young guys,
Matt. Yeah, but anyway, so we're going to be able to do our first, uh, in -person meeting in over a year and it's, it's really rough, but someone's got to do it.
So I agreed to go do it. So I'm going to be teaching in the Dominican Republic, which is in the Caribbean, uh, next week.
So I'll miss you guys, but not very much, not very much really.
So, uh, but do pray for us because it is an opportunity to, to influence some folks and help them with their stock trading, but also a great deal of what
I'll be talking about, the meeting has to do with, uh, entrepreneurial principles from the Bible, which is really helpful for people that are wanting to do their own business.
So that's where I'll be. And Dave, you'll be in good hands with Dave. All right.
Uh, just to review a little bit, we're in Romans chapter 11, 17 through 22, just about finished with the chapter, but not quite, not yet.
And if you notice this little passage here, it talks about, it's talking to the Gentiles and the
Jews, and it's telling the Gentiles, look, you understand that God blinded the Jews in part so that the
Gentiles could come in and be saved, but don't boast about that because if I would cut the Jews off the natural branches and I would cut them off because of unbelief.
If you get into an arena of unleaf, I would cut you off. And you have to remember the passage is not speaking to individuals.
It's not questioning internal security. You can't question that to me, thousands of verses that prove it. And God will not contradict contradict himself.
So that's not the issue he's talking about groups of people. So you look at the nation of Israel. Paul said, not
Israel, not all of Israel is Israel. Only the ones that have had their hearts changed.
The born again ones are Israel. And then you look at the church today, sitting in churches all across the town, this little town, of course, the
Canada, not everybody in church is saved. And that what, what this whole passage is warning people who are pretending to be religious, that you will be judged because God knows the difference.
That's what this is saying. And he's, and he's warning the Gentiles in particular, as you look at the
American church, predominantly Gentile church, which has been so powerful, uh, since God started this country on biblical principles has been so powerful, sent out more missionaries, more preachers to the world than any other nation in the history of the world.
And yet she is weak and hungry and blind and naked. Now the American church. And she's going to be judged to the point where God's going to cut it off.
And that's what he's talking about here. He will break that branch off. And then every
Jew that's left alive at the end of tribulation period will be saved and the Jew, it'll be kind of more Jewish oriented than Gentile at that point.
And Paul's warning us, this is going to happen because of unbelief in the Gentile, especially in America, the superpower of the world in the end of time, unless I've got timing wrong, if we're a thousand years off, then who knows?
But if we're not, if we're not that far off, then it will be America. And the American church is being warned right here.
So this for three weeks, I've been preaching, uh, prophesying over America. Not that I prophesy like an old
Testament prophet, but the word prophesy means to speak forth the word of God. I can do that. So can you, that's what we're supposed to do.
I can't do the telling the future part. My kids will be able to, the Bible says someday your children will prophesy, you know, three, the second three and a half years of the seven year tribulation period, that gift will come back.
It will be re, um, imposed by the Lord. It's not here now, but it will come back.
So here in the middle of this, it talks about these branches being broken off. That's talking about the
Gentile church and behold, therefore the goodness and severity of God on them, which fell into unbelief severity, but toward the goodness, if you continue in his goodness, otherwise we cut off and that's talking to the church, not individuals.
You have to always look at the context, understand passages. It doesn't contradict anything. It's actually what's going to happen.
And it's, it can't, it is not. In fact, bill, your lesson was so great this morning at 10 o 'clock.
You guys come in if you can, because bill is such a great gifted teacher, but he was talking about Hebrews chapter 10,
I believe it is versus right down through, you ended up with 38 and 39, where it says that there are those who believe and fall away, but then it says, but there are, but we are not all of those to follow way, um, we believe unto the saving of the soul.
So you see, you got to understand there is a human belief that doesn't save anyone, and then there's calling of the
Holy spirit, where he gives you Jesus Christ belief, the faith of Christ. That's what saves you.
But there are people sitting around churches all day today that have been told, pray this little prayer, dude, just come hard.
Amen. Now you're a Christian. And they just want to believe it's like a mental pep rally. They believe one minute, the next minute, they soon as God doesn't answer their prayer, they doubt and see that kind of faith doesn't save people.
So you got both kinds sitting in every church. And this is a warning to those that aren't really saved.
And there are some who are lost sheep and this will be convicting to them and draw them to Christ. And then there are goats who will just push them farther away.
That's I don't like that preaching. And they'll go somewhere else. And I'm not talking about here. I mean, any church, any church where that's preached, they'll go somewhere else.
And if they pop in here, they'll somewhere else too. I'll promise you that because I'm going to preach the word and I'm going to preach the true gospel.
And if I'm wrong, you show me, you got to show me it's your job. You you're the protector and the pillar of the truth, this church and every true church in the world today has to protect the truth.
It's your job. So, uh, I don't ever mind it. If you come out and say, Hey, where, where'd you get that? You know, show me how that fits this, that needs to be done by every teacher to every teacher in this church.
That's all that will make this church last to the next generation and be a true genuine church. Um, depending on how long it is before the
Lord comes back, we were reading in Sunday school where it says, I am not tearing long, I'll make a short work on the earth.
I'm coming soon. In other words. All right. So here we're talking about the Gentile church.
It's so funny. We live in an age where all the church preaches today is see verse 22, the goodness of God.
God loves everyone. God is love. He loves everyone. Jesus died for everybody. That's the goodness of God. I don't hear a lot of people preaching about the severity of God.
And yet the word of God always puts both together because God is a fearful God to those who don't know him.
To those who don't want to know him. And you see, there's a difference between a goat and a lost sheep.
A goat doesn't want to know him ever and a lost sheep kind of running from him. But he knows he's watching a lost sheep has a great conscience.
A goat has less conscience every year. Read chapter one of Romans every year.
They have less and less conscience until it's gone. And then God turns them over to a reprobate mind. And they've rejected the son of God, like you said, in Sunday school, which is the only unpardonable sin.
And they do it so many times and the Holy spirit withdraws from them and they're, they're done. You don't necessarily know who those people are.
And I don't either. I'm not saying that it's not for us to judge, but the Lord knows doesn't he getting quiet in here.
All right. Then we went into Zephaniah chapter three and these little passages here are.
Are very interesting because they parallel the book of revelation in the new Testament so much.
And so I really, I sent this to brother Myron, uh, today, uh, texted this verse to him down there in verse nine, where it said for then, well,
I turned to the people of pure language. That's Hebrew. I will turn to the people of a pure language.
That's the Jews that they may all call upon the name of the Lord. That's where Paul said, all
Israel shall be saved. It happens at the moment of the second coming, every Jew that's still alive. A hundred percent of them will be saved on that day.
And that is Zephaniah saying the same thing 2 ,800 years ago.
So he's going to pour out his indignation at the middle of verse eight. I'm going to pour out my indignation, even all my fierce anger.
That's the severity of God. And that's coming upon the earth and it's coming. Listen, Jesus said, you don't know the day or the hour, but when you see the buds on the trees, summer is nigh.
Summer is nigh ladies and gentlemen. So then we looked here in Zachariah chapter four and verse 11, it talks about these two olive trees.
And that's really what we're talking about today. What are these two olive trees? And the, you know, Zachariah asked the angel,
I mean, the angel asked him. No, Zachariah asked the angel. What, who are these people? And the angel comes back and says, you're a great prophet.
Don't you know, I always love it when that happens to people besides me. All I mean, uh, she used to do that to me all the time at coffee.
Don't you know, brother David. All right. So who are these olive trees? Zachariah couldn't figure it out.
The angel said, you should know, but you don't. So at the bottom, he tells him in verse 14, these are the two anointed ones that stand by the
Lord of the whole earth. And you're going to find out exactly who those people are in the book of revelation, although people are still seeking, but it had a near prophecy and a far prophecy, the near prophecy spoke of a man named
Joshua, who is the religious leader of the day and Zerubbabel or Zerubbabel, who was the secular leader and the two of them rebuilt the temple, the very temple that Jesus sat with his apostles.
And they looked at that and they told him how beautiful it was. And Jesus said, I'm not that impressed. Not one stone will be left on another soon.
And they said, well, tell us when that's going to happen and while you're doing it, tell us when the end of the age, the end of the world is going to happen.
And he answered both questions again and again, through chapter 24, Matthew, there are people today.
I've even got buddies that tell me that everything in Matthew chapter 24 has already happened.
No, it hasn't because he's answering two questions, not one. And one of the questions was tell us about what tells how to know when the end of time is coming.
The end of this age is coming. Much, much of 24 is stuff that hasn't happened yet.
And I hate these seminary concepts that are taught to people and they bind them because they read a book that has a false premise and perfect logic, and then they go the rest of their lives, believe in also, there's this, how it's going to happen because this book, this professor told me.
So listen, guys, get over that. Be free to just pick that Bible up and read it in context. I hope
I get to it, but I'm gonna show you some amazing examples of how bad that action is. So the near prophecies, those two gentlemen at the bottom, the far prophecy is two prophets that actually in verse 14, it's speaking of also two men that will stand before the
Lord of the whole earth. And it happens in the future. So that's the far fulfillment. Then it talks about the branch that's
Jesus. And it says he's going to be a priest on his throne and priests don't sit on thrones only Kings do.
So this is a King priest and this is Jesus Christ. That's who the branch is. It says he's going to build a temple, which tells me that the temple that's going to be erected soon.
And by the way, when you see that thing being built near the temple Mount or on the temple Mount in Israel, you need to go ahead and head for the hills because, uh, they're going to be killing every
Christian and Jew that they can find. So you don't want to be in the city. I know some of you are in the process of moving very smart.
Uh, Mr. Music back there is strongly praying about moving out into some, you know,
Countryside, some of the rest of you guys just did that smart. Okay. Some of you guys that already live here,
I'm preaching to the choir, but you, you don't want to be in the big cities when this hits and it's going to hit overnight.
You think of COVID, how quickly did that happen? Changed everything. It just came from nowhere. That's how this will be.
Jesus said, you know, don't be caught sleeping. It's going to come like a thief in the night, but he says, my children are not unaware of this and they won't be caught.
They won't be caught. Like the world will, the world will be caught. Not knowing this is coming. You won't be that way.
You'll be ready, especially if you're in the word. Right. And if you're here, you're going to be in the word. I'll promise you that at least for a few minutes every week.
And I hope you go home and get in it longer. I mean, if my job, if I can't get you to start studying or to keep studying,
I failed, that's my whole job. I got to get you disagreeing with me on something. So you go home and study about it.
All right. So I find it interesting that the temple that is going to be built soon will then be destroyed during the tribulation period.
And then Jesus is going to rebuild the temple. That's my interpretation of this. So I never really saw that until this time through.
I mean, every time you go through and study things, you see something you missed, don't you? All right.
And then this one says, God says, I'm going to utterly consume all things from off the land. Say it, the Lord, you do realize that every prophet that ever spoke of the tribulation period said it'll be like nothing that's ever happened or ever will happen.
And if God didn't cut it short, it'd be no life left on the earth. But for the elects stake, he cuts it short.
That's us. People always ask me, you believe in election predestination? Well, you better hope you do because the only, you know, if you don't, if you, if God doesn't see you as one of his chosen ones, you're going to be in big trouble during the tribulation period, because you're not going to go out of it seven years prior to it.
Like everybody says that is a false, um, concept. Found in certain books and seminaries, totally not in the
Bible. It ain't going to happen that way. Satan's biggest lie. Oh, don't worry about it.
You won't be here. The church has never found past revelation chapter three. That's the biggest lie I've ever heard.
And it's in all these books. Oh, the church has taken out right there in chapter three of revelation. And then you look at the verse.
They used to prove it totally out of context. It's not even talking about that. And that's all they've got.
And yet all of us grew up believing that I certainly did. Even my mentors believed it. Now, brother Otis, I wrote him about a 20 page thesis on it once.
And he said, Nope, you're right. Brother David doesn't work that way. I'll never teach that again. And he was 80 something and he changed his viewpoint because he saw the truth.
Rock brother Rocky went to heaven before any of us were even looking at this, but he believes the truth now, doesn't he?
All right. So going to utterly consume all things off the land. And you go in there and we read this last time, but it's talks about fishes in the sea.
So for these people that say, well, all this stuff has already happened. When did you ever see a time that's happened where it even killed all the fish in the ocean?
You ever see that happen? Or is that future something that hasn't happened yet?
That is going to happen. You see, it's not hard. Listen, God wrote the Bible for children and farmers, not that farmers are children, but I'm just saying they're not
PhDs. And if it takes a PhD to figure out a theory, then it's a false, usually a false theory because God wrote it for us to read plainly, read it plainly and in context and study and ask the
Holy spirit to be your teacher. And you don't have to have a PhD to figure this out.
So here we talked about this stuff. Okay. Talks about people that are going to turn back or backslide away from the
Lord. And, um, she'll come to pass in the Lord's sacrifice, the day of the
Lord's sacrifice. And you, you read in the book of revelation, it talks about the vultures will come and eat the bodies of the
Kings and the, and the people and the base people and all the people that are killed in the battle of Armageddon.
That's what this is alluding to. And it even goes so far as to talk about, uh, you know, he invited,
God invites his guests that that's not a positive things because these are the ones that vultures are going to eat.
And then it shall come to pass in the day of the Lord's sacrifice that I will punish the leaders. Don't you think the world leaders of the
Western world are going to be punished greatly because all of these nations were nearly all of them were Protestant set for Italy and Spain and France, the rest of them were
Protestant. So they had a Bible. They were in the Bible. So the greatest like England had the greatest preacher ever lived since Paul, maybe even better preacher than Paul.
Sorry, Paul, Paul, sorry. Maybe not because I never heard you. It's not fair, but, but I'm saying. Spurgeon was probably the greatest preacher.
They had him right before world war two. And then didn't they quit going to church? And then look what happened to the nation of England in world war two.
So, so these nations are going to be for turning away from the
Judeo Christian principles that built all these nations to build the greatest economy the world's ever known or ever will know probably until you to the millennial kingdom when pains.
And so they're going to be punched. And the, those that wear strange apparel, is that prophetic?
Look at what people are doing today. The men dressing like women, women dressing like men, half of them not knowing what they are, it's not really half.
It's like maybe 3 % of the population, but Hollywood and the new media makes you think every other person is gay.
Actually, that's not the biblical word. Sodomite is the word. It's just not true, but it makes us feel like that's true because they get more power that way.
But I'm telling you. As that, as the government begins to accept it and promote it, like ours has check out
Rome, check out Greece before Rome, check out Babylon before that. When people go into that particular event and destroy his nations, especially when they kill millions of babies, like we have here, so we're this country's in trouble, this country's, this country has
Ichabod written on it. Not only is he going to punish those who are the strange apparel, but those that leap across the threshold.
And that you'd have to study a little bit to know what that's talking about. But it's talking about back in those days, the people that didn't know true were superstitious.
When they walked in someone's house, if they step on the threshold, they'd have bad luck, they thought.
So they would jump over it. Kind of like, don't step on a crack, you know? And so these are talking about unbelievers, secular people who don't know
God. They just worship anything. They worship mother nature. Listen, you're surrounded by them in this country.
Now that's who that's talking about. Those people are going to be punished and the great day of the
Lord is near. It is near and it haste greatly. This is written 2 ,800 years ago. If it was near then, if it was near in Paul's day, it's really here now, even the voice of day of the
Lord, the mighty man will cry there bitterly days. The day of wrath, a day of trouble and distress, a day of wasteness and desolation, a day of darkness and gloominess, a day of clouds and thick darkness, you think
God's trying to warn us. Okay.
This quit working. Did we lose it?
Dave too bad.
Didn't drop us out. Did it? I try to log back in.
You think we lost internet in the building or is it back? Can you tell? Okay.
It may mess lots of stuff up. Who knows that off for a minute.
Okay. Let me see if I can get all the back, uh, hour the first time.
Okay. Let's see. That's still up there. That's encouraging. Now I probably just need to share again, right?
Hey, so what trumpet do you think that's an illusion to which one out of seven?
The last one. That's right. It's an alarm to the fence cities.
That's all allegory. Well, that was the near prophecy, but the far prophecy, it's allegorical of the last
Trump. And I will bring distress upon men that they shall walk like blind men because they have sinned against the
Lord and their blood shall be poured out in the dust and their flesh as dung. Neither shall silver or buy them safe.
The money's not going to do any good at that point. Sorry, Ben, I know you where it's been. He's doing church.
He, he, he's precious metals about silver and gold. I was going to mess with him a little bit, but he'll hear it on the tape.
Anyway, you're not going to be able to buy the worldly people. Can't buy their self.
The Bible says the governments will be in perplexity, which means they made all these socialistic promises to take care of the people and now they can't do it and we're going to be riding in the streets because they're expecting it.
Something clicked again. Did we lose it? All right. Well, we'll have to apologize to the folks later.
Um, for he will make a speedy riddance of all them that dwell in land.
Wow. But now that's funny. Cause it makes the, it makes my work too.
Oh, that's weird. Well, yeah, we can hear it here. Cause it comes through there.
They're just not going to hear it there. Why is this not working?
Okay. All right. So gather yourselves together. When you see these things happening, the
Bible says, uh, forsake not the assembly of ourselves together. And so much, the more, as you see the day approaching, that's what this is saying.
2 ,800 years ago, it said the same thing. And then look at this. Look at the end of verse three.
It may be you'll hit in the day of the Lord's anger. See, that's the truth about how God does it for us.
He doesn't take us out before the seven years. And we're just not here. We're here, but he protects us.
Those who are in the word and obeying his word will be protected. Those who don't listen to it will be slaughtered.
So, I mean, there, there is information for us to know what to do. And God will protect us.
He always protects a remnant when these things are happening throughout all of history. I'm going to gather the nations.
I'm going to pour upon them. My indignation, all the earth will be devoured. I turned the people of pure language. That's Hebrew. And that they may all call upon the name of the
Lord. That's the Jews being saved. It's the second coming. Behold the day of the Lord cometh and I, uh, and thy foils shall be divided in the midst of thee.
I will gather all nations against Jerusalem. The battle battle is the name of that in book revelation, all nations come.
Uh, why think about, just think if you didn't know anything about the Bible, would you think it odd that all the nations in the world are focused on this little bitty country called
Israel? That geographically is meaningless and all of the middle
East has, has promised to destroy Israel. They're over there doing it right now. I'm going to put some pictures up there for you about what's going on over there.
Now it's really, I'll tell you about it. It's kind of funny. Well, I say funny lives are in law, not funny, but that it's in that, um, since I, since the eighties, when
Charlotte and I, you know, 78 into the early eighties started getting into the word of God and understanding things a little bit again, and again, and again,
I read news articles saying, you know, when the Arabs come against Israel and they throw bombs in there and into Tel Aviv to kill women and children, they're not going after the army.
They're shooting. They can't even, they don't have enough technology to guide those things. They just want them to hit somewhere in the marketplace, blow up and kill a whole bunch of Jewish people.
Moms, kids, grandmas, people in wheelchairs. That's don't care. That's who they want to kill. It's been that way.
Every, ever since I remember in the eighties, that is a long time ago. Now, every time about every two, three years, it comes up and then
Israel will come back and attack strategic points where they're keeping these things that are shooting the missiles and the
Arabs and the Palestinians in particular, they're not really Arab, but the Palestinians will, uh, their bombs and missiles and their, their armament in an area with a bunch of women and children, knowing that the
Israelis, when they hit that armament, it's going to kill some women and children, and then tell the
AP, the associated press that Israel is bombing old 20 children. This happened again yesterday. I clipped it.
I meant to put it up here and I forgot to do it last night, but I mean, just, just, just right there, exactly what it says,
Israel killed 10 children and didn't tell about the rockets that were shot at them first to aimed at their women and children and grandparents and school kids, they don't ever talk about that, so it's kind of funny, so the next thing you read, like maybe,
I don't know, four or five hours later, another one pops up and it says
Israel strikes the made guy's paper, which houses the
AP bombed is associated press because they were lying about them and making the war more difficult for them.
So they just took them out. Now they sent them a warning several hours before they hit the building and said, get out of the building.
It's up to them, whether they obey or not. And they're probably stupid enough. They didn't. But anyway, isn't that interesting? Oh man, it's just been that way.
It's that way. All right. So this moves on in and talks about some of these very things.
Um, all the nations of the world will eventually gather and head towards Jerusalem to battle.
Why? It makes no sense. Why did they even care? There's no oil there. There's very little goal there.
There's not, there's not much commerce there. Why do they care? Well, it's one of the greatest proofs of the
Bible there ever has been. I mean, the Jew proves the Bible is true. The existence of the Jew, but the existence of this little nation and the whole world's attention on it, even in your newspaper and all through scripture is certainly proof that God is out of, of all things and he wrote the scripture and it's true and it's accurate and so forth, uh, it's great apologetics.
And shall the Lord go forth and fight against those nations as when he fought the day of battle. And that's not going to be pretty because he's going to destroy those armies and the blood is going to flow as high as the bridles on the horse in the valley of middle, which
I seen it's the most perfect battlefield in the whole world. And it's not far from Jerusalem and, and the blood is going to flow.
And then the Lord's will stay in that day on the
Mount of Olives you that that's talking about. Oh, this is 2 ,800 years ago, a full more than a hundred years before John wrote or penned the book of revelation.
What is that talking about? Where the Lord will destroy the enemies of Jerusalem and then his feet will stand in that Mount of Olives.
Does that sound literal to you or allegorical people say, well, Jesus doesn't really rule, you know, the post -millennial amillennial list.
Those are all theories that have really lost popularity in a lifetime. Very few people believe them anymore, but they're still taught seminary as possible aspects or belief.
Um, say it's not literal. There's not really going to be a thousand year reign of Jesus. Really on the earth, really actually ruling from Jerusalem.
But Zachariah said he would. And he lived a long time before those professors were ever born and ever started writing their books.
And it talks about the specific things that we see later in the book of revelation about the future events.
And so he's gonna, he's gonna come back like the light from the east to the west.
It's not a secret. Rapture type thing. That's not what it is. He said, no, people will tell you I'm coming in secret, but don't believe them.
They're false prophets. He said, when I come every, I will see me and it'll be like lightning from the east to the west. That is not like these little books,
Al Lindsay books, things. Those are, those are just not true. This is how it happens.
And so he destroys these enemies and any foot down on earth. He comes back from the clouds, just like in the backs.
He will away from earth into the clouds. Angel said, he will come in like manner. Here it is.
The second coming is literal. The millennial kingdom will follow. And it's literal. And Jesus will rule as the
King priest from Jerusalem for a thousand years. That's all literal for Jerusalem on the east and the
Mount of olives shall cleave in the middle of it. There'll be like, I don't know if it's an earthquake. I don't know what it is.
Something will cause that mountain to come in half. And then there'll be a great river that flows out of it.
And the tree of life will be beside that river. And you can eat the leaves of that tree and live to be 900, a thousand years old during the millennial kingdom.
All of this we know from the book of revelation, but here at 2 ,800 years ago, talking about the same things, you shall flee to the
Valley of the mountains for the Valley of the mountains shall reach unto us all. Yeah, you shouldn't flee lock is like you fled during the great earthquake in the days of Uzziah, the
King of Judah and the Lord, my God shall come and all of his saints with him. What do you think? Okay.
Now, now, now look at this. What's the chronology here? 2 ,800 years ago. What is chronology?
You don't have to read how Lindsay's book to get this or things to come by Dwight Pentecost to get the fact you'll get the opposite if you read them.
Well, what's the chronology here? What happened first? The nations were gathered against Jerusalem.
Correct. Remember that pop it back up. All the nations were gathered that happened first.
Right. Okay. Then what happened next? The Lord goes forth and fights against them.
What happens next? His feet hit the ground and he's about to go rule, um, from Jerusalem.
And then the valleys, uh, part, you got this wonderful river that goes through.
And then the Lord God will come with all the saints with him.
There's the rapture. So it happens last, not first. Do you see the chronology? It, but listen,
I used to talk about the fact that Daniel, Paul and Jesus all had the same chronology. Now I've got to add
Zachariah. Same chronology and it shall come to pass in that day that the light shall not be clear nor dark.
Well, you got a little bit of nuclear winter going on. Most likely after the battle of Armageddon or maybe even before that, that could happen even before that event.
So it's very interesting material here. Living waters are going to flow out through this river.
That's created when that mountain is split in half and that's all through the book revelation and that's something it's almost, it's, it's just amazing.
The parallel between this book and what John wrote about this point in time, the hinders be in the former sea.
That's the dead sea and the, uh, Mediterranean or it could actually,
I think it's the ready and the dead sea Lord shall be
King over the whole earth. What's that sound like? That's millennial kingdom that day.
Shall there be one Lord and his name one. There's no, there'll be no Buddha. There'll be no
Hamid. There won't be a mother nature being worshiped. One Lord, his name is
Jesus and all the land shall be turned as a plane from Giba to remand south of Jerusalem.
Why is it turned to the plane? Because it's flattened during these wars flattened.
And so it's pretty interesting. Then it goes into the book of revelation and we start to see the prophecy of Zachariah, where he talks about these two trees.
And then the angel explains, well, those are actually two prophets that will stand on the earth before God.
You jumped the book of revelation after 11, verse three, I will give power into my two witnesses and they shall prophesy thousand, 200 preschool days, clothed in sackcloth.
If you do the math, how long do you suppose that is? That number of days, exactly three and a half years.
Now I just read a book that a friend at a trade way meeting, give me, give me books all the time and kind of cringe.
I don't like to read modern books much. I like to read 150 year old theology books. They're not quite as tainted, but he gave me the book and he had signed it and everything, so I read some of it until I realized
I don't need to read any more of this one, and this was written by a professor at Dallas theological seminary.
They're in Dallas in the seventies, probably one of the most sound seminaries left on the face of the earth.
And yet this professor is writing a book on the end times and in the end times, he says that these two prophets, he said, now, most people think this happened towards the second, three and a half years, but the truth is these two prophets prophesied the first three and a half years in their ministry ended before the great tribulation.
And now, if that's true, then you can have the rapture happen at least midway through the seven years.
And I guess that's what he was trying to accomplish by lying about the passage. So how could a good man at a seminary lie because they thought of themselves first, they know what they want to believe, and then they make the
Bible prove it exactly what they do. So what do you do to solve that?
What if you're reading a commentary and it says something and some little red flag goes up in your mind and say, I'm not so sure that beings that what should you do, you should go back and read chapter 10.
See, this is chapter 11, right? Verse three, go back and read chapter 10 and see what it's talking about, because that's the context.
See, this happens. The man said happened at the beginning of the seven years forgot his name,
Bill. I guess it's fine that I don't tell name because I'm kind of throwing mud in his face, but he's one of the former professor at DTS that wrote this book and he's well known on his name and writes books on the
Bible quite often that are on Amazon. And so you go back to your chapter 10, and if that doesn't work, go back and read chapter one, all the way down to where you are now.
See, the problem is most people don't want to do that work. So they just accept what the per the scholar says as if it's true.
And there's your false presumption. See, if he gets you to buy into that and he just says it like it's true,
I'm reading that going, I can't believe this guy's doing this. He says, now this, you know, most people believe this happens at the end.
Actually it's the first three and a half years. That's called a presupposition in logic. And if you buy into that, then he uses perfect logic to make you buy into the conclusion that he wants you to buy into, which is a false conclusion.
So just go back and look at it. Now it's interesting because obviously it's about to talk about these two witnesses, which is what's in my sermon.
And I got to thinking about that after I got here and I thought, you know what
I think I'll do? I think we'll just ask the class.
What do you think it's talking about now? I don't have this on my PowerPoint, but guess what? I got Bible on my computer.
If I can get it up here where he can see it. Now, why isn't that showing? Interesting.
Huh? No, let's try this. How about that? That shows it's not real big.
Is it that better? All right, let's move now.
I can't leave it though. So I'm going to try to go down here and hit a revelation that we were in chapter 11, right? So let's check out chapter 10.
So now we're look some context to find out when these two profits did.
They're prophesying. Was it the first three and a half years? Like the stop from DTS says that it is, or is it the second three and a half years?
It's really important. No, because truth matters. Number one, but secondly, the reason it's important to know is because the rapture happens after this event.
So if we go into after 10, we're just, we're bigger, but basically I just need it big enough where I can read some of this to you in verse one.
It says, and you can look it up on a phone or whatever revelation chapter 10. And I saw another mighty angel come down from heaven clothes with a cloud and a rainbow was in his hand.
And his face was as it were the sun and steep pillars of fire in this little book.
And this is cool. Cause this is the little book that, uh, was bitter.
And John's stomach, but it goes on and it says he's got this little book and it's right foot upon the sea is foot upon her and crowd.
And he cried with a loud voice as when a lion roars and when he had cried seven thunders, their voices.
Now, this is very interesting because you've got seven trumps and you've got bowls being poured out.
These bowls of wrath throughout the book of revelation, but here's when people don't talk about very much.
And it's, it's, these are like parentheticals inside of bigger ideas. Okay. So sometimes like the third bowl might end up actually being the seventh
Trump. So they're like a big idea and a parentheses inside of that. And you have to understand that as you read these.
So here you have a little parenthetical in here where it talks about seven thunders. That's different than the seven bowls and the seven trumps, although it could be the last of one of those things.
That's just how it's written. But let's look at this, these in particular kind of fascinating. And when the seven thunders had uttered their voices,
I was about to write now. So, so you see, um, whether this is a thundering voice, like a lion or whatever it is that he's hearing,
John is recording what he's hearing and and he doesn't always have the vocabulary to with his, what he knows from his life because he's transported from planet earth 2000 years ago to see stuff.
That hasn't happened yet. It's going to happen in our future. And he does like, if he sees an army tank or Heinz helicopter, he doesn't know what to call that.
They didn't have them. So he might call a helicopter, something that has an airline, a woman blowing around in eyes, like a man and a stinger, like a, you know, a stinging scorpion and scorpion that kills people and flies around.
He doesn't know have words. It's interesting to read about this though.
It taught these seven thunders, and this is revealed to the apostle
John stuff. That's going to happen in our future. And look what happens. They, the seven thunders utter their voices,
Don here, and he gets his pen he's about to write it down for us and put it in the book of revelation. So we can know that this is going to happen also.
And all the boys from heaven saying to me, seal up those things, which the seven thunders uttered and don't write them, they give you goosebumps.
He was not allowed to tell us about this horrible stuff yet. It's not revealed yet.
Isn't that interesting? There's so much stuff that it's real make wonder what in the world is that about that the apostle
John was not allowed to reveal that to us in the word of God and the angel, which
I saw stand upon the sea and upon the earth, did up his hand to heaven and swear by him that liveth forever and ever that's the father, right, who created heaven and things therein are, and the earth and the things that they're in are, and the sea and the things that they're that there should be time no longer.
That doesn't mean time stops. A lot of people misinterpret that it means time in the church age and this age in which we're living is now over.
We are at the end of the age. Wow. My goosebumps won't go away.
Where was I? It's hard to see with all the little stuff up there, verse seven, um, where it says about time, okay.
The end of verse six, uh, there's no more time and look what happens.
But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, now what trumpet does the seventh angel blow?
The last Trump, right? You got to read some of the rest to know that, but in the days of the voice, now the voice means the sound, it doesn't necessarily mean a human voice.
It can be the sound of a Trump sound of a trumpet, which it is in other passages where it talks about the same time period in the days of the sound of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, this is the last
Trump, ladies and gentlemen, watch the train come by here in a minute, blow his horn. It'll scare us to death. The mystery of God will be finished as he has declared to his servants, the prophets, if you look at word formulas in the new
Testament, a great word formula is where Paul talks about the mystery and it only ever means one or two or three things.
It can mean the rapture. They are things that God revealed through the apostle Paul and no other prophet ever could see or understand.
Only through the apostle Paul did Jesus, when he taught him in the Arabian desert on and off for three years, he taught this only to Paul without Paul's revelation, you wouldn't know about it.
A lot of these types of things. And throughout the new Testament, the epistles of Paul, when he talks about the great mystery, it's either the rapture of the church.
I meant to say that last, I was going to make a big crescendo. It's either the indwelling of the church by the
Holy spirit, which was a mystery they didn't know about or something like, or, or it can be the rapture of the church.
The point is because of the indwelling of the Holy spirit, when the Lord comes back, we're just drawn to him and that's what creates the rapture.
But anyway, the mystery is the idea of the fact Gentiles could be saved, not just Jews and they're saved by being baptized into the body of Christ.
This is the great mystery. It's talking about the church everywhere you see it. So what do you think this means?
When it says this seventh trumpet blows. And when you hear the voice of the, of the seventh angel, uh, where was
I? Oh, verse seven, but in the days of the sound or voice of the seventh angel, when he will begin to sound the best, the mystery of God, what is the mystery?
And word foremost throughout the new Testament is the church, the indwelt church, the true church, the saved people, all of the same people will be finished.
So the mission of the church, which is the witness to the whole world of Jesus Christ is done and over at this point.
And the church is done because I believe she's raptured, but when does this happen?
Not till after the seventh Trump, which is when the second coming begins. So this is not at the front end of the seven years, nor is it three and a half years in.
Uh, so it doesn't necessarily mean the rapture of the church, but what it does mean is the mission of the church is over.
Does that make sense? Like what is our mission? Is to tell the gospel to the whole world that will be finished.
And it doesn't say it's gone. It just says it's finished. And that's really what I think it's talking about. The voice, which
I heard from heaven spaking to me and said, go and take the little book, which now it kind of changes the subject talks about this little book.
And I went to the angel and said to him, give me the little book. Can you remember that little part there? I'm going to scroll up a little bit here.
It was bitter in his belly because what he saw in this particular book was horrible things, the world basically being torn apart by tribulation, millions of people dying and so forth, and he said, you're going to prophesy and tell this to people all over the world so that there'll be warned, right?
That's what happens in chapter 10, right before chapter 11 starts. And I just messed that up, but you, you get the point now, now you see, uh, now you see the context.
Let me see if I can get rid of this now. Okay. I'm going to try to start this back up and I know we're about out of time here.
Definitely had some interesting technological things happening. So now here's, here's where we are. So when do you think the two witnesses are here?
Certainly not the first three and a half years, but they begin their ministry at the beginning of the second three and a half years, and they minister for three and a half years and at the end of that ministry, it's pretty interesting.
Now, these are the same two olive trees that Zechariah spoke of. Look what it says in verse four.
These are the two olive trees. Okay. And the two candlesticks, what is the candlestick picture in the book of revelation, the church.
So now this is so Jews will understand it's not Judaism. It's church.
It's church. Okay. It's Christianity that this has to do with.
And these two prophets are Christian men, not Jew. They may be Jews, but there'll be saved
Jews. If they're Jews, just like brother Rocky, my mentor was a saved Jew. They're not going to be part of Judaism.
This is not Judaism revamped or something like that. This is church.
And that's what the candlestick pictures and standing before the God of the earth, that is exactly the phrase in Zechariah.
They stand before the God of the whole earth. Isn't that amazing? So here they are.
And they began to witness the whole time. Now here's part of a commentary that I read, but who are these two men?
And it's good to have commentaries, but you got to take them with a grain of salt because watch this quote.
I'm quoting the commentary. The two witnesses have been understood as different.
Like all these commentators disagree on who they are is what it's saying. So how many of these commentaries can be accurate?
One or none, but not all right. One or none, but not all. So the two witnesses has been understood as representing
Enoch or Eli and Elijah. That's the two men it's gotta be Enoch. And you can imagine they set up their presuppositions.
They wrote this long passage of information proving their point. Right. And they're brilliant.
So you're going to buy into it. Whoever read that commentary, that's who these two men are going to be. And then other commentary said, no, it's
Moses and Elijah. They did the same thing. Brilliant logic to prove it.
And then Elijah and Jeremiah, that's who it really is. All right.
And, um, how about this? Maybe they're eschatological prophets, not directly identified in the old
Testament. And we have just two people could be David Mitchell and Russ Halk. I don't know. I had a man that thought it was going to be him and me shortly before he stopped working for me.
But anyway, um, so maybe it's just two people then others just swear that it's
Peter and Paul. Then others say, no, it's Stephen and James, the just no, it's the other
James and it's John. No, it's John the Baptist and Jesus. No, it's Jesus, the Justin James, the son of Zebedee.
No, it's actually talking about Ananias and Joshua, the old Testament. Some people say, no, it's a picture.
One of those prophets pictures, the old Testament, the other one pictures, the new Testament. That's really allegorical, right?
Not even literal men at that point, the law and the prophets. Some people say it's the law and the profits.
Others say, no, it's the prophetic witness of the church. It's the true spiritual value of the Israelite religion preserved intact in Christianity.
There's a stretch and the word of God and the testimony of Jesus. Some people say it's one of them represents the word of God.
The other one, the testimony of Jesus. So you have all these things that are written as fact by commentary. Now this, um,
I have to admit to you, I got this from the journal of Seventh -day Adventist theological society. And you say, well, they're a cult.
Well, they're not really a cult. They're what we call a near cult. If you want to know what
I mean, read the King, the book called the kingdom of the cult. It's a great read. It doesn't really put them in the book as a chapter, like it does every false religion.
It puts them in the appendix at the end and says, some of these guys are actually saved and some aren't. But the thing is, they're all, they're very scholarly.
So all of this stuff that he read are the same commentaries. We would read. If we did this research to see what those two men are, you would find all of those.
That's what he did. He did the research for us. He he's wrong about having to worship on Saturday and some other stuff, but he did the research for us.
And I think it's pretty funny, but I want you to look at this man. Now this is a PhD. I'm sure. And look what his conclusion is.
It's obvious to him. Now see, there's your false premise. It's not obvious. He just says it's obvious.
It's obvious that the passage relation 11, three through 13 is highly symbolic as is true for the entire apocalyptic part of revelation.
As if there are other parts that are literal, but the part that he says is not literal is not. See, that's how PhDs do in seminaries.
This leaves us with two main options. Either the two witnesses point to the church or the church and the synagogue.
There's his conclusion. False are the two witnesses represent the old
Testament and the new Testament. Although many expositors identify the two witnesses with two historical persons, actual people like we do, uh, mainly from the old
Testament. Nevertheless, they oftentimes regard them as representatives of the church, which they will be because of the candlestick in the scripture.
Much can be said about the passage under review, but we will mainly focus on whether the two witnesses represent the church or the scriptures.
So he totally misses it. PhD seminarian, probably a professor totally misses it.
All you gotta do is read chapter 10, read chapter 11, read the book of Zechariah.
And you're way closer than these guys. But my point is no one knows who the two men are.
You look like a fool when you start trying to prove something that the scripture doesn't even talk about.
Yeah. How are you going to, if the scripture does not reveal it, how are you going to know who it is? So why talk about it?
What we do know what's probably the fact is if you read the Zechariah passage, one of them is secular.
One of them is a priest, a man of God, or a preacher, if you put it in new terms and that they're
Christians from the Christian church, not from Judaism. We know that. So you're probably going to have like a leader, like a
Trump type person, not that it'd be Trump, but a Trump like person, like a, uh, just like Trump, a godly religiously,
I mean, a godly secular man, a little bit tongue in cheek there. And, uh, it's all relative though.
I mean, he was running against whoever, but anyway, so, and then you're going to have a man of God.
And those will be your two men, but we don't know who they are. Is that good enough? I mean, these guys missed it.
Why should we try to say who they're going to be? All right. But anyway, they are two literal people.
Now we're out of time, but what I'm going to talk about a little bit next time, there are, there were two other witnesses that stood on the streets of Jerusalem, like these men will do.
These men probably are alive right now. They could be little boys in our school.
They could be older than that. They might hopefully didn't go to seminary unless they did it a good time ago.
Um, but they're probably alive on the earth now being prepared by the Lord to do this amazing ministry.
But when the, when the mission of the church is over. Preachers like that are going to take over.
They're going to be the ones telling the gospel. They're going to be 144 ,000 Jewish evangelists that go over the whole earth and tell the gospel.
This is the grace of God. I mean, you're in the tribulation period by then, and God is still telling people the gospel message that can save them, right?
And you even have angelic beings telling the gospel during that time period. So I'm going to go back next time,
Lord willing, it won't be next Sunday because David will be preaching. And he'll probably just grab my PowerPoint and take it right up.
He doesn't have to study, just read the PowerPoint day. That'll be great. And then the technology will go off and then where will you be?
Right. So, um, there were two others that stood in the streets of Jerusalem already.
And we're going to take a look at that and how the people treated those two and get some similarities for how this is going to look when it first starts up.
These two men, listen, I'm gonna tell you what they are. They're street preachers. They're going to stand on the corner of a street in Jerusalem, begin to preach
God's word in a time of the tribulation when the whole world has rejected God pretty much, except for the remnant, which are protected and hidden away somewhere by God somehow.
Right. And so how are they going to be treated? And Zachariah talks about him 2 ,800 years ago.
John talks about him approximately 2000 years ago, same ones, same people. What can we learn about it?
And we'll get into that time after next. All right. That's all the time we have for today. Let's stand and have prayer together.
Lord, we thank you your word. We thank you that you give us words of wisdom to help us prepare for these times, help us not to fall away in fear or to fret over the fact that the world as we know, it is not going to always be here.
All the things we love help us not to be like lots wife and be so upset about we're going to lose our
TV set. We're going to lose all of our little things that we love. Maybe all of our electronics, maybe our phone won't work.
Maybe the laptops will not work. Maybe we can't even get ammo. We've got to learn to build bows and arrows.
You know, we, this is what the book of revelation indicates Lord. And help us not to fret over that or to be like lots wife and look back longingly, but to be willing to go into your will with joy and do what we're here to do and help us to be light and salt until that moment, when you said the mystery of God is finished and our job is over and Lord protect us, give us wisdom to know where not to be and where to be as these times approach and Lord help us to know what to be doing until they're here, because we still have time to work right now.
We still have, we're not supposed to go hide right this minute. We're supposed to be working and preparing and providing for our family so that we have the assets and the things that we need to then make the preparations.
And so Lord help us to have great wisdom and to be very supportive of one another and to gather together.
As the scripture says, both in Zechariah and in the new Testament, as the end approaches, we need to be more together than we've ever been and help us to obey that as well.
Now go with us, Lord, into our time of fellowship, bless the meal. We're about to have in Jesus name.
Amen. All right. You are dismissed. We have food here in about 10 minutes. We'll see you then.