Spiritual Transition from Panty Hose

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One of the most difficult things for people when witnessing is the transition from the natural to the spiritual. This is a game we created to help sharpen those skills. This is a fun game to people with adults or youth groups. To play the game, you call out a person and name something for them to transition from and they have to transition from that to either a spiritual conversation or the gospel.


So, this is our spiritual transition game. For those of you who may be new watching, let me explain the rules of this game.
This is for those who are watching live the Striving for Eternity Academy, Monday nights 8 o 'clock.
They get to give me something they think I cannot transition to the gospel from.
Tonight's topic that I've been asked to transition is pantyhose. Now the question you may be wondering is, how in the world is he going to get to a discussion on pantyhose to the gospel?
Well actually, to be honest, I have no idea yet. But we're going to figure out how I do later.
The rules of this game are this, and it's a game you can play with others. The purpose of the game, let me start with that, is so that you learn that you no longer need to wait and pray and hope for opportunities to share the gospel, but that you can take anything and practice and practice and practice and learn to transition from anything to the gospel.
Now you're thinking, really, anything? How about a pair of pantyhose? Well that's my task right now.
Can I transition from a pair of pantyhose to the gospel? Now I can honestly say that I've never in my life worn pantyhose.
I understand that in a day and age of this gender confusion where people seem to think that they can't tell if they're a boy or a girl,
I think the plumbing tells us that, but that's alright. People seem to want to think that there's this confusion.
And so what we end up having is we have men who are wearing clothing belonging to women such as pantyhose.
Now some may think that, well what's the big deal? Well I'll tell you what the big deal is.
The big deal is actually this. The big deal is that we are created in the image of God, and because we're created in the image of God, we're created either male or female, and God created us.
Here's the reality that we have. Now think about this. I know that some don't agree with a
Christian point of view on the issue of gender roles, but something to think about is that many people who make the decision to transition from one sex to another, they end up committing suicide.
Why is that? Well, because for many people they thought, they thought that the real issue of their being depressed in life and not being happy is because they just identified themselves as a different gender.
The reality is that the real mistake is in this American thought that we should be happy.
That everything we do should be living for our happiness. God wants us to be righteous, not happy.
Now they could coincide and be the same. For eternity we will be happy, but happiness is based on what happens.
God wants us to have joy. Joy is different than happiness. Happiness is based in circumstances.
Joy is something that helps you get through circumstances. And though there's many people that have gender confusion supposedly, really what they have is a depression because they're in sin and they cannot explain their depression outside of trying to deny
God. In their state they're trying to deny God. The reality is the true answer to the guilt over sin, repentance, turning from trusting ourselves as a good person or good works and trusting in Jesus Christ, that's the solution to guilt.
Putting on pantyhose guys, not going to solve your guilt problem. Repenting and trusting in the
Lord Jesus Christ, winner, that will solve the guilt issue. And actually what it'll do is instead of giving you happiness, which comes and goes, it'll give you joy.
So that as you go through life's trials, you can rejoice because you know that you have eternal life.