There is No Such Thing as Homosexual Marriage
Yesterday four radical judicial revolutionaries decided to overthrow centuries of practice and law and create a monstrosity called “gay marriage.” No such thing exists. That is like a round square, or a light of darkness. Marriage is not defined by judges who believe themselves free to create new realities. Marriage is a divine institution. But yesterday, the far-reaching proclamation (it wasn’t a decision) of the CA Supreme Court made historic and biblical Christianity officially bigoted by granting civils rights on the basis of deviant sexual practice. This is an abuse of sexuality, marriage, children, families, and the nation as a whole. That was our subject on the DL today.
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- 00:13
- Webcasting around the world from the desert metropolis of Phoenix, Arizona. This is the dividing line
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- The Apostle Peter commanded Christians to be ready to give a defense for the hope that is within us Yet to give that answer with gentleness and reverence
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- Our host is dr. James white director of Alpha Omega ministries and an elder at the Phoenix reformed
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- Baptist Church This is a live program and we invite your participation. If you'd like to talk with dr.
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- White call now It's 602 nine seven three four six zero two or toll -free across the
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- United States. It's one eight seven seven seven five three Three three four one and now with today's topic.
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- Here is James white Thank you. Welcome to the dividing line a special Friday morning edition.
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- I was gonna try to do it I was gonna try to do it yesterday But my flight was in the afternoon
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- You know what happens afternoon flights if you understand how airlines work one little delay starts the domino effect
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- And we got to delay it I would have made it if we had gotten on the plane at the right time and left the right time
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- But it just didn't work out that way. So I Wasn't able to do it. So We decided since there are certain addicts out there
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- Who just you know, they start shaking and acting all irrationally and things like that If we don't have the dividing line during course the week and we were gonna try to do it
- 01:36
- Tuesday, too And it was again just being providentially hindered we had set up Skype to try to do it
- 01:42
- But when you're doing Skype over a BlackBerry as your tethered modem and you don't have a single bar
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- That's probably not gonna work real well for you as far as connections go. I was up in the mountains
- 01:57
- Mount Hermann Conference Center over outside of Well south of San Jose I flew into San Jose so that means that yesterday
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- I was sitting in the San Jose Airport at the gate when we started hearing yelling and cheering from the television over at one of the
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- You know places we can get a bite to eat just down the way and people start stopping and staring at the screen
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- So I went down there and saw Gavin Newsom the mayor of San Francisco surrounded by many other people talking about the wonderful victory for civil rights and personal dignity and all the rest of this pure garbage in regards to the
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- Revolutionary and it is a folks you need to understand. This is not simple societal evolution
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- This is revolution when you over throw the foundational
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- Presuppositions of a society whether you do it all at once or whether you do it over just a few decades
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- It's still a revolution and when it's being done driven not by the populace but by the minority this is an overthrow of The system of government once known as a constitutional republic of the
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- United States of America that Nation no longer exists The nation that won
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- World War two no longer exists in my opinion What's what we see going on is a radical
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- Revolution being led by corrupt judicial officers
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- Who have violated their oaths? They took an oath to interpret not to create and they don't care and So we have a revolution going on in our land and It is so plainly obvious And it was amazing to listen to the comments coming from the television people saying hey, this is the future
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- This is the way it is you need to get with it in your face proud of their sin proud of their rebellion and So thankful that they had just seen a tremendous blow taken at what they know to be
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- What's godly and right? They hate what is godly and right and the amazing thing is what we really really need to understand is
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- That the decision yesterday was not just a decision Legalizing gay marriage redefining marriage and everything else in the state of California If you've looked at the decision you've been listening to the discussion today of the decision
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- There are two vitally important parts need to understand in the words of Chief Justice Ronald M George and that is this is the first Judgment court judgment certainly in the
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- United States and possibly as far -reaching even in Western society That has identified
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- Homosexuals as a class with civil rights They need to understand that that is
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- Massachusetts didn't do that New Jersey didn't do that they specifically steered away from that California did what the other courts were unwilling to do and Opened up the door
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- And so doing to everything else is going to come afterwards This is
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- Not only going against the express will the people of California who in 2000
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- Passed Proposition 22 by a huge margin by a larger margin than Hillary Clinton beat Barack Obama By a huge margin they passed
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- Proposition 22 the Supreme Court says we know better Now of course it's a lie because the
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- Supreme Court is supposed to be interpreting the Constitution There is not a person alive who can look me in the eye and say yes the framers of the
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- California Constitution had this in Mind this is what they intended baloney these people weren't interpreting anything. They were legislating from the bench
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- They were creating law out of thin air out of their own Their own thoughts their own minds the rule of laws ended the rule of the oligarchy has begun the high priests of of the of the judiciary
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- Are now in control of your life. You are no longer in control of your life. That's just just get used to it
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- That's the way it is. That's what's going on in Western culture and in the United States of America This application of this idea of granting civil rights based upon deviant sexual activity is
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- Not only grossly reprehensible and immoral and brings the judgment of God we need to be open and Honest and saying a judge who judges in such way will experience the wrath of God and must repent of What they have done, and I bet you dollars doughnuts the vast majority of evangelicals will not say that I bet you anything
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- I will get all sorts of nasty emails because I would dare to mix religion and Politics Well, this is a matter of pure In case you haven't read it in a while There's this thing called the
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- Bible and in case you haven't looked at much of it recently There's a thing called the first 39 books and we're gonna look at what that has to say about justice and judgment
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- But you know what? Here's where theology matters again for a lot of folks that doesn't matter because that was just about Israel anyways
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- And we're not in the law So what that allegedly means about whether God has or has not revealed anything of worth as Guidance as to how we are to live our lives and how a nation can experience
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- God's blessing over against experiencing God's wrath For a lot of folks that's irrelevant That doesn't matter
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- But that really does matter so you need to realize that in California Homosexuals have now been granted civil rights as homosexuals.
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- So I If I you know who would who should really be Incredibly angry, you know who should be on the front lines fighting this
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- Every person who claims to follow after the lines of Martin Luther King because to add to the civil rights banner sexual deviancy as a means of having civil rights is the biggest slap in the face of The civil rights movement of the 1960s as it could ever experience could ever experience
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- But unfortunately, that's not what you see. Most of the modern people who claim to follow in that line
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- Go right along with this. Oh, that's fine. That's great. That's a no. No, there are few few who don't thankfully but There are many others.
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- So you need to realize that is a major Major thing and folks it once that's a civil right
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- Do you realize what the California Supreme Court is now saying? They are now saying that biblical Christianity is legally bigotry to hold to the biblical position that Homosexuality is toeva.
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- It is an abomination in God's sight. It is a violation of God's sight It is the prime example the inspired
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- Apostle gave of the twistedness of human nature To take that perspective is now legally bigotry and What comes right on the heels of that hate crimes hate crimes legislation?
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- They have taken the next step. They knew they had to do this They knew they had to redefine the very foundation of culture
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- Which is the family to be able to press forward this? application of super rights to them and then use the law to silence anyone who would dare to Reignite their conscience which they are so constantly having to suppress which they are so constantly having to put down and Silence those who would remind them that what they are doing is an abomination in God's sight every single time they engage in it
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- And so here's the next step Here's the next step now. I know There's already going to be a ballot initiative over a million signatures were collected
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- But by doing this the California Supreme Court has changed the ground rules as to How even this decision can be overthrown?
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- It's one thing to to reaffirm. What is current law? It's another thing to overturn what has now become current law so they've changed the whole ground rules
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- And they did so purposely and you know it these are activist judges what the Constitution says is irrelevant to them
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- They are there to make law. They they are our new Kings. They are the king priests and That's how they view themselves, and that's how they're acting
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- And The time that we will have to be able to point this out is limited Very very limited there will be a day when to say the words.
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- I am saying right now Would result in at very very minimum the closing down of of this opportunity of speech let alone
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- Imprisonment and so on and so forth that time is coming mark my words next this decision also made marriage a fundamental right and In that context the court has clearly opened the door to polygamy bestiality
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- Every form of abuse of marriage you can imagine even though they added a footnote saying they were not judging these things that is of course utterly irrelevant
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- They know that by doing so they are opening this all up and not just for California folks because once you start dealing with a basic fundamental cultural
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- Definition in 30 days unless something happens there is going to be a flood of marriages homosexual marriages in California this remember a large portion of our populace lives of the
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- United States lives in California and Massachusetts is a is a freckle and California is the face okay and Once those and if this has already been happening because of Massachusetts But now it's like open the door, and I realized by the way
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- I fully realized the majority of homosexuals will not get married. They have no interest in I Know many homosexuals who laugh at the idea of homosexual marriage.
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- I realized that The idea of a chaste or monogamous homosexual is almost unknown
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- Less than one one hundredth of a percent of homosexuals will remain faithful to one person the vast majority of homosexuals vast majority of homosexuals have multiple multiple multiple multiple multiple partners
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- Over the course of their lives and in places like San Francisco. You're talking about multiple partners per month is average not unusual, but average
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- Behavior for homosexuals homosexual males, but lesbians are not all that far behind in those particular statistics
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- So I I do realize that not every homosexual in San Francisco is going to rush out and get married, but they are going to be getting married and coming into our states and demanding married rights and That means this decision is far -reaching it is going to require a tremendous amount of It's going to put tremendous tax upon all the systems in other states that deal with issues such as divorce community property medical issues
- 13:59
- Friends your wallets were just cracked open even a little wider you thought that the gas station the grocery store was doing a good job
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- Right now well the California Supreme Court just helped you out a little bit more I know there's not much left in there me either, but that's how it goes so There is no logical or rational reason in Light of the direction that the society is going to for what's going what happened in,
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- Texas with the polygamous there's no reason to say polygamy is wrong any longer and everybody knows that and it's just a matter of time until you have those court cases going through as well and People say oh you can't use a slippery slope argument.
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- That's not really valid. Well. Yeah, you know when history Provides you with examples of these things
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- There are people who would love to be married to their cat, and I'm not talking about anybody in my chat channel either There are people who would love to be married to their cat and their dog and their husband and maybe another woman while they're at it and the question is why not
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- I mean if it's a fundamental right and California has just said to you you get to define what a family is then why not
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- Why not? You see we need to recognize that what is happening here is
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- Not just a redefinition. This is not a granting of rights to anybody. This is a stripping of rights from people
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- It is an abuse of human sexuality. It is an abuse of children. It is amazing to me
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- That the liberals who are always whining and cry let's do it for the children You know that's how we got the stadium and here and it was doing for the children
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- That's that's the big cry do it for the children. Where are they on this talk about abusing?
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- children denying to children by definition of marriage a father or a mother
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- Yes, there are children who are denied a father and a mother by death they're denied father and mother by the abuse of marriage and let's face it folks if Marriage had been held in the kind of esteem that it should have been in our society up to this point
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- We wouldn't be having any discussions of gay marriage but the fact that people like Britney Spears can get married for 55 hours and that Hollywood stars get married for six months or six weeks and That it's nothing more than a contractual thing you get into and get out of get into get out of get into get out of You better believe that that has led to this
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- You better believe it since we continue to hold in honor all these all these
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- Celebrities that have children out of wedlock and do all these sayings hey, we've believe me
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- I've said more than once I don't think that this gay marriage stuff is what's going to bring the wrath of God I think it is the wrath of God This is what we get for having treated marriage the way we've treated all along anyways
- 17:04
- The wrath of God is coming and we're seeing it in this perversion of What is good and honorable and just and right and the destruction of the of the of the marriage covenant?
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- But this is an abuse of children To put children in a situation where they have two mommies or two daddies
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- I told the story in the gay marriage debate of Rosie O'Donnell and Her poor abused adopted child and oh boy can
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- I can just see the day when you get sued for that But it is an abuse to put a child where they do not have a father
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- Purposefully not not by tragedy not by you know It's not like the rest of the society can step in and try to find provide male roles these people want to destroy male roles
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- Don't you understand that? They don't want there to be a male role or a female role. There's just a dominant role and a submissive role
- 18:00
- And that can be provided by anybody male or female. They're destroying gender gender distinctions in our society, that's what they want to do and No society that is allowed that to happen has ever survived in the face of the earth and this one will not either if it is allowed to happen but she was telling the story and every time anyone has interviewed her about her mother her mother died she did not have her mother and She wanted to have her mother and she she was picked on in school because she did not have a mother and Yet, what does her child do?
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- He asks, where is my daddy? No one had to teach him to say that That's called being human
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- That's called having eyes and ears and a mind and recognizing one man one woman.
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- That's mommy and daddy That's how children come along. That's the way it's supposed to be and when he asks
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- Rosie O'Donnell, where is my daddy her response is Well, you need to understand your mommy likes other mommies now folks that is the epitome of selfishness
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- Absolute selfishness that is the abuse of marriage because marriage is
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- God's way of burning selfishness out of you first you get married and now you got to please this other person and it can't just please yourself and then you have kids because that's what you're supposed to do and they come along and That little bundle of joy thinks there's only one important person in the world and it's them and all of a sudden
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- You've got to take care of another human being and talk about taking care of selfishness. Haha But you see when you don't have that When you have it's all me me me me me
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- It's not my obligations to others. It's not family. It's not no, no No, it's all just me me me me me.
- 20:11
- Well, then well, you don't have a daddy because I like mommy's It's an abuse of all familial structures
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- I Remember my my daughter telling me when she came home from school and sophomore year in high school that She was the only girl in her
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- PE class who was still living with her natural parents only one only one living with natural parents everybody else divorce living with grandparents cousins uncles, whatever foster whatever and What an impact that has upon upon people upon their growth upon their maturity and You think of that and Think of the abuse of familial structures
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- You know, I am so thankful that I at least knew my grandmother I never knew my grandfather He died when my dad was 16
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- So I never got to got to know him and I wish oh, I wish I had but at least I knew her
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- Least I had that connection But once you start doing what these people are talking about, there's no more grandfathers grand grandmothers
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- Father and mother itself is no longer a meaningful term husband and wife is no longer a meaningful term
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- This is revolutionary. This is abusive It's abuse of all familial structures the abuse of grandparents
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- What if you as a grandparent? Your child decides to be a homosexual and I know they don't decide to do that.
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- Well, yeah, and they decided to enter into this marriage Into this relationship.
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- It can never be a marriage from a Christian perspective It's abuse of those grandchildren those grandpa grandparents who become what how how can they be grandparents to adopted children of these these
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- Relationships It's an abuse of your siblings. It's abuse of all the family structure
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- Is what it is Now there really is no question That from a
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- Christian perspective and I mean a Christian perspective that has any semblance of respect for the revelation of Scripture There is no question of what marriage is
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- There is no question. Just look at the look at the qualifications for elders Look at the discussions in the
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- New Testament. There is no question of what marriage is and There is no question from the perspective of the
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- Lord Jesus either in Matthew chapter 19 Some Pharisees came up to Jesus testing him and asking is it lawful for man to device to divorce his wife for any reason at all?
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- and he answered and said have you not read that he who created them from the beginning made them male and female and said for this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife and The two shall become one
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- Flesh so they are no longer two but one flesh Well, therefore God has joined together let no man separate now
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- People have heard this so many times. I stopped thinking about it. Some Pharisees came
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- Jesus testing him. Is it lawful? For a man the divorce his wife for any reason at all. How did Jesus respond?
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- He goes back to creation Marriage is a creation ordinance it is a part of the creators design for mankind and Therefore sinful man will always be seeking to overthrow the most basic structures that God himself has ordained
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- And he answered and said have you not read that he who created them? Folks this movement could not exist pre -darwin
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- This movement could not exist before the origin of the species.
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- This movement could not exist Until Evolutionary theology and that's what it is.
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- It's a theology Took over the educational system of the United States of America and Western culture as a whole
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- That's why you see the European Union warning against intelligent design Don't notice those clear examples of intelligent design.
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- That's dangerous and That's why you see the response to expel. That's why you see people like Richard Dawkins who are as Fundamentalist as any fundamentalist
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- I've ever met Only as an atheist Saying what they're saying the this discussion could not happen outside of the destruction of the constant recognition in our society that existed before Darwin That we are
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- God's creatures if you have a creator Then you have a law if you have a law there's a right and a wrong
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- And it cannot be changed by the mere whims of four judicial radical revolutionaries
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- But that's no longer the case That he who created them from the beginning made them male and female
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- God designed gender roles
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- It is not our Place to change them and to seek to do so is a manifestation of sinful
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- Rebellion that brings the punishment of God Let's stop
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- Avoiding speaking the truth with clarity. I know the society tells you to do otherwise
- 26:03
- But who are you going to listen to? Jesus said He who created them from the beginning made them male and female he made the differentiation and said for this reason a
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- Man shall leave his what father and mother not father and father and mother and mother
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- But a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife and the two shall become one flesh a
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- Male with a male and a female with a female is not one flesh
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- Those are mirror images and there can never ever ever be the relationship that exists in marriage between two males and two females
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- Never All the corrupt judges in the world all the laws of mankind cannot change the truth of this matter for this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and Be joined to his wife
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- And the two shall become one flesh So they are no longer two but one flesh now
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- This is a mystery that Paul picks up in Ephesians chapter 5 and uses an example of Christ in the church and So this is a creation ordinance.
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- It is central. It is precious. It is clear and it is under attack
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- What therefore God has joined together together let no man separate Please hear me clearly
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- God never joined two men God never joined two women period end of Discussion for the person who believes that Jesus Christ is the incarnate
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- Son of God What God has joined together
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- God is the author of marriage not the state Not the Supreme Court and what
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- God has joined together Let no man separate. That's what
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- Jesus said and You can yeah, I believe me I know all the ways around these things that liberals have come up with and you simply have to abandon
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- Scripture as a Inconsistent revelation to come up with the positions that they come up with. That's just all there is to it
- 28:41
- Now I want to look at some other texts here and we're gonna take take a quick break We already have a couple phone calls
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- But you cannot help but hear the drumbeat of The biblical position on justice and righteousness and God's law in the
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- Bible Deuteronomy 16 18 says you shall appoint for yourself judges and officers in all your towns which
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- Lord your God is giving you According to your tribes and please listen to this and they shall judge the people with righteous judgment
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- Righteous judges are a blessing upon a land. They are a gift from God the reason judges are called your honor is
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- Because they are to be honored It's because they are to have a higher standard for themselves and live by that standard so they can justly judge others without being hypocrites
- 29:40
- And therefore what is the one of the greatest signs of judgment upon a land? It is unrighteous judges
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- Deuteronomy 16 20 says justice and only justice you shall pursue that you may live and possess the land which the
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- Lord your God is giving you a Nation that becomes perverted and No longer seeks justice but instead seeks to suppress justice and what is justice that which is in accordance with God's law a
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- Nation that stops seeking justice Will no longer live and possess the land which they were given where they recognize
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- God gave it to them or not There is much truth in stating
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- That America engages in gross hypocrisy When on the one hand she celebrates this kind of behavior and on the other hand says
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- God bless America God bless America can't be a command. It has to be a request and How on earth can you request the blessings of God Upon a people who hate his law and spit in his face as Was done by four of the judges of the
- 31:11
- California Supreme Court only yesterday Come back with a few other verses and then take your phone calls here on the dividing line eight seven seven seven five three
- 31:20
- Three three four one. We'll be right back Hello everyone.
- 31:46
- This is Rich Pierce In a day and age where the gospel is being twisted into a man -centered self -help program
- 31:52
- The need for a no -nonsense presentation of the gospel has never been greater I am convinced that a great many go to church every
- 32:00
- Sunday yet. They have never been confronted with their sin Alpha and Omega Ministries is dedicated to presenting the gospel in a clear and concise manner making no excuses
- 32:10
- Man is sinful and God is holy That sinful man is in need of a perfect Savior and Jesus Christ is that perfect Savior?
- 32:19
- We are to come before the Holy God with an empty hand of faith in the Lord Jesus Christ Alpha and Omega takes that message to every group that we deal with while equipping the body of Christ as well
- 32:30
- Support Alpha and Omega Ministries and help us to reach even more with the pure message of God's glorious grace.
- 32:36
- Thank you Public crimes the criminal mishandling of God's Word may be
- 32:42
- James White's most provocative book yet White sets out to examine numerous crimes being committed in pulpits throughout our land every week as he seeks to leave no stone unturned
- 32:51
- Based firmly upon the bedrock of Scripture one crime after another is laid bare for all to see
- 32:57
- The pulpit is to be a place where God speaks from his Word what has happened to this sacred duty in our day
- 33:03
- The charges are as follows prostitution using the gospel for financial gain pandering to pluralism cowardice under fire felonious eisegesis entertainment without a license and Cross -dressing ignoring
- 33:18
- God's ordinance regarding the roles of men and women is a public crime occurring in your town Get pulpit crimes in the bookstore at a omen org
- 33:55
- Welcome back to the dividing line on a special Friday program discussing the overthrow of the
- 34:02
- California State Constitution that that's not a decision a decision would actually be examining the context and the intention of the authors of The California Constitution, that's not what happened because no one would question that that is not what they intended when they discussed marriage
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- This was an overthrow. This is a radical revolutionary action on their part one of the
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- Verses that I have often referred to and I mentioned in chat channel before the program started today's memory verse
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- And I only meant that semi humorously was prize 12
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- Psalm verse 8 That announces with great wisdom the wicked strut about on every side
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- When what is vile is exalted among the sons of men? The wicked strut about on every side.
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- I saw that yesterday on television. I saw the wicked strutting No shame for their wickedness.
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- No shame for their sinfulness because they know they've dragged the society down to their level and So they strut about on every side when that which is vile is
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- Exalted among the sons of men and if you're listening to this and you're going man You just you sound too hardcore for me.
- 35:18
- Let me ask you a question Can you call anything vile I Didn't ask you do you call what the
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- Bible calls vile vile? Can you call anything vile? in our society more
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- How often do we all we have all fallen into the same trap we see someone commit
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- Unbelievable unimaginable wickedness and What do we call it, oh man, that's sick, he's sick.
- 35:55
- No, he's not sick. He's wicked You look at what someone has done you look it's at murders you look at child abuse.
- 36:04
- Oh, he's so sick No, it's not sick. He's wicked But our society doesn't can't say that anymore.
- 36:11
- You can't say anything is vile You can't say anything is wicked But the
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- Bible does so what's the difference? Well, I just have to throw out the Bible That's what many people would like us to do in The book of Leviticus chapter 18, which again does contain texts that can get you in trouble in Canada if you've mentioned them
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- But as for you you are to keep my statutes and my judgments and shall not do any of these abominations
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- This comes after a certain section on homosexuality neither the native nor the alien who sojourns among you
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- There's supposed to be one law and it is to be applied equally to everyone without prejudice No super rights for people who are sinners but that's what people are doing and Leviticus 19 verse 15 you shall know you shall do no injustice in judgment
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- You shall not be partial to the poor nor defer to the great But you are to judge your neighbor fairly that means there is a standard by which judgment is to be made
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- And I submit to you and I know there are people who disagree with this fine You make your case.
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- I remember disagreeing with someone about this at a conference once but My position is that if God puts you in a position of judge of being a judge
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- That you will be held accountable for being a righteous judge and If you're put in a position of leadership,
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- I Said that I said that and the president United States will be held accountable for what he does the president
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- United States before God There are other people say oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, only only personal sins And I don't know how you separate these things out.
- 37:59
- I really don't but you're to judge righteously Leviticus chapter 20
- 38:06
- You are therefore to keep all my statutes and all my ordinances and to do them to listen to this So that the lands which
- 38:13
- I'm bringing you to live will not spew you out how many nations
- 38:22
- Have gone into lands where they have had great blessings and Because of their perversity because of the collapse of their moral compass
- 38:34
- They have ended up spewed out of the land displaced destroyed as a nation and as a people
- 38:43
- Do you think that can't happen here? You better believe it can happen here We haven't been here that long in comparison to most nations and while we have had great blessings from God, let me tell you something
- 38:55
- We've got blood all over our hands Now someone might say oh
- 39:01
- You silly conservative All that has to do with just Israel.
- 39:07
- It's all just the theocracy. It doesn't have anything to do with other lands. Really? Why is it?
- 39:14
- that when oracles are Pronounced against the neighbors of Israel to whom those covenants had never been given
- 39:23
- They are still brought in judgment for their sin Do you really think and I remember listening to Christopher Hitchens?
- 39:32
- I played a Hitchens clip as an example of hatred of God. I even edited it together while I was over in,
- 39:38
- California Hitchens expressing his hatred of Christianity. I played it for the folks the fire conference where I was speaking
- 39:46
- And One of the things he was mocking in the section I cut out actually was do you really think that the
- 39:53
- Israelites had wandered along all these years thinking that? that adultery and Theft were fine until they got to Sinai and then and only then discovered they were wrong.
- 40:03
- Of course not Of course not man's created the image of God He knows those things are honest what the conscience is about The law wasn't the first time that was said that was a codification of it and so Man knows that these things are wrong and the
- 40:24
- Bible brings judgment upon the lands around Israel and God destroys these lands for what for their sin for their abominations for their homosexuality
- 40:40
- Hosea chapter 10 says they speak mere words With worthless oaths they make covenants and judgment sprouts like poisonous weeds in the furrows the field in other words when people
- 40:52
- Make worthless they make covenants with worthless oaths. They are not people of integrity then judgment
- 40:59
- Sprouts like poisonous weeds and the furrows the field in other words any nation where dishonesty and covenants are made in dishonest fashion
- 41:09
- I submit to you that that's exactly what a gay quote marriage and quote is it's a covenant based upon Worthless words, it's empty.
- 41:19
- There is no marriage there Then judgment will sprout like poisonous weeds and the furrows the field and ever in other words
- 41:28
- The furrows the field was the very source of the life of the nation That's where your food comes from and God brings drought and judgment and pestilence
- 41:40
- Upon those nations that ignore him in that way Well, finally as we take your phone calls at eight seven seven seven five three, three, three, four one
- 41:50
- Amos 515 hate evil Love good and establish justice in the gate.
- 41:56
- Perhaps the Lord God of hosts may be gracious to the remnant of Joseph What are we to do?
- 42:04
- It's real easy to throw your hands up and say this this nation's lost. It's it's it's too late start with And I don't know what the future holds
- 42:14
- God's people have been down through the ages in many nations that God had determined to destroy and their properties and their wealth and Their comfort and their food supplies were destroyed along with those nations
- 42:33
- That has happened and if that happens to this nation if that happens to Western culture if Europe becomes
- 42:39
- Europa Stan Which it seems that it will because the Europeans are just utterly
- 42:47
- Seem to be early bent upon self -destruction They think self -preservation is a bad evil thing. So They can't do it
- 42:56
- It doesn't matter whether you're in Europe the United States if these nations fall and we don't know what the future is going to look
- 43:02
- Like but if if Europe the United States falls then medical advancements come to a screeching halt and Technology comes to a screeching halt and the economy comes to a screeching halt and and Famine becomes widespread and everything else and hey, if that's what's coming, that's what's coming.
- 43:17
- It has happened before folks We tend to forget something called the black death where a third of Europe disappeared in a matter of decades and Man, let me tell you something how
- 43:33
- Lindsay would have made a whole lot more money then now Because it was real easy to come up with all sorts of eschatological speculation at that point
- 43:42
- We forget the lessons of history But what are we supposed to do?
- 43:50
- well We cannot sit silently and Yeah, we're gonna have to count the cost
- 43:59
- And I think the cost is it's gonna come it's gonna come you must realize that these people want to silence
- 44:10
- Any exposure of their behavior they want your free speech rights done away with and the pandering liberal politicians
- 44:22
- Who will push this type of stuff through? Just to get their money in their votes are more than happy to destroy your
- 44:31
- First Amendment rights in the United States In order to get that kind of money and that kind of support
- 44:39
- Homosexuals especially have a lot of money to throw around because they don't have kids They don't have to invest themselves in others
- 44:46
- They're just there to use the resources of society upon their own lusts
- 44:53
- That's it the idea of bettering the culture of Continuing a culture and a nation
- 45:03
- They can't do it. All they can do is use up the resources
- 45:09
- Without giving anything back That's just the nature of that self -centered
- 45:15
- Sexual perversion and that's what it is That's what it is.
- 45:23
- Oh, that's you're just so hateful. Why is it hateful to say I say it's hateful to you
- 45:29
- I say it's hateful to destroy a society. I say it's hateful to abuse children.
- 45:34
- I say it's hateful to abuse marriage That's hateful Let's start defining words meaningfully here and that's the world we face as We look out across the landscape today
- 45:51
- And I don't know about you, but I look to presidential candidates and I just throw my hands up in the air and go There ain't no one of them ain't no one of them
- 46:00
- Sorry, you know tell you how I'm feeling but there ain't a one of them That has the moral compass to address these issues.
- 46:09
- Not a one of them. Not a one of them Oh my well
- 46:15
- There were some days Jeremiah had a lot of depressing things to say That's just how it goes well
- 46:23
- The Lord still has thrown The big danger I think people have when they live in societies that come under judge
- 46:30
- God's judgment is they tend to judge? God's purposes in this world by what they are surrounded by all the time rather than having a biblical overarching historical eternal perspective
- 46:41
- We only see what's going on in one our one place and go oh man, you know Things are looking really bad.
- 46:47
- Well, you know what God's still building his church and I mentioned the fire conference.
- 46:53
- I've mentioned in sermons and mentioned in Bible studies. I just have to wonder that if some
- 47:01
- Bespeckled bureaucrat ended up standing in the front of the Phoenix reform Baptist Church next
- 47:06
- Sunday morning And when you walk through the door he takes your driver's license and he takes down your social security number and You know by walking through the door and he explains it to you because they certainly have full disclosure
- 47:18
- He explains it to you That next April 15th the tax forms that you fill out
- 47:24
- Will be different than someone who doesn't walk through that door and your taxes will be double what anybody else pays
- 47:32
- How many people would be in our churches? That's how Islam did it that's how
- 47:38
- Islam destroyed most of Christianity in in North Africa and I think that's how secularism is going to try to do it, too
- 47:45
- Now secularism can't stand against Islam Because secularism lacks all passion
- 47:51
- Secularism is all based upon selfishness and so secular societies cannot long last when they are attacked by a passionate ideology and That's why
- 48:01
- Europe is doomed But I Don't know how it's gonna come down here.
- 48:07
- Who's gonna get here first I think it's gonna be secularism because we follow after the footsteps of Europe and when
- 48:12
- Europe comes crashing down and Becomes Europa Stan will that be enough to wake us up?
- 48:17
- I don't think so. It'd be too late. I think it'll be too late But I don't know. I'm not making prophecies.
- 48:24
- I ain't gonna do the Hal Lindsey thing in any way shape or form But it does seem that there is more and more of the same kind of silly self -destructive ideology going on in our own nation as Over in in Europe.
- 48:40
- Let's uh, let's talk to Rob in st. Louis. I Rob sorry to make you wait as long as I did Dr. Wyatt, it's uh,
- 48:47
- I've been listening to you for a few years and it's a really an honor to finally talk to you and First of all,
- 48:53
- I'd like to commend you for the work you've done and especially for bringing up this issue You're bringing up today because there's just so few people especially in the professedly
- 49:04
- Bible -believing world who are even talking about it at all sad, isn't it? It's amazing. It's amazing But first of all,
- 49:10
- I wanted to say you're talking about just the devolution of society you know,
- 49:15
- I'm 36 years old and You know, it's just just the things I've seen just in just a few, you know decades just you know
- 49:24
- When I talk to people that are you know, not even that much younger than I am It just kind of I think amazing some of them because you know, you know
- 49:30
- I know that like, you know around the time I was born if you know in the early 70s if you were to even back then
- 49:36
- If you were to talk to even fairly liberal folks and say oh that someday in the United States There'd be a major movement to you know
- 49:42
- Two men and two women to get married and that if you opposed it you'd be called a bigot Mm -hmm, you know boy, they would laugh you into another time zone.
- 49:49
- Mm -hmm, even even then and it's just It's just uh, there's such a you know, frightening sad thing
- 49:56
- Happened With with a rapidity that I do not believe could have happened in previous generations for many reasons
- 50:04
- But the primary reason that it has happened so rapidly, of course has been the ability to communicate at such rapid Its technology its television.
- 50:15
- It's the media. It's it's the Internet that has allowed This kind of incredibly rapid change to take place and and I look at I Imagine you see the same thing, but I look at the changes between my generation and my parents generation and then
- 50:32
- I look at the change between my generation and my children and There is I think a much wider gap between me and my children and their world
- 50:42
- They live in then there was between me and my parents so I cannot imagine what they're going to be facing with their children and that only
- 50:50
- Opens up those those gaps are not necessarily positive thing
- 50:55
- I did dare comments on his theological assertions on the blog Just a few
- 51:02
- I think about two years ago now and I did expect a firestorm didn't really unless you didn't send it to me
- 51:08
- There really wasn't the firestorm. I think most people in the calm of their
- 51:14
- Their own their own as I recall most of the correspondence we got back was people just going wow
- 51:20
- I had no idea the issues of the Trinity and his right realism, etc We're just a big surprise to a lot of people.
- 51:26
- Yeah Yeah, and it's still on the blog and you know, who knows who will dig that one up. I mean in the gay marriage debate a story from what was that 1998 at ETS Ended up being dug up and thrown at me.
- 51:41
- So who knows who's gonna dig that one up eventually, but yeah that you know those are things to look into but My statement was was not so much to try to even
- 51:52
- Insinuate what Martin Luther King would have thought of this issue that my thing is to associate homosexuality and gay marriage with civil rights is
- 52:03
- Just incredibly offensive to me and should be offensive to other people as well I can guarantee you one thing though if they dig up a story or some of something off of your blog and say
- 52:14
- Hey, he believes this or he believes that you're not going to be the one standing there going Oh, that's just a stout soundbite and you're taking it out.
- 52:20
- No kidding. Yeah Because we believe it we believed it then and we believe it today.
- 52:26
- Yes, that's just soundbite. You're misrepresenting him No, actually, you know what you go read the rest of Dr.
- 52:32
- Cohen's stuff and it's not a soundbite at all. And there are a few people to pick that up I think what was it
- 52:37
- Saturday? I think I saw that Sean Hannity had a special report where people had not only gone to Cone's book but they also were looking at the new pastor there to see if there was a
- 52:49
- Consistency in the message and what was being preached and according to the report there there was a continued consistency
- 52:56
- Well, there you go folks. I Don't know what else to say other than I I hope you will look to the
- 53:04
- Word of God as the means by which you form your worldview and We if we don't speak now
- 53:13
- The time for speaking may pass us by and once it's passed us by what are we gonna do then?
- 53:19
- Think about it. Thanks for listening to the dividing line today. We'll see you next week. God bless The dividing line has been brought to you by Alpha and Omega ministries
- 54:25
- If you'd like to contact us call us at six. Oh two nine seven three four six zero two or write us at p .o
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