Open Q&A


We will be answering your question.


It's fascinating to me how easily someone in one religion can find the fallacies and biases in another religion.
I think that what's fascinating... You're razor sharp on your criticism of Islam here.
Yeah. But what I find fascinating, Jeff, is that you recognize that with other religions, but you don't do it with your own.
Because I... That may be the case. And there's that confirmation bias coming up again.
This is Apologetics Live.
To answer your questions, your host, from Striving for Eternity Ministries, Andrew Rappaport.
We are live, Apologetics Live, here to answer your most challenging questions.
Anything you have you think we can't answer? We can answer. We can answer any question that you have about God and the
Bible. You doubt that? Well, come on in, join us. We're doing a live Q &A, so any questions are good.
You can put them... If you're watching on YouTube, you could put those in the chat. I forget which... Some of the
Facebook pages we see, some we don't. I haven't seen Twitter questions come up. If you're on Twitter, ask a question so we can see if that shows up.
There may not be a way to do that in Twitter, but hey, we're also on the Wisdom app. So if you're on Wisdom, you can ask questions there.
Best thing to do, though, is go to ApologeticsLive .com, and there you can watch it, but also if you scroll down, you'll see the little duck icon, which is the icon for StreamYard, and that is the best way is to come on in and ask your question.
We can answer any question that you have about God and the Bible, and if I say, I don't know, just remember that's a perfectly good answer.
I always have to say that because people think I'm just being... I was accused of being arrogant. Let me bring Drew in here.
Drew, I was accused of being arrogant once because I said, I can answer any question that people have about God and the
Bible, and they were like, oh, really? So you just think you can answer anything? You think you're God, you know?
No, I think I don't know is a perfectly good answer. I say it often. In fact, we said that last week.
Now, let's start, before Peele come in with some questions, we had some things go on last week, and there's been some, ooh, some chatter?
Yes, chatter. Oh, let me just give a note to Facebook user here who said, good evening.
Whoever you are, go to apologeticslive .com. There's instructions to tell you how to get your name to show up so we know who is telling us good evening.
So there's been a ton of chatter, and one of the things that happened was we had a
Black Hebrew -Israelite... I'm sorry, Black Hebrew -Israelite now, because they're...
It's derogatory and offensive. No, no, no. He told us why. Because now, somehow, it's not just the
Black slaves that are the Israelites. It includes the Black and brown people. So Black Lives Matter, it opened it up, and they realized they need to have to pull
Hispanics in, too, to their racist cult. You're Native Americans. Really?
Yeah, I think that's what he said when... I have to go back and listen to that. Okay, if he said it,
I missed that. So one of the things he did do is he put up... The first time he came in, he put up the segment he was on this show.
He zoomed in so that Striving Fraternity wasn't shown. He cut all that out, and then what he did was he just played it.
And so I flagged him for copyright. Well, he did one more.
So what happened was is he decided to get, I guess, shall we say, smarter?
I don't know. He decided to put something up.
So let me first show this one. Let's see. Here it is.
So this, if you can see, is this guy's channel. Notice, I don't hide the channels.
You could see it. But I want you to see, if you see on the screen, this is not cropped out.
And it says, Osh Returns to Christian Channel Gets Ambushed by Mal1.
Now, that is a reference to vocab Malone, Mal1.
Now, here's the thing. This is... I want you to notice right underneath that, what does it say?
Unlisted. What this character did was put the full show without comment on his channel and says it here that we ambushed him.
So, Drew, we remember this guy said that he thinks that it's okay to lie to those of us who don't believe like him.
Right, right. Yeah, we're Gentiles. We're his enemy, so it's okay to lie to us. But notice he's lying to his own audience.
Yeah. Yeah. He's not lying to me or us or others that don't. He's lying to his own audience.
So when you accept lying, hey, anything goes. And so that's exactly what we see here he's doing. He ends up saying he got ambushed.
It was no ambush. An ambush would have been... He voluntarily came on and knew that we were going to be on here.
And how many guys the week before, a couple weeks before, did he have with him?
Was it like six or seven? That were trying to come on? Yeah. And so he said, hey,
I'm going to bring two or three friends. And he brought a whole crew. And he kept saying, well, that's my buddy.
That's my buddy. Like his crew, his commander, his captain, whatever he was saying. And so now the thing is, is the way
YouTube works, I can't flag this because I can't see the link. Right?
Well, I'll reach out to YouTube and find other ways to get this flag.
Because basically he's doing the same behavior. All right. And so this was one that you sent to me that was done.
Let's see. Was it this one? Yeah. Oh, no. That's the same one that I just had up.
Sorry. My bad. I'm trying to get to the one that you sent me. So you knew that this guy was doing exactly what vocab said.
He gets on these channels so that he can build some stuff for himself.
Now, vocab said that is like I went and checked. So did I. If he was doing that.
And sure enough. Here it is right here. Yep. The other one I took down live. Yeah. Here he did a live.
But notice, notice the name of this one. You must, you must see vocab or vocab.
Mal one has an emotional meltdown. Okay. And so the reason
I want to show in this is notice that the video that I just put up is not listed there. Okay, so it's, so it's, it's not there for us to see.
All right. So here's, here's the video that you, that you sent me. And this is the full thing.
You know, that vocab has an emotional meltdown live on Christian panel.
Uh, and he says, I went back to speak to the Christian panel and they brought vocab on to get me.
I can't make this stuff up. So let, let's be clear. Uh, Asher, you lied to your congregation, your people, your folk, because he wasn't brought in to get you.
In fact, I was texting with him. I asked him if he wanted to come in, uh, earlier that week to say,
Hey, we got some people. I don't, you know, black Hebrew Israelites better than I, if you'd want to come in.
And I tell, he said he was watching, but didn't want to come in. So if, if it was what you claimed, he would have been in early.
He would have been at the beginning. Now, why don't you see something? Notice what he did. He's clipped out. You see how striving fraternities cut out everywhere.
He zoomed in and then stuck his logo on the top. Right. This is, this is,
I think this can be flagged. And I think, and I will be trying to with YouTube to flag this because this one, uh, is removing our, you know, it's, it's purposely doing it to remove the citation to remove where he got it from.
There's nothing in there where he links to it, cites it. So purposely trying to, to avoid.
So, uh, that is, that's some of the drama. You were actually in, I, I mean,
I went into one of the, the one feed and they were warning me, I better watch myself. They're going to get me there.
You know, I'm in trouble with God because I'm speaking against the anointed. Wait, wait,
I'm sorry. That sounds exactly like Benny N and he's really white. I mean, he wears a white suit and everything.
So, yeah, but you, you decided to engage with them and there was, there was no problems that they were really sweet to you. Weren't they?
Oh, oh, tremendously. Yeah. So, so I sent a, send in a couple of comments and they wanted me to come in and join the show.
Right. Cause they do stream yard. You were, you were a coward because you didn't do it. No, I'm, I'm a coward except I was working.
And so maybe they should try that. Yeah. Um, if you know me, you know that I do
FedEx. And so while I'm driving, yeah. And so while I'm driving, what
I have is I have a camera that sees my entire cab and then it sees down my truck.
Now that camera will flag if I'm driving and holding my phone, talking on my phone, doing anything like that.
And if, if DOT catches me doing any of those things, I lose my DOT card. And so now
I told him, I said, when I pull up to stops, I can text, I can send a little comment. I can go deliver the package.
I can come back and send another comment. Boom. And then I I'm on. And they just, they had a fit with the, that I wouldn't,
I wouldn't come on or I wouldn't pull over, stop my day for them.
Because you're, you're on a clock. You're on a schedule. By the way, Jason Cave says 14 watching on here, hit those likes.
Actually, there's more than that watching. You're just seeing those on YouTube. So not enough watching on YouTube, but yeah, folks, we wouldn't mind if you would share this out even right now, share it on different social media that helps others to, to get in here, get their questions answered.
We would like that anyone on wisdom, if you want to let others know if you've got any questions on wisdom, we can, we can bring you up here in wisdom as well.
So we do have a couple of questions in the chat, but we do have someone backstage. Oh no, this is dangerous.
This is dangerous. We're going to have to bring in the one, the only, the chicken man.
It's getting close. Although his video is not coming up. There is the chicken man. He's finally taken the name that was dubbed him.
It's getting summertime. So we may get to the point where we start seeing some chickens again. For folks who don't know, John would come in every week and we would watch even when he's backstage, he'd sit backstage.
We'd watch him sitting outside and all the chickens run around him. And so, but it looks like he's either frozen or,
I mean, actually he looks like, he looks like he just was a, you know, a wax figure that melted.
There's the guy, he keeps moving so his camera can like fix it. There we go. Now we see, oh, we see his glasses and his beard.
John, you have any questions for us tonight? Who knows if his internet's even working?
Doesn't seem to be. Yep, it's not working.
Okay. So we'll put John backstage and John, you could, you could just type your questions in that you have.
So with that, by the way, I want to, I do want to give a shout out for folks to another podcast to listen to.
Folks don't know Paul Jecks Live is a podcast as well. So we don't only do the video live.
But if you prefer audio, you can go to any podcast app, subscribe to a
Paul Jecks Live and you'll be able to listen to the shows.
I usually get them up as soon as the show ends. I try to get them up right away, sometimes the next day.
But, and I do encourage you always to be listening to my other podcast, Andrew Rappaport's Rappaport.
Just search for Rappaport, that's wrapped with two Ps. You'll find that one. Another podcast, other than yours,
I know, Matter of Theology that you're never actually on, only Chris is, but hey. I actually, I recorded.
Just so I couldn't say that? Yeah, just so you couldn't say it. So I recorded one. I recorded a
Dead Guys Reader Society on the autobiography of George Mueller. Okay, but that's not
Matter of Theology. It is because we started it. We produce it. Oh, so you just threw it out there?
To Chris, but Chris just hasn't posted it yet. Yeah. So you can blame Chris. Look, you know, it's because you guys wanted to go over to the
Bar Network. If you stayed with us, it's easy to put it up. You could have done it. Don't look at me, don't look at me.
So, though you are still with us because we're different. We allow people to, we don't care if they're with other networks and things.
We will still work together and promote. Another podcast, though, for folks to consider checking out is
Conversations That Matter. If you're not listening to that, you're missing quite a bit.
John Harris, I've had him on here before when we talked about Keller, because he's done a lot of work.
He does, here's the thing. Okay, so, Drew, you'll probably pick up on this as well.
You get a lot of people that want to do discernment. They do discernment ministries. When they do discernment ministries, they usually break a story, get something good, where they figure something out, someone's doing something bad, and they expose it.
And then typically what happens is they go, oh, we got to keep this going. And so, in order to keep it going, what they do is they look for something for someone to expose.
So, they got to find something. And in the process, they sometimes, when they start having trouble finding things, it's, we'll take a corner here, we'll cut a corner there, we'll do different things.
And then they start making stuff up. One of the things I like about John Harris on Conversations That Matter, he does do discernment, but he's one of these guys that does his research first.
And he doesn't do just discernment. So, he does a lot on what's going on in Southern Baptist, what's going on in woke
Christianity. He exposes a lot of that, but he's not looking for someone to expose.
But when he does talk on things, he's got a lot of good content. And he's coming under fire right now because he's got the nerve to let both sides speak.
And so, there's been a book that came out, Steve Wolf wrote a book on Christian nationalism.
And because he had him on, it's like, oh, well, you're in his camp. He actually,
I think on those episodes said he disagreed with some of the things that Steve Wolf was saying, but people are giving him a hard time.
Well, the reality is, is that this is one of the problems I see in Christianity, is you got to be in our camp or you're, it's not just any, it's everywhere.
But if you're not in our camp, we cut you off completely. Here's a guy that's saying, hey,
I'll let the other side speak. I'm going to be having, oh, I packed it. I'm leaving for the
Michiana Reforming Families Conference tomorrow. I'll be doing a pre -conference evangelism training with Hearts for the
Lost. And then the conference tomorrow, I'll be speaking twice, once on the foundation of the family, a second time on the role of women.
But I have a new book that I just got from Patrick Aventroth called
Covenant Theology. When I get back from the family conference, then
I have the new Puritan conference put on by Cruciform Ministries.
When I get back from that, I'm going to have Patrick on. You go, wait a minute, Andrew, aren't you a dispensationalist? Yes. So what?
I've heard a lot of good things about the book and I talked to Patrick and I think it's, from what
I've gathered, it seems like it's going to be a good book. I may not agree with it. In fact, I already know I won't. But it doesn't mean that there's not things
I'm going to learn and I shouldn't have him on. This is one of the things that I think is so lacking.
Christians, what's that song? They'll know we are Christians by our hatred for one another?
I think that's it. Separation from one another? By our being in our cage stages, yeah.
Yeah. Or is it our love for one another? Jason Cave, who's that little icon you see next to his name means that he's a member on, and you can be a member of YouTube that supports us.
And he's one of our supporters there. So thank you, Jason, for that. He says, whatever happened to civil discourse? Jason, I think it went out the window.
I really think that it's lacking. And here Bill is saying, that's why
Larry King was the best interviewer. He let both sides speak. And so this is what you end up seeing.
Just having someone on means you're in their camp. Well, I guess I'm a Black Hebrew Israelite now.
We let him actually talk. Look, this is my show.
I can come back and respond to everything he said. I can remove him and then take an extra hour to respond.
We've done that before. Since you're a Black Hebrew Israelite now, does that mean every time I agree with something,
I should yell out Khan? Yeah, I guess. So what we end up seeing, though, is this.
As we end up... I didn't want that up.
I was trying to remove that comment. But I guess I can't. I can only block the user.
I guess we can't remove comments anymore from YouTube from this platform. It took away functionality.
Probably YouTube did it. So anyway, John Harris at Conversations That Matter has come under some fire just because of the fact that he lets a different perspective speak.
Now, he asked me my thoughts on Christian nationalism.
And I've been asked now three times this week alone about this. I will admit
I haven't been following stuff on social media, especially, I guess, Twitter. There's some Twitter war going on over this.
And I don't have time for the nonsense like that. So here's the thing.
I've been asked, what's my view with Christian nationalism? So let's just look at this.
Christian nationalism is a term that the left came up with to attack Christians. The purpose of it, the purpose of the term
Christian nationalism is to make the case that Christians want to cause an insurrection so that they can arrest every
Christian, throw them in jail, throw them in gulags. And then we are officially and ultimately a one -party state because the biggest, strongest name standing up against them and in their way is in jail for insurrection.
Now, how do I know this? Because January 6th, people are still in jail for insurrection. Not a single person has been charged with insurrection.
And we have seen, what, three insurrections in just the past couple of months where they've gone into state capitol buildings and didn't just sit there and take selfies like January 6th did.
No, they forced Congress people out. They took over the meetings.
I mean, the whole thing, okay, if there's any question with January 6th, here's the one thing you need to know.
You just need to look at the timeline and realize that the Congress, the
Senate was removed. They moved the Senate out before a single person was in the building and they moved them out because people were in the building.
So they didn't disrupt. This was planned. There's no other way to explain it.
The fact that Pelosi and the mayor had rejected all of the extra police force knowing 800 ,000 people were there.
They always try to do these million man marches for all these nonsense things. This was the closest they ever came to a million person march, okay?
This should have been a big deal, but it's not. And so this is the thing that we end up seeing.
And so I look at this and say, I'm against the term Christian nationalism because of its purpose.
And Christians are just playing right into the hands because the major media is using this to say, see,
Christians want to take over this country and make this country Christian and not let us, they're forcing their religion on us.
This is how they're looking to use it. Kind of like forcing their religion upon us. Well, that's what they're trying to do.
And so the issue I have is that I don't necessarily think that terminology is good.
I am struggling because when people ask me, what do I think about Christian nationalism? My response is, whose version?
Stephen Wolf? Or Doug Wilson? Or I just got a guy who
I guess is running for Congress. They sent me his new, they want to send me his book and have him on the show to talk
Christian nationalism. And his view is different than the others. So whose view of Christian nationalism are we going to be evaluating?
And that's the thing that's been going on on Twitter, right? Because at least what I noticed, because I'm not in the debate, you've got one guy addressing, and at least what it seems to me,
I think he's primarily addressing Stephen Wolf. And so he's addressing
Stephen Wolf's position. But then you have all these other people that are in the Doug Wilson camp that are talking right past the guy that's addressing it.
And they just keep speaking past each other. And they're not picking up that this one guy is mainly just addressing
Stephen Wolf. But then he's also come to realize, okay, well, there are different versions of Christian nationalism.
So what do you mean by the term? Because each person, like you said, has a different definition. And you mentioned
Doug Wilson. Now, Canon Press is the one who published Stephen Wolf's book.
But Canon Press is owned by? Doug Wilson. Okay. Yeah. And he has two different views.
So there, right there, if they have two different views, it at least shows Doug Wilson is willing. And maybe he doesn't have say in it or didn't know.
But I mean, I'm sure he, you know, his son, he feels so strongly about and talks about and did a kind of a,
I think he did a documentary on how his church is kind of trying to do it.
And so, yeah, I'm looking at this going. And the thing is, it is more open to other views than his own.
Well, from what I, from what I gain, I don't think the people at Canon Press agree with Stephen Wolf.
But they were willing to publish his view. And that's, that's the thing that I'm saying, right? I mean, like, here's, here's
KT is saying civil discourse, question mark. They censor people today, cancelled the platform, push their visibility online.
But here's the thing, KT. That's not just the secularists doing it.
This is Christians too. These are believers, supposedly.
You know, well, I think most are. But this is, this is ministries, power church ministries that are doing this stuff.
Jason is saying that's the whole point of apologetics, stand firm and give a defense of the true gospel of Jesus Christ with discernment.
That's what we're trying to do. KT has said, you know, with this term, she said they're calling this being the left or calling it a seditious conspiracy, which is the whole reason
I don't want us to play into those hands. She says, I don't have a problem with the term, but their problem is that they lump people together with non -Christians, etc.
Yeah, they're going after what they call traditional Christians. And what they mean by that is
Catholics. And that's why they're targeting Catholics. Now, guess what, folks?
The Catholics are maybe one group that's not going to stand up and fight back.
And so they'll go after them. But guess who's right behind them when they're saying this? Yeah, that's why they're lumping biblical
Christians with them. So this is the reality of what we have to see.
So all that to say, my friend John Harris is kind of caught under fire just for letting a different position,
I guess, speak. So go check out Conversations That Matter for yourself and see whether or not he's being fair in his analysis of things and fair with, you know, his view.
Hold on right here. Melissa Owen, she makes a great point here. Not to mention those that worship Trump.
Yeah, in Georgia here, there was a billboard that was put up with Trump on it that was quoting
Isaiah 53 as though it pertained to Donald Trump. Well, OK, yeah, that's blasphemous.
I'm going to try to look. I doubt very highly that I could find this. There was, so I won't,
I'm not going to be able to find it. But there was someone who put up a picture of someone holding a picture that was supposed to be
Jesus with a Make America Great hat on. So I thought that was blasphemous.
But you're right, yours is even worse. All right, so let's get to some questions.
KT asked one early on, so we'll put hers up first. What is the worst question you've ever gotten?
Actually, I should come back. I think that was it right there. KT, that is the worst question
I've ever been, no, I don't know. I mean this, I actually should have put this one up later so I had more time to think about it because I really don't know what the worst question is.
You've been doing this a long time, right? So you come across a lot of stuff. There's so many bad questions
I've been asked. Okay, let me get, I'll tell you what. I'm going to give one.
Let me go to this one because this will help with it. John is asking, question, is the earth flat?
So let me tell you a story of how I first came upon flat earthers, okay? And this will,
KT's saying, where was it? She goes, I stumped him, ha. So yes, there you go.
I'm grounded. So the first time I heard of flat earth, this is one of these where I wish
I had a camera, okay? Facebook user is saying, no, it's not flat.
Facebook user, please go out to Apologeticslive .com and follow the instructions for Facebook so we can know your name.
So I'm there. We would go on the boardwalk. We had a yearly event where we went down to Jersey Boardwalk and what we did was we would have a conference.
After the conference, we'd go take people, we'd train them to evangelize and take them out on the streets to evangelize. Oh, I should have known better.
Facebook user says, it's me, Haps. Well, of course, he doesn't know how to use a computer. I'm surprised he's even watching.
Oh, Haps Addison, man. All right, he's a good brother from Olive Branch Ministries.
Does a lot of work. We're trying to get help him to get moved out since, okay, let me, this is a rabbit trail.
Rabbit trail on a rabbit trail. I was talking to Haps yesterday and he says,
I gotta go. Code enforcement just showed up on my door again. So I'm talking to him today and he says, hey, did you wanna know what, no, no.
I want you guys to know what happened with his ministry is he's got a ministry to homeless people and the city used to bring people to him and he'd take care of them, disciple them.
They have church every day. They have Bible studies. He'd get them back on their feet, get them out working and help them out.
And so what happened is that the city came in and shut him down completely.
Just walked in and all his guys, they were like, I think 25, 30 guys. They let five who were dying in hospice or dying with cancer stay in the house.
And 20, 25 guys, he had 24 hours to find new housing for them. Just boom, you're shut down, over.
And so he's trying to move to Idaho to restart. So what happens?
I talked to him today. He says, yeah, you wanna know why code enforcement came yesterday? I'm like, why? He goes, you're never gonna guess.
I'm like, okay, I won't guess, why? He goes, they wanted me to help out some homeless guy.
They wanted to get off the streets. No way. Yes way. And he's like, are you kidding me? You shut me down.
You shut our ministry down and now you want help? But this is the world. It's like, yeah, we know you're helping, but hey, you're a
Christian. We gotta shut you down. So yeah. All right, so check out
Haps Addison and Olive Branch Ministries. They're on Facebook if you're on Facebook.
So I'm out on the boardwalk, I'm with this older guy and he was much older and I paired up with him to go teach him how to evangelize.
And when you go evangelize, you hear lots of things. It's kind of like we had those Black Hebrew Israelites.
I hadn't heard their position. I didn't know where they're at. So, okay, I'm going to listen. I'm going to try to understand them.
Now, granted, it would have taken me a long time to understand what we gave them. We gave that guy like an hour and 40 minutes to finally get to the point and he never did.
And all of a sudden vocab comes in to point out where this guy is trying to go.
Cause we're like, okay, we've given you all this time to speak, what's the purpose, right? And so it wasn't really that vocab that we ambushed the guy.
Vocab was watching the whole time. It's when we were saying, hey, what's the point of this?
That all of a sudden vocab goes, let me get in and show these guys what this guy is about so that we can know.
And we learned, we learned a lot about him. And thankfully he did too, because vocab pointed out that we were actually trying to understand and talk to him and let him have a place to speak and whatever, but he was trying to take advantage of that.
Correct. We didn't pick up on that. Because he's saying, son, I needed his first time hearing it.
I give a lot more grace to try to understand when someone does that.
So that's what we were doing. Well, that's what I'm doing with this one guy. And he's telling me the earth is flat. And I'm like,
I mean, okay. When you're evangelizing, here's the thing. When you're doing a project and you hear something that seems crazy to you, your first reaction may be to laugh.
Don't do that. I mean, there's been plenty of times where I did that and I had to learn not to.
So this guy's telling me about flat earth. And I'm like, what, really? You believe the earth is flat? I thought he was just some prankster playing a joke.
And yet he's really believing it. And I'm like, wow, okay. So I'm trying to talk to him and reason with him.
And we get into, I'm like, what do you do with people that walked on the moon and astronauts that we get pictures from?
He's like, oh, it's all made up. Now I'm talking to this guy for 40 minutes about, give or take.
And I'm like, okay, I am learning that there are people that believe in this. Part of me is also going, dude, you're whack.
I mean, this is just whacked out. And I'm sitting there. And so finally
I'm starting to realize like, look, this is not a good training for this gentleman who I'm with that I need to train to evangelize.
That's what I'm out here for. So we're not really getting to the gospel because of this. It's more apologetic.
So I said, so I wanted to end the conversation. And I said, well, look, I don't know that we really have much for us to talk about here.
I don't think that we're gonna be in agreement. And I think maybe we just,
I looked at the gentleman whose name I don't know. And I just said, I think we just need to move on, right?
Now, one of the rules that we give people when we evangelize is you don't butt into a conversation. You wait until you're introduced in.
Because if you and I are evangelizing somebody and you're talking to that person and I just butt in, he built the relationship with you.
You're the one talking. It shows a disrespect for both you and the other gentleman. So we don't do that.
We wait. If you want me to speak, you say, hey, Andrew, do you have anything to add to this? That's how you invite me in. So I never did that with this guy because we weren't really sharing the gospel.
So he took that as an invitation in because I said, we're gonna get going.
So here's the thing. This is one of these mic drop moments. The guy looks and he says, he just looks at this gentleman and says,
I really don't believe the earth is flat. And I can tell you for a fact that it's not a government conspiracy that astronauts go into space.
And the guy goes, oh yeah, how could you do that? And he goes, because I've been there. And I'm like, why didn't you say that about 20 minutes ago?
He's like, I've been waiting to be invited into the conversation. And it was just, it was like, and I was like, we walked away and I'm like, dude, you're an astronaut?
He's like, yeah, yeah. I forget how many times now he said he circled the earth. So the lesson is next time you're evangelizing and you come up to a flat earther and you're with someone, the first thing you do is go, hey, have you been to space?
Yeah. Just to make sure. Just to make sure. It was, but like that was, when this guy asked me if I thought the earth was round,
I thought that was a stupid question. I don't know. And so do
I think the earth is a sphere? Yes. Actually, on a show that Matt Slick and I used to do, we had some guys come in, flat earthers.
And I jokingly said back then, my theory with flat earthers probably started from some atheists that just wanted to show that Christians would be gullible.
And sure enough, that's what happened. Well, okay, not an atheist, an agnostic.
The head of the flat earth society, the guy who founded it is an agnostic. And yet most of the people are professing to be
Christians and arguing that the Bible teaches the earth is flat. And so this is the thing there's, so why do
I think it? Because the Bible does say that the earth is round and they go all round, but not sphere. Well, they didn't, you know, they don't have a word to be that precise.
Round made the point. But you can test this, a simple test. And a way
I know is I remember I was in Florida and I wanted to watch,
I was watching the sunset and we were sitting there over the, you know, over the, like in my room and looking at the balcony.
And there was a cloud that got in the way of the sunset. And so, you know, or sorry, it was a sunrise.
And so what I did was I quickly dropped to the floor and got the picture
I wanted. In other words, that distance of dropping gave me the extra second for the sun to, where it was just creeping up.
That's what I wanted to get it, just creeping up. And that drop gave me another second for that to happen.
Why? Because the earth, if the earth was flat, you wouldn't have that. You can go to, you can go to the, you know, someplace that has lots of mountains.
If the earth was flat, you would see the light come from one side to the other.
And it would come up the mountain range or it would come down the mountain range, but you wouldn't have it go from the mountain range from one side to the other.
It's, you know, which is what you end up seeing. You see it creep up. You're not going to have that if the earth is flat.
So see, John is saying, I laughed at the, at a flat earther on one of my videos and was shocked how many people were very nasty at the comments.
I had to block the guy. Flat earth are very convinced. And let me tell you why, because I had a guy in my church who was, you know, my old church.
And before I left that church, the other elders asked, they said, would you please talk to this guy? And I didn't realize he got into flat earth.
And I had met with him a couple of times and I thought he came out of it. And then he got back into it.
And part of what it is, they watch all these videos thinking to debunk it, thinking it's crazy. But all these guys have, you know, they have a way of explaining everything and then they go, oh, see, it works.
You know, like here, look, you look at all these experiments that were done first thing in the morning over water and you could see further than you'd be able to see if the earth was a sphere.
Okay, here's the question. Why can you only do that first thing in the morning over water at certain times of the year?
Oh, it's because the temperature of the water and the temperature of the air, what happens as the sun rises and you see that, that it actually, the heat, the way that it works is it reflects or refracts the light.
So you could see a little bit further because it's bouncing off and looking down.
So you could see a little bit further, but guess what? 10 minutes later, that's not gonna work anymore. It's only first thing in the morning.
Why don't they do it at any other time of the day? Because it won't work.
That's why, right? So yeah, so no, I don't believe the earth is flat.
I think that you can do experiments to show that. There's some great work that's put out. Ancestors and Genesis has some stuff.
And I'm very confident in the people that have just gone to space. Yeah, I've met two people who've been in space.
So yeah, so the, here's the thing. I was actually invited. I don't know if you knew this.
I was invited to speak at the Flat Earth Society for one of their conferences. Yes, I have no idea why, but I got an invitation and I submitted my talk.
Now, if I would wanna be, I've always said, I will go anywhere, I'll speak anywhere if they don't restrict what
I say. And so I could have been more deceptive, but I chose not to be.
So I submitted my talk title, Why the Earth Must Be a
Sphere. I'd never heard back. I don't know why.
Can you imagine? I can't imagine. I mean, it seems like something, you know, that.
Yeah, I guess, right. You know, you had earlier, they're not up to having both sides speak.
You know, so yeah. They flat out didn't want.
KT is saying they flat out didn't want Andrew around. Yeah, it was flat out. You're right.
So let's see. So D is saying, can you imagine all the governments agreeing to fool everyone that the earth is flat?
Yeah, because that's what's involved. It's not just, you know, they talk about America fooling in us, but it's not just America.
It's every country has to agree with this. You know, let's see.
It's a great comment here by Chris Honholdt. You know, there are flat earthers all around.
Yep, all around. There's dad jokes. He's just all right.
So yeah. So I mean, I think that there's a lot of people.
So how do people get involved with this or any other group like this, where they get so arrogant and prideful, you can't communicate with them?
It usually starts off. They're trying to look to prove something wrong. And these flat earthers, they got tons of videos.
I mean, hours and hours and hours of videos. I mean, this dude I knew had a watch that would show you where the earth was.
And it wasn't that it just went around, but it would go in and out and around. And that's how they could account for seasons and things like this.
So that's a lot of explaining away to do. Exactly, exactly. And so, you know, this is the issue that you have is you got to be careful with it.
Oh, here's someone saying, any longshoreman will tell you the earth is not flat.
I was fishing up in the Berlin Straits. You can definitely see the curvature of the earth.
They would just say that you can't, that's all. They just say you're lying. Or what it is, is you're actually seeing, they think that around the earth is
Antarctica. And so you can't get to the end of the earth because it's all blocked by ice. Now, why would there be ice though?
Because the sun would be. And yet the weird thing is they accept all the other planets around. It's fierce, like, wait, why are they?
The earth is the one, just the one that's flat. Yeah. I have seen where people have done, they've taken like a ball and they've splashed water on the ball and go, see, the earth can't be round because water doesn't stay on a round surface.
And then they take a plate and then they pour water on a plate and say, see, this is proof that the earth is flat.
Okay, let's take that ball and enlarge it by a couple trillion times.
And yeah, it will. If they want to do that experiment properly, they take the ball, put a drop of water on the top and see if it stays there, right?
So what happens is a lot of times you get, whether it's in flat earth,
Calvinism, anti -Calvinism, whatever, some of these things, right? Calvinism, we're gonna say, okay, this is biblical, but there's people who would say are unbiblical with it as well.
And they get in there, you call it stage cage, they get angry and upset because what you end up seeing is there are people who what happens is they start getting into something, they study it to refute it, but what ends up happening is they start believing the story.
And when that happens, then they can't be reasoned with because they start to identify everything with it.
So all that to get back to KT's question. You know, KT, let me just say, when you say what's the worst question you've ever gotten,
I'm thinking about it more and I have to say, what do you mean by worst? Because I mean, just in seriousness, there's a lot of different ways of answering this.
I mean, is it the worst question, like the dumbest thing someone's ever said? Then, you know,
I kind of put flat earth up in that area. Or is it the most blasphemous thing
I've ever heard, right? So there's things like that. So we might have to get back to that question.
We'll give her time. All right, John asked another question. Regards to lying, have you ever heard of theocratic warfare and JW religion?
Well, I've heard of the Jehovah Witnesses religion. I'm not sure what theocratic warfare refers to.
I've never heard of that either. Yeah, so - If he can explain what it is, maybe we've heard it under a different title.
I don't know. It doesn't sound familiar. So John, maybe what you could do is give a little bit more of explanation to that for us.
Oh, here, Ted just woke up. Good morning, Ted. Ted says, good morning, brothers from Sydney, Australia.
You know why? It's morning down there. Because the earth is - Yeah. I remember when
Matt and I were doing a show and it was hilarious because we had a guy from India that was in and Matt, this was so great.
Matt's like, wait, so how do you explain something? He turns to the guy from India, he goes, can you open that window that's right behind you, the shade?
And the guy opens, he goes, the sun is shining. And Matt's looking, he goes, why is it dark in my area?
So yeah, so I don't know the answer to that. Maybe you can ask, you can further give us more explanation.
And so, well, Donnie's pestering us. Donnie thinks we didn't get to his question.
I'm doing them in order, but he has to post this twice. So here's the first one he posted.
Andrew, why do all the false teachers get to visit heaven and you haven't?
Well, unlike those guys, I actually will be in heaven. They only claim to visit heaven.
So why heaven? Well, you know, it's actually a legitimate question. Why do all these false teachers have heavenly experiences?
You notice they never have hell -like experiences, right? Well, no, there was one. There's one.
Was his name Don Piper, I think? No, he was in heaven. I thought he did one about hell, though.
It was like 90 minutes in hell. No, it's 90 minutes in heaven, unless he tried to work off his bestseller and, you know.
Okay, so John said, theocratic warfare, JW is just on a herd. I don't know much about it.
Yeah, sorry, I'm not sure either. There is someone
I could ask and try to learn more, see if he knows. But so the reason for heaven is, what these false teachers want is credibility.
And so they're looking to get credibility.
You don't get credibility if you go to hell. You get credibility if you've gone to heaven, and in heaven,
Jesus serves you. Now, you say, no, that doesn't really happen.
Well, Duplantis has told the story that one day, he had a very busy day, but he realized
God sent a cable car to bring him up to heaven. Because, and I'm just going to say, this is what he said, uh, is,
I think it's blasphemous, but this is the story of the account he's given. He went to heaven, he sees
Jesus, and Jesus was depressed and sad. And so Jesse Duplantis told
Jesus he was clearing his calendar for the day to spend time with Jesus.
And he was with him all morning. And after lunch, Jesus thanked
Jesse Duplantis and said, he's feeling much better, and sent Jesse back to earth.
There's so much wrong with this story that Jesus needs Jesse Duplantis, as Chris Hanholds is saying, utter blasphemy.
I agree. This is the problem with it. By the way, Chris also said it was
Bill Wise, 23 minutes in hell. I guess he had to be in hell longer than, you know,
Don Piper was in heaven. But that is blasphemy. First off,
God doesn't need any of us. He doesn't need anything.
He is self -sufficient. So there is nothing he needs. So this idea that God needs someone and that he's depressed, blasphemy.
Well, God being triune tells you that he doesn't get depressed.
Because God is self -sufficient in and of himself.
All three persons are the expression of God's love.
And so without the triune God, you would not be able to understand love because love needs an object for which to display itself.
And so the father displays love to the son who displays love to the spirit who displays love to the father, and they display love to each other.
So God cannot be depressed. There's not even a situation in which you could say
God can be depressed. It just doesn't work.
And not only that, let's just say for the sake of argument, Jesus felt a little down.
He's not going to go to a heretic like Jesse Duplantis to cheer him up. He would go to one of the other members of the
Trinity? Yeah. I mean, if that was even... So, I mean, that's the whole thing.
So why do they go? They go because they're looking for credibility. Jason Cave had a comment up here that said self -edification.
Yeah. False gospel. True, yeah. Pastor Darren Steed says also, why is it that the false teacher always sees things in heaven that are contrary to what the
Bible says about heaven? Well, that's how you know they... This is the thing. When I read Don Piper's book, 90
Minutes in Heaven, so I guess he was in heaven longer. I had the number wrong. But, you know,
I read it saying, okay, let me... You know, one member of the church asked me to evaluate. And so I said, all right,
I'm going to give an honest evaluation. What would I expect to see? If a person went to heaven, what we see from scripture is he would see how sinfully wicked he is in place when he's standing in front of a holy
God. That's what we see in Isaiah 6. That's what we see with everybody that stands before God. They see their wickedness and want to hide their face from him because he's so holy in their sinful body.
What did Paul say about heaven when he went up there? Nothing. He said he couldn't even describe it.
He couldn't talk about it. Yeah. Talk about it. Yeah. And so as we think about that, you're going to get someone that's going to come back to earth and see their wickedness and their concern for evangelism.
And early in Don's book, it seemed like he was very much concerned with people's souls.
And he was in traction with this very painful device on so that he could be able to walk again.
For the majority of the book, most of the book, it's like one chapter of what happens in heaven, one chapter or two chapters about what happened when he was revived and the struggle.
And the rest of the chapter, the rest of the book, he's concerned with people that have the same devices he has, that he had, and trying to encourage them, not with the gospel, but with himself as that they could heal.
Think about burpo, right? Heaven is for real. In that book, right?
It's supposed to be this account of this little boy's near -death experience, and he goes to heaven and whatnot.
But that book also contains some sort of prophecy in there, because the father,
Jesus told the little boy that his father was going to lead an army in the Battle of Armageddon.
Well, and if his father hasn't died, he would say it still could happen. But, you know, one of the things that I would say is this.
When we look at it, you have a guy like Malarkey, perfect name, the father made it up to sell books.
And the family admitted that. The son, the son that supposedly had the account, said it wasn't true.
He and his mother said it. And so what happened? Nothing. I mean,
Lifeway continued selling that book because it was selling. And this is one of the things
Justin Peters called out. He was involved with Lifeway, and he said, no, like, this is wrong.
Get this off the shelves. And so he ended up departing from Lifeway and the Southern Baptist. But the reality is they knew.
They knew a year before they finally stopped. The only reason they stopped was because a secular news company brought it out.
So it blew up and it was like, oh, now they had to answer for it. So, but you see so many of these false ministries that claim this, right?
Bethel is one of them. There's videos of youth, people who lead the youth in Bethel and kids talking about how the kids are taking trips up to heaven.
And you had Bob Jones, not of Bob Jones University, but Bob Jones from the
Kansas City Prophets, who is a vile, vile individual talking about how he would take regular trips up to heaven.
And then he would use what his quote unquote gifts in order to seduce women.
Yeah. And so this is the thing. Look, this is the stuff that will keep you up at night.
Right. I mean, that's just the reality. False teachers. But if you are having trouble with them, I would suggest getting yourself a good
MyPillow. I mean, that's what I would suggest. If you're having trouble, if you're having trouble, Chris Honholtz, sleeping at night, what you need to do is get yourself a good
MyPillow. Go to MyPillow .com and use promo code SFE. So you know that you, they know that you heard about them through us.
So they continue sponsoring the show. We do thank them for their sponsorship. They did give me a MyPillow 2 .0
and it's in the bag right over there, ready for the trip to, to, well,
I fly to Chicago, but for the Minesha or however, I can't pronounce that, but the reforming families conference.
So, but I got my MyPillow. If you want to get yours, MyPillow .com
use promo code SFE stands for striving for eternity. You know, you should send a pair of those
MyPillow slippers to some of these false teachers and ask them if it's like walking on clouds in heaven.
Oh, there we go. Well, you know, we can ask Chris Hanholds because I actually did get a pair from my pillow and I gave them to Chris and I had to go buy my own.
So, okay. Chris, he, that's it. Ban Chris, boot him. He said, I'll be honest. It didn't work for me, but I'm rough on pillows.
No, you're just rough on everyone. Not just your pillows, Chris. It's not just the pillow that you're rough on.
All right, let's, so, okay. Here he says, he says, he said about the slippers.
They are indeed quite comfy slippers. I got mine on right now and these are not the, these are not the fluffy ones he has.
These are, you know, regular, but the cushion on this is great. I mean, these are like,
Chris is hard on his pillows. I'm hard on slippers. I don't know why I destroy them, but I get the cheap.
I used to get the cheap ones, $10, $15 ones at Costco and it wouldn't even last six months.
I'd get, I'd get a winter every year. I'd get a winter one and a summer one every year.
Cause, but I still, I, I now have winter and summer, my pillow slippers and they're still going good.
So Jason says, nice segue AR. Hey, I gotta be good with something. I do do those spiritual transition games.
So we've got a bunch of questions that came in. Let's see if we can get through these quickly. This is a longer one and some of which
I, I don't know if we'll get into, but actually I'll let you read this one so that I can get a sip of clear my throat.
Yeah. So Chris Cutler on Facebook, he asks, it seems many of the post reconstruction theonomic types arrive at the conclusion from holding a
Thomistic, Thomas Aquinas, view of God's law, the threefold. There's been, there's been lots to talk about theology being muddied by Aquinas's influence.
I would agree. But I find my reform brothers do not wish to look into this because it will do violence to the confessions.
So my question is, do you believe the threefold division of the law comes from Thomas Aquinas? That's an interesting question.
So I can say that my first, I guess, introduction to threefold law was the
Westminster confession and not Aquinas. If it's found with Thomas Aquinas, I don't think it makes any difference to me because I don't believe in the threefold law.
I don't think you can divide the 613 commandments into civil ceremonial moral laws.
People try and I've said, maybe it's out there. If someone has it, send it to me. But I don't know of anyone that's taken all 300, sorry, 613 laws and shown how they divide because they don't divide so easily.
As people say, because I don't think it is that division. I think that in my way of,
I do believe in a threefold division, but not the way that the
Westminster confession has it. So the way that I view the law is
I believe that there is a law that is universal to all people, all times, everywhere in the world.
Jewish, Gentile, believing, unbelieving. You should not lie. You should not steal.
These are things that I think are universal laws. Everyone. They're transcendent laws.
I think someone else on this show that came in referred to it as transcendent laws. Actually, no, I think it was on my rap report podcast and it hasn't aired yet.
I think this came into discussion when we got the dead man walking podcast along with conversations with a
Calvinist podcast and the rap report podcast all got together. And we talked about Keith was talking from conversation with the
Calvinist was talking about transcendent laws. It's what I refer to as universal laws.
And then I believe there were laws for the nation of Israel and there were laws for the church.
And so now as a dispensationalist, I would say that there would be different laws that could be for specific people, specific times.
But what we end up seeing is I wouldn't see that we're responsible to keep that which was meant for the nation of Israel.
We're not Israel. Okay. I'm Israel, but that's different. Um, you know, so, yeah, so I mean, that would be my position.
And that's why some people would say I'm not reformed in the proper use of the term. Um, I wouldn't be because, um,
I don't hold to confessional statements like that. So, uh, but Drew, I don't know if you, you may disagree.
Well, I mean, my first introduction to the guy, you're a 89. Yeah. So my first introduction to the, uh, to the divisions was through Votie Bauckham.
That was the first place I actually heard them. Um, and so when I heard Votie teach on, uh, on that,
I was like, oh, well then that must be true. Of course, because Votie saying it and you never want to be on the wrong side of Votie.
Right. Well, I can tell you one thing. I would never want to roll with Votie, um, doing jujitsu because dude's a big, strong dude and, you know, he's,
I, he's gotta be, I'm thinking he's gotta be like a purple belt by now, but yeah.
Anyway, um, and so, you know, I've never, I've never looked too far into it as, as where the divisions originally came from, whether it was from Aquinas or, or anything like that.
Um, but there are some laws, you know, when I was listening to you talk about them, I was going, yeah,
I would believe that there were laws for Israel, um, you know, the holiness code. Um, but we also look at, at some of the laws and we see there are ceremonial also laws that would be specific for worship and their laws that because of Christ, Christ's fulfillment as the final sacrifice.
Well, we don't, we don't hold to those laws anymore because they're fulfilled in Christ. And so, but I would say it is hard to kind of find where is the division with some of the laws, um, because, you know, maybe you have a law that is a moral law, but it's also, uh, it can also be a, a holiness code law or it may bleed into, into a ceremonial law.
But some may be for both. You may have a, you may have some, a command that's given to Israel that is also given to the church.
Yeah. And so what we also see. And yet still not be universal to all people. Right. Yeah. And so what we also see, especially being 1689 is kind of the taking the general equity of the law, right?
So the general value of the law and moving that over. So it would be something like the, uh, we don't have houses where we go sit on our roofs anymore.
Right. Well, I mean, I guess in Florida or in California, you probably do, but in Israel, people would go at the end of the day and they would sit on the roof cause it was cooler.
Well, you had to have a parapet along your roof to protect people. Well, we could, we would move that over today and say, well, since we don't, we don't go on our roof, but we do have pools in our backyard and we have to have a fence around the pool in order to protect people.
Because if someone were to fall in my pool and drown, I'm responsible. Right. So that's just, it's the, it's the general equity of the law.
Yeah. So, um, oh, hey, look, our, our friend, he has a question about Leviticus, uh, 29, but, uh, well, we've already know that you have, are an admitted liar, uh, who is a racist and a cheat as you, as you pay, go watch the beginning of this, uh, show.
You and your buddy who, um, who steal our material and want to use it without citations.
So yeah, we'll just keep taking down all of your, the videos you want to put up illegally of ours and try to take out the citation because you're a bunch of cowards and cheats.
Oh yeah. Hey, this is cool. Lorraine, hello from Philippines.
I'm planning, we were planning a return trip to the Philippines. We'll be there for, uh, it looks like next
April. So looking forward to hanging out. Hopefully you're going to do another debate with, uh, what's his name?
RA Fuentes. I'm actually thinking of doing that actually in person. Uh, I bet he won't do it.
That's going to be my guess. Um, so, oh, look, you know, so here's the question that I think was asked is when does
Chris Honhold start working for Striving Fraternity as our chief blogger? Look at this. He put it up there. First week of February, 2024.
There you go. There we go. That would be it. We look forward to Chris being our chief blogger.
All right. That's what you want because when Chris writes something, you want to read it.
Yeah, I know. And besides his Twitters are too long now that he can, he doesn't need to.
All right. So let's knock off some more of these questions. All right. Uh, Katie says, did the female singers in the old
Testament sing in the temple? What part of the temple did the singers sing in? I have no idea.
First off, I don't even know that there were female singers. I can't Andrew confounded. Yeah, yeah.
Unlike the way that the, um, you know, black Hebrew Israelites claim that I'm confounded. Um, you know, this is where I actually don't know.
So I guess Katie, I'll give you a homework assignment for me. Um, if you could find where it mentions the female singers, cause
I'm not even familiar with that. Um, but where would they sing within the temple?
That that's interesting because I guess part of the question is like, if you go to the temple today as, as we did, um, went to temple
Mount and you could see there's a division for the women and the men. And so, and part of their prayers are singing.
So it becomes the question of what are, who are the singers? I mean, there's a lot that are singing
Psalms, which are, you know, right from scripture. And so that becomes a thing of, you know, what defines a singer?
Was it the, the, uh, a service now in the synagogue, I can understand you have a cantor who does the singing, uh, or leads the singing, uh, and that would be a male position in the synagogue.
So that's, that's something. Um, I, I, yeah,
I don't know that. I don't know the answer. Chris Honhold says that, um, what, uh, what was that about telling lies,
Andrew? I'm not telling lies. It's, it's prophecy. Um, uh, because I will annoy
Chris endlessly if he doesn't come and take over our bloggers or our blogging and, and help out.
I've just, you know, all right. So KT, um, she edited the question earlier.
What's the craziest question you've ever gotten? I don't know what the craziest one was. I mean, a flat earth, some of the, you know, the, the, these black
Hebrew, or let's not call them black Hebrew. They don't want to be black Hebrew Israelites. Let's, let's call them what they are racist, fake
Israelites. Cause that's, that would be what they are. Uh, the, the racist, fake
Israelites, where they claim that the Bible teaches, gives a prophecy that they are, um, going to be, uh, basically they're the
Israelites because of a, a prophecy they claim is a prophecy to, to them, but they have to twist the scriptures to make it work.
Hence the reason they say you got to read the Bible by here a little, there a little because. Precept upon precept.
Yeah. Well, line upon line, precept upon precept, then here a little, there a little.
The only one they do is the here a little, there a little. They don't do line upon line. They don't do precept upon precept. They just go pick from here, pick from here, shove it together and make it make sense.
The reality is if they actually read that in context in Isaiah, it's a condemnation on those who pick a little from here and pick a little from there.
Yep. Like they don't even, they didn't even read the context to see a God's judging that.
Yep. So, or even I heard one where they were going to Jeremiah talking about, this is a future prophecy about Israel and they're pulling it from Jeremiah.
And I'm going, have you ever heard of the Babylonian captivity that Daniel references and he's referencing
Jeremiah? Yeah. Oh, Chris is now saying prophecy from a cessationist.
It, it really is the end of days. Look, it's an, it's a highly educated guess.
You, you forget, Chris, I put cameras in your house. Okay. So I got to tell that story.
I, I, you know, I wish I knew what episode it was. I should go back, binge on all his episodes, figure out and then, and grab the audio from that because that's a
Christmas around Christmas time a year or two ago. Ah, so we should go look for it.
Okay. Folks, here's a challenge. Anyone that can go to voice a reason radio and find the episode where Chris told this, where this happened.
But this was great. Chris, before he, he'll always, before they record ask for prayer.
Hey, Richard and I are about to record tonight. Voice of reason radio be praying for us.
And so what ended up happening was I sat there and I, you know, when
I saw it, they were already recording. Now, mind you, they're not recording like this where people can see it's just, he, it's just Chris and Richard recording voice of reason radio.
No, it's, you don't know what's being said until they go out. Well, Chris starts the show saying that he put out there for folks that,
Hey, we're, we're going to be, I posted that we're going to be recording. And then Chris said,
Andrew Rappaport priority knows this because he put cameras in my house because he probably put cameras in my house.
Well, 20 minutes later, Chris bursts out laughing. Why? And like Richard was trying to make a point.
And all of a sudden it's like, so Chris had to explain, I'm sorry, Richard. I just saw
Andrew responded to my request for prayer. And his response was, yes,
Chris, I know that because I installed a camera over your shoulder. So that was great.
So KT is saying, there were female singers. I don't know if they sang in the temple or synagogue was, was maybe one female musician in Chronicles listed with males.
Yeah. I just don't know. I, I, I don't know it offhand. All right.
Chris Han holds is saying, let's be clear. Since Andrew keeps wanting to claim otherwise, Chris is a schlub with a podcast who occasionally writes stuff and will still be that when he retires from law enforcement, no change.
Yeah, that's right. You're just going to be a schlub that hopefully is, is going to be, you know, writing for us.
Okay. So the, Oh, look at this. Our racist is, is calling me a liar.
Liars. But they believe in a doctrine that says it's okay.
Lie lie. So the, the racist fake
Israelite is saying liars. We do. And it's history, archaeological and prophecy.
Prophecy dude. If you twist the scripture, you have to say that the only word you take literal is the ship.
You have to take Egypt as figuratives. They sell themselves as slaves as figurative.
There's no buyers at figurative. And there's nothing to explain why ship should be literal then.
Right. When we know historically, there was a literal time that real
Israelites, not fake ones like you had actually left the land of Israel in both the
Syrian and Babylonian captivity. And they went to where, Oh, Egypt, like literally
Egypt. Like the actual place, just like it says. And what happened? Oh, they went the quickest way to go is how by ship.
And when they have no jobs, what would they do? They would sell themselves as slaves because no one would buy them so that they would have a way of caring for themselves.
So let's not talk about liars. When you make up history and make up prophecy, you got nothing.
I mean, they're the one that I love is they got a sign and I could probably dig it up a signpost. Where there's a name of the town called, you know, and the free men of Israel, of Israelites is the name of the town.
They talk about slavery and they're like, see, see, this is proof that it's from the slaves. It's the name of the town.
It's not a description of the town. I mean, you know, but that's what they have to resort to.
Chris is saying he doesn't even remember that episode. It was someone please find that. Oh, oh, but I lie about Deuteronomy 28.
I lie. Let's read Deuteronomy 28. Let's let's get it straight. So we, we see if I, if I lie, here's what it says.
The Lord will bring you back to Egypt in ships by the way about which
I spoke to you. You will never see it again. And there you will offer yourselves for sale to your enemies as male and female slavers slaves, but there will be no buyers.
Okay. Let's see. What did I lie about? I said that they went back to Egypt just like this says in ships, just like this says that they didn't have anyone to, to, uh, that they sold themselves as slaves just as it says.
And there were no buyers just as it says, uh, Andrew, that's the Atlantic slave trade.
Yeah, that's right. That's the Atlantic slave trade. Cause the word ship is used. And it's the only place there's only one place ever where there were slaves that were sent by ships.
That's archaeologically proven. Yeah. Well, if we're going to, if we want to deal with facts to this fake
Israelite, who did the kidnapping of those black slaves?
Oh, that's right. Black Africans. Yeah. Your own people kidnapped you and sold you as slaves.
So you're saying the Israelites sold Israelites as slaves. And the thing
I always find amazing is that, you know, they, they knew who were the slaves because they only sent like Judah here to America's is the claim that some make.
So it's like, you know, I think it's Dan that's in Jamaica, I forget which, but it's like, oh yeah, the slavers were really concerned with keeping people together.
And I guess if you kidnap just the Israelites, so that, you know, someone who is a brother or sister, wasn't really an
Israelite, like, okay. So, so, okay. He he's saying, he's saying the verse says you shall be sold, but you just read it.
I'll read it again. It says, and there you will offer yourselves for sale.
Now he's going to go, oh, it's not King James. Okay. Let's read it in the King James because they're, you know, the racists are to, to a book and don't know the
Hebrew. So they say that, so here's what the King James says. And the
Lord shall bring thee into Egypt with ships. By the way,
I spoke, I speak unto thee, thou shall see it no more again. And there ye shall be sold in, sold unto your enemies for bondmen and bondwomen.
And no man shall buy you. No man shall buy you.
That means they sold themselves to their enemy because nobody bought them.
There was no sale. If they didn't get bought, it was a giveaway. So, so no matter how you look at it,
I'm not the one lying there, buddy boy. Sorry, dude. All right.
So let's get into this spiritual warfare one first before Melissa's because most is going to take a bit.
All right. Sarah's asking, what is a healthy approach to deciphering? What is spiritual warfare?
What is and isn't spiritual warfare? Okay. So this is a good question because much of what's called spiritual warfare is not.
Um, so how, okay, let's start with what's not good. Um, what's not good way of, of doing it is that when you see people that are saying, okay, if you're, if you're have an issue with drinking and you're drunk, um, that, you know, that's a spirit, a spiritual warfare of drunkenness.
Yeah. Um. You have the generational curse. Curses. Yeah. So what, when, when you're blaming, when you're taking individual sin and trying to blame that on a demon or something like that, that's not spiritual warfare.
Okay. That is, um, basically avoiding accountability, right?
Most people want to blame. They want to blame the devil. Um, so what do you have with that?
Well, they want to, they don't want to take responsibility for their sin. Someone made them do it. No, it was their own flesh that did that.
Oh, Hey, what's that book that you got there? This is a good book. Yeah. A good book on the, on the subject.
Yeah. And so, so Sarah is actually, um, I title because they, not everyone on the podcast can read the title that you're showing.
Well, let me just, so I know Sarah, um, uh, she's family.
Um, and so I should give this book to her. The book is by our friend, Jim Osmond, and it is truth or territory, a biblical approach to spiritual warfare.
And if you want to get a copy of that book, you can get it at strivingforturning .org in our store. We sell it as well.
And you'll get it shipped through by Amazon. And if you have a GTV, there is a small study that Jim does, uh, through the book as well.
Oh, oh, oh, oh, look at this. Oh, we're scared. Now the fake
Israelites say that we're scared to read Leviticus. Oh, I I'm so scared.
Yeah. Yeah. I don't think so. Um, so let's get back to, to a real question.
So like, so, so we have what isn't spiritual warfare. What is, what, what would be, what would be a, an actual, uh, case of spiritual warfare going on?
Well, I, I think when you, you do have cases where you'd have, um, demonic activity that could occur.
And when you have demonic activity, you're looking at the fact that, um, there's going to be something that is, um, either someone that's demon possessed that could be, you could be dealing with.
I've dealt with that on the streets. Um, you could have in your own life where there's, you know, it could be things that are happening in your life.
You think of Job and everything that happened to him, that was spiritual warfare, though he didn't know it, but you notice he didn't credit it to be like, oh, it's the devil doing this, the devil doing that.
Um, you know, the, what you end up seeing is you see the fact that, um, there is a case where Job is seeing that this is happening and does not have any idea that what is going on behind the scenes.
Kind of like, you know, for people in the chat that don't realize we have some demons back there. Look, here's the, here's a fake
Israelite saying this live stream is demonic and you guys don't even know the Bible at all.
That's right. Because we read it in context and don't know how to twist it like you. So, so yeah,
I mean, you, you, you probably don't always know the, the spiritual warfare that's going on around you, but it's good to identify what's not spiritual warfare.
I mean, we shouldn't be trying to push people to say, oh, um, you know, we should be blaming the demons for everything.
Where, and I've seen it where everything that good, good that happens is God and everything bad that happens is
Satan. Well, it's not always the case because the Lord can bring, bring discipline upon.
So sometimes you may experience something and it's actually a discipline of the Lord to bring you back in line and it's not of Satan.
And most of the time it's, it's a really us who sinned and we just don't like the consequences.
Right. So, so I would say anything, spiritual warfare, something that's trying to pull you away from Christ.
Yeah. Yeah. But, but we may not see it all. Right. That's the thing.
Yeah. You know, we may not see that, you know, what's happening. Um, all right.
So we have another question here from Melissa said this will take a little bit of time. Um, did you guys hear about the
FBI sending informants into Catholic churches to spy on them? Now I disagree with Catholicism, but I believe that much more, much more of the church nominations will be targeted in the future.
We were talking about this earlier. Um, and so, yeah, they're bringing out the Christian Catholics now, but because the
Catholics are the soft targets and they'll go for the harder targets later. But when we talked about Christian nationalism, this was the reason
I'm against using the term because this is the thing you go back to my rap report podcast.
Um, I, if you search the rap report for maybe, I think it's maybe Christian terrorists or domestic terrorists, you'll see, we did a very long show, very important show where I read through what the
Biden administration calls a domestic terrorist. And it's basically anybody who thinks that if you thought there was anything wrong with the 2022 presidential election, you're a domestic terrorist.
If you want to keep your privacy private and you move to any, you move off a platform that is spying on you to one where it's encrypted, that you're a domestic terrorist.
If you don't believe the vaccines were working, you're a domestic terrorist.
I guess, by the way, the CDC is a domestic terrorist because they just recently came out and admitted that you can get vaccinated and still get and pass on COVID.
So yeah, it's just those of us that said it during the election. We're the domestic terrorists.
You know, look, the reality is, is that they're targeting Christians to, to get rid of a whole voting block.
This is no different than what happened in Nazi Germany. Get rid of all the Jewish people that had the money, take their money, and then you're getting rid of the voting block.
And now you just got to keep blaming them for everything that goes wrong. Well, Christian, we're going to be the ones in the gulags. You don't believe it?
Go look at January 6th. People who, the people who actually, there's, the government went into people, asked for all their video evidence, and then it disappeared.
All the evidence that proves they're innocent. They're, they're not allowed to have evidence to support their, their claims.
They're, they're not allowed to, you know, cross -examine officers that were walking them around.
Tucker showed that video, the videos that were supposedly lost. Yeah. So, you know, this is the reality and this is just where we're at.
I mean, yeah. And, and to Melissa's, I think that was Melissa's question. You know, it wouldn't surprise me when you saw what happened with James Coates in Canada.
Doesn't surprise me at all. So, all right. So let's, let's,
I'm just, well, before the show ends, let me deal with these fake Israelites. They say
I can't read Leviticus 25, 39 to 46.
So let's read it. If your countryman of yours becomes so poor with regards to you that he sells himself to you, you shall not subject him to the slave's service.
He shall be with you as a hired man, as if he was a sojourner.
So shall, he shall serve you until the year of Jubilee. He shall then go out from you, he and his sons with him, and shall go back to his family and shall return to the property of his forefathers.
For they are my servants whom I brought out of the land of Egypt. They will not be sold in a slave sale.
You shall not rule over, you shall not rule over him with severity, but to revere your
God. As your male servants, how far do they want me to go down here?
46, okay. As for your male and female slaves from whom you have, you may acquire male and female slaves from the pagan nations that are around you.
Then too, it is out of the sons of the sojourners who live as aliens among you, you shall gain acquisition and out of their families who are with you, whom you have, have produced in your land, they also may become your possession.
You may even bequest them to your sons after you to receive a possession.
You can use them as permanent slaves, but in respect to your countrymen, the sons of Israel, you will not rule, you shall not rule with severity one over one another.
So I'm guessing he's using this to say this is why they're going to own slaves.
Yeah. So, well, here's the thing. I just read it, so I guess I'm not so scared of them. Yeah, I'm not scared of scripture.
So what is this talking about? Well, if they actually knew the Bible instead of their racist doctrines, they would know who that's speaking of.
It's speaking of actual Israelites that lived in the land of Israel, not Africa, and had slaves that were their own countrymen when they did practice a year of Jubilee.
And that year of Jubilee was long earlier because that year of Jubilee, we end up seeing that they didn't keep that seven -year
Sabbath cycle. And that's why they skipped the
Jubilee. And that's why they were in Babylonian captivity for seven years. That's what Bible says,
Jeremiah. And so the reality is that it's speaking of Israelites.
And you go, well, what about these pagans that were slaves? Yeah, they're in there too, as far back as Joshua, soon as they came into the promised land.
So, yeah, so let's do this. So we got a character backstage who— it's usually fun to keep him backstage just to see the facial expressions, because they're so good.
And we just missed one with his tongue out. You did. You totally did. Chris Huff of Matter of Theology, welcome.
I'm sure you probably have a lot you want to say about all the things we answered. I actually haven't been able to tune in, so you're going to have to catch me up.
You could do rapid fire if you want to. That could be kind of fun. We dealt with a lot of things. Yeah, he's been slacking, man.
Who knows what he has. Evidently. Probably been watching The Braves or something. No, definitely not. Although I think they lost today.
But no, not today. Well, let me do this for the fake Israelites that are there.
And, you know, because the reality is, you know, as we started the show,
Drew, you talked about— I don't think you mentioned it here, but you did tell me the language that these fake
Israelites have on their shows, the foul language that Scripture condemns, the judgmentalism, the pride.
This is the stuff that you end up seeing is not biblical. Scripture condemns the behavior they have.
And so, you know, this is the thing. They need the gospel because these guys, as they said, they do not believe that Jesus is
God. And this is not me saying. Scripture says if you don't accept
Jesus for who he is as Lord, you are going to spend eternity in a lake of fire.
Every single one of us has sinned. There are three of us here.
Every one of the people that are commenting, everyone that's watching and listening, all of us have broken
God's law. We lie, we steal, we break his law. We deserve eternity in a lake of fire.
I mean, even Drew here, over his head right there is a picture he stole from his mother.
His mother's house, he was telling me earlier. He stole that from his mother. He's talking about that,
Chris. The way we preach Christ. Oh, nice. Okay. And I got at Shepherd's Comfort.
He claims he got it. I was there. And it was in his mother's house, but he got it.
I think he got it as a gift for his mother. And then said, I want it back. And his mother said,
I don't have it. And then produced it. So, I mean. You're just making up stuff like Deuteronomy 28.
I might be lying. I could be wrong, but I might be lying there. And so what we see is that we all lie and steal.
And the fact is we cannot save ourselves. Our good works won't save us for a very simple reason.
We don't have any. Nothing that we do is good compared to what
God did for us in dying on the cross. And so we can't sit there and say, oh, but I did these good works or I'm a good person.
Every one of us is a criminal in God's sight and deserve his judgment. And if you don't believe
Jesus is God, then he couldn't have paid an eternal fine for you because he's not an eternal being.
If he's just a temporal being, he's a man like any other man, even a prophet. Then he can't pay an eternal fine.
And then his death is meaningless for your salvation. And you're dead in your sins if he's not
God. And so if you're believing that, you need to turn. That's what repentance means. Turn from that thinking.
Stop believing Jesus is just a man. Stop thinking he's not God and turn and trust the
God and savior, Jesus Christ, who paid an eternal debt when he died on the cross for your sin.
Because without that, you have no hope for heaven. You can sit there and dream all day long about white slaves you're going to have.
But the reality is you're going to end up in a pit of fire.
And I don't want that for you. As much as you hate me, call me a devil, all the things, all the name calling you want to do.
The difference between you and I to for those the fake Israelites, the difference between you and I is that I care where you spend eternity and you care about yourself.
The Bible condemns that behavior on your part. And that's one of the sins of pride that you'll be judged for.
And that's why I plead with you. You're caught up in a cultic thinking where you're in the echo chamber, no different than the flat earthers.
We've just heard it over and over and over again. And it makes a lot of sense because, look, they pull these things together. And it sounds like it's really got a lot there.
Because look at how much evidence there's there. Well, the flat earthers make the same exact arguments and they're just as quacky.
And so the fact is you got to deal with what the truth is. If Jesus isn't God, you're dead in your sin.
You have no hope. You have no way of payment for your sin. And you will spend eternity in a lake of fire.
And denying there's a lake of fire doesn't do you any good. Because that's like saying you deny gravity walking off the
Empire State Building. You're going to crash and burn because the law of gravity will take effect just as the law of God will take effect.
And so don't just deny it and walk away and call us devils just because of the color of our skin.
The fact is that it doesn't have anything to do with color of skin.
It has to do with what Jesus did. So let's bring in the man himself, the one and only
Kofi. Kofi Obuntu. How are you, sir?
What's up, Kof? Oh, you're muted. Muted. You got to unmute yourself because I can't.
There we go. That helps. There we go. How are we doing, guys? What's up, brother? Good, Kofi. Oh, good to see you all.
So have you been watching any comments you want to make in the 20 minutes we got left? Yep, I was in and out.
My wife got off her shift at the hospital early. That's why I'm able to come on. So that was great. But I was listening in my earbuds.
And I mean, again, this is really the heart of the issue with that whole movement.
And it's, you know, viewpoints that they put the viewpoints that they put out. Ultimately, it's a very temporal message.
You know, it's a very here and now focus message. It has no understanding of the peril that the soul is in without Christ.
The necessity of the atonement, the necessity of the spirits regenerating Ultimately, it's a message that appeals to the carnal flesh rather than those things, which
I would say the spirit of God appeals to. And those things that the spirit of God makes valuable to the believer.
And it's tragic because you'll see believers at times who will, you know, kind of power at one or a few of the ideas of Hebrew Israelism, you know, especially in the black community.
And it's sad because you hear that from people who otherwise would say they understand the gospel and becomes very apparent that, no, you don't.
I don't think you quite understand the importance of the gospel message.
And I don't know if they're still listening or not, but I would plead earnestly with them. Your soul is in peril.
Like this is not just a philosophical difference that we have when it comes to these issues.
Like you are flirting with an eternity away and even away from the presence of God, because it makes it clear that the
Lord is the one who punishes even in hell, but away from the blessing of God's presence, the joy of God's presence, knowing only his wrath for eternity.
You are messing with that. And I would honestly plead with them, repent while you still have time.
Well, I think something, Kofi, that stands out as well to me and I have gone back and started listening to last week and when they were on, but I mean, you know, the whole concept of having white slaves, you know, and especially if they want to go back to Leviticus and Deuteronomy, it's just like,
I mean, that goes completely against Deuteronomy 16. You shall not distort justice. You shall not be partial.
Period. Deuteronomy, Leviticus, you shall do no... Leviticus 19, you shall do no injustice in judgment.
You shall not be partial. You know, saying you're going to own someone because of the melanin or lack of melanin in their skin, which by the way, no one has any control over.
It reeks of pride. Not only did they deny Christ, but you examine the fruit. I think of Matthew 7, you look at the fruit of what they're doing, how they twist scripture big time.
The things that they say and the way that they say them, the words that they use, it all matters. So, you know, when it comes to people like that, you examine the fruit and you do exactly,
Kofi, what you just did. And Andrew, what you just said is you plead with them to repent. You give them the gospel and you continue to give them the gospel.
That's right. There's no temporal fix to what they're trying to do.
It's an eternal issue. And that's clearly where our focus is, right? We're striving for eternity, right?
We're not trying to earn eternity, but we're fixated on that, which is eternal as believers.
We want to be ready. That's why our tagline at Striving for Eternity is equipping for eternity.
We want people to be ready to be there. And so we're going to reach out to people like this and say, the biggest need they have is the gospel, not white slaves.
And if they read the Old Testament, I mean, if they read Leviticus, they'd realize that the slave trade that they're trying to argue for would be illegal in Israel.
You know, I mean, they're not arguing for a slaves where they're freed. I mean, it was a thing where they would be against the white slave owners that were in this country, especially the brutal ones.
Not everyone was brutal, but many were. And yet what is it they want to be? Those brutal tyrants, right?
We want them to have eternal life. We want them to turn from their sin, turn to Christ.
This is the thing. Christians are being attacked. We started, we talked about this in the last question. What is it that when you look at the transgenders and everyone wants to attack
Christians. Okay. What is it that a Muslim would want to do with a transgender or homosexual?
Throw them off a building and stone them. What does a Christian want to do? Share the gospel.
We want them to be saved. They want them to be dead. And we're supposedly the meanies.
There was a pastor, Anthony Wood, Tony Wood. He's a pastor of Mission Bible Church in Southern California.
Dear brother. He wrote Defining Deception with Kosti Hinn. But he recently preached a sermon about persecution.
And one of the things that he talked about in there was that when the persecution comes, when it comes and it is coming.
I mean, just look at what happened in Nashville. For example, I just saw today that authorities are finally planning on releasing that manifesto.
No, they haven't decided. And I'm going to talk about it again. They're talking about it, but I'll tell you what's going to happen.
You know why they're talking about it? They're figuring out what to redact. Exactly. No, I mean, absolutely. I mean, but when you look at what happens, it's just like Tony Wood said.
And Tony's a dear friend and brother. But he said, you know, they're not going to come for Ben Shapiro.
They're not going to come for people standing there with his little beanie on or anything like that. What they're going to come for. They're going to come for the believers.
They're going to come for the truth. And we need to prepare ourselves. Like, understand that when
Jesus's words in John 15, if they hated me, they will hate you. Those are very real words.
And we are starting to see and will continue to see the fruit of that. And you've got to be prepared.
You've got to be prepared to give defense for the hope that you have. You've got to make up your mind. Are you going to count the cost of what it means to follow
Christ and confess Christ as Lord in everything you think, say and do?
Yeah. My question for them would be, how do they, how do they obtain salvation?
Right. Because they don't believe Christ is God. Right. But they also,
I believe these gentlemen and specifically would call themselves true Christians.
I think they said that on their own program that they are the true Christians. Okay. But then how do you define that?
And what does that mean? And how do you obtain salvation under that worldview? Yeah. Well, and what, well, first you'd have to say, what is salvation?
I mean, it doesn't seem like they're looking for eternal life. Right. So there's that difference.
And these would be fair questions to ask them. Yeah. If they'd come on and have honest conversation, but then again.
Oh, this is funny here. Ash is saying fair use. I actually know
Ash. It's not fair use when you play it without comment like you did. That's why I gave you the copyright strike.
It's not fair use when you try to take out the word striving for eternity and the website.
That's not fair use when you try to take out the citation for your own thing and then just put it up there.
And yes, I already know, go back to the beginning. I already caught that you did it again.
You just made it unlisted. That's okay. I know people that work at Google. We're working on it and we'll have that taken down too.
And three strikes, dude, your channel's going down. So, you know, if you want to take them down, you better take them down now.
But I will be able to find it even if you keep it unlisted because we already put in a request and they don't want to have to deal with lawyers.
I know. So, stealing our material is still stealing, which is a sin.
Just saying. Steve Do is saying they're looking for eternal slaves.
Maybe. Maybe that's what it is. So, I'm going to wrap up because unlike you guys,
I got to leave to catch a flight in New York. I got to leave at two in the morning, which is what?
A couple hours from now. Yep. So, I will be at the
Michiana Reforming Families Conference this weekend. So, if you're in the
Michiana, Indiana area, that will be held at, let's see, it is,
I'm trying to remember the name of the church. I just drew a blank. Let's see.
I think it was Berean Reformed Baptist Church.
So, that is this weekend. I like the name of that. Chris Honhold says you never sleep.
He used to not sleep. He's gotten better with that. I've gotten better. I love my wife very much and therefore she's wanted me to sleep.
Hey, I'm now officially no longer overweight. I weighed in this morning at 172.
So, I haven't eaten in 20 years because I love my wife more than food. And those who are regular listeners, you know that I have problems with eating.
Anyone that's been with me knows. 172? I'm 172. I weigh more than that and I'm smaller than you.
Like, I'm in height. Yeah, I'm 5 '11". Now, maybe shrinking to 5 '10".
But, yeah, next weekend, will all of us be at the
Cruciform Conference next weekend? Remember, I told you I... Oh, that's right. You couldn't pull out. Yeah.
Yeah, I had to pull out. I didn't know you pulled out too. Oh, the shame of it.
I know, I know. Stuff happens. You heathens. Yeah, so, well, okay.
I guess only I will be at Cruciform. I'll be talking to you in other ways. Cruciform is where I show up and I start taking everyone else's slots because, you know, when we're dealing with new puritanism,
I won't have as much. But that's the topic is new puritanism. I'll be dealing with the
Puritan's view of evangelism. If you're in the Philadelphia, Bucks County area,
May 13th, I'll be doing a men's conference at Langhorne Presbyterian Church.
Yes, a Presbyterian Church, and I'll be speaking. Then... Are you preaching on baptism?
Actually, I'm going to be doing an overview of the life of Abraham. I was thinking like the
Flat Earthers that invited you to speak. No, no, it'll be good. I will be... Andrew, that reminds me of when
MacArthur tells the story about when he was invited to come speak on charismatic stuff.
And it was actually for people who believed in speaking in tongues and everything else. And he got about a quarter of the way through his message.
Somebody came on the stage to escort him off. He's like, wait, I'm not done. If I heard this story,
I don't remember it, but that's good. June 16th, if you're in Redwood City, I'll be doing a seminar at Grace Bible Church in Redwood City.
Great, great church up there. Pastor Steve Converse. Love that guy. And then we're going to be doing an evangelism training in Indianapolis.
Hearts for the Lost and Striving and Turning are going to get together. We'll be doing that July 7th through the 9th or 7th and 8th.
So that's something to look forward to. And so those are some trips I got coming up.
I hope to see some of you guys there. Obviously, I won't be seeing these guys at some of those events, but all right.
When is the one in Indy? Indy is July. I just shut it down. So July, what'd
I say, 5 to 7 or was it 7 to July 7th and 8th? I may go.
I may be in Indy real quick at the end of next month for a book signing for Jack Carr, Navy SEAL.
He's releasing his book, his next book in that series. And he's doing a book signing at a library up there.
So here you go, Darren. Darren says, dude, you're coming to Indianapolis.
So I'll just tell you, Chris, when you get there, I'm going to tell you. There's a place that Brian Nine introduced me to and I introduced
Brian to something and it's changed his view. There's a place called 45
Degrees. It's a sushi place. Really good sushi. See, I'm not a sushi guy.
I had sushi like 2014, got real bad food poisoning. Get over that and get the good stuff.
What was the place we ate at last year or the year before that for Crucible?
It was something. You were all there. It was some Asian cuisine. It was good. Well, here's the thing. There's a place, 45
Degrees. They have really good sushi. What Brian never had was fresh wasabi. So I introduced him to fresh wasabi.
That makes all the difference because you don't sit there and dip it in soy sauce.
You put a little bit of fresh wasabi on, it brings out all the flavors. So we're definitely going to hit that up,
I'm sure. So Darren, if you want to join us, you better be there.
Put that comment up about burgers and fries. I'm with Darren on that one. Darren, why don't you go, bro? Bro, this is why you should stick with me.
I'll take you some burgers and fries. And that's what he took me when I was with him. So yeah, those are some events.
Let me just give a shout out. If you guys would consider supporting us, just go to strivingtourney .org
support. Interesting statistics that I looked up last year compared to the year before.
We had our book sales and our donations went down by 25 % while our expenses went up by 25%.
And most of it, what it is, is people I know are struggling. And we go to churches that can't afford to have us.
We go to smaller churches where unlike all the big ministries, we don't go to where the money is and all the people are.
So we need your help to get to churches that need our help, where they need discipleship, they need training.
They want to have that conference experience in their church to help their church grow.
That's what we look to do. You can help us do that. I just booked flights. I just booked seven flights for different events that I got coming up.
I used to be able to find flights $250, $300. I can't find anything under $600 or $700 anymore.
So it's tripled. The expenses for hotels have tripled. And so it's really causing us to have to now evaluate.
When people ask us to speak, we have to think. We used to just say yes. Now we have to look at the money in the bank and say, can we afford to go?
Because a lot of the churches can't afford it. And so if you want to help us out, go to strivefromturning .org support.
That'd be a great help to us. If you found value in anything that we're doing here for you, then maybe you could, if you find value, then help us out.
It's a value for value type of thing. And if you're getting value from what we're doing, we're doing it for you.
But it helps us to keep doing these things when we're supported.
So I can say this as someone that my main income, my main way of making money does not come through ministry.
So I'm not saying that because I want to make sure I stay employed. I have other means of income.
And so it's not for that. So, but it is something that, you know, 78,
I think it's 78 % of the money that is raised goes toward ministry. How many ministries can make that argument?
And so, you know, so we're just asking if you can. So what we're doing though, for folks, we started doing this is we're doing giveaways for anybody who does donate.
The first six people in the month that donate, I have, I'm not going to tell you what's left to choose from.
But we have different CDs or DVDs from our different conferences. We have one that's on the family, one that's on getting
Christianity right, dealing with different Christian doctrines, and then one on presuppositional apologetics.
So those are the conferences that you can get the, that you'll get. And the first person that donates in the month gets to choose which one they want.
We also have some books. The book that we're doing for this month is a book that I interviewed on parenting, purposeful and persistent parenting.
Drew, you need a copy of this. You got young kids. Actually, all three of you do.
So you should, you each seriously need a, it's one of the best books I've seen in recent years on parenting.
I just need to get my three -year -old to like sit still. Well, that's actually...
I'm glad I'm not alone. You may laugh, but that's where this is going to help. The reason they have the blue tape on there is because what they did was they taught their children boundaries by putting blue tape on the floor.
So the kids knew where they can go and not go. And they started from a very early age learning about boundaries. And when
I interviewed them, they told that they have friends of theirs that expanded it and had different color tape. So as the kids got older, some older kids that were allowed to get, you know, do the sink, go to the sink or oven or things like that would have a different type of tape.
So each age knew what their boundaries were, which then kids got excited to get older, to get into, you know, it's kind of like you graduate to different levels.
Well, that's interesting because whenever I'm cooking or my wife is cooking,
Lawson loves to come up to the stove. And I'm always afraid that if I just look away for a second, he's going to reach his hand up there and touch something.
And that's the whole thing of where they just do, is they just put tape on the ground and said, okay, kids, you stay here. And the kids know this is, so they didn't have to have a play, like a, you know, a play gym or whatever it is that you put the kid in and he can't get out.
No, they just started from the early age to teach the children about boundaries. So, oh, here, someone is saying, oh, okay, is your years worthwhile?
So this is saying excited for your visit to the
Philippines again. So now she interviewed me for the radio. So we're hoping that, hoping to see her again.
So yeah, so some others here are saying that they use tape. Darren says he uses tape, but Chris Hanholds was saying, yeah, two words, duct tape.
So that was the different type of tape there, guys. So effective though, still effective.
So I hope this is helpful. I hope this has been valuable to you guys. I hope that if it was, you'd share it with others.
Listen for the podcast, share that as well. And with that, we'll end with our closing that we started using regularly.
So here we go. All other religious systems are based on a system of morality, of good works.
What makes Christianity unique, it is not a system of morality. It is about Jesus Christ.
Buddha is dead. Muhammad is dead. Joseph Smith is dead. Mary Baker, Eddie is dead. But Jesus Christ rose from the dead.
If Jesus Christ was not both fully man and fully God, there would be no payment of sin. This was a debate in the first century.
Jesus Christ was fully man. It's important to note that he did not have a human father.
Therefore, he did not inherit a sin nature. Jesus Christ not only had to be fully man, but he also had to be without sin, never breaking any part of God's law.
If Jesus was not a man, then people would have no payment of sins. But Jesus Christ is also fully
God. Jesus had to be God in order to pay an eternal fine. Only an eternal being can pay an eternal fine.