“Queen James Bible” Gets DESTROYED By Biblical Truth!

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Hey guys, Colin here, and welcome back to the channel where the Bible and critical thinking meet to give you real
Christian commentary about the things that matter. Thanks so much for watching, let's get into the video. So I recently came across an article on the pro -LGBT
Bible translation called the Queen James Bible, and my wife Catherine reminded me that it may be a good video topic.
So in this video, we're going to describe and review this terrible translation and compare it to the original text of Scripture.
By the way, before I even read any of this stuff, I knew that it was going to be an appallingly bad translation.
Why? Well, just because the very name of it implied that it wants to be seen as this very effeminate, almost obnoxious alternative that stands in complete contrast to the
King James Bible. And full disclosure, I don't personally read the King James Bible with any kind of frequency.
I find it quite difficult to understand on account of the fact that I'm not British, nor am I 400 years old.
And I don't say that to make fun of the King James, which of course has been a very effective and valuable translation for the
Church, I'm simply telling you why I find it hard to comprehend. But whatever the case may be, I hope we can all agree by the end of this video that the
King James Bible is infinitely more glorifying to God than its pro -gay counterpart, the
Queen James Bible. So with that said, let me offer you a small background on the Queen James, and then let's dive into why it's so dangerously wrong by comparing it to the original languages it's translated from.
So to begin, the Queen James is a Bible translation made by anonymous translators.
Yeah, you heard that right. For one reason or another, these people who translated it didn't even want to reveal their identity.
But I for one hope that they reveal themselves as soon as possible so that we can find out what kind of churches they go to, and avoid these churches like the plague.
Basically, these anonymous translators took what I believe is the 1769 version of the
King James Bible, and they literally just re -translated the major passages in it that seem to oppose homosexuality.
The translators set about creating what they believe to be the world's first gay -affirming
Bible. By the way, just a little hint here. If your modern Bible translation has a message in it that no legitimate
Christian Bible before it has ever had, you do not have the Bible. What you have is a deliberate misinterpretation of the
Bible, created for what are most likely sinful reasons. The Bible is thousands of years old,
I kid you not. So if your Bible says something brand spankin' new, there's a good chance that that's something new is total heresy.
Also, let's take a moment to note the fact that these Queen James Bible translators literally only translated, or edited more accurately, nine passages.
Nothing says that your progressive Christianity should be taken seriously quite like pawning off a new translation that only translates nine verses in its entirety.
And these clearly very serious and intellectual Bible scholars are so confident in their translation that they won't even put their names on it.
So needless to say, I don't think that traditional conservative Christians should be shaking in their boots quite yet.
So with that said, let's actually review some of the translation decisions made by the anonymous editors of the
Queen James. Some of the content of this video, just a heads up, is going to be sexual due to the nature of this theological debate, so please use discretion.
The first passage they changed was Genesis chapter 19, which details the account of when Lot, the nephew of Abraham, had some angels sent to his house by the
Lord. And these angels, they appeared as ordinary men to the people of the town of Sodom. And in response to seeing these new men, the men of the town called to Lot in Genesis 19, 5, saying the following, quote,
Where are the men which came into thee this night? Bring them out unto us, that we may know them.
End quote. Now the King James can often be a bit subtle to the modern reader, but when these men ask to know
Lot's angelic visitors, what they're really asking is to know them in the biblical sense if you catch my drift.
That is to say, all the men of the town wanted to have homosexual relations with these men.
But the Queen James Bible translates this statement made by the townsmen as the following, quote, Where are the men which came into thee this night?
Bring them out unto us, that we may rape and humiliate them. End quote. For those of you who are new to this whole debate, pro -LGBT scholars will make the case that the men of Sodom were not immoral because of their homosexuality, but rather, they were immoral because of their desire to have sex with these men unconsensually.
In their eyes, the actions of these men do not condemn homosexuality as a whole, they only condemn rape and humiliation.
That's why the passage is translated, quote, That we may rape and humiliate them. End quote. This is, of course, a terrible translation in just about every perceivable way.
When translating the Bible in an honest way, the question is not, what point am I personally trying to prove through this translation?
In fact, that is a surefire way to inaccurately translate the text. The real question is, what is the
English rendering of the statement made here in Hebrew or Greek? So let's try to answer that question.
The word in Hebrew for know in this passage is yadah, and the word carries with it absolutely no direct meaning with regard to humiliation or rape.
The word only means to know, to perceive, and to be acquainted with. And in this particular context, it means to intimately know another person in the bodily sense, that is to say, to have sex with them.
So the King James makes an attempt to accurately translate the passage, while the Queen James bends over backwards to make the passage say something that is clearly not present in the original
Hebrew. I'll let you decide for yourself which one you ought to trust. The next verse they edit is Leviticus 18 .22,
which I'm sure is a passage that you've heard before. The KJV translates it as the following, quote, Thou shalt not lie with mankind as with womankind.
It is an abomination. End quote. But the Queen James Bible says this, quote, Thou shalt not lie with mankind as with womankind.
In the temple of Moloch, it is an abomination. End quote. The reason that the phrase, in the temple of Moloch, was inserted into the passage is very underhanded.
You see, pro -LGBT activists who say that the Bible does not condemn homosexuality, these people have a very particular view of passages like Leviticus 18 .22.
They believe that it was common pagan practice to have homosexual prostitution take place in pagan temples as an act of worship to pagan gods like Moloch.
Therefore, they assert that these passages are not condemning homosexuality. Rather, they are only condemning homosexual activity that takes place in the name of other gods.
And they say all of this so that they can make the overall point that monogamous homosexual relationships are perfectly moral in the sight of God.
And all of these conservative, Bible -thumping Christians, well, they just have no idea what they're talking about, and they're the ones who are taking the passage out of context.
But again, the original question here is not what your theological or political persuasion is.
Rather, it is what the original Hebrew of the passage actually communicates. So let's take a look at that.
On your screen, you'll see the interlinear text of Leviticus 18 .22 and its corresponding
English and Hebrew words. You will clearly see on your screen that the words, in the temple of Moloch, are not present because there is no
Hebrew word or phrase in the passage that carries any portion of that meaning. So the Queen James translators have really inserted themselves into the mind of the author of Scripture, and they have decided for Moses what he really meant to say when he wrote this.
On the other hand, the King James translators simply tried to accurately convey the meaning of the text.
Again, I'll let you decide who you can trust. And finally, let me show you yet another example of this kind of terrible translation being done by the
Queen James editors. First Corinthians 6 .9 in the KJV says this, Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God?
Be not deceived, neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind shall inherit the kingdom of God.
The Queen James interpretation of this passage is laughably bad. They render it the following way, Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God?
Be not deceived, neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor morally weak, nor promiscuous shall inherit the kingdom of God.
The big change here is from the words, quote, effeminate and abusers of themselves with mankind to, quote, morally weak and promiscuous.
You see, the KJV translators were clearly referring to effeminate men and those who abuse their bodies in homosexual acts.
But the ideologues involved with the Queen James translation simply cannot allow that to be a valid interpretation because it violates their pro -LGBT stances.
Again, let's go ahead and look at the original text because that's what actually matters here, although it doesn't seem to matter to the
Queen James folks. The second word in question, the one that refers to, quote, abusers of themselves with mankind in the
KJV, is arsenokoitos, which in the Greek means, quote, man or bed or man -only bed.
It's a compound word. And in this context, it clearly refers to men who commit sexual actions or bedroom behavior with other men.
In other words, it most definitely does not mean promiscuous as the Queen James translators say it does. And this is obviously done in an attempt to justify their sinful pro -LGBT agenda.
So in conclusion, you can clearly see in these three examples that the pro -homosexual progressive
Christian movement is trying to change the words of the living God. They don't care about accuracy.
They care about activism. They don't care about translation. They care about misinterpretation.
The Queen James Bible and any other translation that seeks to inject its own ideological views into the text of Scripture is really no translation at all.
It is, in fact, a counterfeit Scripture written by people who are just as unethical in their morality as they are incorrect in their scholarship.
So please, don't let yourselves or anyone you know be deceived or led astray by this weak -willed, effeminate, limp -wristed, culture -affirming false doctrine.
It's all a smokescreen that can be used to muddy the waters of true, pure, and biblical
Christianity. And please, pray for these self -proclaimed translators of this blasphemous book that they would repent and believe the truth of God's Word.
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And until next time, fight for truth, never surrender, and keep your eyes open. Thank you and God bless.