Matt Slick Live: August 23, 2024


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The Matt Slick Live (Live Broadcast of 08-23-2024) is a production of the Christian Apologetics Research Ministry (CARM). Matt answers questions on topics such as: The Bible, Apologetics, Theology, World Religions, Atheism, and other issues!  You can also email questions to Matt using: [email protected], Put "Radio Show Question" in the Subject line! Answers will be discussed in a future show. Topics Include: Talking About Abortion and Human Life Can Believers Participate in Politics Does Life “Continue” at Conception/Cellular Life vs. Human Life Is The Gospel of John a Forgery DG Calls In Requesting Prayer Email Friday Dealing with Spiritual Oppression August 23, 2024


The following program is recorded content created by The Truth Network. It's Matt Slick Live!
Matt is the founder and president of the Christian Apologetics Research Ministry, found online at karm .org.
When you have questions about Bible doctrines, turn to Matt Slick Live for answers. Taking your calls and responding to your questions at 877 -207 -2276.
Here's Matt Slick. Hi, everybody. Welcome to the show. It's me, Matt Slick. You're listening to Matt Slick Live.
Today's date is August 23rd, 2024. If you want to give me a call, as usual, all you have to do is dial 877 -207 -2276.
You can also email me, info at karm .org, info at c -a -r -m dot o -r -g.
All right, well, we'll just jump on the phone calls here.
Jay from Ohio. Hey, Jay. Welcome, buddy. You're on the air. Hey, Matt. How are you doing, man?
Super busy, super busy, but that's what it is. So much to do. Yeah.
Yeah, I hear you. All right. So what do you got? Yeah. Cool. Well, hey, I was following up.
I was your last caller yesterday. We were talking about abortion abolition, and I just wanted to give you a call back where we left off.
Basically, you were mentioning we were talking about the case of life of the mother, life of the child, and actually, that reminds me.
I was watching some stuff last night, and it was one of those quick things, and the guy made a couple of comments, and I copied them down, but I modified them, and I really liked what was said.
The woman in abortion, the woman says, you must die so I can live. Christ says,
I must die so you can live, and Jesus said, this is my body given for you.
The woman said, this is my body, no room for you. And Jesus entered the world through the womb to die for others, but doctors enter the womb to kill for others, and just these parallels, and it's true, but you're right.
Yeah. So where were we? Yeah. Amen. Yeah. So you were mentioning, essentially, if I'm hearing you right, you were saying that would be the only feasible exception that you could think of would be, like, the mother's life is at risk, basically.
No, not just at risk, but, I mean, it's basically a unanimous decision, no, she'll die, and both will die.
That's the only condition I could see, you know, so, yeah.
Yeah, for sure. So I just wanted to weigh in on that a little bit, because this is obviously, as I'm sure you know, it's like a common point that's made.
In those cases, basically, like, when a doctor obviously takes on a pregnant woman as a patient, he has two patients.
So, in this one scenario, we allow for a doctor, as a method of caring for one of his patients, to intentionally murder one of the other patients, basically.
Murder again being premeditated, unjustified taking of a human life.
Oh, they do, they say it's not human. They say it's not human. Oh, yeah, sure, sure.
Yeah. It's not human, so therefore... Absolutely, yeah, no, I'm with you on that. Which makes no sense, but, anyway.
Yeah. Yeah. But yeah, so like, if the mother's life is at risk, let's say, and she is delivering the child, in the process of delivery, they're saying, you could die, either way you cut it, she has to give birth to that child.
So, it's either going to be, we need to try to save both of these patients, or we need to deliver a dead child, in which you're still going to have to go through the delivery, and you will still be in the same risk, basically, you know?
Well, yeah, you're talking about, you're doing it, you're now saying, this is what needs to be done in certain circumstances. So, there's lots of variables, lots of things.
I think we should just keep it generic, because we can go on with particulars all night. There are a lot of women out there, who have had abortions, a lot of men who've supported that, and both need to come to the cross, to Christ, and be forgiven of their sins.
But a lot of times, people will say, life begins at conception, and it does not begin at conception.
It continues. The egg and the sperm are alive, and that life just is combined.
And what a lot of people don't know, is when fertilization occurs, there's a spark of light that occurs. And it's really interesting, and it's been photographed.
And so it's there, and I don't know what that is, but it might be the work of God, for all
I know. But that point has all the information of being human, and you can't say, one of the things
I'll do with the womb scrapers, is I'll say, well, when does it become human? I've had them say as late as, well, when it's giving birth, that's when it becomes human, when it leaves the womb.
Which is stupid. I mean, it's just a ridiculous argument. But so many people don't care. You can kill it ten minutes before birth, and it's not a human.
Yeah. And then I ask them, what changes its nature from non -human to human?
What is it? A birth process, going through the birth canal, all of a sudden, its ontological nature is now altered?
Is that what you're saying? You ask all kinds of questions, and they just fumble, because they don't know how to answer them.
But they don't care. What they want is the convenience of their own lives, at the cost of another.
That's a form of slavery. Yeah. And that's why this is child sacrifice that's happening.
Think about the ancient Israelites who were offering their children to Molech.
Molech was giving them, I mean, it doesn't say precisely, but a bountiful crop, or peace, or whatever.
Today, we sacrifice our children. Yeah, we sacrifice our children for career, or education, or money, or convenience, or whatever the case may be, but we're still offering our children up to be slaughtered for a benefit for ourselves, essentially.
By definition, it's child sacrifice. Yesterday, you were saying that you weren't super familiar with the abolitionist stance,
I guess. Yeah, I'm researching it, though. I emailed you. I already started. Yeah, awesome, man.
That's great. I emailed you last night, info .com, and it's from an organization called
Abolish Human Abortion, and they have what are called the Five Tenets of Abolitionism.
I know you're super busy, man. It's like a five -minute read. It's worth it, because this is biblical.
I will. Check it out. Yeah, cool, man. Awesome. Yeah, so I just wanted to follow up with you.
I live in Ohio, obviously. We have a rep who is putting forward a bill in the coming months for just full criminalization, abolishing abortion in Ohio.
If you wouldn't mind, I would just like to ask for people listening and yourself for prayer on that, that the
Lord would use that and see success. Okay. Well, they can pray, and that's what people do.
That's one of the things people do. So good. All right. Absolutely. Okay. Cool, brother.
Yeah, and again, I know how busy you are, so it would be, I think, really fruitful for you to check that out.
Okay. Sounds good. Okay. Cool, man. I appreciate you. All right, man.
Well, God bless. Thanks. Appreciate it. All right, brother. Yep. Bye -bye. Okay, bye.
So about that topic, I know there's a lot of people out there who are very disturbed about this kind of topic.
Let me say that you need to look to Jesus. Would Jesus have advocated killing the unborn for your convenience?
Is that something Jesus would have advocated? Would he have supported that? The answer, of course, is no, he wouldn't have.
And we shouldn't either. Now, I know that there are people who have had abortions and men who've been involved with them as well.
And all I can say is that you need to look to Jesus and you need to confess it to Christ.
You need to look to him and find forgiveness in him. If you have guilt or suppressed guilt, or if you think that certain things have happened in your life because of past abortions, that consequences have come to you.
That maybe just you believe them and no one else may. Because you have guilt, because you wonder.
Let me tell you, the blood of God on earth, on that cross, is greater than anything you could have done.
And by trusting and putting your faith in what he has done, and only in what he has done, not his work and your baptism, not his work and your
Eucharist, and your priest, and your whatever, and your good works, and all this stupidity.
No. The only one who can forgive you is the Lord Jesus Christ. He has all authority in heaven and earth.
He died on the cross. He rose from the dead after three days. He commanded the storm to obey and it did. And he said that if you ask him anything in his name, he will do it.
He is one who forgives sins, so you need to go to him. And you'll find that freedom in him. That release in him.
And trust him. But I have to warn you. I have to warn you about something. You can go to Christ to be forgiven of such great sins.
And he will. But if that's the only reason, well it may not be the right reason.
You see, Jesus died to save us from our sins.
Not just one particular one. If you're already a Christian, and this is over your head, hanging out on your heart, then go to Christ with that one and you confess it.
But if you're not a Christian and you want to be freed from all of this, as well as other sins, you trust in Christ to forgive you.
You trust in him. You ask him to forgive you. But I have to warn you that he will receive you as you are.
And he'll cleanse you from your sins. But he won't leave you as you are. He'll never leave you. He'll take you seriously.
And he'll want you to change throughout your entire life. To be a follower of him.
Not of your own flesh. And not of somebody else, or a career, or an ideology, or a political party.
He wants himself to be the number one person in your life. And that's hard sometimes.
But that's what he wants in exchange. He'll forgive you. And even if you don't follow him very well, he still forgives you.
But he wants you to count the cost. That he will take you as you are, but he won't leave you as you are.
He will work in your heart. And he will change you. I know. I've experienced it.
So hey, look. If you want to give me a call, all you have to do is dial 877 -207 -2276.
You can also email me, info at karm .org. Info at karm,
C -A -R -M dot O -R -G. And if we can get to it, put in the subject line,
Radio Comment or Radio Question, and we'll get to you. Let's get to Jermaine from California.
Jermaine, we've got about a minute left before the break. What do you got, buddy? Hi, Matt. So today
I just want to continue in the believers in politics. And I just finished the
DNC. And I tried to give it a chance, but it was disturbing to me because I saw several ministers, including
Al Sharpton, who I kind of said lightly. But I noticed a lot of people crisscrossing the aisles and beliefs.
And it made me go from wondering, can believers be in politics? Are some of these people just outright just damned?
Because some of the things they were endorsing while enlisting their credentials as ministers and reverends and whatever, it was just completely blasphemous in my opinion.
We've got a break. I want you to come back and list a couple of things that they've said and done, and we'll get back, okay?
Hey, folks, we'll be right back after these messages. I want you to give me a call. We'll talk to you in a bit. It's Matt Slick Live!
Taking your calls at 877 -207 -2276. Here's Matt Slick.
All right, everybody. Welcome back to the show. We have two open lines if you want to give me a call. 877 -207 -2276.
Just want to let you know that we stay on the air by your support. If you're interested in supporting us, it's easy.
All you have to do is dial 877 -207 -2276. 877 -207 -2276.
I do so many things automatically. I don't even realize what I'm doing half the time. If you want to donate, it's carm .org forward slash donate.
C -A -R -M dot O -R -G forward slash donate. And that was also the phone number to give me a call.
I do too much. All right, let's get to Jermaine. Hey, buddy, you're back on. Okay. Yeah, just as I was saying, yeah,
I saw some things endorsed. And this is, I'm strictly speaking for people who claim to be believers.
And I kept hearing the phrase, love who you want to love. And women's, or what they call it, freedom of choice.
And women's health. And, you know, of course, we're for women's health. But that's usually a code word for something more nefarious.
And then, now Al Sharpton had said something that just was absolutely atrocious.
Where he said basically they were the party that helped bring gays out of the closet.
And then, of course, he identifies himself as a preacher. And it was just very, to me, insulting. You know, for someone to say something like that.
Yeah, I wouldn't be attending his church, I'll put it that way.
But then the other thing I noticed was outside of the DNC they had, besides the barriers that kept out the immigrants that they begged to get over here, they also had abortion and vasectomy clinics set up outside.
So you can have it on demand. And like I said, I'm not against, you know, men doing something.
But that's for yourself. That's not eliminating another human being outright. So it's too many red flags for me, for any believers, to actually consider as something you can have as a political choice.
But it just made me wonder, are some of these people beyond compromising? Like they're just outright serving
Satan? Well, they are serving the devil. Absolutely. Al Sharpton is too.
If we're going to become Christians and we're going to live for Christ and you don't support homosexuality, you don't support killing babies, you don't support socialism and communism and Marxism and things like this, which are all unbiblical.
And so Jesus says, If you say you know me and don't keep my commandments, the truth is not in you and you're a liar.
That's 1 John 2 .4. So any preacher who gets up there to DNC and starts praising the
Democratic Party, which is the party of slavery, Jim Crow laws, the LGBTQ idiocy, the
DEI, the woke, socialism, abortion. No, I'm sorry. You can't call them brothers and sisters in Christ.
You can't. And you shouldn't. And they need to be taken care of. You know, voided out and alike.
But yeah, it's bad news. It is really bad news. Okay. Yeah, well, thank you,
Brian. I try to be fair and watch every agonizing minute.
This one was particularly hard to get through, but I just wanted to be informed and I'm very glad I did.
So there is no way any of these people could ever get my vote. Just as a believer, I can't.
And I know people will try to say, Well, how could you pick the other side?
It's like at this point, I'd be looking at policy and I understand why people wouldn't want to participate. That's their right.
But to me, anything and everything to keep these particular groups of people out,
I think it's vital. And what they did to RFK Jr. was just, it's supposed to be illegal.
But of course, they did it and he'll make his moves to do what he does. But yeah,
I just don't see how a believer could endorse these people. I don't either. I don't either.
And what gets me, I was watching the news this morning with my wife and this leftist was talking about how horrible
Trump was. Now, I'm not saying he's the best, but they said, this person said she was going to be going for Kamala because Kamala's wonderful this and that.
I'm like, are you taking moron pills? It's just ridiculous. And the brainwashing that is going on by the left, it's amazing to me.
I want to know what's going on. I want to know what, you know, what cult technique are they using to get these people to believe the stuff they're believing?
It's amazing to me. Yeah, on that one, I have an answer actually.
What? Because I used to work in tech in that field and it's just, she appears to be the recipient of just one of the most prolific media machines
I've ever seen. Like they're going through social media, they're trying to make it cool.
And I could tell you that from the music they were playing at the Chicago Center.
They had this whole thing down and they had it almost like a club atmosphere. So it was almost like fun and trendy and cool.
They had their version of entertainers and they had it from top to bottom where they do the same thing that a lot of false churches do where they manipulate you with music and they manipulate you with emotion.
And then by the time you're done, you know, you walk out and your pockets have been fleeced and your mind's been molested but you didn't really hear anything.
So it's the same thing here. This particular person wasn't elected at all. She was selected.
And the one who did have the most to say, RFK Jr., they tried to sue and use lawfare and pretend he didn't exist and make him out to be a conspiracy theorist and uncool.
So when you ask what kind of Kool -Aid they're drinking, that's it. These are the same people that,
I mean, I'm trying to be careful here, but some, if you invited them for a Bible study, they'd look at you crazy but they would sit for six hours and watch this mess and be completely entertained by it.
So that's how it happens. Yeah. Also confirmation bias and plus you're fed what you want to see.
So you'll only get that kind of information that favors you. Me, I will watch
Fox, I will watch Fox, ABC, CNN, I want to see what's happening all over.
And I want to be informed. So anyway, that's my practice. Alright, well, thanks for giving me an opportunity to speak.
Thanks for your answer. Thank you for the show. Appreciate it. Alright, man. Well, God bless, buddy.
God bless. Okay. Alright. Hey, everybody, if you want to give me a call, the number is 877 -207 -2276.
Let's get to John from Salt Lake City. John, welcome. Matt, did
I hear you say a few minutes ago that life begins before conception? No, it doesn't begin before.
Life continues at conception. Okay. Psalm 139 makes it seem like it starts at conception.
I just want to make sure we're on the same page. No. The egg is alive. The sperm are both alive.
They come together. Life continues. That's what I'm saying. Right, but they're just cells on their own until they come together.
Yes, but I didn't say human life. Life continues through the egg and the sperm.
We wouldn't say that each egg is a human, a full human being, but the work that God brings, life continues.
There's only one beginning of life, and that's God. That's it. He began life on Earth, and everything from that beginning has filtered down through creation, what we have now.
Okay? Okay. I'm not sure I'm understanding that. Let's whittle the break, and we'll go over it again, okay?
All right, buddy. Hold on. Hey, folks, we'll be right back after these messages. The number is 877 -207 -2276.
We'll be right back. It's Matt Slick live, taking your calls at 877 -207 -2276.
Here's Matt Slick. Welcome back to the show. If you want to give me a call, 877 -207 -2276.
Let's get back on with John. I'm so excited. John, welcome you on the air. Hey, Matt, so let's just be clear what
I'm talking about. I'm not talking about life in general. I'm just talking about an individual human's life. That happens at conception, right?
Yes. Okay. We agree, then. Now, at conception, see, life continues.
Life does not come from non -life, but how human life is derived or produced, we don't know because God is the one who puts the soul, does the soul, etc.,
and that's what I'm saying. That's what we're just not exactly sure, but anyway, go ahead. Well, I think
Psalm 139 explains it. That's what he's doing in a mother's womb, right?
Yes. He forms us in the womb, it says, but there are different views in theology.
Is the human soul the product of the sperm and the egg, and that when it generates, a human life is generated, and as a psalmist says, you know,
God works it and puts it together. Or is it the case that when they come together, God does something supernatural and induces the soul into that fertilized egg?
And these are just some of the questions that have been asked in theology. Okay, so I have a related question for you.
If I understand right, when people are doing in vitro fertilization to test -tube babies, they often overdo it making embryos, the scientists.
What do you think ought to happen to all those extra embryos that don't get put back into the mother?
They shouldn't be murdered and they shouldn't have been produced in the first place. It's a difficult question to ask, and I think that they were looking for women who need surrogates.
That's a possibility, but then there's other issues. It gets complicated. I've written on this and studied this, and it gets nuanced about how to do what, when's one thing acceptable but not another.
It's tough. So it's an easy one to get into. I would think that those embryos are alive though.
Yeah, I would say so, of course. Yeah, it's a hard question. Anyway, that was my main question.
At the conception, I misheard you earlier. That's it. Thank you, Matt. You're welcome.
God bless. You too. We'll see ya. Now let's get on to Dorothy from Virginia.
You're on the air. Hi, Matt. I just have a question.
This is my favorite gospel, the book of John. The gospel of John. Someone said that people are saying that's a forgery, and I don't believe that.
Have you heard that before? Yeah, there's gonna be critics who are gonna say all kinds of things.
They're gonna say, oh, that book's a forgery, that book's a forgery, this one, that one. Scholars say this, and just dump it.
Because, you know, I have a saying, my scholar can beat up your scholar. The gospel of John was known in the early church as being written very, very early in the first century, and they recognized it as authentic.
So when scholars come along later and say, well, you know what? Let me tell you what couldn't have been the case.
I just take their opinions and put them in the trash can. Okay? Okay, thank you,
Matt. That's all I had. Thank you. You're welcome. God bless. God bless.
Alright. Let's get to Oh, man.
Let me do this. So the number to call me, 877 -207 -2276.
Let's get to Oh, it's DG. Hey, big guy. DG. I know a
DG. Okay, so welcome. You're on the air. Hi, this is DG.
I'm calling from Michigan, and I'm just calling for prayer. And I asked if you were taking prayers, or taking in just for a call, a prayer.
I'm in, like, desperate prayer. Like, I don't know if you want to call it desperate, but I'm like, I I'm a
Christian. I'm a saved Christian. And I've been serving God, loving God, and I'm needing deliverance from something evil.
I'm praying God delivers me very, like, a lot quicker. This has been going on for two years.
And this thing works for the enemy, literally of the devil. And I'm just needing prayers for deliverance.
And forever, may this thing never return again in my life, ever. May it never return.
And be home where I can be home with my children and their dad.
And just have the freedom in Christ. And my children have their mother back. This is something, and I know the
Lord says, He hears from the righteous. And two more gather in His name, ask for anything on earth, it shall be done.
And so I'm asking if you can pray for this. Yeah, I can pray.
Yeah, I can pray for you. I'm not sure what the issue is. Is it a demonic thing? Or a situational thing?
Yes, it's dark. It's been harassing me for two years. It's not in my head.
I don't need medication or anything. And this is a person who literally lets the devil go inside of him.
And yes, it's been going on for two years. I'm not making this up. Are you going to church?
I do go to church. I go to Bible study. I worship at home. I read the Word of God. I mean,
I'm in two different Bible studies and everything. I'm very active. Okay, so you go to church, which means there should be some elders at that church.
Have you talked to the elders about this also? Certain people I ask for prayers for deliverance. And this thing follows me.
I'm asking specifically, have you talked to the elders of your church about this?
No, this is a church where they don't have elders. They have pastors.
the church in Michigan, I go to. Excuse me, a pastor is by definition an elder.
They have two pastors and they have two elders. I'm not saying I'm going to pray for anything, but you need to go to them and talk to them about this as well.
That's what the church is there for. All right, and we can pray. We have a prayer ministry and Joanne runs that and she does a great job.
And if there's a person who is demonically influenced and they're defecting you, I can certainly pray for that.
Okay. Yes, and to be delivered by God.
God is here to deliver me, but it's a very scary situation. So just pray if you could do that for me.
And also for my children and their dad. So I'm trying to get back home and stay there and just to be delivered forever.
May this never return again. In Jesus name. Yeah, it's difficult to pray specifically without knowing more, but I'll be generic, okay?
All right? Okay. Lord Jesus, we come before you, Lord. We ask that you would just guard
DG and that you would be around her, put a hedge of protection around her and her family and her children and her husband.
And that whatever demonic influence is going on, Lord, that you would break it, that you would put a hedge of angelic protection around her, that you by your sovereign hand would move and that demonic forces and influences would be rebuked.
And if there's anybody working against her and praying against her, Lord, spiritually, I ask that you would break that as well and turn their cursing and their wishes against them.
They might be taught to not ever mess with you or God's people. We ask, Lord, for your mercy and grace and power upon her and upon the people in her lives and hopefully she can meet with elders in the church, pastors in the church and talk about this and have regular prayer meetings as it would be good.
So, Lord Jesus, we lift this up and we ask this in your precious name, Lord. Amen. In Jesus' name, amen.
Thank you so much. And if you could put me on the list too with the woman that you left you said.
Yeah, she's... You can always email us. There's a prayer list on CARM and they'll put you in contact. But you're on, okay?
Alright. Thank you. Okay. Alright, you're welcome.
Can I get... Okay, thank you. Bye -bye. Okay. So, folks, if you want, you give me a call.
877 -207 -2276. 877 -207 -2276. I want to hear from you.
Give me a call. Also, you get to me via email. That's easy to do. Just send an email to info at CARM .org.
Info at CARM .org. Info at CARM .org.
877 -207 -2276. 877 -207 -2276.
877 -207 -2276. 877 -207 -2276. 877 -207 -2276. 877 -207 -2276. 877 -207 -2276. 877 -207 -2276. 877 -207 -2276.
877 -207 -2276. 877 -207 -2276.
877 -207 -2276. 877 -207 -2276. 877 -207 -2276. 877 -207 -2276.
corporate election not familiar with it please explain this and issues. Corporate election is that God for example elected the nation of Israel corporately the people in it under the covenant requirements and God's work through covenant with the people representations of the nation he then work with those people.
An election means choosing. God has the right to choose what nation he does what with so he says so I absolutely hold to individual election that's good because I do to his biblical go to I think it's
Acts 9 .15 where it says that Paul is a chosen vessel so individuals who were chosen as one of the proof text others so the person says
I absolutely hold to individual election we cannot come to God on our own that's correct for Jesus says you cannot come to me unless the father granted to you
John 6 65 but my pastor holds to this and also denies predestination how do you do that how do you affirm
God's election chooses people for salvation because that's what election is and then he doesn't predestine them into salvation because it says
Ephesians 1 .4 and 5 I'll read this to you it's just blow me down how do you do that let's see so it says here he chose us in him before the foundation of the world that we'll be holy and blameless before him in love he predestined us to adoptions so I mean election and predestination go together it's right there in Ephesians 1 .4
and 5 anyway he claims God just needs to nudge a person to get them to believe and have faith oh man
I love this kind of stuff just a nudge God just nudges you and then that's it
I believed you did why because God nudged me what would it feel like well he nudged me and then
I woke up five states later because the nudge was pretty strong you know that's one kind of nudge but what he's talking about is nudging the heart here nudge nudge nudge it's ridiculous it's nudge theology
God doesn't nudge you I love this stuff it's just not there okay
God grants that we have faith Luke 1 .29 it's a nudge and it's so dumb sorry but it is and so God is gonna help you love it's gonna give you what you need right it's up to you and your wisdom to believe nowhere does it say that in scripture nowhere except in the book of 2nd
Moronicles let's see nudge a person to get them to believe and have faith which does come which comes before regeneration which is a temporal precession because if it is then we have someone who believes who for a time is not regenerate now how do you have that how do you have a believer who's not regenerate it just doesn't make sense anyway he says which is different entirely different than my understanding stance and belief the gospel is preached by but the way of calling men to Christ he does is very man -centered and bothers me yes it is man -centered obviously it's like a prevenient grace prevenient grace
God gives you the grace ahead of time he works in you to kinda nudge you into the place so you can go hey
I just recognized I need God because I got nudged little prevenient grace nudging me in there yeah not doesn't work not in the
Bible and he says not sure how to handle this have him talk to me
I'll nudge him towards the truth anyway handle this but want to know what the issue with this view he has it's semi -Pelagianism and Arminianism it's a weak theology
I hope I explained this well enough brother is there any are there any good books outside of scripture on regeneration before faith and how should
I handle this situation I don't know of any books out there that discuss that I mean I know there are
I just don't read them because I study scripture and I've gone through so much so many years ago
I read the books I have books for reference now I just use it for referencing and searches and I go what's the specific point so it's been a while since I've read any in fact the latest book
I've read is my own you know on the influence which I re -released on karm and on Amazon that was the last one
I read and before that I can't remember the last book I read
I go through a lot of books though anyway he says I feel urge to move to another church and it is a tough situation yeah
I'd be moving to you know God nudges come on doesn't
God know how much grace how much nudging to give a person to get him to believe it's ridiculous it's just ridiculous it's the idea that God's saying
I want you to get saved okay I'm just help you out a little bit kind of bring you to a neutral position so it's all up to you it's all up to you okay and then you know a little nudge a little help you'll come in and you'll believe and they'll pat you on the back no it's not how it works it's not biblical theology
I'm sorry but it's not and I discuss this regularly with all kinds of people on the internet it is not biblical so as Arminian as he is and preaches the gospel okay well he preaches the gospel it's a true gospel it is still focused on the main thing and the main thing but the way of salvation is man -centered and it robs the gospel in my eyes yeah correct me in hope okay
I hope I get a chance to call ASAP who's ASAP that guy in the bible will be nice to try to converse rather than explain this via message
Jeremy should call you know you can call ASAP or you can call me so there you go yeah you know it the
Bible's clear it's clear that you cannot come to me unless it's granted to you from the
Father John 6 65 that's what Jesus says and then we can get to other verses
I'll just teach on this a little bit I want people to understand biblical theology not man -centered theology which is taught in so many churches it's up to you it's completely up to you all that God does is he just gives you an opportunity he just kinda works it out like the balance of the scales is right even now it's up to you it's up to you that's a fortune cookie theology okay if you want a good good theology like that go to some place get fortune cookies and make your theology out of that that's not what the
Bible says it is what the Bible does say but as many as received him to them he gave the right to be called become children of God even to those who believe in his name who were born not of the blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man oops it says right there nor the will of man but God you go to Philippians 129 to you it has been granted to believe who grants that you believe?
God does say aorist passive indicative has been granted what that means aorist is past tense passive means you receive the action
God performs the action on you to you it has been granted been granted to you by God that you believe that's how it works people say well
I don't like that I don't care if you don't like it yeah I'll tell you what you can do you can just take that verse right in Philippians 129 you can just cross it out if you don't like what the
Bible says and also Philippians 1 or John 1 12 -13 you know many as received him born not of the will of the flesh nor of man you can just cross that one out in fact let me let me help you guys out with some verses you can also cross out if you don't like the idea that God's the one who's sovereign over us
God is the one who grants us repentance 2nd Timothy 225 God is when he grants we come to Christ John 665 you cannot come to Christ unless you've been dragged to him
John 644 the word there in Greek implies the dragging a forceful movement that's right ladies and gentlemen that's what the
Bible is teaching and you can go to Romans 9 all people love Romans 9 and it says
God says he'll have mercy on whom he has mercy and he will have compassion on whom he has compassion so it does not depend upon the man who wills or the man who runs but upon God who has mercy you see there are verses that you can cross out to make the
Bible more palatable for humanist philosophy in Christian churches today you know it's one of the reasons
I wish I was a pastor teaching on a regular basis and teaching the Bible teaching the sovereignty of God not the sovereignty of man the greatness of God not the greatness of man the inability of man and the ability of God and that God gets all the glory not man and that we're saved by his grace and once we're saved we pray and ask
God to save someone else and we ask God to open their hearts just like he did to Lydia and John in Acts 16 -14 we ask
God to do this work that's what we do not if left up to the sinful machinations and desires of man apart from God nothing will occur and if you want to say well
God just nudges them get some balance so they can make that choice well then you don't understand what scripture says because it doesn't say that at all let's get to Greg from North Carolina Greg welcome you're on the air how are you doing sir?
oh doing okay just doing a little bit of preaching and teaching yeah well that's kind of what
I'm looking for I don't know how much of this you'd like on the air but for the last four years or so I've had what's called a dark cloud that follows me around and it will within time if I focus on it it will manifest itself into an evil type creature you know horns and a tail and everything and but moments within itself manifesting itself there's another type of creature that will manifest itself and and completely destroy that creature and and this happens to me frequently for the last
I don't know three to four years and I'm wondering if you had any insight into that well
I don't know I'd have to ask you lots of questions you see and I just talked to someone a couple of days ago with some similar stuff and I asked lots of questions you know you go to church?
I do go to church okay and is Jesus Christ God in flesh died on the cross rose from the dead?
yes absolutely okay you believe in the Trinity one God and three distinct simultaneous persons?
Yes yes sir and salvation the forgiveness of our sins is by faith alone in Christ alone right?
grace through faith okay good now I'm going to ask you a quick question because we're so close to the end have you ever done any drugs?
I have done drugs in the past but I've been clean the entire time through all of this.
Have you been doing have you done injectables from years ago? years ago yes injectables yes but okay that's before you got injectables is that before you got saved?
yes oh yes absolutely okay all right okay the reason
I'm asking is for one I'll make sure you know I can't I don't judge you but I mean the outside you appear to be a
Christian injectables are important because there seems to be a connection but with demonic activity not only with drug abuse because the word for sorcery in the
Bible is pharmakia so drugs are connected to demonic oppression and a lot of times people who've done injectables have residual demonic effects coming on but if you've done them before you were
Christian now generally speaking they should be gone so then what we'd have to do is talk about what it is you're seeing and why you're seeing because what's really interesting to me is more people are coming to me telling me they're seeing things like what you're talking about and I have no problem with people actually seeing those it's certainly possible we are out of time we can't continue with this so you can have to call me back on Monday we can talk about it some more okay buddy all right okay
I'll do that well just go to karm .org
forward slash radio and carm .org forward slash radio all the info is there okay buddy carm .org
forward slash radio okay we gotta go buddy God bless have a good weekend everybody talk to you on Monday God bless another program powered by the