The Doctrine of the Godhead (Holy Trinity)

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So we're going to continue with the Morris Corner Church Doctoral Statement and before we get into our study of the
Godhead or the Trinity, as you can see with the diagram here on the screen, the
Trinity tells us something about God, that God cares about relationships because within the
Trinity there is a relationship between Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
So there has always been this relationship and fellowship within the
Trinity. So because God cares about relationships, he cares about fellowship with us, his creatures.
So from the Morris Corner Church Statement of Faith says, we believe in one triune
God eternally existing in three persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, co -eternal in being, co -identical in nature, co -equal in power and glory, having the same attributes and perfections.
So that might be a lot to take in, but let's look up some of the verses. So can I have a volunteer to look up Deuteronomy chapter six, verse four, because we have two references given
Deuteronomy six, four, Larry's going to look that up. And then second Corinthians 13, verse 14, who would like to look up second
Corinthians or I'll just call on someone if nobody volunteers. Okay, Linda, a second
Corinthians 13 verse 14. So let me just read this again.
We believe in one triune God eternally existing in three persons,
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We believe they are co -eternal in being, co -identical in nature, and co -equal in power and glory, having the same attributes and perfection.
So Larry, would you like to read Deuteronomy six, verse four? Here, O Israel, the
Lord, our God, the Lord is one. Okay, this is known as the
Shema. So the Jews to this day will use this in their prayers. Here, O Israel, the
Lord, our God, the Lord is one. All right, so keep that in mind.
The Lord is one. And then Linda, second Corinthians 13, verse 14.
The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all.
Amen. Okay, so Deuteronomy says, the Lord, our
God, the Lord is one. And then in second Corinthians 13, 14, talks about the love of God, the communion of the
Holy Spirit and the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ. So there's something in the
Bible that we should all know by now. It's called progressive revelation, or this is a term that we use for it, progressive revelation, that the
Bible over time reveals more and more truth. So over time, more and more truth about God and who he is and his nature is revealed.
So in the Old Testament, it was very, very clear. God made it clear to Israel that the
Lord is one. But then in the New Testament, we see three,
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. And all three are referred to as God.
So now you have Old Testament, Lord is one, New Testament, three.
So this is where we get the formulation of the Trinity, because this is where we're talking about the Godhead or the
Trinity, three in one, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Yes, Marcus.
Also in the Old Testament, though, God says, let us make man in our image, and one of his names is
Elohim, and Elohim on the end of any Hebrew word makes it plural.
So trinity is one, but this is an argument that the
Jewish people make is, no, no, there's no such thing as God, the Father, Son, and Spirit.
God is one, but right in their own, right in the first chapter of Genesis, you can see a plurality.
Right. And I'm glad you guys know that. That's exactly what I was going to say. So he took the words right out of my mouth.
So in the Old Testament scriptures, let's look at some things. Isaiah chapter nine, let's turn to Isaiah chapter nine, but yeah, going because in the
Old Testament, one, God is one new Testament. You see three. So over time we learn more and more about God and his nature, but it's not as if this wasn't true back then, because you do see hints of it as Marcus alluded to, because in Genesis chapter one,
God said, let us make man in our image, not my image, our image, and the name of God there in Hebrew Elohim is in plural form.
So God E L is singular, but God in Hebrew Elohim is plural.
So you can see hints at the Trinity all the way back in the book of Genesis chapter one.
So with this truth that we have in the Old Testament, God is one in the new
Testament three. What's the automatic thing? People say the critics are going to level a charge against Christians that in our belief about God, there is what discrepancy, a discrepancy or a contradiction.
Isn't this a contradiction? We're saying that God is one, but at the same time we're saying
God is three or the Bible says the Lord, our God is one, but then he's three.
Is that a contradiction? Well here's the thing. It would be a contradiction if we were saying that God is one and three in the same way and in the same relationship, uh, that would be a contradiction.
But is that what we are saying that there is one God and there are three gods?
Is that what we're saying? No, we're saying there are three persons within the Godhead.
So we're not saying there's one person in the Godhead, there's three persons, but one God. So you can see this chart.
So there is one God, three persons, and the father is not the
Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is not the son. The son is not the father, but the son is
God. The Holy Spirit is God, God, the father is
God, but they are not one another. Three persons, not one person. So it's, it's not a contradiction.
It's a mystery, but not a contradiction. And I think God should be a mystery.
If you can figure God out and explain him in a paragraph or less, I mean, he's not all that amazing or glorious,
I don't think. Marcus. Yeah. Well, we can say that when we're saying the
Lord is one, what I think the best way to understand it is that there really is only one true
God. There are many, many, many gods, but there is only one true
God, right? There are false gods, but only one true one. So here's the thing that's important for us.
If a person denies the Trinity, they are rejecting God because there is only one
God and he is a Trinity. So if you say, well, I don't believe in the Trinity.
You don't believe in God then, because this is the only God that exists. So if you deny the son of God, if you deny any member of the
Trinity or the Trinity altogether, you're denying God because there is only one and whatever your idea of God is, it's not the true
God. And if somebody says, I believe in God and it's this little statue that I worship that I got on my shelf here, you're denying, you're denying
God because there is only one. Yes. Sometimes it's, it's said God is one being like we're human beings.
He is one being one God, one being that exists in three persons.
Yes. One God, three persons, father, son, and Holy spirit. That's the formulation.
So in the new Testament, we have the faith once for all delivered to the saints.
Now we have the full revelation of who God is. Abraham did not have that.
Moses did not have that. David did not have that, but the benefit for us as new
Testament Christians, we have that full revelation of God and we know that he is triune in nature.
All right. Isaiah chapter nine. You're in it. Isaiah nine. Again, here's another hint at the
Trinity found in the old Testament. Because really this is the crux of the matter is the deity of Christ.
We're going to look at that more next week, but Isaiah nine, six and seven says for unto us, a child is born unto us, a son is given and the government will be upon his shoulder and his name will be called wonderful counselor, mighty
God, the everlasting father, prince of peace of the increase of his government and peace.
There will be no end upon the throne of David and over his kingdom to order it and establish it with judgment and justice from that time forward, even forever, the zeal of the
Lord of hosts will perform this. Just a side note.
Why have Christians been persecuted throughout history? Because the gospel is as much as people don't like it and people don't want to admit it or people don't want to talk about it.
The gospel and the truth of the scripture is a deeply political message because the claim is there is one
King. Jesus is the King of Kings. Notice what it says. The increase of his government and peace, there will be no end.
So the reason why Christians have been persecuted throughout history is because we recognize Jesus is
Lord of all and governments. They want to be Lord. They want to tell people what to do.
They want to make the laws and usually their laws don't line up with God's laws. And when they see a people committed to God and not what they're saying, that's what leads to persecution.
So just, just so we're aware of that, because generally Kings don't really care about what people believe in their, in their hearts.
All right, Jim. Yeah. I just wanted to say, we can see what you just said in, in, uh, in scripture, in the
New Testament, uh, especially in Acts, um, the reason why the people were persecuted because the leaders, not necessarily the
Jewish leaders, but the Roman leaders and any of the other leaders for the first couple of centuries, they wanted, they wanted to be worshiped and not just one time.
Yeah. The Sanhedrin. It was about power. Hey, we're, we're in control. You do what we say, Rome. Hey, we're in charge.
You do what we say when Christians said, no, we're going to obey God. That's what led to the persecution. So, but that's not what this message is about, but that's what was brought out in Isaiah nine.
But as far as the Trinity goes, what's important here, all talks about the deity of Christ.
Notice a child is born, but the son is given. So Jesus, the man is born, but the son of God is given.
The government will be upon his shoulder. He is the king of Kings. His name will be called what wonderful counselor or the wonderful counselor, mighty
God, everlasting father, Prince of Peace. These are obviously titles of deity.
If you say this man, this child who is born grows up to be a man, he is the mighty
God. I mean, you're just coming right out and saying he's the mighty God. You can't be any more clear than that.
He is the everlasting father, mighty God, Prince of Peace.
So clearly this is a hint at the Trinity and the deity of the Messiah all the way back in the prophets in Isaiah chapter nine.
Also in Genesis one, because we're talking about God, the father, nobody argues that God, the father is
God. I mean, unless you're an atheist, right? No, that, that's not in dispute.
The son, okay. There's the cult groups that deny the deity of Christ, but what about the Holy Spirit is the
Holy Spirit God as well? Well, back in Genesis one, we see a hint of this.
It says that the spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters.
So you can see the Holy Spirit brought out in the very first chapter of the
Bible. And of course, uh, and Isaiah nine, the son of God. So all three members of the
Trinity are in the old Testament. That's the point. Marcus, the Holy Spirit is sometimes referred to as you just said, the spirit of the father, but it's also called the spirit of the son.
So again, it shows he's the spirit of Christ, the spirit of Christ, the spirit of God, the
Holy Spirit of God. Right. Most people, like you said, when you think of God, you think of God, the father, but the
Holy Spirit is the spirit of God, but it's the spirit of Christ also. So God can be applied to all three.
Oh, well, which one's God, the son or the spirit? They're all God, but there's three distinct persons.
All right, let's turn to first John chapter five. So where's
God, the father right now, 2000 years ago, God, the son was walking the earth, right?
For 33 years, the son of God walked the earth. So Jesus was here on earth.
Where was, or where is God, the father? Okay. He's in heaven and the
Holy Spirit is everywhere. Therefore we can say God is omnipresent.
God is everywhere. Okay. So we're going to look at some of the passages that teach the deity of Christ.
First John chapter five is the first one we're going to look at, but just going back to our doctrinal statement, this is why we believe that there is one triune
God eternally existing in three persons. It's really, it comes down to the deity of Christ.
If you accept the deity of Christ, you accept the Trinity. Usually. Well, there's another topic we're getting into, but let's read.
First John five, verse seven. I'm going to read this and you can follow along in your
Bible. Okay. I'll give you a little test. See, see what translation of the
Bible you guys are reading. First John five, seven in the new
King James version says, for there are three that bear witness in heaven, the father, the word, and the
Holy spirit. And these three are one. If this is what
John the apostle wrote, this is without question, the most clear verse on the
Trinity anywhere in the scripture. There is one little potential problem though.
And what is that? Some of you noticed as I was reading in the beginning was the word and the word was, no, no, not that, not that we're at first John five.
Yeah. That's the word. First John five, seven. I'm going to read it again. What does some of you notice?
First John five, seven for there are three that bear witness in heaven, the father, the word, and the
Holy spirit. And these three are one. Does anyone have anything different? The only thing
I have different is instead of, um, um, I was reading the wrong verse.
Sorry. Okay. Who has something different? Okay. Several. Okay. What do you have,
Mike? What do you got? Uh, this is NIV. Yup. For there are three that testify, the spirit, the water and the blood in the three are in agreement.
Okay. But just read verse seven. Okay. Just seven. For there are three that testify.
Okay. There are three that testify, Kathy, you have the Holman, correct? Yeah. And it reads the exact same wording as the
NIV. All right. There are three that testify. Does anyone else have a different translation other, other than the
NIV and the Holman? Does anyone have another version that says that same thing,
Jim? Well, I have a King James, but these three, these, but there are three that bear record in heaven, right?
Bear record in heaven or bear witness in heaven. And the King James says the father, the word, and the
Holy spirit. These three are one, correct? Okay. So basically what you have is, uh, most modern
Bible translations, uh, take the position of most modern scholars that say this verse really isn't part of the originals.
Okay. The John never wrote this. And their argument is that this was a marginal note that didn't get into the
Greek manuscripts until like the 1500s or something like that. And I don't want to, you know, turn this into a, a whole debate on Bible translations, but just so you're aware of that, that would be the most clear verse on the
Trinity anywhere in the Bible. If you have the King James or the new King James, there it is. The three father, word, and Holy spirit.
Almost all other translations just say there's three that testify. Now that kind of troubles some people again, that's a whole, that's another topic for another day.
Here's the thing. It doesn't matter in this sense that the Bible still teaches the
Trinity even with or without this verse. Now let's go to first John chapter one. If this verse was the only passage in scripture that talked about or hinted at the
Trinity, then we'd have to spend a lot of time on it, but it's, it's, it's not, it's not by any stretch of the imagination.
Okay. So we were in the first epistle of John. Now we're in the gospel of John chapter one, John chapter one, starting in verse one says in the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was
God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through him and without him, nothing was made that was made.
And then in verse 14 it says that the word became flesh and dwelt among us.
So we know for a fact that the word is a title for Christ. No question about that.
So what is John saying in the beginning was Christ and Christ was with God and Christ was
God. The Trinity is the only explanation for this, that he could be both
God and with God at the same time. So what does that show you? There's the unity of, of Christ is
God, but he's also with God. I mean, that, that gets your attention, doesn't it?
So the only way he can be God and with God at the same time is the doctrine of the
Trinity. And just to go back to the diagram and does anyone have any questions about this diagram? You understand what it's saying?
Can everyone see it? Do I have to move this for a minute? Would it be helpful? I'll just move it for a second.
So one God, three persons, father, son, and spirit. The father is not the
Holy spirit. The father is not the son. The son is not the father. The son is not the Holy spirit, but the son is
God. The Holy spirit is God. Father is God. I think this is the best, um, chart or diagram for the
Trinity that I'm familiar with. Sometimes people try to explain the Trinity this way and say, well, it's kind of like water or it's kind of like H2O, um, because H2O can be solid liquid or gas, right?
So it can be water and I'm taking a drink of water. That's H2O or it can be vapor, right?
Or it can freeze and it can be solid, can be ice. Is that a good definition of the
Trinity? The Trinity is like H2O. No, it's, it's actually hereditary.
That's a heretical, um, um, illustration to, it's a heretical thing to compare anything.
Yeah, it's, it's actually, I mean, for a little kid, if you're trying to explain it to a five -year -old, all right, fine.
But that is a, it does not describe the Trinity. All right. So with that in mind, let's spend a little time.
How many of you knew this coming in? I mean, I hope all of you, but it's helpful to kind of sharpen our, our minds on this so that you could get up and I'm sure some of you could get up and go through what
I just went through. And I hope all of us could, um, if we had to explain it to someone else, but let's get into the
Trinitarian heresies. Okay. This is, this is the, uh, the fun part.
This is something we might not be as familiar with. So we're just going to do a very basic overview of some of the
Trinitarian heresies that we are likely to encounter. What's a heresy? Incorrect teaching, an incorrect teaching.
Oh, well, you know, there are incorrect teachings that are not heresies, right? If somebody says,
Hey, I'm pre -trib and somebody says, well, I'm mid -trib, well, I'm post -trib.
All right. Two out of the three are not heretics. Okay. Okay. Two out of three might be wrong, but that's not heresy.
Heresy is a incorrect teaching, but it's so serious that it does violence to the person and work of Christ or to the nature of God.
A heresy is something to where if you accept it and persist in that heresy, uh, your soul is at risk.
I mean, that it's that serious of an error, not just, Hey, this is a thing Christians disagree on like baptizing babies.
I mean, I think that's, I don't think it's scriptural, but people that baptize infants,
I would not consider that a heresy. So a heresy is very serious. We're talking about the nature of God, who
God is. Is there anything more important about that or more important than that, who
God is? So let's talk about some of the Trinitarian heresies because, uh, over time, uh, the church has defined her doctrines in responding to heresy.
When a false doctrine is taught, it threatens to disrupt the unity and threatened to divide the body of Christ.
So it forces us to clarify some things, right? There might be something that we're not even thinking about.
We're not really teaching about something. Somebody comes in, starts teaching a heresy and it forces us to deal with it.
And now we have to start getting specific. So the first, uh, heresy we are going to look at, um, is that of modalism.
All right. So the nature of the Godhead is one of the most important areas of theology and it's no surprise over the centuries, people have had differing ideas about who
God is and the nature of Christ and how Christ relates to God. The father.
Yes. How do you spell modalism? M -O -D -A -L -I -S -M,
M -O -D -A -L -I -S -M. So what did
I say? The crux of the issue is what the deity of Christ is really what the
Trinity comes down to. However, there are some that accept the D I believe in the deity of Christ, but they're still teaching heresy.
And this is the idea that Jesus, see the son is
God. Well they, and this says the son is not the father. Well they say the son is the father.
So this is modalism. Right. Modalism is the basic idea that Jesus is
God, the father, just in a different mode or in a different form.
What verses come to mind? Someone somewhere says, yeah, that makes sense.
Yeah. Jesus is God, the father. That makes sense. Right. He says, I am the father of one.
So there are some verses. What would be an obvious problem to say that Jesus is
God, the father? Well in the garden of Gethsemane during his temptation, he's praying to who?
Jesus is praying to himself. He is God, the father. No, Jesus did not pray to himself or he's on the cross.
My God, my God, why have I forsaken myself? Right. When Jesus was baptized and the
Holy Spirit, Holy Spirit descended upon him like a dove and a voice came from heaven.
No, it was really Jesus's voice because he's the same person. No, it's false. Yeah. All three members of the trinity made an appearance at the baptism of Christ.
So Jesus is not God, the father, unless someone thinks that this is just some ancient idea that yeah, people believe that a long time ago.
No, there's relevance today. There are people teaching this today.
Yes, Tony. And when he was teaching the apostles to pray, our father who is in heaven, right, right.
Our father. There's clearly a distinction between the son of God and God, the father.
But they say no, same person, just a different mode, different mode.
All right. So this is relevant because there are people teaching this heresy today.
Can anyone name one? Well, one of the most famous preachers in the
United States, uh, believes in modalism and his name is
TD Jake's. How many of you know, TD Jake's TD Jake's was, uh, from what
I understand, he was born and raised a oneness Pentecostal. And this is what, like Marcus said, modalism, another term for that is oneness.
So TD Jake's was raised a oneness Pentecostal, and he has held on to this idea that, uh, the son is actually the father.
They change modes. Um, another guy, you've probably heard of him.
He's a little more, uh, popular has more widespread, um, popularity guy named
Steven Furtick. You know, Steven Furtick, Furtick is a disciple of TD Jake's.
Okay. So Furtick said, I look up to TD Jake's. He's kind of his spiritual father.
So it's no surprise that Steven Furtick has taught modalism because TD Jake's, uh, taught modalism.
So this is a very serious error. I just pulled something offline and you know,
I never say anything like this without proof. You know, I don't go off half cocked and just repeat names because I think
I heard from somebody who heard from somebody that he said this, I would never bring something up publicly unless I had the actual video to prove it.
So, uh, Marcus, you had a question, but it's more of a summation thing. The difference, like atheists don't believe in the father and, um, the cults don't believe in Jesus deity.
So they're, they're lost, but within Christianity, born again, heading to heaven,
Christians, there's lots of disagreements about the Holy Spirit. Just another one of these things, there's disagreements about the
Holy Spirit, but nobody's denying that the Holy Spirit exists or that he's
God, the father, but you will find these two oneness or modalist, except the one are generally kind of about this.
Well, let me just say they're Pentecostal or charismatic and we wouldn't deny their, their salvation, but if somebody said that the
Holy Spirit is not a person that the Holy Spirit doesn't exist, yeah, that would put them outside of the
Christian faith. If somebody said the Holy Spirit is God, the father, that they're the same, that would put them outside the
Christian faith. I had one guy tell me that I did not believe in the Holy Spirit cause he showed me a video of some woman in a wheelchair and the faith healer came and, you know, and she got up and started shaking.
See, that's a miracle. The Holy Spirit did that. And I said, well, I don't know about that. And I just, I was not willing to accept that it's possible.
But because I didn't accept that that was a miracle done by the Holy Spirit, he's accused me of denying the
Holy Spirit. That's not what we're talking about. There's a lot of differences about the charismatic gifts.
You can be a true Christian and have a different idea about the charismatic gifts, but you can't deny the, the
Holy Spirit and his existence in this person. All right. Megan, did you have a, yeah, I had a boss in Toledo, Ohio and he was like, it was strange because I didn't really know what church he was a part of, but he, um, he believed in God and we would have these conversations, but he believed, he was so, you know, so fully, um, he believed that, uh, that God has left us for now we're on our own.
Right. And so he was completely like denying that it was like, sort of like you're denying that there's the
Holy Spirit, you're denying that God has, you know, and so, yeah, it's sad because now he died recently.
So I hate to think of, you know, if he ever, you know, it sounds like deism, like you'll find a lot of, um,
Freemasons tend to be deists. They do believe God is out there.
He's just not involved. He created everything and then just walked away. That was a big, probably around 25, 30 years ago.
That was a big thing. Was it? And God just created everything and he stepped back and let man do with it as he pleased.
Yeah. All right. So I pulled this offline as far as the definition of modalism, a theologian and church historian
Adolf von Harnack first used the term modalism to describe a doctrine believed in the late second century and third century.
During this time period, Christian theologians were attempting to clarify the relationship between God, the father, the son, and the
Holy Spirit concerned with defending the absolute unity of God modalists, such as Sibelius, and I think another term for this is
Sibelianism. They explained that the divinity of Jesus Christ and the
Holy Spirit as the one God revealing himself in different ways or mode.
So that's what modalism is. There's one God. There are three persons, but God just changes form.
God revealed. This is what the modalists say that God revealed as the creator and lawgiver.
That's the father. God revealed as the savior in Jesus Christ. That's the son and God revealed as the one who sanctifies and grants eternal life.
That's the Holy Spirit, but it's God just changing modes by the fourth century and that's false.
By the fourth century, consensus had developed in favor of the doctrine of the Trinity. That's what this is.
And modalism was generally considered a heresy. With the advent of Pentecostalism in the 20th century, this revived theology developed into a central tenet of oneness
Pentecostalism. Oneness Pentecostals teach the divinity of Jesus and understand him to be a manifestation of Yahweh, the
God of the old Testament in the flesh and the Holy Spirit or God. The Holy Spirit is
God in action. He's not a separate person and one is Pentecostals baptized solely in the name of Jesus.
They do not baptize in the name of father, son, and Holy Spirit. So when we baptize somebody, we baptize them in the name of the father, son, and Holy Spirit.
We put them under the water. Why do we do that? Because that's what Jesus told us to do in the great commission, but they don't believe in the
Trinity. So they baptize in the name of Jesus only. So sometimes you'll hear the term, the
Jesus only movement, and that's usually a reference to oneness Pentecostals who are modalists.
They deny the Trinity. All right. Yes. Another difference that I noticed as you were saying, you said, where is the father?
And we said, well, he's on the throne in heaven. Where is Jesus? He is seated at his right hand.
Jesus is in heaven right now. Where is the Holy Spirit? He is inside us and, and throughout he is omnipresent.
Amen. Good. All right. Next Arianism. And this isn't that Adolf Hitler Arianism, that's a whole different thing.
Okay. Arianism is a Christological doctrine. First attributed to a man named
Arius who lived in 256 to 336 AD.
Arius was a Christian elder or presbyter in Alexandria, Egypt.
Arian theology holds that Jesus Christ is the son of God who was begotten by God, the father with the difference that the son of God did not always exist.
So this is a heresy. Arians say that, yes, Jesus is divine, but there is a time where he did not exist.
That basically he was created. Jesus is a created being basically, Marcus, A R I A N I S M.
Gold star. So they hold that the son is, they agree the son is distinct from the father, but they do not believe that the son is
God. He's a divine being, but he's not, he's not God.
What groups today? Because again, with, with modalism, you have TD Jake, Stephen Furtick, oneness,
Pentecostals. Who are the Arians today? They who are the
Mormons? Well, Mormonism is a,
I mean, they do deny the Trinity. That's right. They have a totally different idea of the
Trinity. Typically Arians. We would categorize the Arians that like the Jehovah's witnesses. I mean, they do believe
Jesus is a divine figure, but they do not believe that he is God. So this is the
Arians. Um, you know, we've talked about Rome a lot because they're kind of the biggest church in the world and they have greatly influenced
Western civilization. One thing I can say about the Roman Catholic church, they have a correct view of the
Trinity. I mean, I think you have to give credit when credit is due. One thing you can say about the
Roman Catholics, um, they do, they do hold to the doctrine of the Trinity.
I believe they have a different gospel of faith plus works. Um, there's a lot of idolatry with the graven images, but they do believe in the
Trinity. So we, we appreciate that. Although I would say I do take issue with some of the
Catholic artwork. Have you ever seen a paintings? I went online to find this diagram.
So when you type in the Trinity and go on Google and click images, you get a lot of Catholic artwork.
And you've seen this where God, the father is an old man with a long white beard.
The Holy spirit is the dove up here. And then Jesus is some long haired guy without a shirt, half the time still on the cross
Um, got newsflash. God is not an old man, right? God is not an old man with a white beard, even though he's called ancient of days that has nothing to do with his age.
He is ancient. He's eternal, but he's not an old man. I don't think Jesus had long hair, but that's another story.
First Corinthians 11, but, um, and the Holy spirit isn't actually a dove. So, uh, and the, the
Sistine Chapel where they elect every new Pope, you know, is it Michelangelo who painted the ceiling of the
Sistine Chapel in God is an old man on a cloud with a white beard, reaching out to naked
Adam, trying to touch his finger. You've all seen, I don't know. How is that not blasphemous to depict
God, the father in visible human form? He's not a man. So in my mind, that's, that's heretical, just like all these other things, but at least on paper, they do accept the correct formulation of the
Trinity, Marcus. And because there are so many Roman Catholics that we work with and there's such an influence with it is,
I'm glad to hear the commonality that we have in the Trinity, but I believe there's one other commonality, which is always nice to begin a conversation with.
Christ is the blood atonement. Yeah. And that's really important. So if you can talk about those two things and go from there in a conversation, well, yeah, if you go to a
Jove is witness kingdom hall there, I don't think there's enough truth there. They have a different God, different Jesus. I actually think there is enough truth in the
Catholic church to get someone saved. I mean, the truth is there.
It's just been corrupted with the gospel of faith and works. But I think there is enough truth there theoretically.
And I have to believe if somebody did accept the true gospel, they'd have to depart from that, that communion, but yes, we have two minutes.
So let's cover the last one. This is the final Trinitarian heresy that we're going to cover.
And this is the error of Unitarianism Unitarian.
Okay. Um, and if anyone watches this online, you know, people shouldn't get offended.
We're not saying that modalists or Unitarians can't be nice folks or anything like that.
It's nothing personal, but Unitarianism is an error because what is Unitarianism? Think about the word uni.
I mean, what does it tell you? Right. So they believe in the oneness of God.
They don't believe in the Trinity. They do not believe that Jesus is God. They do not believe that the
Holy Spirit is God. They believe that God is a, a being who is one, not three persons.
So again, the crux of the issue, usually it's about the person of Christ. So Unitarians deny what the
Trinity, but they're denying it. It really comes down to one person.
And you know, isn't that the truth of Bible tea?
It's all about Jesus. It's always about Jesus. So Unitarians deny the deity of Christ.
They say that Jesus was a good man. He may have been inspired by God.
He may have even been divine in a way that he, he had the spark of divinity.
We've heard this term and he had divine ideas, but they do not believe that he was
God. They believe he was a man and that he died. And that he was a good teacher, but he was just a man.
So that's the error of Unitarians. So going back to the Morris Corner Church doctoral statement on the
Godhead, we believe in one triune God eternally existing in three persons, father, son, and Holy Spirit co -eternal and being co -identical in nature, co -equal in power and glory, having the same attributes and perfections.
And at this point, I would just stress the essential belief that Jesus is the only way to God.
Because Jesus and the Trinity, this is the only God that exists.
You reject Jesus, you reject the Trinity, you're rejecting the only God that is.