FBC Daily Devotional – May 21, 2021


A brief bit of encouragement for your day from God’s Word


Well, here we are last day of the work week, I think for most of us anyway this Friday and I trust you're
Wrapping up the week. Well looking forward to the weekend looking. I am looking forward to the
Lord's Day gonna be a good day have Guests with us this
Lord's Day. Scott will acquit is one of our Supporting missionaries our church supports and he's gonna be with us in the morning
Teaching giving us really an update on his ministry in the Sunday school hour at 930 and then he'll be speaking in the morning service and sharing with us in that time, so it should be a good day on the
Lord's Day and As you anticipate that I hope you'll be Be praying for the
Lord to bless you richly on that special day Well in Mark chapter 15
It's a sobering chapter because it's the chapter that recounts the crucifixion and all of the events surrounding it
But but let me just let me just share a few thoughts on three words. One is appointment determination number two and lamentation number three appointment you know, nothing really happens by mere chance or coincidence we can think of things as Is as divine appointments instead and what
I'm getting at is this This man Simon of Cyrene who just so happened to be walking by in Jerusalem as Jesus is
Carrying his the cross beam and he falls beneath the weight of that and Simon is compelled
To carry the carry that cross beam for Jesus That's not a coincidence.
It wasn't just happenstance that Simon was walking by this was a divine appointment one of the little hints of that is that Mark tells us that this
Simon us the Cyrenian it was he's from Cyrene He was the it said
Mark says he's the father of Alexander and Rufus as he was coming out of the country and passing by He was compelled to bear the cross the father of Alexander and Rufus now now
Mark just Mentions that in passing that here's this Simon Cyrenian If he had said
Simon a Cyrenian was compelled to he was passing by was compelled to care Then then you could easily conclude
Well boy, you know He just happened to be at the right place at the right time or wrong place at the wrong time
Depending on how you look at it, but no he adds that little detail That Simon was the father of Alexander and Rufus which tells you
That those who are reading this record the original readers
Would have understood who those men were they would have recognized the names Alexander and Rufus Which leads us to wonder?
Was this the divine appointment that resulted in? Simon coming to faith in the one whose cross he carried and that faith
Also found its way in the hearts of his sons Alexander and Rufus who also came to Christ and followed him
I Suggest that so this was a divine appointment. It wasn't just a sheer coincidence that Simon was there at that time appointment the second word is
Determination so you have these blind Not literally spiritually blind priests and scribes
Who in verses 31 and 32 is Jesus is on the cross
They were mocking Jesus and they said they said to him and it's among themselves
He saved others himself. He cannot save and then they said let Messiah let Christ Let the
King of Israel descend now from the cross that we may see and believe Well, they're making fun of Jesus because Jesus remains on the cross.
But what these blind Religious leaders failed to see was that Jesus chose not to save himself
So that he could save others He was determined to see this through He was determined to come to that point where he said
Into thy hands. I commend my spirit and Then the third word is lamentation
You think of all that Jesus endured the betrayal that betraying kiss of Judas then the mock trial the lies that were leveled against him the physical abuse that he suffered with the beatings and the spitting and the crown of thorns and and then of course the excruciating pain of The nails driven into his hands and his feet
The the shame of the nakedness as he hung there on that cross and The the people who seem to have so little empathy
For this one whose life is being This is ebbing away from him
Mocking him Making fun of him and in all of that treatment that Jesus received.
He did not he did not Utter one word of lament not one
Yeah, one time he said he thought he was thirsty that wasn't a lamentation that was a statement of fact, but no lament the only statement of lament
Comes when he says my god My god, why have you forsaken me?
The one thing that caused him the greatest agony Was the loneliness of the cross that even the father
Could not look upon his sin -bearing son the
Savior on that cross the only word of lament was that alienation from the father
Wonder what it is that causes us to lament How easily we complain about the little inconveniences of life and some of the difficulties that we face some pretty severe to be sure and We're very quick to lament those things but How's our how's our soul with God?
Do we lament when we feel a distance when we sense that? Things aren't right with our
God. Oh All that we all that we would lament then especially then
Well, I trust this chapter is a blessing to you as you read what our
Savior determined to endure in our behalf even even the forsaking of the father as He bore our sin in his own body on the tree
So our Father and our God we do thank you today for our sin -bearer for Jesus and for all that he did in our behalf and I pray father that even as he lamented
The the turning away that you could not look upon him because of the sin that he was bearing in our place.
I Pray that we too would truly lament When sin has separated us from you and we would make short account of such things and Repent, we would be quick repenters turning back to you
May we lament over the right things we pray we thank you also father that you arrange divine appointments as you did for Simon and And we thank you that we can trust you in the affairs of life
Even for these unusual things that we may not enjoy but may bear much fruit
So father, thank you for these lessons today And we pray you bless them to our hearts and we ask in Jesus name and for his sake.
Amen All right again, have a good rest of your Friday and a wonderful weekend
And I I hope you can make it to the Lord's house on Sunday Gather together with God's people hear from his word