Spiritual Transition from a Bad Sidewalk Fall


One of the most difficult things for people when witnessing is the transition from the natural to the spiritual. This is a game we created to help sharpen those skills. This is a fun game to people with adults or youth groups. To play the game, you call out a person and name something for them to transition from and they have to transition from that to either a spiritual conversation or the gospel.


So, this is the portion of our Striving for Eternity Academy class before we start the live class.
For those who watch live Monday nights, 8 o 'clock on strivingforeturning .org, go to the
Academy page. You can watch live, that's Eastern Standard Time, and you get to give me something you think
I cannot possibly transition to the gospel. Now, you have no idea what
I'm going to be given. I haven't looked at the chat yet to see what it is I'm about to have to transition to.
So, you will find out right now as I do. I'm being asked to transition from a bad sidewalk, a bad sidewalk fall, to the gospel.
Okay, so let's take a look at that. So, say you're walking down the street and you see someone fall on the sidewalk.
Maybe there was a crack in the sidewalk. Maybe one level was, you ever see it where one kind of part of the sidewalk kind of raises up and the other settles down a little further and you trip over them or cracks occur and over time the cracks separate.
As you're walking, maybe you fall into that. The reality is what we end up seeing when we look at that sidewalk and we see that it settles kind of like our houses as we hear the creaks and usually late at night, right?
When it's all quiet and you hear that creaking sound and you're like, what's that? We hear that settling. You know, it should remind us of something.
See, you know, I know that there's many who would like to argue that the universe just happened to come about by chance and work so perfectly together.
And yet that's not what we see from the Bible. What the Bible says is that the world was once created good, but now it groans because of the curse of sin.
When we see the ground settling, that is an evidence of the groaning of the universe.
In fact, we would argue that because of the flood of Noah's time, that's where we saw the plates moving and shifting and creating the environment we now know with earthquakes and things like that.
And when we think of earthquakes, I find it interesting that we always say that's an act of God. We're so willing to blame
God for everything bad in the world. Yet we don't want to say that God is responsible for the good things that happen in the world.
You ever wonder why that is? Very simple, we want to take credit for all the good and blame God for all the things that are bad when that's actually reversed.
See, because Adam and Eve sinned, that brought a curse into the world and the entire universe is now suffering the curse of sin because that was the punishment that God has decided.
And because God is the creator, He has the right position to make that call to have a punishment for the sin that we commit and the sin that entered into the universe.
And because of that sin, we look at sidewalks as they're uneven because the ground's shifting and settling and that is yet another example of the curse of sin.
Yet there is a punishment for sin which is, we break God's law, an eternal consequence. But there is a way of escape.
God Himself paid it. God came to earth, died as a man that we might be set free.
That if we trust what He did on the cross and not our own righteousness, our own goodness, our own good works, we put those things aside and trust only what
God did, then and only then can we be in a right state with God and avoid the suffering and the punishment of the curse.
And that curse we can see all around us. Look anywhere. You watch the news and you can see the effects of the curse of sin.
So the question is, are you going to sit under the curse and the judgment of God or will you repent and trust in Jesus Christ and enter into eternal life and the goodness and joy of God's presence?