Did Joyce Meyer REPENT Of Her False Teaching?!
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- Hey guys, Colin here, and welcome back to the channel where the Bible and critical thinking meet to give you real
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- Christian commentary about the things that matter. Thanks so much for watching, let's get into the video. So Joyce Meyer is still a false teacher.
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- Many people will deny this fact and point to some comments she made a few years ago where she apparently repented of her prosperity gospel preaching.
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- And believe me, I wish that was the case, and I hope in the future it will be. In January of 2019,
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- Joyce Meyer reportedly admitted that her prosperity gospel views had gotten out of balance. Yeah, that's one way to put it.
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- But if you take a quick look at the actual teaching of Joyce Meyer, you will soon find that she has not stopped teaching these false things at all.
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- She is still a very active false teacher. Of course, there's the obvious example of false teaching that comes by virtue of her even having a teaching ministry at all, being a woman.
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- This is something that God expressly prohibits whether you like it or not. In 1 Timothy 2 .12, which says, quote,
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- I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man, end quote. Joyce Meyer is teaching falsely about the nature of God's Word and how it pertains to men and women before a word is even left her mouth.
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- This alone is enough evidence to avoid her entirely. But thankfully, it's not the only evidence we have.
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- Today I have a tweet from Joyce that I'm going to read for you and compare to Scripture. This post was made on February 25th of this year, 2022, at the time of recording.
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- It's a very recent quotation that came years after her repentance in 2019.
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- It says the following, quote, God knows every mistake we will make, and he still loves us. I believe that we must live with a real sense of God's approval before we can enjoy life and bear fruit that will glorify
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- God. Don't be afraid that God is angry with you. Start believing that he approves of you, end quote.
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- The first and most glaring problem with this is the fact that there is no specification at all as to who she's talking to.
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- Is this message for believers, unbelievers, people who are Christian in name only? Who does this apply to?
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- There's nothing in the post about that, but there certainly should be. Suppose a non -Christian who believes that there's some general deity, some general
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- God out there, is reading this post. That person could easily come away thinking that this general
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- God is approving of everything they do and that he is very pleased with them. This could easily make them come away thinking of God as a kindly old grandfather who lives in the sky and says things like, go get him champ, you're a chip off the old block.
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- That would be a horrible thing to happen. That person would have a false security of God's approval that comes apart from Jesus Christ.
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- Second Corinthians 4 .4 says, quote, the God of this world has blinded the minds of unbelievers to keep them from seeing the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God, end quote.
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- The fact is, if you do not believe the gospel of Jesus Christ, you are spiritually blind, according to Scripture.
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- You have no hope apart from Christ. Now make no mistake, I am not saying that Joyce Meyer's post directly says that all people are saved regardless of their beliefs.
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- I am, however, saying that Joyce Meyer's post here can and probably will lead people who are not
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- Christians to have a false sense of spiritual security. And the solution to this would be ever so easy.
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- I mean, how hard is it to just say before this message, if you're a Christian, and then say what you have to say? Why is it so hard to specify who you're talking to?
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- But teachers like Joel Osteen and Joyce Meyer, they do this all the time. They tell everyone, wholesale, regardless of any specific worldview, that God is deeply proud of them and very happy with them.
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- They don't know any details from these people's lives. They just tell them that no matter what. And that's pretty much all they say.
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- But this is immensely dangerous. But Colin, you might say, Paul writes about people being secure in their salvation all the time.
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- And he doesn't always specify this before each statement that he's talking to Christians, but we all know what he's talking about.
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- So why are you holding Joyce Meyer to an unbiblical standard? My response to that is a simple question.
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- Who is Paul writing his letters to? If you look closely, you will find that he's writing either to churches or to specific
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- Christians who are in churches, churches that are full of Christians. Paul does make it clear who he's talking to when he talks about eternal security in his letters.
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- Joyce Meyer and her false teaching friends do not. That is the problem. But Colin, some might also say,
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- Joyce Meyer markets herself as a Christian teacher, so surely people can connect those dots and see that she's talking to Christians, not non -Christians.
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- First off, many people do not connect those dots. That's the problem I'm highlighting. Many are deceived by these false teachers when they're not actually
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- Christians at all. But let's assume for the sake of argument that that is not the case. Let's assume that this message is just meant for Christians and everyone knows it.
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- Even if that was true, and it's not, the message is still hopelessly unbiblical. Let's read through this statement again and you'll see what
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- I mean. I believe that we must live with a real sense of God's approval before we can enjoy life and bear fruit that will glorify
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- God. Don't be afraid that God is angry with you. Start believing that He approves of you.
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- Should Christians live with a constant sense of God's approval in every aspect of their life? Is that biblical?
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- Well, you may be surprised to hear this, but it's actually not. Even if you are a fully -fledged, saved, born -again
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- Christian, God may still disapprove of the way you live your life in some important areas.
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- That's why you should consistently measure your life against the standard of Scripture and repent of your sins.
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- Consider Paul's letters to the Christians in Corinth and Galatia. Paul writes to the church, he's speaking to Christians, in other words.
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- In Galatians 3, 1 -3, he says this, Paul says that these people did, in fact, begin by the
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- Spirit. We're talking about professing Christians here, who at least seem, on the outside, according to Paul, to have the
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- Spirit of God in them. But they are turning their ears towards false teaching nonetheless, and they're being drawn away by unbiblical doctrine.
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- Paul is telling them, stop being so foolish and turn back to the truth. Does that sound like they should be living with a constant sense of approval, no matter what?
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- No. It sounds like God was actively disapproving of their false teaching, and it sounds like Paul, writing inspired
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- Scripture, is actively hoping that they will see how disapproving God is of these actions.
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- In the same way, God would disapprove of listening to the false teaching of Joyce Meyer. More than this,
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- Joyce Meyer said that you need to believe that you have God's total approval before you can properly bear fruit.
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- But Paul is telling these people to feel God's disapproval of their sinful actions so that they can repent of this and, in turn, bear fruit.
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- The messages here are completely different, because Paul's takes into account context, and Joyce's does not.
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- And you can clearly see the imbalance and deceit of Joyce's statement. In 1 Corinthians 5 .1,
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- Paul says, "...it is actually reported that there is sexual immorality among you, and of a kind that is not tolerated even among pagans.
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- And you are arrogant. Ought you not rather to mourn? Let him who has done this be removed from among you."
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- Again, Paul is chastising the Church, made up of professing believers, for allowing sexual immorality to take place among them, even though they weren't directly participating in it.
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- It was one person. This does not sound like unconditional approval of everything they do, and that they should always feel this approval.
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- It sounds like direct disapproval. And it even sounds like Paul wants them to feel that disapproval in a palpable way that leads to repentance.
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- Again, Joyce literally says, and I quote, "...don't be afraid that God is angry with you.
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- Start believing that he approves of you." This is only half of the truth, which makes it so dangerous.
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- Yes, in an ultimate sense, true believers in Christ are approved. But they are only approved of because they are clothed in the approved -ness, if you will, of Christ.
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- Christ is approved, and he actually deserved it, and we are approved through faith in him. If you are a true
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- Christian, God does ultimately approve of you in a salvific sense, because when he sees you, he sees the righteousness of Christ.
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- In other words, it's not really you that's being approved of, it's Christ. But does this mean that your life is being lived in a way that God approves of all the time?
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- More than this, does this guarantee that God is not upset with your behavior in some way? Does this guarantee that you should never feel disapproval from God?
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- No. That is false teaching. Yes, God can be upset even with the actions of saved
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- Christians. He can disapprove of them. His anger here is not ultimate. After all, if God's ultimate wrath was kindled against you,
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- A, you wouldn't be a Christian, and B, you wouldn't survive it. But God can be angry with the behavior of Christians, with his people.
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- Take David, for instance. David committed adultery with Bathsheba and then conspired to have her husband die in battle.
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- In response, 2 Samuel 11, 27 says, But the thing that David had done was evil in the sight of the
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- Lord. The ESV even says that the thing he had done displeased the Lord. But regardless of how you translate the passage, the meaning is abundantly clear.
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- David's sin was seen by God as wicked, and he was not okay with it in the least.
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- So God was displeased with David, and he disapproved of his actions. But David was still anointed at this time.
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- And that anointing was not taken away. Indeed, God never actually left David in the way that he left his predecessor
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- Saul. David was saved. God never let him go, yet God was thoroughly disapproving of his sin with Bathsheba, to the point that he sent
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- Nathan, his prophet, in the very next chapter to confront David and convict him of his sin.
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- Nathan was not sent to help David feel more approved of by God. He wasn't sent to tell him what his
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- Enneagram number was and boost his mental health. He was sent to show David how evil his actions were in the sight of the
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- Lord. There are several more examples we could give, but we simply can't go on all day. The point is, if you listen to and follow the teachings of Joyce Meyer, you will be led astray, if you believe it.
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- She will give you a false sense of security and will manipulate Scripture to fit her message rather than changing her message to fit with Scripture.
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- If you are a Christian, a true Christian, know that God does ultimately approve of you through faith in his
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- Son Jesus Christ, whose perfect life actually deserved the approval, while yours doesn't.
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- But if you sin as a Christian, God does not approve of that at all. And he may even be displeased with the way you're living, as he was with David.
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- But you should not always feel approval. If that is the case for you, you need to feel guilt and then repentance, not approval.
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- As Hebrews 12, 6 says, For the Lord disciplines the one he loves, and chastises every son whom he receives.
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- So have a healthy fear of the Lord, and consistently repent of your sin, and finally pray for Joyce Meyer that she would stop her unbiblical false teaching and turn to the truth of God's Word.
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- Thank you so much for watching. If you liked that video, please like, comment, share, subscribe, and hit the notification bell so that you never miss another one.
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- If you didn't like that video for any reason, then I invite you to watch my Frequently Asked Questions video, link in description, where I deal with common objections and define the purpose and goal of my channel using
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- Scripture. This channel is funded by generous donations from my amazing patrons. If you'd like to help us put out more videos just like this one, hit the link in the description or go to patreon .com
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- And until next time, fight for truth, never surrender, and keep your eyes open. Thank you, and God bless.