What You Need to Know About Melissa Moore, Daughter of Beth Moore
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#WWUTT #PastorGabe #BethMoore
- 00:03
- Beth Moore has written Bible studies with her daughter Melissa, including studies on Galatians and Philippians.
- 00:13
- Warnings have been given about Beth in previous videos. Here's what you need to know about Melissa. On social media,
- 00:20
- Melissa said she is praying the patriarchy burns to the ground. When the Bible says, the husband is head of the wife, as Christ is the head of the church.
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- She is egalitarian like her mother, believing women should teach and have authority over men, contrary to what
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- God has said in his word. Melissa celebrated without reservation the first woman vice president,
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- Kamala Harris, one of the most pro -abortion politicians in American history. Kamala flaunts homosexual pride and has performed same -sex wedding ceremonies.
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- Jesus said, I have this against you, that you tolerate that woman Jezebel, repent of her deeds.
- 00:56
- Melissa shared Michelle Obama's praise of Supreme Court Justice Katonji Brown -Jackson, who said before the world, she did not know what a woman is.
- 01:05
- Melissa also shared author D .L. Mayfield's criticism of Christians, calling us absolutely horrific, when the state of Texas said they would prosecute parents who abuse their children, attempting to transform them into the opposite sex.
- 01:18
- Is Melissa of the worldview that parents should be at liberty to mutilate their child's sexual organs, as if they could turn boys into girls, and girls into boys?
- 01:28
- Beth and Melissa Moore were asked about this months before making this video. Melissa responded by blocking, and no response came from Living Proof Ministries.
- 01:37
- Brothers and sisters, this is wicked. The Apostle Paul warned about teachers such as these, having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power.
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- Avoid such people, who capture weak women and are always learning, yet never able to arrive at a knowledge of the truth.
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- Follow Jesus Christ and the teaching that accords with godliness, when we understand the text.