Part 2 - Kingdom of the Cults (Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormons, 7th Day Adventism & Christian Science)


Another brief summary of the 4 major cults that claim to be the authentic version of Christianity. Here is the link to watch part 1:    • Kingdom of the Cults (Jehovah's Witne...   Joseph Smith founded the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) in 1830


Hello, this video is titled the kingdom of the cults part two in my first video
I did about a year ago We talked about the Jehovah's Witnesses the Mormons Seventh -day
Adventists and Christian science not Scientology Christian science got a lot of comments a lot of questions.
So I want to address some of those also a couple things I left out so I want to say right off the bat
The definition of a cult that I was running on in that first video is a theological cult
So they have teachings concerning the person and work of Christ Salvation that their beliefs are not just wrong.
They rise to the level of heresy and false doctrine So that's why these groups are called a cult.
I didn't come up with this Protestants and Bible believers have been Holding on to this idea that the
Mormons were a cult ever since the Mormons Were founded so again,
I did not come up with that. So that's the first thing I want to start with the definition of a cult theological cult
Okay, second thing people say why didn't you include the Catholic Church again? I don't make the rules
The Catholic Church typically is considered an apostate religion and not a cult
So that's why I didn't include the Catholic Church So let's start out a few things that I want to say about the
Jehovah's Witnesses They seem like nice people that's the thing I'd say about all these different groups
You might know some people work with them and they seem nice. They might even seem like they are
Are godly in some of the things that they do and but you know, you're not saved
You don't go to heaven based on how nice you seem. You don't go to heaven based on well how
People appear on the surface That's not the issue a person is saved based on their faith in what
Jesus Christ did Okay, Christ saves us So we need to have the most important thing a correct view of Jesus his person and his work the problem with the
Jehovah's Witnesses they deny the deity of Christ They deny the
Trinity they believe in a works based Salvation this group was founded in the 1800s by a man named
Charles Taze Russell Russell wanted Christianity without hell, so he was a publisher he
Started these Bible studies it grew and it grew and it grew and it was later renamed by a man named
Judge Rutherford he renamed the group the Jehovah's Witnesses, so they make a big thing about God's name being
Jehovah which is fine, but they say that Jesus Christ is not
Jehovah He is the Archangel Michael so they have The the wrong
Jesus they have they have a false view of Christ again works based Salvation they reject hell they believe in soul sleep
So when a person dies they cease to exist They say when people die when believers die even people who are saved they don't go to heaven
If they're lucky they might get to live on paradise earth only the hundred and forty four thousand
Elite Jehovah's Witnesses get to heaven and this is just simply false
So let's for the sake of time move on This is the second group the
Mormons I think the most complaints came in that I I call them
Mormons And I don't use their official name the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter -day
Saints Well, first of all, it's just easier to say Mormon. And again, I don't make up the rules.
That's what people call them They're most identified as most commonly identified as Mormons.
So and I don't think they're a church Here's another thing you have to understand about the cults. Some people say you're attacking these churches.
You're attacking these movements Well, no, they attacked us so the
Jehovah's Witnesses They'll tell you Christian Baptist Presbyterians like we're all we're all lost.
We're all damned Joseph Smith the founder of The Mormon Church, he said
Christians our beliefs are an abomination That's what he said. So this church which practiced polygamy
Was founded in the 1800s by a false prophet named Joseph Smith He said the true Church of Jesus Christ became apostate at the end of the first century and it had to be true
Christianity He said was restored by me Joseph Smith Born in Vermont.
He restored true Christianity in the early 1800s. I mean You can't make this stuff up.
I mean the type of ego you would have to have I restored true Christianity to the earth and 1820 and what you know, whatever the year was well here's the thing about the
Mormon Church the thing to know the church in Salt Lake City has gone liberal so the people living out the true version of The Mormon faith they're actually the fundamentalist living on the compounds who still practice polygamy
The US government would not allow Utah where they all lived They would not allow
Utah to be a state until the church banned polygamy. So they banned it so they could get statehood also black people were banned from holding the priesthood until 1978 because they said that every human being before you were born here on this earth you
Existed in heaven in a previous life and the people there a group of people They did not fight for righteousness and when they came to earth and were born because they did not fight for righteousness in heaven
They were cursed with black skin. Well, this is all an embarrassment the polygamy stuff the racism
So the LDS Church has made a lot of reforms. It's true. They've basically abandoned many of their original teachings
So the fundamentalists are actually they're probably the real Mormons living on the compounds
You heard of Warren Jeffs He was in the news a few years back statutory rape,
I believe it was and underage get a lot of bad stuff in this group, but Here's the thing about them.
They deny the Trinity. They deny the deity of Christ Jesus is one of many gods.
They're really polytheistic They believe that Jesus is the spirit brother of the devil essentially
They think that God was once a human being living on a planet near the star Kolob This is one of the most bizarre religions on earth, but they are doing their best to kind of rehabilitate their image
And they have made many reforms dropped some of their early belief, but you never really know so there's still
Mormons that believe in the Kolob stuff and Jesus and Lucifer our brothers and there's others who will try to deny that so you never really know if you meet a
Mormon You don't know Where they're gonna stand where they're gonna come down because the church is just changing so much
But what we do know is that the movement Rejects the true
Christ. They're preaching a false Christ and it's a works -based salvation and probably they deny hell there's some question in there, but If if anyone goes to hell
It's very few people in their system. So that's that's the Mormon Church the
Jehovah's Witnesses wrong beliefs about who Jesus is Jehovah's Witnesses say he's the
Archangel Michael Mormons say he's the spirit brother of Lucifer and now we get to the seventh -day
Adventist Which this group is the best by far they are the best But that's not saying much, okay
So this group was founded in the 1800s by a woman named Ellen White a lot of people complained
Left comments Ellen White is not the founder. That's not true. She's one of a group.
There was a group of founders I don't know if there's there's five or six different people. She was one of the early founders.
She rose to prominence She's kind of the face of the movement. So to say she was the founder is an accurate statement
First Timothy 212. However, the Apostle Paul says he does not Permit a woman to teach nor to have authority over man, but to be in silence
So for her to be the preeminent teacher of the church is a violation of Scripture Basically, the seventh -day
Adventists were founded when this false teacher named William Miller He taught that Jesus was going to return in 1843 didn't happen so he predicted, you know said another day 1844 when that didn't happen a lot of his followers
Fell out of the movement, but there's still a lot of people left So Ellen White and a few others basically cooked up this doctrine that ain't not 1844 was correct
The event it just wasn't the second coming of Christ It was an invisible
Event that happened in heaven basically the investigative judgment were since 1844
Jesus is now investigating You know how? His followers are living up.
So your salvation is going to depend on how you're living up this is Legalistic.
Okay. A lot of people wrote in and said we don't believe in work salvation That's not true. And then they went on to judge me as lost because I'm not keeping the
Sabbath. Well, the Sabbath is A work of the law So yes, you do believe in work salvation the
Apostle Paul said in Colossians 2 13 through 17 don't let anyone judge you and food or drink or Regarding a festival or new moon or Sabbath's yet.
They will judge you if you go to church on Sunday That's their whole thing Seventh -day
Adventist right seventh day is Saturday They basically say you need to keep the
Jewish Sabbath or else They also teach the dietary laws are in effect
What they don't understand Or they're deceived really by this false teacher.
Ellen White is that all of that the dietary laws? Keeping the Sabbath that was for the children of Israel under the
Old Covenant Once the New Covenant was ushered in those things were fulfilled, okay
I'm not Jewish. I'm not under the Old Covenant. That's why I don't I don't keep the dietary laws
I don't keep the Sabbath. I go to church on Sunday. I Observed the
Lord's Day why because I'm a New Testament Christian So I don't do those things same reason why
I'm not Sacrificing animals or keeping the Jewish feast days because we're under a New Covenant So that's
Ellen White the founder of The early one of the founders of the
Seventh -day Adventist Church works based salvation and many of the early Adventists denied the
Trinity in the deity of Christ many of them still do But if it's a works based system with this 1844 stuff.
Yeah, that's a cult This is false doctrine there are many Seventh -day Adventists who have
Distanced themselves from Ellen White. They don't teach the 1844. They are like Your standard evangelical there are many hear me say it.
There are many Seventh -day Adventists that are not cultic But the original group was and many of them still exist
Maybe the majority so this movement is at best Legalistic and at worst a cult that teaches a false gospel finally
Christian science this was founded this religion was founded by Mary Baker Eddy in the late 1800s
You still run into that same problem first Timothy 212. I do not permit a woman to teach. She's the main teacher in the religion for Christian scientists
They say that Jesus was a man who lived in first century Palestine and Christ is the name for a certain divine
Idea Mary Baker Eddie once said if there had never existed such a person as Jesus Christ It would make no difference to me.
You see Jesus isn't essential to their system It's all about mind over matter.
It's called the mind Sciences, of course, this has also been called Christian science has been called the grape nut religions right grape nuts
It's not great They're not grape and they're not nuts. Well Christian science is neither Christian nor scientific
They basically interpret the Bible through their book Mary Baker Eddie's science and health with key to the scriptures
So the way they view the Bible and the way we view the Bible Radically different they deny the
Trinity the DNA. They really define Terms is what they do They say suffering and death is an illusion there is no hell in this system and Hardly anyone came on and critiqued
Me over this because there's really not very many Christian scientists anymore
This is a dying religion. So I hope this video was helpful Thanks for watching and until next time may the