Gay “Christian” Artist Hits #1 On The Christian Music Charts!

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Hey guys, Colin here, and welcome back to the channel where the Bible and critical thinking meet to give you real
Christian commentary about the things that matter. Thanks so much for watching, let's get into the video. So if you remember, not too long ago,
I made a video, link in description, about a woman who went to a Switchfoot concert. Her name is Grace Baldridge, and at this concert, she was joined by another woman in shouting the phrase, gay rights, while the band was doing their thing.
And then of course, John Foreman, who's the lead singer of Switchfoot, he made a video pandering to this woman, saying that he supports her
LGBT rights and freedoms, and that he's so sorry, and she's welcome at a Switchfoot show anytime she wants, and blah blah blah.
And that's where I thought the story ended. With simple, cowardly pandering to an unbiblical worldview. But little did
I know that Grace Baldridge, the woman who had been yelling at the concert, is actually a Christian music artist herself.
She also happens to be openly gay, and does not believe that homosexuality is a sin. So with that said, obviously you'd expect that her progressive
Christian music that supports the gay agenda wouldn't be successful in the slightest, right? I mean, obviously no one who thinks they're a
Christian would listen to that and enjoy it. I mean, just 40 years ago, the idea of a gay -affirming
Christian artist would have been completely outlandish. In fact, it would have seemed impossible. After all,
Romans 1 clearly calls homosexuality a dishonorable passion, and a sinful behavior worthy of punishment from God.
As is the case for all sin. But I'm deeply disappointed to inform you, ladies and gentlemen, that Grace Baldridge, who makes music under the name
Semmler, recently reached the top of the Christian music charts for not the first, but the second time this year.
So with that said, let's go ahead and review some of the unbiblical music made by this Semmler character using three biblical points.
Number one, in Semmler's song, I'd Rather Be a Ghost, yes, that's actually the title, she says, quote,
What's a body but a cage? That keeps me weak, it keeps me strange. Let me be your ghost, dear,
I'd haunt you so nice. What a heavenly way to spend an afterlife, end quote. So here we have a woman who claims to be a
Christian music artist, saying that she would like to die and be a ghost so that she can haunt some other sexual deviant that she apparently wants to be with in the afterlife.
How on earth can anyone call this Christian? This is a wicked and pagan song that should never be sung by anyone who says that they're a
Christian. She says, quote, What's a body but a cage? But First Corinthians 6, 19, on the other hand, says, quote,
Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God, end quote. Of course, this particular woman does not, in fact, have the
Holy Spirit in her. Her body is not a temple of the Holy Spirit. But my point here is that for true Christians, for those who profess faith in Jesus Christ, our bodies are not to be seen as cages, but as temples to the
Holy Spirit. Yet because we are fallen beings, and that includes our flesh, we should also long for our new bodies, which we will be given when we're redeemed on the final day.
That is the biblical balance of the Christians' view on their body. To say, What's a body but a cage?
is more in keeping with Greek philosophy than anything resembling biblical Christianity at all.
But it only gets worse. This brings me to number two. The second line she says in the song is, quote, Let me be your ghost, dear.
I'd haunt you so nice, end quote. So the first point about this lyric is that I don't know if I've ever heard a creepier way of describing your love for someone than this.
None of this is biblical love in any way. This kind of language is creepy, obsessive, and entirely unbiblical.
And by the way, the Bible makes it very clear that no one should have the desire to become a ghost whatsoever.
In fact, there is no possibility of coming back to earth as a ghost after death. Hebrews 9, 27, for instance, says, quote,
It is appointed for man to die once, and after that comes judgment. End quote. So again, there is no opportunity to come back to earth as a ghost and haunt anyone.
And even if there was that opportunity, no Christian should ever have the desire to exercise it. The fact that this self -proclaimed
Christian artist would even suggest such a thing makes it abundantly clear that her beliefs are nowhere near that of the
Bible. And this, of course, brings me to point number three. How can this woman be called a Christian when she does not long to be in the presence of Christ in the afterlife?
Christians should long to be in the presence of Jesus for all eternity. But her song, I'd Rather Be a Ghost, it says that she thinks haunting whatever woman she thinks she's in love with would be a, quote, heavenly way to spend an afterlife.
End quote. Again, I ask you, how on earth can this woman be called a Christian by anyone who's read one sentence of the
Bible? And how can her songs be called Christian songs when they contradict the Bible at every turn? This stuff is mind -boggling, to say the least.
And just for context, Grace Baldrige is in a sham of a marriage to another woman. That is to say, they are two women who live together and pretend that they're married, even though God calls such a union sinful and does not recognize it as marriage in any sense of the word.
So it seems that this artist Semmler wants to come back as a ghost and haunt her fake wife for all eternity.
That would be heavenly to her. But you know what heaven is supposed to be for people who call themselves Christians?
The actual heaven described in the Bible, that's what. I know, it's rather shocking. In Matthew 22 20,
Jesus says this, quote, For in the resurrection they neither marry nor are given in marriage, end quote.
So not only is Grace Baldrige's fake marriage not recognized by God on earth, but no marriage, even a real one, will be binding in heaven.
Instead, we will all be supremely satisfied in Christ and enjoy His presence forever. There will be no need for marriage as an example of the relationship between Christ and His Church, because Christ and His Church will be reunited for all time.
And this should all sound very joyful and exciting for people who are actually Christians, because all of our hope lies in the fact that through accepting
Christ's sacrifice, we will be made new and will worship Him and enjoy Him forever. But of course,
Grace Baldrige can think of nothing more heavenly, that's her word not mine, than being with her gay partner for all eternity.
That is what sin does. It makes you love your sin and love it more than Christ. And so, in true unbelieving fashion, this woman fantasizes about living in her sin for all eternity, because that's the best thing she can imagine.
She doesn't find her ultimate joy in Jesus Christ. And let this be a lesson to us all, to seek Jesus and have absolute joy in Him and ultimate hope in being reunited with Him.
You should never love anything more than you love Christ. If you do, it will lead you down the same unrighteous and unbiblical path that this woman happens to be on.
So in summary, Grace Baldrige is a self -proclaimed Christian who makes self -described Christian music.
And this Christian music presents themes that are not only unbiblical, but anti -biblical. That is to say, this woman's worldview as presented through her music stands in direct opposition to the worldview of Scripture, and therefore the worldview of God.
So stay as far away as you can from this evil and wicked stuff, it's not Christian music at all. Don't be deceived.
And Grace, if you happen to be watching this video, just know that everything I've said was said out of love for you and those who follow you.
It is more loving for me to warn you and to tell you the biblical truth of your situation than to lie to you and support you in your sin.
So let's all pray for Grace Baldrige earnestly, that she and her audience would repent of the ways they've manipulated and dishonored
God's Word, and that they would turn to the true gospel of Jesus Christ. Thank you so much for watching.
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And until next time, fight for truth, never surrender, and keep your eyes open. Thank you, and God bless.