He Needed ANOTHER Young Black Man

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All right, all right, it's been a tough week and, uh, you know, yeah, it's been a tough week and so I figured we'd end off on a bang and we just, we just do it because I said
I would never watch another one of these again, but here I am. Here I am because the same guy from yesterday's video doing the weird kind of gross just drop down low like, oh gosh, what is this deal?
I don't know. I just don't know. I mean, everyone knows how paternalistic it is and it's just very strange how he puts himself in the position of the master and then he puts the black guy in the position of the servant and he thinks he's being subversive, but really he's just being gross anyway.
So there's a second one he apparently he did the same thing in the second service, uh, and this one's different.
He, I feel like he learned some lessons from the first time around that he did not repeat this time, but he made all new mistakes in my opinion.
So what I figured we'd do, it's only two minutes is this cut. Let's just watch it and uh, I'll, I'll, I'll try my best not to interrupt it and then
I'll give you my thoughts at the end. Yeah. So let's uh, let's, let's watch this and I guess you could say, enjoy it together.
I think I need a shot. We just met, right? We just met. Come over here and sit down for a minute.
If you wouldn't mind, would you take your shoes and your socks off? He'd roll it up here. You got big calves, bro.
I would pick somebody with big calves. You might say, you know, this is an unusual situation we're in.
Whoever sees an old white guy kneeling before a young black guy, that just doesn't happen anymore.
Most guys my age, we sit back in recliners and we just judge you. We say all kinds of things privately that nobody ever hears.
Then we say them publicly too. I can't, I can't, I can't watch this all the way through.
There's just so much. I'm going to forget things and I just, so, so he's, he's, again, he gets before him and he's kneeling and he's like, he's heavy breathing.
It's just so gross and weird and he says, we just met and he makes a point to call attention.
We just met. I just met you. And it's like, okay, let's just take that at face value. He just met this guy and this is his first interaction with him.
I mean, why would you think this would be a good idea? Hold on one second. Nope.
Not going to take that text. That can wait. Okay. So let's just say that, that, that they just met. This is just such a bizarre, why would you want this to be your first interaction?
And he's breathing heaven. He's like, this just, this just doesn't happen anymore. And I'm like, what do you mean this doesn't happen anymore?
When did this ever happen? Like, there's a white guy just kneeling before a black guy.
This just doesn't happen anymore. And it's like, why should it happen? Like, why are you kneeling before a man?
This is not, we're not in feudal England anymore. Like, like back in the day, you know, the kneel before the king and stuff like that.
And like, that makes sense because, but we don't do that anymore. It's not part of our culture anymore. And this is the thing with these foot washings.
I've never understood these foot washing because it's not like it's a sacrament or anything. So it's, you know, certain traditions and, you know, you know, of, of, of then we do now.
And, and then there's a couple of sacraments, you know, we baptize, you know, we do the, we do communion. That makes sense because we were told to do that.
We were never told to do this as a sacrament or of some kind, but people do this. This is not only related to racial stuff, but like in those days there was a purpose.
Like Jesus washed their feet and it was a major symbol because in those days they did have servants wash their feet.
That was so, but, but nowadays we have showers, right? Like this young man has a shower and his feet, I'm assuming his feet are clean.
This man's feet are clean. He's washed them. He's probably wore socks and stuff like that. And, you know, some people powder their feet too.
I mean, like we have the, like, we don't have to do that anymore. And, and, and furthermore, like, you know, we wear, we don't have, you know, animal excrement in the roads anymore.
Like, well, at least not that much, I guess, depending on where I'm San Francisco. I mean, maybe in San Francisco. I don't know if this is in San Francisco, but it's just like, but this is, this is just, this is just a meaningless thing.
It's just, this has no meaning to us anymore. And so anyway, all that just, so, so we just, we just don't, we don't do this anymore.
When did we ever do this, dude? This is awkward. This is weird. Okay. So now, okay. So there's that.
So there's that. And let's move beyond that. And he says, you know, since when do you ever see a white guy bow before a black guy?
We don't do that because that's like dollatrous and weird and bizarre. Nobody does that. I don't expect a black guy to bow before a white guy either.
Like, that's the thing. Like in, in Jesus's time, it was the actual job of a servant to wash his master's feet.
That was a lowly job, but it was a job. There is no job like this anymore. This is all just a big virtue signal.
And you can see the, the glisten in his eye, the glee in his eye where he's like, most white men don't do this.
But I'm not like most white men. That's what he's thinking in his mind. And it's just, it's just a big look at me.
Look at how righteous I am. A lot of people in the comments yesterday were just like, this reminds me of when
Jesus was talking about the Pharisees who talked about how they prayed so that they could be heard. They weren't praying to God.
They were praying so that others would hear them and say, wow, you're different. You're great. This is wonderful. You get the applause of the crowd.
You see the Pharisees. This is the, this is the thing about Pharisees that I think is so misunderstood. Pharisees were well -liked.
You know, we read about the Pharisees now and we read through the, the, the, the criticism of Christ.
Christ criticized the Pharisees and he got right to the heart of the matter. And he saw through all of their external things and, and, and all that.
And so, but the thing is we needed Jesus to do that because the people liked the
Pharisees. They were well -respected. These were, these were the greatest people around. They're so pious, they're righteous and all that.
And the thing is, so, so, so Pharisees, we get the impression the Pharisees were not well -liked. No, they were well -liked.
This is what Pharisees looked like. They were people that well -spoken of, well -spoken, nice.
And, and, and the thing is that they were, they were, they, they were looking, they were trying to draw attention to themselves as opposed to God.
And the thing is that the Pharisees didn't necessarily teach wrongly either. Jesus even said, do what they say, don't do what they do.
Do what they say, don't do what they do. And so I'm not making any claims about this man's entire ministry, but this is a very
Pharisaical act. This is all drawing attention to himself. And you'll see the, you can just see the smile and the gleam in his eye.
Okay. And then there's, then there's this, right? He says, he says, he says, what was it?
Oh, he says, we white people, you know, we, we say things in private and then we say them publicly too.
And it's like, dude, like, again, from yesterday's video, I think that this man is actually a real racist.
He's talking about himself. He said things about blacks and look at them blacks over there doing this.
And, and he said this stuff. And the thing is with these social justice wars and Tim Keller is the same way and Matt Hall and all these guys, they think that every white person's racist because they're racist.
And they consider themselves a good person, a pretty good guy. They're one of the greatest guys around. So if they're racist, then maybe everybody else is racist.
And then, you know, people over here are looking at like, wait a minute. I'm not racist. I've never said anything in private against blacks.
I mean, you know, I mean, every, every person, you know, uh, judge, uh, not judges, uh, makes jokes and think certain jokes are funny.
I mean, I've laughed at Dave Chappelle jokes. I've laughed at, at, uh, at, uh, who was that Mexican dude?
That Mexican dudes told some funny Latino jokes. Oh, Leguizamo as well. Leguizamo used to tell some fun.
There was a great one that he did. It was like a sketch where he opened up a company that would, uh, that would help minority, uh,
Latinos turn into Asians because Asians were more respected in society. It was just a hilarious sketch.
And it was just, it was funny. I mean, I don't trust anybody that hasn't, hasn't at least told one racial joke.
Uh, but not, I'm not talking about like real feelings though, right? Like racial jokes are one thing, but like real feelings are completely out a completely something different.
And this guy said, well, we say bad things about you. We judge you. We don't normally kneel before you and bow before you.
Again, who does that? But no, what we normally do is we sit back in our armchairs and we judge you.
I think he's being serious. He does do that. He sits back in his armchair and he judges black people. I've never done that.
I've never, I've never sat back in any kind of chair and just started judging black people for being black. I've never done that.
And a lot of whites haven't done that. And a lot of blacks haven't judged Asians. And a lot of Latinos haven't judged blacks.
It's like, like, we're not all doing this, right? So don't put your sin on everybody else.
Let me, that's my main message to social justice workers. Stop putting your sin on everybody else because not everybody struggles with the same sins you struggle with.
So just because you don't like black people, or you think black people are lesser, or you think they're the slave and you're the master. So I'm going to do this, this meaningless foot washing thing.
Just because that's you don't put that on other people. That's my main message to you.
Let's continue. I said I wouldn't interrupt. I just can't help myself. And before Jesus, that's how
I was. But when Jesus came into my heart, I started seeing you differently.
So, so he's admitting it. He's a, he was a racist, a rampant racist. Okay, fine, fine.
There, there have been people that have struggled with racism. And then Jesus comes into their heart and they, then they fix their racism because Jesus actually does provide victory over sin.
And it may not be overnight. For some people it's overnight. You've heard stories of drug addicts where they find Christ or rather Christ finds them.
And they don't touch a drug ever again for the rest of their life. Some people it's a process, right? Some people it's a process. So not saying that's going to be instant for everybody.
So, but that does happen. But, but the reality is whoever you are, you actually haven't recovered from that because you're still putting him in the role of the slave.
You're in the role of the master and you still think that way. So this is the thing. Like, if you're still struggling with racism, you're still a racist.
Maybe you're not qualified to speak on this issue, to speak on behalf of all whites. Like, listen, you don't speak for me, that's for sure.
And then the last black guy doesn't represent me. That's also for sure. Because if it was me, I would have said, get up and have some self -respect.
But anyway, so all that to say, all that to say, stop putting your racism on the whole white race.
If that's what you want to call it, white race, that's not, everyone's not like you. Okay. Not everyone's ever, not everyone struggle with that at any point in their lives.
And a lot of people don't struggle with that even now. So stop pretending like this is white supremacy.
Everybody suffers from it just because you do. That's pretty weird, bro. I started seeing you through the lens of God instead of the lens of my flesh and realizing that I probably haven't done the best by you in this country.
Right, right. So if you were racist, this is the thing. This is the thing about this, guys, that's so disturbing.
If you're a real racist, repentance in that situation looks like this.
Start treating them with respect. Start treating them according to the law of God. Start treating them with the Imago Dei. Here's what you don't do.
Make a spectacle of yourself by showing everyone how great you are because you're washing his feet in a meaningless gesture.
His feet aren't dirty. His feet aren't dirty. So start treating them correctly. If you wrong people, give it back to them.
Six -fold, whatever you want to do, give it back to them. Like Zacchaeus, right? That's actually a good story. You know, he wronged certain people, so he gave it back to them.
Six -fold, I think it was. Or was it six? I can't remember. But what you don't do is what
Zacchaeus didn't do is say, all right, let's get everybody gathered around. What you don't normally see is a tax collector.
Normally, us tax collectors, we lean back in our houses and we judge you.
But no, then I met Jesus. And I'm going to do everything in my power.
Everyone gather around and look at me and play the piano softly. Like that's not what Zacchaeus did.
Come on, man. And I need to repent to you.
I need to ask you to forgive me. And I don't need just you to ask me to forgive me.
I need any race that I've oppressed to forgive me. Because I know that you'll never see healing to accept responsibility for the things that have happened in our country.
But you see what he's doing? I still don't know if he was actually a racist or not. And this is the whole scam,
I think, of this whiteness is wicked crowd. From the white perspective. Because from the black perspective, there's a different part of this that's a scam.
Because a lot of these people that are, whiteness is wicked, give me the reparations. They just want stuff. They're just envious and all that kind of stuff.
But from the white perspective, I think there's a downplaying going on here. This is a strategy. Because I don't know if he's actually saying he's a racist or not.
He actually had partiality in his heart, hatred in his heart towards the blacks. Because he said that a second ago.
But now he's saying this country and this whole thing. So is he actually saying he was a real racist?
Or was he just this whiteness is wicked? So that's why I think it's one and the same, honestly. All these white people that are running around saying,
I'm a racist. They mean it's one and the same thing to them. Because as far as they're concerned, from their experience, their experience is common to the whole white race.
And so if they're racist, everybody's racist. But you see, the thing is, though, he knows he can get away with blurring the lines here a little bit.
It's just a way to sort of downplay the struggle. It's the same thing when someone will say, well, everybody struggles with lust.
Everybody, every man struggles with pornography. And it's like, that's actually not true.
Not every man struggles with lust. You know, I remember, I'll never forget that. What was it?
Who is it? It was, oh, which preacher was it? I forget.
There was a certain preacher who unpacked that lie for what it is. Christ can provide victory over the lust of the flesh.
And we all believe that as Christians, I think. And so let's not soothe ourselves by saying, oh, well,
I guess everybody struggles. That's a way to soothe yourself. And that's not how you have victory over it.
I've been the best at expressing to you that you're valuable to me.
I want you to grow up in America where people like me and people like you sit down and have dinner together, where our children play together, where we can do life together.
We've had that America for decades, my friend, decades. What year does this guy think it is?
I want to have an America where people like you and people like me can eat together. You know,
I'm almost 40 and I remember, you know,
Blacks and Latinos and Asians and whites eating together ever since I can remember things playing together.
I had Black friends as a child. I had Latino friends as a child. I had white friends as a child.
I had Asian friends as a child. I'm almost 40. So at least four decades, right, where this has already been the reality.
And he's over here. Look at how good I am, guys. Look at me. I'm good. I want you to grow up in America where we can eat together.
You could do that right now, man. You don't have to make a spectacle of yourself. You can do it right now.
You can make friends with the Blacks. All you got to do is do it. Ain't nothing to do it but to do it. But he wants to make a spectacle of himself.
You just met. You didn't. He looks like he's about to kiss him. This whole thing reminds me of that time when
Michael kisses Oscar in the office to prove that he's not a homophobe.
He kisses him. And the whole thing is just super weird and awkward. And nobody wants to see it.
But he kind of can't look and can't not look. That's what this whole thing is. It's just a whole. You just met him.
You didn't do anything to him. You have nice calves, bro. These are big calves.
What a weirdo. Why? Why is he doing this? Why? I just don't get it.
I just don't get it. Let me go back to my place of authority.
You can go back to your place. The whole thing is to make a spectacle of himself.
And listen, guys, lots of people say he's just using these people as a prop. Yeah, he's using these two
Black guys as a prop. That's what he's doing. If you really want to treat him like you want to see him as he has value and stuff like that.
Here's an idea, pastor. I mean, I'm just spitballing here. But here's an idea. Don't use them as an object lesson in your sermon.
I just can't even imagine thinking along these lines. I think that's the problem that we're having.
It's just like, I'm not a racist. I've never been a racist. And it's just as simple as that, right?
It's just as simple as that. It's not because I'm a great non -sinner. It's not.
Because I have had other sins in my life that are worse than racism, in my opinion. And I know that without Christ, I remember my life the way it was, depraved.
I was a wretch, guys. I was depraved. Okay? And so I understand. And this is the thing, like, people say, oh, you just must be perfect.
You must be perfect. In the comments, people say that. I'm like, no, that's not what this is, right?
Places where I have been imperfect and sinful, maybe you haven't. But here's a place
I've never been sinful. I've never been a racist. I just haven't. I don't know what it is. I just didn't have that one.
But I've had others. So stop putting your sin on me. That's the thing. Stop putting your sin on me.
Stop putting your sin on other white people. Own your own sin. Don't make a spectacle of yourself. Own your own sin.
Repent of your own sin. And worry about yourself and people who actually have the same sin.
Because there's a lot of people in your country, in your church that you say have this sin that simply do not.
And it's not helping anybody except yourself by soothing your own ego, making you feel like your sin is not as sinful as it is, and by making a spectacle of yourself so everyone can praise you for being so pious and so righteous and so holy, just like the rest of the