Speak His Word


LBC 29th Annual Bible Conference Who's Lord, Christ Or Culture? Pastor Mark Hamilton Acts 11.19-26 Sermon Title: Speak His Word (Sermon 1 of 4)


53 verse 10 You however have followed my teaching my conduct my aim in life my faith my patience my love
My set fastness my persecutions and sufferings that happened to me at Antioch and at Conium and at Lystra Which persecutions
I adored yet from them all the Lord rescued me Indeed all who desire to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted
While evil people and imposters will go on from bad to worse deceiving and being deceived but as for you continuing what you have learned and have firmly believed knowing from whom you learned it and how from Childhood you have been acquainted with the sacred writings which are able to make you wise for salvation through through faith in Christ Jesus All scripture does breathe out by God and profitable for teaching for reproof for correction and for training and righteousness
That the man of God may be complete equipped for every good work I charge you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus who is to judge the living and the dead and by his appearing and His kingdom preach the word
Be ready in season and out of season reprove rebuke and exhort with complete patience and teaching
For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching but have an itching ears
They will accumulate from themselves teachers to suit for their own Passions and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths as for you
Always be sober minded endure suffering do the work of evangelists fulfill your ministry
May God bless the reading of this word Well, it's certainly a joy to be here with you this
These few days to be in the Word of God and have the Word of God Govern our minds and our hearts.
I'll have you turn in your Bibles to the book of Acts as you know, we have
Those of you that have the a Program or a Bulletin We're going to be talking about or I want the the words to hover over our hearts and minds
Who's Lord? That's the question that we find ourselves facing and answering in this day and age we live in Who's Lord the culture or Christ or Christ or the culture as we look at acts?
1119 we find ourselves moving through the life of the church The life of the church which we live day by day
We are called to look into The perfect law of Liberty we are called to walk in the spirit.
We're called to be Unlike the world that we live in but certainly be a part of the change that we're commissioned to instill in those that are without Christ and so as we look at chapter 11
Before we get there. I want to kind of set the stage here And and let you know where we're going about the culture when
I talk about the culture. I want you to understand I want to use that interchangeably with the world and kind of Push our minds to think well about what the culture is thinking and what
Christ has Commanded us to to think and do in the world that he has made for us the church that we are a part of Every two years
Ligonier and Lifeway do like a temperature check of the church They take a poll they take surveys to help the church better understand and equip the church with better insights for discipleship if we're going to go into the world as God is calling us to do as Christ has commanded us if we're going to go into this world and affect change
Call people to repentance and turn from their way into God's way we have to know what they're thinking and and I don't want to use that as a
Staple so to speak where we must know every statistic know everything that's going on into the world
That is not what I'm saying, but I want you to understand and kind of feel what the culture is thinking
When you go out to reach the culture talk to the culture speak his word
To the culture, so I think this will be very helpful And if you want to look further you can look at the state of theology the state of theology calm
That will give us those statistics every two years and so the culture will use those two
Those two words the culture and the church and for the sake of argument. We'll just say the church is really the church
We know everyone is not the church and whoever defines themselves as a
Christian That we know they have different standards, but we'll assume for the sake of argument
They're biblical Christians, and so we'll call them the church so the coach culture has an answer the church has an answer and so a couple of things at least three questions, maybe maybe four but these are the big questions that the culture is asking or Understanding and we need to understand these same questions does
God change? one and So the question from that Broader question is
God learns or the what the culture is understanding is God learns or adapts?
To different circumstances, this is the view of the culture God changes in this way.
He is learning. He is adapting to different circumstances And what is interesting is the culture?
51 % agree and 32 % Agree disagree as opposed to the church 48 % agree versus 43 % disagree, that's the church another question everyone is born innocent in the eyes of God the culture 71 % agree versus 21 % disagree the church 65 % agree versus 32 % disagree
Every Christian has an obligation to join a local church the culture thinks 37 % agree versus 50 56 % disagree the church 68 % agree versus 26 % disagree
And so these are some of the trends and this is these are some of the big ideas that the culture is
What the culture is thinking and the culture that we're called to invade or infiltrate
We need to know What they see and what they think
Church trends God accepts the worship of all religions including
Christianity Judaism and Islam 56 % of the the church agrees with that Jesus was a great teacher, but he was not
God 43 % of the church agrees with that And so what are these statistics saying?
It's it's it's telling us very clearly that the church has replaced our sense of what is proper
The culture the culture has replaced what our sense of what is proper by insisting on no standard
No standard as a result of our confession as a result our confession when we say
Jesus is Lord when there is no standard when there's no objective truth when
Everything gets in What we believe has no impact no relevance
And so when we come to the Scriptures and We're looking at the church leaving the home or the headquarters in Jerusalem going
Approximately 300 miles away from what what they're used to what they're familiar with They're going to Antioch to plant a church and they're going to infiltrate a culture
That believes very differently from what they're used to And so Antioch a big city with big city vibes
Highly cultured sensual Shocking as these things sound familiar because it's no different than America today
Some of the cities in America did today are are highly cultured highly central and highly
Shocking they're not shy about their sexual exploits their sexual ethics And this describes very clearly and closely what we see on a daily basis throughout the cities of America full of Idolatry and immorality and no fear of God What in the world are we supposed to do?
What in the world do we as the church? Supposed to do so my goal today is to encourage you
I hope you see me as a brother in Christ and as a brother in Christ I just want to encourage you to remain
Faithful Speak his words Preach he's
Lord Be a Christian Be a Christian Those things are clearly marked out for us as we read the text.
Let me read chapter 11 verses 19 through 26
Hear the word of the Lord Now those who were scattered because of the persecution that arose over Stephen Traveled as far as Phoenicia and Cyprus and Antioch Speaking the word to no one except Jews But there was some of them men of Cyprus and serene who coming to Antioch spoke to the
Hellenists also preaching the Lord Jesus And the hand of the
Lord was with them and a great number who believed turned to the Lord The report of this came to the ears of the church in Jerusalem and they sent
Barnabas to Antioch When he came and saw the grace of God He was glad and he exhorted them all to remain faithful to the
Lord with steadfast purpose For he was a good man full of the Holy Spirit and of faith and a great many people were added to the
Lord So Barnabas went to Tarsus to look for Saul and when he had found him
He brought him to Antioch for a whole year They met with the church and taught a great many people and in Antioch.
They the disciples were first called Christians as far as the reading of God's Holy Word and so This is what
I want to encourage you to do that for these couple days Because we need that kind of encouragement.
We need that kind of reminder to to remain faithful Because in this culture we are pulled in so many directions
The the world is is vying for our attention whether it's social media the television the latest news
The latest headline it's vying for our attention and I want to encourage you as we the church go into a world that that Christ has commanded us to go into and be faithful remain
Faithful remain faithful to the message Speak his word Preach he's
Lord and be a Christian Be a Christian. I Believe this the best thing that you and I can do for the culture the most powerful way to impact the culture is to give them
Christ and to be unwavering and unmovable in that proclamation
More made -up genders more injustices more things that are that that are
Causing you to bend reality More lies speak his word
Speak his word. I believe much of what's happening now within the culture has always happened.
In other words, there's nothing new happening There's nothing new have this just a pretty new package or an ugly package depending way you look at it
It's always happened and what needs to happen must happen now by us the church
Though the people of God are Tasked with going into a culture that hates them that hates the
God that we serve. We must go and Speak his word
This will be done through the people of God making disciples of the nations as Christ commanded
The church will be making disciples or the culture will continue to make their disciples
And we see that happening day by day The same good righteous and holy law that was broken
When which kicked Adam out of the garden keeps people away from God when we don't speak his word
We find that in the first verse as we look at verse 20 And that's what we're going to be dealing with tonight
Peter has already given his explanation of why he was with the
Gentiles and Now the Gentiles it is evident that they have received from God They have received the message and God has approved of them
Just like they approved of the Jews and now we find ourselves moving on put the church being pushed out
Because of the persecution of Stephen and so what's going on here?
We'll look at about speaking his word three other different occasions following today's message
We want to focus in on that truth speak his word the same good righteous holy law that was broken
Which kicked Adam out of the garden it keeps us away from God the same sins the same sins
That vomited the nation's out of the land is the same righteous law being broken today in Other words again, there is nothing new that is happening
There's nothing new that is under the Sun, but there is new ways to express the same sins
There's new ways to express the same sins So I hope we are not too in all because God says these things will happen
We see him going through and through cycles throughout the scriptures the transgender craze the
LGBT perversion and delusion is a breaking of the seventh commandment just like fornication is a breaking of the seventh commandment, but it's being expressed in a different way in a more wicked more way that Causes us to scratch our heads
But listen, it carries the same sentence of death it carries the same sentence as Paul reminds us that people who suppress the truth in unrighteousness are full of all kinds of wickedness
Inventors of evil And at the end of that chapter it says they deserve to die and they know it they know it
Those who suppress the truth, that's the one thing that we can say with confidence that the sinners
Understand we as sinners that have been saved by his grace We understand but more so those that don't understand the grace of God will have that grace.
They have truth We know they have truth because God says they have truth.
They suppress that truth They refuse to submit to that truth and love that truth.
You have the truth But they suppress it in unrighteousness all sinners have the truth which they suppress when we read this text as The people of God are entering into this big city with big city vibes
Highly cultured central shocking all of the sins that we would find in 21st century
America Expressed a little different the evil is the same. The heart is the same This is what they're going into verse 19 says now those who were scattered because of the persecution that arose over Stephen traveled as far as Phoenicia and Cyprus and Antioch They find themselves in this big city where there is a it's different from Jerusalem, but the tasks is the same
Speaking the word to no one except Jews we want to deal with the scattering and the persecution and why they move from their the home church or the headquarters into The world.
Well, the command was to go The command never changed Christ said go into all the world and preach the gospel and that never changed
But the death of Stephen amplified that that command for them to go and Actually pushed them into where they should go.
The church was scattered to spread the word the spirit
Is all his wisdom and powerful all -knowing
Providence pushed the people of God where they should go To plant a church
Another church so that they can spread the word far and wide to all the world
The command from Christ was to go and that the death of Stephen Was really a catalyst to to move them into the various areas so that the word can be spread even more
This going was ordained and orchestrated by God to in order to spread the world to the word to the
Gentiles the Lord knows whose are his and where they are and he uses us to get to them and He uses us to go to them.
He uses us to be the means of rescue But when we go we have to go and say something we have to tell them something we have to share with them something
And that something is his word That something is his word
It's persecution possible or probable in the life of a Christian And to that I say yes
It's it's not if or Maybe it's it's when it will happen
You that live godly you and I that that name the name of Christ that confess his name that Jesus is
Lord Godly living brings a world of trouble godly living brings
Persecution and persecution is unavoidable to those who live godly
Jesus says you will have trouble Paul says through many tribulations.
We must enter into the kingdom of God He says you must suffer persecution
Ananias was tasked to tell Paul after he was converted how much he was to suffer for his namesake
Those who rose up against Stephen. This is this is what happened to the church which brought them to Antioch Stephen gets stone.
He's witnessing He's speaking the word to these Jews that disagree with what he is proclaiming they disagree with his interpretation of the scriptures and Therefore they rate they they rose up and disputed with Stephen in chapter 6 verse 9 and eventually killed him
They were enraged and absolutely beside themselves Because he exposed the darkness by speaking the word
He exposed their darkness by speaking about Christ Disciples followers of Christ speak his word
And that's all we're concentrated on for this for tonight this this this one verse in chapter 19 of speaking the word before they go on before they move any further
When they come into Antioch Their one mission was to speak the word about Christ This is what the church does we engage the world with words?
Even though we see as I mentioned earlier The words that are being spoken the words that we have always known as normal like men and women boys girls
Good and bad right wrong They're being conflated and twisted and mixed the church engages the culture with words
What are these words? What are these words? It certainly wasn't ideology and philosophy
It certainly wasn't the thing that the latest statistics about what's going on with the culture because again
Though those things may be helpful. We don't need to know those things We need to know the Word of God more than we need to know any statistic any new philosophy any new movement or Moment in time that's happening
We need to know the Word of God John MacArthur says be an expert in the word and you'll know how to answer
Anyone in the culture? I believe that's true Fill your minds and your hearts with the
Word of God the wisdom of God we must know Christ more than we know the culture and Depending on the audience as we see here in these few
Verses of Scripture depending on the audience the Jews were spoken to first and then they were going on to the
Hellenists But depending on the audience our speech should reference the truth never be ashamed of the truth
Never be ashamed to proclaim his words Speaking his words out loud in public
Reference the truth and the wisdom of Scriptures not necessarily chapter and verse
You don't always have to get your Bible out or or refer to this chapter this verse, but your word should be flowered with the truth of God's Word Our bloodline should be
Bib line if you remember that quote from Spurgeon when he Referenced John Bunyan if you pricked him, he would bleed
Bib line. How many how true is that for us?
When we go into the culture we have to be armed with the word Jesus and his
Apostles the church knew the scriptures the church was content was to continue in its teaching
They continued on in the Apostles doctrine The command is to let the
Word of God dwell richly in you The words the very message that we speak must be carefully crafted to be
Christ focused to include all That he taught affirmed and fulfilled when
Jesus summarized the law. He says to love God and love your neighbor as yourself He says nothing of the word will pass away
He says the scriptures are about me The law pointed to me Moses prophesied about me the the writings promised me and sang about me
We're one week past almost the resurrection of our Lord and When he was on that road to Emmaus, what did he do and bring to the minds of the disciples?
He was walking with he's began with Moses and all the prophets and he interpreted to them all the things concerning himself
And so as they spoke the word into this culture into this city in Antioch The words that were spoken to Jews Was a specific word and I want to encourage you that your word must be a specific word about Christ It can't be about you about about others.
It has to be about Christ Because we can go off into The woods and go off into rabbit trails talking about us and but but it's about Christ about his truth about his life and his death and You see that narrow -minded focus and in the
Apostles when they preached when they gave the Word of God For I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and him crucified
Acts 920 Proclaim Jesus in the synagogue saying this is this is
Paul when he was converted He proclaimed Jesus in the synagogues What did he proclaim a specific word that he is the
Son of God? Very particular very specific to the Jews only proving that Jesus was the
Christ a couple verses later Paul would say we preached
Christ crucified a stumbling block to the Jews and folly to Gentiles 1st
Corinthians 123 Stephen Before he was stoned
He reminded them that you killed the prophesied Son the
Righteous One Philip proclaimed Christ to the city of Samaria and the gospel to the
Ethiopian eunuch Paul proclaimed Jesus in the synagogues over and over again very difficult places
But to the Jews He spoke the word he spoke His words the
Word of Christ He disputed with the Hellenists who wanted to kill him in the same chapter
Peter preached right before we get to chapter 11 at the end of chapter 10
As for the word that he sent to Israel preaching good news and peace through Jesus Christ that he is
Lord of all 1036 so the merits the message that was spoken to the
Jews Was that Jesus was the long -awaited Messiah that was very offensive That was very offensive to those that did not want to hear that.
Jesus was the long -awaited Messiah Just look at the reaction of those that before they stoned
Stephen they were beside themselves plugging their ears suppressing the truth
Isaiah vividly point paints this picture in the beginning of his book when he tells the people of Israel when he
Proclaims that men will call evil good and good evil
It will call bittersweet and sweet bitter again, this sort of bending reality and Changing the terms of truth.
He would go on to say that justice Righteousness and truth are not present in the public squares
This holds true today As the people of Antioch were invaded by the people of God the church
They were to speak a specific word they were to speak the words of Christ justice righteous
Righteousness and truth is ultimately what you're saying and what you're preaching when you preach Christ and it's under attack to everywhere
When the church speaks the word it ultimately speaks those three things justice truth and righteousness
JRT I like to call it crushes CRT any day JRT crushes
CRT any day and any other evil ideology and philosophy that Exalts itself against the knowledge of Christ when we look at Those those that were scattered because of Stephen They came to Antioch for one purpose
They came to speak the word and now this this specific group came and spoke to the
Jews first Jews only keeping You know the the order that God ordained order to the
Jew first and then to the Greek They spoke to their own people But their own people was not the end.
It was not the goal. It was to speak to the world It was to spread the world the word to the world the scattering
Was the purposes of God And when we speak his word
Christ will be exalted When we speak his word the culture will be humbled
We don't have to change the word. We don't have to change the message In fact, we cannot change the message or we cannot change the word because we've been given that word by Christ to remain faithful to speak his word and To preach he's
Lord to be Christians And we're gonna see that We're gonna see that everything fed the the notion and the goal of remaining faithful by speaking the word his word to Proclaim or preach his he's
Lord and to be Christians not be a Christian or be Christian like but be Christians Be what
God has called us to be and never be ashamed of that Identity because that's our first identity.
It's not our ethnicity It is not who we have grown up to be It's not our mother's and father's wishes for us to be it is who
God called us to be and that is to be His and his alone to proclaim his message that one true message
That Jesus is Lord over and above the culture and what the culture
Expects What the culture thinks? What the culture is? We have to speak his word
The Christ of the culture the Christ over the culture and so our goal is to speak the word so that men might be saved
They infiltrated Antioch So that men might be saved and we're gonna see that we see that as we've read that in the beginning the result was many
Many had believed and turned to the Lord We want to speak to the culture to the point where they will turn to the
Lord. There's no there's no neutrality There's no other option. There's either in Christ or out of Christ Our goal is to speak the word that men might be saved
Our goal is to speak the word so that the culture will recognize that they are fallen and They can't get up.
They're down and they're out and They have no help unless Christ comes and rescues them
Jesus is Lord Jesus is Lord. And so what is the word says?
When we speak the word to not only Jews, but Gentiles But what does the word says
Romans 10 8 9 The word is near you in your mouth and in your heart
That is the word of faith that we proclaim Because if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is
Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead You will be saved that is a narrow -minded
Restricted message, but that is the word that we must speak It's not just the word that we pray
But we must proclaim That Jesus is Lord And that he was raised from the dead
That if we believe and confess that truth That we will be saved
This is the word that we speak and this is the word that we must go into the culture proclaiming that Christ is
Lord Not the culture not the majority But Christ is
Lord would you pray with me father we thank you for showing us
Reminding us That the words we speak are restricted when we engage the culture the world that we must proclaim this truth to we must proclaim your word
We must speak your word The word of Christ it's a word that is offensive
It's a word that people hate But it is the very power unto salvation and so God I pray that you would help us
Understand that the task before us is not only to go but to go and say something and what we say has
Eternal relevance eternal consequences And we pray like that from the young to the old
That we would never tire nor be afraid nor be ashamed nor be ashamed of Proclaiming this truth speaking his words
Your words bring life Your words transforms hearts
Your word takes away Doubt and unbelief And we pray that you would do that use us for your glory
Use us for your purposes Those friends and neighbors and family members that we have on our minds even tonight
We pray a God that we would go And not just go
But you have placed us in these spaces for a high and holy reason to Proclaim this word your words
Give us power to do so. I Pray that your spirit would
Go along with us and beside us and be in us that we would be filled with your words filled with your truth righteousness and justice
Father forgive us for hesitating Forgive us for thinking that Some don't need the word and others need the word and forgive us for our partiality of Thinking people are okay
This world this culture needs you And we your people will bring that truth to those that need to hear
Father we thank you for your sovereign grace We thank you
God that you have Called us to yourself May we be jealous until those that belong to you come to you through our faithfulness
Through our speaking and preaching and being the Christians that you've called us to be in Jesus name