Scandalous Grace

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Date: Lent 4 Text: Luke 15:1–3, 11–32 If you would like to be on Kongsvinger’s e-mailing list to receive information on how to attend all of our ONLINE discipleship and fellowship opportunities, please email [email protected]. Being on the e-mailing list will also give you access to fellowship time on Sunday mornings as well as Sunday morning Bible study.


Welcome to the teaching ministry of Kungsvinger Lutheran Church. Kungsvinger is a beacon for the gospel of Jesus Christ and is located on the plains of northwestern
Minnesota. We proclaim Christ and Him crucified for our sins and salvation by grace through faith alone.
And now, here's a message from Pastor Chris Roseberg. The Holy Gospel according to St. Luke, chapter 15, verses 1 -3 and then 11 -32.
Now, the tax collectors and sinners were all drawing near to Jesus and the Pharisees and the scribes grumbled, saying,
This man receives sinners and eats with them. So he told them this parable.
There was a man who had two sons. The younger of them said to his father, Father, give me the share of the property that is coming to me.
And he divided his property between them. Not many days later, the younger son gathered all that he had and took a journey into a far country, and there he squandered his property in reckless living.
And when he had spent everything, a severe famine arose in that country and he began to be in need.
So he went and hired himself out to one of the citizens of that country who had sent him into his fields to feed pigs.
He was longing to be fed with the pods that the pigs ate. No one gave him anything. But when he came to himself, he said,
How many of my father's hired servants have more than enough bread? But I perish here with hunger.
I will arise and go to my father and I will say to him, Father, I have sinned against heaven and before you.
I'm no longer worthy to be called your son. Treat me as one of your hired servants. And he rose, came to his father.
But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and felt compassion and ran and embraced him and kissed him.
And the son said to him, Father, I have sinned against heaven and before you, I'm no longer worthy to be called your son.
But the father said to his servants, Bring quickly the best robe, put it on him, put a ring on his hand and shoes on his feet and bring the fatted calf and kill it and let us eat and celebrate for this.
My son was dead and is alive again. He was lost and is found.
And they began to celebrate. Now, his older son was in the field and as he came and drew near to the house, he heard music and dancing and he called one of the servants and asked what these things meant.
And he said to him, Your brother has come. Your father has killed the fattened calf because he has received him back safe and sound.
But he was angry and he refused to go in. His father came out and then treated him, but he answered his father.
Look, these many years I've served you. I've never disobeyed your command, yet you never gave me a young goat that I might celebrate with my friends.
But when this son of yours came who has devoured your property with prostitutes, you killed the fattened calf for him.
And he said to him, Son, you are always with me. All that is mine is yours.
It was fitting to celebrate and be glad for this. Your brother was dead and is alive.
He was lost and he is found in the name of Jesus. All right.
Today's gospel text has probably one of the most famous parables in it. The parable of the prodigal son.
And funny enough, this is only part of the story. And what I mean by that, let's go back to the beginning of our gospel text,
Luke 15. Let me read a little bit and I'll point something out and we'll pick up some context and then we'll dive into the story of the parable of the prodigal son.
Here's what it says. Now, the tax collectors and sinners. We're all drawing near to hear Jesus. Well, that's got to be terrible.
Can you imagine Jesus, the son of God, the righteous one of God, hanging out with a bunch of sinners? What is
Jesus thinking? Right. So the Pharisees and the scribes, they grumbled, saying this man receives sinners and eats with them.
And the irony of this is quite well palpable. And what
I mean by that is, is that the Pharisees and the scribes, they are every bit as sinful as the tax collectors and the other sinners are.
And here's the reason why, is because the reason why we're sinners is not because we sin.
We sin because we is sinners. Right. That's the reason why.
Sin is a condition, if you would. If you were to think of somebody who has, you know, like been exposed to a terrible disease, like a venereal disease, like herpes or something like that.
If somebody has herpes, well, they're always have the condition of herpes. It's incurable, but sometimes it flares up.
Right. Terrible analogy. But you have to think of it this way. Well, sin is a lot like herpes and it flares up and it flares up in like really awful ways, different ways for different people.
But the thing is, is that every one of us has tested positive for being sinners. And that's the problem.
And so here the Pharisees and the scribes, they're grumbling. How dare Jesus hang out with sinners?
You know, really, really. So, you know, the Pharisees, these are folks who are trying to save themselves by their good works.
Now, this is what the text then says. So Jesus told them this parable. Notice verse three, it says parable.
One parable, this is one parable with three chapters, if you would.
Chapter one is the story of the lost sheep. Chapter two is the story of the lost coin.
Chapter three is the story of the prodigal son. That's all one parable, not three, one.
And I'll even make the claim that maybe the parable of the or the story of the chapter of the prodigal son should be renamed.
I think the emphasis is on the wrong syllable, but let's work through. Let's take a look at all three chapters of this single parable.
Here's what it says. So he told him this parable. What man of you having a hundred sheep, if he's lost one of them, does not leave the ninety nine in the open country and go after the one that is lost until he finds it?
Notice the question mark. So Jesus asked this question, by the way, this is not good sheep herding practice.
All right. If one of your sheep wanders off, it's probably dead. Exposing the ninety nine to predators while you go hunt for the last, you know, the missing one is not really good sheep business.
So the answer to this question is probably along the lines of the Pharisees going, what?
Right. But Jesus is not like any other shepherd. So when he has found it, this shepherd, he finds it, he lays it on his shoulders, rejoicing.
I found my sheep. And when he comes home, he calls together his friends and his neighbors, saying to them, rejoice with me.
I have found my sheep that was lost. So I tell you, and this is people close attention to what is said here in verse seven.
So I tell you, there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety nine righteous persons who need no repentance.
You go, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, slow down there, Jesus repents. That sheep didn't do nothing.
That lousy sheep just went and got itself lost. It's lucky it didn't become a barbecue for some wolf.
Right. What do you mean? Repents. Well, repentance, according to Jesus, is when the good shepherd goes and finds a lost sheep.
What does the sheep have to do with any of it? Oh, the sheep got itself lost for sure. But see, then the shepherd picks it up, puts it on his shoulders and carries it back.
And while he's carrying it back, the sheep is going, look at me, I'm repenting. Yeah, smart sheep.
Right now, if you're thinking, well, OK, that's some strange theology right there. Well, let me let me read chapter two of this story, this one parable, chapter two, or what woman having ten silver coins, if she loses one coin, does not light a lamp, sweep the house and seek diligently until she finds it.
And when she has found it, she calls together her friends and neighbors saying, rejoice with me. I have found the coin that I had lost.
Just so I tell you, there is joy before the angels of God over one sinner who repents.
Whoa, whoa, whoa. Slow down there, Jesus. What are you saying here? Are you saying that sinners repenting are like inanimate objects, like coins being found?
Well, of course. Of course. Pay close attention.
Chapter two and chapter one are saying the same exact thing. The sinner who repents is the one who's been found, who was dead and is now alive.
This is a work of God. So in the parable of the lost sheep,
Jesus is the shepherd who goes and hunts for the sheep. In the parable of the lost coin, Jesus is hiding, if you would, behind the mask of the woman who's sweeping the floor.
And think about it this way. Why is it that she needs to sweep the floor? Well, this is the days before they had wall to wall carpet and tile and nice hard wood and things like that.
So you lived in a house and there was dirt on the floor. If you dropped a coin, chances are pretty good the coin would get covered up by the dust plume that it created when it fell and thus, poof, disappearing.
And so Jesus goes and hunts for the lost inanimate object. And by the way, dead people are inanimate.
I don't know if you've noticed that about them. They don't have a tendency to move a lot. Right. So you who are born dead in trespasses and sins, you're just like.
A lost coin. And so repentance is the savior seeking for you, finding you and bringing you home, say rejoice, rejoice, rejoice with me.
And there's lots of rejoicing going on. So now we get to chapter three in the one parable chapter three.
And then he said there was a man who had two sons. Now, keep in mind, chapters one and two lay the theological groundwork.
So now you see what's going on. So you don't mistake and think that this prodigal kid somehow on his own steam is doing the repenting.
God's doing a work in him. But here we go. So as a man who had two sons, the younger of them said to his father, father, give me the share of the property that is coming to me.
Pause right there for a second. Let's kind of help us out a little bit here. We live in a
Western society. We live in the United States of America, 21st century. Have you ever been exposed to an
Eastern culture in Eastern cultures? Honor is a big deal.
Right. Maybe we've seen maybe like that miniseries Shogun or something like that.
Right. And in the miniseries Shogun, there is a man who is dishonored and he's dishonored somebody.
And what is the solution for somebody who has been dishonored or dishonored in such a way? He must commit suicide ritually.
You know, so they talk about Harry Carey gets big ceremony, takes the knife, plunges it in and screws it up and then dies.
Right. This is all because of honor. Keep in mind, Israel at this time is
Middle Eastern and it's an honor culture still is to this day. So you kind of miss the subtext if you're thinking about it with Western eyes and Western mindset.
Think about it. If you would, if it helps place this story in Japan just for a little bit to kind of help us get the cultural stuff going on here.
So now with that in mind, let me read again what the younger son says. Father, give me the share of the property that is coming to me.
And you sit there and go, what is this kid saying? Let me translate. Dad, it just irks me that you won't do me the service of dying.
I'm sick and tired of seeing your face. I can't stand you can't stand anything about you.
All I want is the inheritance since you won't do me the favor of dying. Why don't you give me the inheritance instead?
Now, you don't have to live in Japan to see what's going on there. If your son or daughter talked like this to you, what are you likely to do?
Slap him in the face, box their ears, you know, whatever is necessary. Grab him by the scruff and say, how dare you little scrawny, whatever.
Talk to me like that, right? Now, you know what the right reaction would be according to human nature.
Watch this. Second half of verse 12.
So the father divided the property between them. Who does that?
Who does that? So not many days later, the younger son gathered all he had, took a journey into a far country.
Of course, he had to do that in an honor country. He has to skedaddle. He's got part of a he's got to sell some land.
So he's got a buyer somewhere. And when word gets out in the community that this kid has dishonored his father like this, oh, there's going to be hell to pay.
So he sells his part of the property, takes the cash and leaves town quickly because he needs to.
The younger son gathered all he had, took a journey to a far country. They'll never have heard of me there. There, he squandered his property in reckless living.
Important note here. Text doesn't give us the details of this reckless living.
We don't know what exactly he did. Keep that in mind. So when he had spent everything, everything.
So that's the thing about money without a job has a tendency to quickly disappear.
Right. Which is one of the reasons why those who win the lottery, it doesn't matter how many gazillions of dollars they win. Just a couple of years, they have nothing.
It's weird how that works. Money is not an endless supply of something. It doesn't grow on trees, you know. And so actually it grows in the ground, but you have to work it.
See what I'm saying? So he squandered it, spent everything. Then a severe famine arose in that country and he began to be in need.
So he went and hired himself out to one of the citizens of that country who sent him into his fields to feed pigs.
Can you imagine a good little Jewish boy working a bacon farm? Right. This doesn't get any lower than this.
So and to make matters worse, he's so hungry. He was longing to be fed with the pods that the pigs ate, but no one gave him anything.
Nothing. And now if the story ends here, we'll sit there and say, good, good.
He got what he deserved. That lowlife scoundrel. How dare y 'all. This is what he has coming to him.
Right. We want justice. Then it says this, but when he came to himself, oh, wow, look, the shepherds looking for his lost sheep.
Oh, look at here. The woman's looking for her lost coin. When he came to himself, he said, how many of my father's hired servants have more than enough bread, but I perish here with hunger.
I'm going to rise. I'm going to go to my father. I'm going to say to him, father, I've sinned against heaven and before you,
I'm no longer worthy to be called your son. Treat me as one of your hired servants.
Well, we got some truth here. I've sinned against heaven and before you. Well, this is most certainly true.
And to which we say amen and amen, I'm no longer worthy to be called your son. This is absolutely true.
Amen. Then we got this. Treat me as one of your hired servants. Now, keep in mind, this is a salvation parable.
This is about salvation. Can we bargain with God for our salvation?
No, we can't. Is there anything we can offer God in exchange for our salvation?
Nothing, not it, not ourselves at all. So this idea of him somehow bargaining with his father, listen, you know, just you don't have to treat me as one of your sons.
I just hire me as one of your servants. I'm I'm fine with that. That's salvation on his terms.
That's salvation via bargaining. Let's see if that plays out. Right. So he rose, came to his father.
Ah, now the shepherd has picked up his sheep and is carrying him home. Right. Chapters one and two are in play here.
He rose, came to his father, but while he was still a long way off, his father saw him.
And rather than feeling anger. Rather than saying, oh, I can't believe he would dare to show his face here, oh,
I'm going to go give him a piece of my mind. It's not what the father says, that's what it says about him, says he felt compassion.
He felt compassion. I was a long way off. They ran and embraced him and kissed him.
Another important cultural note here, back in the day when this took place, they didn't sell
Levi's at Walmart. Now, you've got to think about this, guys didn't wear coveralls, they wore robes.
All right. I don't know if you've ever tried to run in the bathrobe. It's just not going to work. OK, so in order to run, if you're wearing a robe, you're going to have to gather up the bottom parts and you're going to have to expose your legs to everybody, which is a shameful thing to do in this day.
And so here's what the father does. He abases himself, gathers up his robes and he runs, doesn't walk, he runs to his son.
He doesn't care what anybody thinks, doesn't care that what he's doing is dishonoring himself, which kind of begs the question, is this really, really the story of the prodigal son?
Or is this really the story of a gracious and merciful father like we have never seen before?
I'm not like this, and I would bet you're not either.
But this is what God is like. Gracious, kind, merciful. Even abasing himself, allowing himself to be dishonored in order to forgive his wayward and prodigal children, right?
So he ran and then he embraced his son and he kissed him.
And here it comes. So the son confesses his sin. Father, I've sinned against heaven.
I've sinned before you. And I'm no longer worthy to be called your son.
And we say, amen. This is most certainly true. But notice there will be no bargaining for salvation.
None whatsoever. Nothing will be offered or accepted. So the father cuts him off right there.
There's the confessions of sin. And the father says, now be quiet. Father said to his servants, quick, get the best robe.
Those of you who've been coming for midweek services, we've been talking about garment theology. Here it is right here.
Get the what robe? The best one. Get the best one. Put it on him. This kid coming home threadbare, barely wearing anything, totally dirty and just a mess.
Don't worry, son. I've got this. I'm going to clean you up. You're going to be wearing the best thing I've got.
Get the best robe. Get a ring. Put it on his hand. Shoes for his feet. And then bring the fatted calf and kill it.
And let's celebrate. For this, my son was dead.
And he's alive again. He was lost and now he's found.
And they began to celebrate. What an amazing father this is.
I've never met a man like this. Never. Now, let's get it right here.
Parables always kind of have different people that are being represented. And you can say. The son, the prodigal, this is us, this is me, this is you, the father.
Well, it's none other than God, the father himself. But I want you to keep this in mind.
Who is the fat and calf who dies for the celebration? This is
Jesus Christ. The one who dies. So that we can celebrate so that the angels can celebrate.
He's the sacrifice. And now keep in mind, this parable was originally told because the
Pharisees were grumbling because Jesus was receiving and hanging out with sinners. And here's the sad part.
Is a little bit of this other brother in each of us too. So don't think you're only represented by the prodigal.
What amazing grace, what scandalous grace that we have from this father. And, oh, it's so scandalous.
Now the older son, he gets a little bit miffed. Keep in mind, honor culture and watch what happens.
So now his older son was in the field as he came and drew near to the house. He heard music and dancing.
It's a party. No one told me there was a party. So he called one of his servants and asked what these things meant.
And he said to them, well, your brother has come. Your father has killed the fattened calf because he has received him back safe and sound.
And notice here, the old, the older brother is not thrilled.
It says he's angry. He was angry and he refused to go in honor culture, by the way.
A son behaving in this manner, dishonors his father. The dishonoring here is every bit as rank awful as what the son, the younger son did when he basically said, father,
I wish you were dead. You see, the father's the head of the household and now he refuses to go in.
He refuses to go in and celebrate with his father, basically saying, my father and I were like this.
No way. So he refused to go in and then the unthinkable happens.
Dishonored by his son, the father came outside and met with the older brother and entreated him.
And you can imagine how that goes. Your younger brother has come back. He was dead and now he's alive.
He was lost and now he's found. But he answered his father, look, these many years
I've served you. I've never disobeyed your commands. Yet you never gave me a young goat that I might celebrate with my friends.
But when this son of yours who has devoured your property with prostitutes, you killed a fattened calf for him.
Pause there for a second. Where does it say the younger son devoured the inheritance with prostitutes?
It doesn't, does it? Sure, he squandered the money on reckless living, but now we have a slanderous accusation, slanderous.
So notice here also the relationship that the older son has with the father.
Does he think of himself as a son or does he think of himself as a servant? Does he think of himself as having access to everything his father has and having the rights and privileges as a son?
Or does he consider himself as working hard in order to merit something from the father? It's the second.
The second son has an awful relationship with the father. The older son, his relationship is every bit as bad as the younger son's relationship at the beginning of the parable.
Things are really way off and he's dishonored his father and his father is patiently, lovingly and treating him.
And he's having none of it, absolutely none of it. So the father corrects the son lovingly, he said, son, you are always with me.
All that is mine is yours. It was fitting to celebrate and be glad for this.
Your brother was dead and is alive. He was lost. It is found scandalous grace.
Absolutely scandalous. And see, that's the thing about the cross and that's the thing about Christianity and the forgiveness of sins.
God's grace is so amazing. That Christ even bled and died for Stalin and Hitler and me and you literally think about it.
Let's help us out here a little bit. If Stalin were still alive and heard the gospel through the
Kongsvinger website and showed up here. Repentant, believing in Christ.
We might all go, well, that's great. But the man murdered 20 million people.
Right? Would you celebrate or cautiously kind of stand there with your arms folded?
I got to tell you, I'm very tempted to stand there with my arms cautiously folded.
But this parable teaches us that that's a form of self -righteousness. And so there's a little bit, in fact, a lot of the younger son in each and every one of us.
There's also a lot of the older son in us, too. And so this parable challenges us as well as it challenged the
Pharisees. Don't think for a second that God is chintzy with his grace.
He's not. He's forgiven you much. He's forgiven me much.
And when somebody shows up here who we look at and say, well, obviously that person's been forgiven a lot.
Don't put a butt after it. Don't put a butt after it.
The cross is so scandalous that Christ died for the sins of the whole world. And this parable teaches beautifully what other passages of Scripture say, that it is not his will that any should perish.
Any. Not from a small child who dies in infancy to the greatest scoundrel in all of politics.
Christ has bled and died for all and he seeks their repentance. And there is true rejoicing in heaven over every sinner that repents.
Because remember, we're not sinners because we sin. We sin because we're sinners.
And that being the case, every single one of us is equal in the eyes of God when it comes to our sin.
Each and every one of us has earned the fires of hell. None of us are capable of doing anything to save ourselves.
And we are only forgiven by the grace and mercy of God, which takes us in our sinful condition, raises us from the dead, carries us back to the sheepfold, and then clothes us in the best robes of all.
Because we as Christians are clothed in the very righteousness of Christ.
We do not stand naked before God. And it's scandalous that you are saved.
It is scandalous that I am saved. And it's scandalous that anyone is saved. So let us rejoice over all sinners along with the angels for every sinner who repents and not be cheap with God's grace.
But be celebratory with everyone who is forgiven by such a scandalous, scandalous love that God has for us.
In the name of Jesus. Amen. If you would like to support the teaching ministry of Kungsvinger Lutheran Church, you can do so by sending a tax free donation to Kungsvinger Lutheran Church, 15950, 470th
Avenue, Northwest, Oslo, Minnesota, 56744. And again, that address is
Kungsvinger Lutheran Church, 15950, 470th
Avenue, Northwest, Oslo, Minnesota, 56744. We thank you for your support.
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