Ruslan Kd Cant Believe It!

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All right, we got 10 minutes of Ruslan left.
I know this is going to make some people very upset, but that's okay, we got to finish this. We're so close. You just got to, sometimes you just got to commit.
But anyway, so I'll do that, and also I just want to let everybody know that I'm going to start sending out my book, complimentary, for people who support me on Patreon.
If you decide to support Yeti Robla's YouTube channel at the $15 per month level or more,
I will send you a copy of the Social Justice Pharisees book, Woke Church Tactics, and how to engage them.
In the book, you will find how to deal with people like Ruslan, Ruslan, and all that kind of thing.
So by the way, if you were a Patreon as of last week or prior, or prior to last week,
I should say, you will also get a copy of the book. I've already kind of messaged you guys, so you'll get a copy of that as well.
But going forward, $15 per month level or more, you will get a complimentary copy of Social Justice Pharisees, Woke Church Tactics, and how to engage them.
Let's dive right in. Socialism in Los Angeles doesn't work. It's bad.
It's not helpful. And it seems like places like Florida and Texas that are a little more free market open up, it seems like they're thriving.
It seems like the rates are the same. There is something to that. We should examine that, right? And so again, I'm not binary in these things in an absolute standpoint.
And maybe that's why, maybe that's my definition of fundamentalism, where I'm just like, I'm not going to take a firm stance on these things.
But you should finna be doing that, because the thing is, we don't have to just see how the results are.
That's fine if you want to see what works. We understand that the way God made the world is going to work better than the other way.
But the thing is, we should be fundamentalists about this, because the scripture does allow us to do certain things, and it certainly disallows other things, and we need to be fundamentalists about those things.
Like, if the Bible says something is wrong, we ought to believe it's wrong, and we don't need to be apologetic for that.
We don't need to bend the rules. We don't need to be soft -pedaling that. That's how it is. And so economics are a big part of that.
We understand from the scripture what's appropriate and what's not. And it so happens that the stuff that God says is appropriate works the best.
And it's not a mystery. It's because he created the world, and he knows how these things work. And so, I don't know why people are so afraid of being called a fundamentalist.
I mean, you should be a fundamentalist about so many things. And I'm using his definition of fundamentalism.
He just said that if you're hardcore, if you believe in hardcore right and wrong, and this is right and these are wrong, that's fundamentalism.
I don't think that's actually true, but I'm just using his definition. Anyway, let's continue on all of these things.
We'll agree on the essentials. I'm with you on the essentials. And I actually want to hear more. Tell me some books to read.
Send me some videos. Listen to some long -form stuff. So, the primary one, I mean, obviously I would go with anything
Greg Bonson, right? By the standard, by what standard from Greg Bonson, I think is tremendous.
I mean, even as, I mean, obviously precepts. Social justice Pharisees, woke church tactics, and how to engage them.
That's my recommendation for you, Ruslan. And I think I'm going to send you a copy of my book. You know what? I'm going to send you a copy of my book free of charge if I can find out where to send it.
But you know, Ruslan, you deserve it. You deserve it. And I'm not going to take funds out of the
GoFundMe for this one because I don't necessarily think that you're part of Big Eva. So I want to make sure to keep those funds, you know, pure.
I want to make sure that only Big Eva is getting funds from the Big Eva fundraiser. I don't think
Ruslan's part of Big Eva. I mean, he's definitely woke. Definitely woke. But he certainly seems to be a little bit on the outskirts.
Like he was kind of like dogging like Piper and stuff like that earlier. You can't do that if you're part of Big Eva.
You're either in the guild or you're out of the guild. I don't think Ruslan's in the guild, but he's definitely woke and he's definitely could benefit from social justice
Pharisees, woke church tactics, and how to engage them. And so Ruslan, I'm going to send you a copy.
Apologetics, but by what standard and by the standards, pretty, pretty incredible. But for sure, for sure, since you're already hold to at least free market in some aspects, look up David Chilton's.
It's called Guilt. It's the worst name. It's called Productive Christians in an Age of Guilt Manipulation.
Yeah, I have that. I have that pulled up on my Amazon. So yeah, it's also free. I think the PDF is free. Yeah. Yeah.
So that book is so good. I highly recommend that book as well. It's called Productive Christians in an
Age of Guilt Manipulation. And Marcus is right. That's not a great title, but the reason it's titled that is because it's a response book.
It's actually responding to a socialist book by Ron Sider called
Rich Christians in an Age of Hunger or something like that. So you know,
Rich Christians in an Age of Hunger and then Productive Christians in an Age of Guilt Manipulation. It's a response book. And this is important because this woke stuff, this socialism stuff that Ruslan is promoting a lot of the time, it's not new.
Christians have been promoted. Well, I should say professed Christians have been promoting this kind of thing for quite some time.
And Ron Sider is their grandfather. And so it's so relevant. Like this book was written in the 80s, but since the arguments aren't new, it's so relevant.
Like it's one of those books that if you highlight it, you're going to highlight the entire book. It's just, it's amazing.
I highly recommend it. It's free for PDF. I'll try to remember to put that PDF in the comments here. Productive Christians in an
Age of Guilt Manipulators. Fantastic work. Way better than my book.
And someone is saying Victim's Rights by Gary North, which I heard is really good, but I haven't read that one yet.
Gary North is good in general. Non -Christian Ethics is really good too. But yeah, so thanks for those suggestions,
Chet. Gary North is good in general, and you know, he agrees. What I like about Gary North is his stuff is not as revolutionary as Rush Dooney's stuff was, but he's a better theologian than Rush Dooney.
So in other words, Gary North, in my opinion, is better because he understood the importance of the
Church and stuff like that more than Rush Dooney did. That doesn't mean Rush Dooney was wrong about everything, but I think that Gary North, though I prefer some of Rush Dooney's books, is
Gary North is more right about things. And he criticized
Rush Dooney about certain things at the time, and they didn't shy away from fighting each other and stuff like that, although they were friends.
But anyway, Gary North stuff, you almost can't go wrong with a Gary North book. Unless it's about Y2K. David Chilton is actually responding to Ron Snyder's book.
He was doom and gloom about Y2K. Wealthy Christians in the age of,
I forget what, it doesn't matter. But anyway, Ron Snyder is the guy that started Evangelicals for Biden.
But David Chilton, this is probably back in the 80s, wrote this response to his book, which was
Wealthy Christians. And it was it was a Christian defense of socialism is what
Ron Snyder did. And then Chilton responded with his book, Productive Christians in the
Age of Gold. And by the way, this book was this book was a complete demolition of Ron Snyder's Christian socialism position.
Like there was no response to it. It was a death blow. But it continues as essentially a zombie because there's no responses to the biblical wisdom and biblical law against socialism.
There are no responses. And so you essentially just have to ignore the responses in order to keep going, which is essentially what they do.
You know, my book brings five verses to bear on the social justice controversy, and they're they're not defeatable.
You know what I mean? Like you can't be for reparations, but also for the words of God and the law of God. So what they do is they just ignore it.
They just keep the rather keep believing what they want to believe that that's how it works. And that's probably one of the best, most thorough explanations of a free market economics from the
Old Testament law in scripture that I've ever, ever heard. And it's very easy to read. It's not check it out.
Yeah, I'll check it out. I think it's good. Let me let me ask you this last question. Do you then sever fellowship with people you disagree with on these issues?
Not necessarily. OK. But I do think that I do think there should probably be trying to he's trying to catch him in a fundamentalist mindset.
He's trying to catch him to be a fundee. Like if they don't agree with me on everything, I'm going to I'm going to sever fellowship. Well, not necessarily.
That's the only answer that makes sense for Marcus. Sure. Not necessarily. People are on different, you know, parts of their they're on different parts of the spectrum, you know, and some people more aggressive and some people are, you know, just naive.
There's a lot of different flavors of this kind of stuff. And so the reasonable answer is not necessarily.
It just depends. Voting liberal. I think I think there should be church. I do.
Yeah, I've said it. You think I should have been disciplined for voting for Andrea? Yes. Yes, I absolutely do. Absolutely do.
And and and this is the thing. Like most people like Ruslan, he's you could see his little little grin here when he hears church discipline.
He means he thinks excommunication. Right. And that's not what what church discipline is, at least not right away.
It's not just excommunication sever fellowship. No, Ruslan, I think you should be spoken to by your elders.
Dude, like you can't support this stuff. This is this is wrong. And you believe this too, Ruslan, because here's the reality.
This is the thing that I always try to try to try to get bring home. Right. You believe this too,
Ruslan, people should be church disciplined for their political affiliations, because if there was a neo -Nazi in your church and he voted for David Duke or whatever the guy's name was that was running
KKK guy, whatever. Yeah, you should be church disciplined for that. Like you should someone should pull you aside and say, hey, you can't support this, dude.
This guy's a crazy man. This guy's this guy's advocating sin in his political policies. You can't support that.
And if he didn't stop, you would bring a bring a friend, bring your elders. And then eventually, if he just continued to be a neo -Nazi, you kick him out.
You believe this too, Ruslan. For some reason, you don't seem to really care so much about the lives of innocent babies.
You don't seem to really care so much about God's law against stealing. You don't seem to really care about this stuff.
And I'm I'm being consistent here. Yeah, I'd kick out a neo -Nazi, but I'd also kick out a socialist if they refused to repent.
And you should do that. Everything is on the table when it comes to church discipline, because church discipline starts with a private rebuke.
And then if you don't stop, it goes it goes beyond. So. So, yes, Ruslan, I don't see what's so funny about that.
Yeah, people should be church disciplined and for their political affiliations, because God cares about your political beliefs and affiliations.
Right. That's part of God's law. Like what you believe about the lives of babies and whether or not that people should it should be illegal to murder a baby.
Like, I think it's pretty obvious that God cares about that.
I mean, it's in the scripture. So why is that funny? Of course. I think you should have been talked to by your pastor.
Yeah. Wow. OK, what do you mean? I think we did. And we did talk, by the way, my pastor is not a
Republican. But what do you mean by discipline? Like, what is that? What is that? Well, I think I mean, I think if you're continuing to perpetuate the idea of a that supports homosexuality and it supports gay rights and then it supports abortion on demand, you know, all these sort of things, there's a.
But also the socialism itself, like the socialism itself is not immune from the law of God.
Right. Like this is the thing. It's very easy because oftentimes sin comes with other sins.
So it's like, yeah, they they want to kill babies. They want to refuse God's law when it comes to sexuality.
And they also want to steal. So it obviously it often goes together. I mean, almost every socialist is pro homosexuality and pro killing babies.
That's it's pretty much a package deal. But even in a hypothetical where it wasn't a package deal, like, let's say,
Tulsi, I think Tulsi might come out like this eventually to be against abortion. She's pro abortion now. I think
Tulsi Gabbard might come out like this, where she's like socialist. But, you know, she's not for killing babies and not for homosexuality.
Like, even if in that hypothetical, that's unusual, you still can't do it because there's laws of God against the very propositions of Andrew Yang economically.
And so, yeah, you should be church disciplined for that. And you really have no argument if you agree with me that neo -Nazis should also be church disciplined for their politics.
I think you do agree with me, Ruslan. So what's the big deal here? I mean, let's be consistent.
Between your politics and your view of scripture, I think, to such a degree, feminism, all these sort of things.
Like, it's hard for me at some point, like it might not be the discipline might not be because you voted, but there's probably some fruit underlying your life that a good pastor should examine.
The voting is the voting is part of it, though. I think that we have to we have to understand that a vote is throwing your support behind something.
And the thing is, like, there might be you can make some arguments where, no, I'm not throwing my support against, you know, for homosexuality or killing babies.
I just like the economics. But then again, like the economics are bad, too. Like, that's the point. Like with the
Republicans, I'm not saying you have to be a Republican. I'm not a Republican anymore. In fact, I need to I am technically a
Republican because I registered as one. But I need to I need to get rid of that. I'm not a Republican, at least in my heart.
But at least for Republicans, though, there's some redeeming qualities like they don't get a lot of things right, but they get some things right.
And there's some redeeming qualities there. Right. But with the Democrats, they don't have any redeeming qualities like their redeeming qualities are accidental.
Like they're they're they're they're pro like marijuana legalization. I'm pro that, too.
I don't think that the Bible, you know, allows us to ban a plant in that way. But but the thing is, like like that's an accidental thing they get right.
And it's very minor. Like, I don't think that marijuana legalization counterbalances killing babies and the homosexuality thing and the stealing economics and all that stuff like like there's no redeeming qualities for the
Democratic Party. Right. So there's no argument there. There's none. There's no argument. So it's just like.
Yeah, we've talked about this many times to figure out what's going on in your life.
What if there isn't? What if what if somebody and I'm and I'm not a Democrat, by the way, I'm thinking you can discover that. But what if somebody a stable marriage serving in church, loves
Jesus pillar in the community, one woman, man, not addicted to pornography, doesn't drink or if they do, it's extreme moderation and is generous through and through.
You think that person needs to be dealt with? Absolutely. And this is why I don't even go down the road of the underlying fruit thing.
No, the vote itself, throwing your support behind evil. You can't disconnect that from your life.
Why is this? Why is this hard to understand? You can't disconnect your vote and what you support from the rest of your life.
It's all part of your life. Right. It's like when people try to say, well, this is just online talk. No, that's part of your life, right?
Part of your life is how you talk online. Like we understand that. So no, no, that would be very unusual that they'd be perfect in every way except for their vote.
That would be very unusual, Ruslan. I don't think that that's very common. But if that was the case, yeah, that's still valid.
You should still be rebuked for throwing your support behind an evil political party. What's weird about that?
Imagine if I can just turn this around on you again, Ruslan. Imagine if there was a neo -Nazi who was perfect in all those ways.
He wasn't addicted to porn. He didn't drink. He was nice to people and stuff like even nice to black people.
But he just had this small thing where he supported the neo -Nazi party. You know what I mean? Like that would be unusual.
It's kind of a weird example. But yeah, he still that's part of his life.
Why is the vote exempted from that? I don't get that. I mean, like, it's just like, you know, like I like I don't know.
Like their salvation. Like I'm not saying that if you if you're a Democrat, you're not saved. I'm just saying that there probably needs to be some serious conversations about.
Yeah, definitely. Because your worldview is somehow disconnected from Scripture. That's right. I think like or or or the way you you live in church versus the way you live in the world.
There's there's a difference. And so that would be my thought. I think we at least need to have the conversation more that your politics and your theology are not.
Ruslan's acting like he's like so confused. But why are you so confused, Ruslan? Because people do this all the time.
They're like, I can't believe you would say that. But I'm like, obviously, I would say that. And you agree with me.
You agree with me about neo -Nazis, about all that stuff. Like what's the problem here?
Why is this like so fascinating to you? I mean, I thought it was obvious that if we had a neo -Nazi or someone who voted for a
KKK member or something like that, I thought it'd be pretty obvious that, you know, you'd probably want to talk to them about that as if it was a sin, because it is.
And then if they don't repent, that you go through the steps of church. Why is that a mystery? Honestly, like if someone can give me a good argument for why this is such a mystery, besides that, you know, that you're just brainwashed to think that like, yeah,
I mean, socialists and communists are bad. They're evil. So we should not support them. And if we do, then there's a problem there that needs to be addressed according to the steps of church discipline.
I don't know why that's so mysterious. It seems pretty basic to me. There's not a neutrality there.
So like, like, like there's not, you know, like you said, I'm presuppositional, right? So there is no neutrality.
Uh -huh. There's not a, there's not a, your politics is influenced by something.
And if your politics is saying it's okay to support the pro -homosexual, pro -all this sort of stuff, there's probably,
I would say, probably just at the bare minimum, you're not taking
Scripture as appropriate authority. At the bare minimum, yeah. So that would be my thought.
That's interesting. Yeah, I don't, I don't, I would probably disagree on the church discipline. But why?
I don't understand why. I mean, I'm sure you do disagree. You have a lot of unbiblical opinions, but biblically, why?
That's another thing, like, like oftentimes when people disagree with that, and you say, oh, you should church discipline Democrats, and they get, they have this reaction like, how could you?
And it's like, okay, so where's that coming from, though? Is that coming from inside you? You think that would be too mean? Or is that coming from the culture that thinks it's legitimate to be a
Democrat? Or is that coming from the Scripture? Like, like, where in the Scripture do you get that?
You know what I mean? I remember those two guys, Defend and Confirm podcast, they tried to make some arguments about it, but they were very weird.
Like, why would you exempt this sin from, you know, from discipline, from discipleship?
It's really what you're saying. Because if this sin is exempt from discipleship, then discipleship is not all -encompassing.
It doesn't address all of the man. If politics are not part of that, then we have an incomplete discipleship program.
Of course, politics are part of that. And part of discipleship is discipline, right? I mean,
I thought this was, seriously, I'm not trying to play dumb here. I thought this was pretty basic. And the pushback that you get, it's,
I don't think it's coming from the Bible. I just, dude, in my opinion, I have a lot of friends that are
Christian Democrats. See, this is the thing. This is where it's coming from. He's got friends. He doesn't want to excommunicate them. Tough luck.
Tough luck. I don't want those kind of friends in my life where, like, they see a sin in my life and they won't rebuke me for it or just let me continue in it.
That's not loving, man. That's not, that's not, that's not a friend. That might be a cohort, but it's not a friend.
I often talk about this. You know, I had some people in my life that I considered friends when I was an unbeliever when
I lived in New York City. And we hung out all the time and we were, we were very cordial to each other. We had a great time.
At least I thought I was having a good time at the time. And we would have called each other friends, right?
And these people would encourage me in my drinking and in my drug use and in my sexual perversions and all kinds of stuff.
And I would have considered them friends, but they were not friends. They were not friends.
Like, we don't define what a friend is according to the world. Like, being friendly with me doesn't mean you're my friend because they were encouraging me to destroy myself.
They were encouraging me to destroy myself and to rebel against God and all these things.
That's not a friend. A friend is someone who will wound you if they need to, to stop you in your tracks.
So Ruslan has a lot of Democrat friends that he doesn't want to confront about their sin. That's a problem.
It doesn't seem like Ruslan's a very good friend. Anyway, I thought we had finished this, but that was probably too aggressive.