Book of James - Ch. 5, Vs. 4-9 (03/26/2000)


Pastor David Mitchell


I think my mark was we finished verse 3.
Is that correct? Okay? All right, well, let's start
We're gonna cover verses 4 through 9 this afternoon and then
I Don't know brother
Otis you think I think you'll finish verses 10 through 20 Next time, okay, so we may have two more times after this and then we'll be in a new book
Well, I'm gonna start with first we're covering verses 4 through 9 But part of this passage deals with some of the stuff at the first part of the chapter, so let's start with verse 1
Go to now you rich men weep and howl for your miseries that shall come upon you your riches are corrupted and your garments are moth -eaten your gold and silver is cankered and The rest of them shall be a witness against you and shall eat your flesh as it were fire
Hmm that sound like good sermon over at First Baptist this morning, wouldn't it be? Wow, can you imagine people preaching like this?
Let's see. Maybe that's why Martin Luther wanted to kick James out of the Bible He didn't think
James was part of the canon. So James was not popular with these sermons
He says your gold and your silver is cankered and the rest of them shall be a witness against you and shall eat your flesh
As it were fire you have heaped treasure together for the last days
Now, I believe that's where we stopped behold The hire of the laborers who have reaped down your fields
Which is a which is a view kept back by fraud Crieth and the cries of them which have reaped are entered into the ears of the
Lord of Sabbath He have lived in pleasure on the earth had been wanton
He have nourished your hearts as in a day of slaughter You have condemned and killed the just and he has not resisted you
Be patient therefore brethren So this word therefore apparently relates to the passage we just covered
So apparently the passage we just covered Was a group of people
That are in a different group than the group that starts with verse 7 And I think there's more that separates them than just the amount of income they have
But let's go ahead and read verses 7 through 9 be patient therefore brethren and to the coming of the
Lord Behold the husbandman waiteth for the precious fruit of the earth and Hath long patience for it until he received the early and latter rain
Be also patient establish your hearts for the coming of the
Lord draweth nigh grudge not one against another brethren Lest ye be condemned
Behold the judge standeth before the door. So let's stop there Well, if you take this passage in the first part of the chapter
Where it's talking about the rich man This passage does not speak of the rich in general
We know that because Abra there are many men and women of God in the
Bible Who were wealthy people who were very very close to the
Lord and it's interesting if you turn the page there and look at verse 11
Behold we count them happy which endure you have heard of the patience of Job. Job was perhaps the richest
Personage that we read about in the Bible. He was very very wealthy And yet very very close to the
Lord Abraham was a very wealthy man David and Solomon, of course Solomon was extremely wealthy
Even John in the New Testament's dad had servants in their fishing business. So they were not poor
Barnabas well to do and Remember when Jesus called
Levi the tax collector? Guarantee that fella had some money because he had probably gotten some of it in the wrong way but he got rid of a lot of it when he got saved not all of it, but he gave a lot away and So it's not speaking
Against being rich. What it is speaking about is a particular type of rich person and I believe as you read the description of this person.
He is not born again number one But it doesn't say that in the passage, but it leads us to believe that when we look at the
Attributes that he has. I don't think attributes would be the right word. How about the symptoms?
The first symptom we find is that he heaped treasures together for the last days in verse 3 and And Let me read you a verse out of Luke that relates to this
Luke 12 20 But God said to him thou fool this night thy soul shall be required of thee
Then shall those things be then whose shall those things be which thou has provided David would you?
Turn this Let me see what's wrong with this thing Can't tell it's just not right.
Just turn it down just a little bit number one not a lot But just a little bit. It's bothering me Okay Thanks Now thou fool this night thy soul shall be required of thee then whose shall those things be which thou has provided So is he that layeth up treasure for himself and this is the key.
He layeth up treasure for himself and Is not rich towards God that's the kind of person this is speaking to and It does not imply that there aren't wealthy people who are rich towards God and I'll give you a little
Logic here if any of you ever heard of the gift of giving in the New Testament One of the spiritual gifts that God gives
Have you ever stopped to think that God could not give you that gift if he didn't also give you something to give away
So it's not speaking against riches what it's speaking against is riches being God And taking the place of God.
So these people heap treasures together in the last days unto themselves They're not concerned about everybody else
Ask yourself this question to be a good test. If you thought that y2k really was gonna happen
Did you store enough stuff for yourself? Or did you store enough for yourself and everybody else in the whole church to get by for a while?
Because could you be happy if you're the only one that made it? Well, if you could that's the wrong kind of attitude
You have to be wanting to share you have to if you have riches, that's fine. But are you willing to share it?
Can you be happy if you're the only happy person? could you be happy if you're the only one that had the needs met no one else did and I don't believe if you're saved you could be and so this group of people
They have a different God than we do their God is their money Now the second point about this group of people is they kept back money, which was owed to the laborers by fraud
So they had people working their fields now I can I can promise you that in itself is not bad because think about the parable of the
Talents, you remember that one? Who was it that got rebuked in that case when the
Lord came back? was the one that created a lot of money with money and and Invested wisely and leveraged his money or was it who was it?
It was the one that did nothing with it the one that hid the talent and In fact, he took that away from him gave it to the guy that had made all the money
And what did he say? What did the one that got rebuked say? He said Lord The reason
I didn't want to invest this was I was afraid I would lose it because I know that you're an austere man
And that you reap where you sowed not And you gather where you strew not and that teaches a business principle of leverage that you that the
Lord says it's wise If you can swing it to earn off the efforts of a lot of other people because you multiply your man hours
That's not wrong. It's a wise thing to do So the Lord is not teaching not to do those things
But what he is saying is that this person had all these people working with him out here He was earning off all their efforts and then he didn't pay him
Or he withheld it he didn't pay him on time. He just didn't pay him and so And he did so by fraud.
He acted either like he didn't have the money or for some reason. He didn't pay him fraudulently and so The third thing we see about this particular person is it says that he lived in pleasure?
The Greek word is a little bit stronger than just saying pleasure because it's not like the
Lord doesn't want us to be happy but it literally means this is a person who indulges in luxury and it comes from the root word, which means effeminacy and that interesting like an effeminate person or debauchery and riot and That's what these people were doing with their money
It says they were wanton which means while the sensuous and unchaste and Says they condemned and killed the just so they use their money for power in the wrong way to Condemn those who are living for the
Lord. So these were not saved people. These were wealthy people of the world and They were using the money for Satan's purposes
Well Then we go on to verse 7 and we kind of see what the word therefore is all about don't we because these same people were mistreating the church and Due to the oppression of the evil world system
The Lord is coming back to his own and saying therefore we must be patient. So let's go into verse 7 now
Be patient therefore brethren unto the coming of the Lord Behold the husbandman waiteth for the precious fruit of the earth and hath long
Patience for it until he received the early and the latter rain Be also be also patient.
In other words be patient like the farmer is patient Establish your hearts for the coming of the
Lord draweth not let's stop there a minute Look at these things now this if there was ever a passage written to us in the last days.
This is one of them It is so clearly an Encouragement for those of us who are living in the last days where we may not have all the things we think
Our family is supposed to have we see what Hollywood puts out there and shows us what you're supposed to have You may not have everything a church is supposed to have as you look at what the world throws out says
Here's really if you're successful. Here's what you have and The Lord is saying look, you know
Actually, it's the rich man using his money For the devil that needs to weep.
It's not you you don't need to weep so be patient and be patient like the farmer because There will be the early in the latter rain.
We're gonna talk about that in a minute, especially over in the Middle East they have two rainy seasons and God uses this prophetically to talk about the first and second advent of Christ and we'll look at that in just a moment
But let's look at this word patient first of all Because it's an important word
In the Greek language It comes from two Greek words.
Let me get you to jot these down The word itself for patient is macro through Mayo and the first word is macro
Which means long Like length long or something that lasts a long time through Mayo Literally means to be passionate and it comes from the
Greek word thumos Which means passionate has to do with breathing and So it you put it all together macro through Mayo means long spirited long spirited
Be long passionate in other words in the even in the midst of times when things get hard when there's a lot of Persecution where the world hates you it will even use its money and its power against you
To cause you harm Stay passionate about the Lord's work Stay passionate about the
Lord himself In the light of all this in this word patient We lose a lot of that beautiful color that the
Greek has to be long Spirited to be long passionate through all of it and it says unto the coming of the
Lord This word coming is a beautiful word in the Greek language It's parous aya parous aya
Spell pa r o u s i a actually see I said in Texan didn't
I parous aya? And It's the same it literally means to be brought alongside or to be near and it is the word that has to do in the scriptures with the
Advent of the Lord Jesus Christ the first coming in the second coming his advent that comes in the
Greek language from this word parous aya and And It means his he is near he is actually here
God with us his name shall be Emmanuel God with us And that's the parous aya.
And so it says you need to be long spirited and Compassionate and passionate.
I mean about the work of the Lord until he is along beside us at the second coming
All right in our case at the rapture And so there's a lot in these words that really
Beautiful things now. Let's look a moment here at this interesting phrase where it says
Until he received the early and the latter rain talking about the farmer He's very patient as he plants the seed from that point.
There's not a whole lot. He can do is there It's kind of he's not in control Don't you think that's one reason our country was stronger?
Back at the end of the 1800s early 1900s people had to have had more patience because the predominant 90 % of the people probably were farmers or at least of the family -owned businesses were farms and They knew very well that they were not in control of everything
And I guess no one knows that better than a farmer or a rancher here been in the cattle business.
I have Notice this past tense. I Have been and shall not be in the future in the cattle business
Because you ain't in control there are those who control the markets and you're not the person and you go out and invest in all the
Cattle and all the feed and everything and you don't know what the price will be when they're fat and ready to go
You may have to keep them a while You may not have enough grass to keep them or water or whatever You're totally out of control and it creates an enormous amount of patience.
That's why I ain't doing it anymore. I got enough Goodness Patience he's teaching now.
What about this early ladder rain turn up find that book of Joel for a moment There's probably
This is very important passage in our day because it really Clarifies a lot of this problem of the charismatic movement that we see
And answers a lot of our questions about the sign gifts whether they were still
Operative during the church age whether they will be at some point in the church age Is it all counterfeit is it all fake is some of it real what's going on, you know
People claiming they can see visions again nowadays people are claiming They can heal people with the touch of the hand again nowadays
People are claiming they can speak languages. They never studied and really it sounds like gibberish to us But they claim it's some dialect out of Africa.
It's a real language, you know It probably is they're saying and they don't know if it is or not. What about all these things?
Well, it's interesting when you go into the account of Pentecost when
Speaking in languages occurred in the New Testament now it had already occurred and been prophesied in the
Old Testament But it occurred and I think it was Peter that quoted a portion of Joel And he says this is that which you have read your sons your daughter shall prophesy etc.
Etc. Remember that It's interesting that he did not quote the entire passage in Joel and The reason he didn't is because the entire passage did not apply to the first advent
Only part of it applied to the first advent or the first coming of Christ But the other part of Joel jumped all the way through the church age to the end of the church age and landed at the second
Coming and it refers to that But if you go back and you read the part that was quoted in the book of Acts Here's what you find
Joel chapter 2 verse 23. We'll just read some of it here it says be glad then you children of Zion and Rejoice in the
Lord your God For he hath given you now notice this the former rain
Moderately and he will cause to come down for you the latter rain or the rain the former rain and the latter rain
Of the first month. So there we're talking about the same former and latter rain that's discussed in James chapter 5 and verse 7
It was a well -known thing in the Middle East still is because you have two rainy seasons and the farmers depend on that and it's used here prophetically to talk about the first and second coming of the
Lord Jesus Christ and So he says and it shall come to pass afterward that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh
And your sons and your daughters shall prophesy your old men shall dream dreams and your young men shall see
Visions and also upon the servants and upon the handmaids in those days. Well, I pour out my spirit and Peter I believe it was who quoted this and said this is what you're seeing
These men speaking in foreign language. They're not drunk They were claiming they were drunk.
They said no that no, this is prophecy being fulfilled and but notice what that he did not quote verse 30 and following and I will show wonders in the heavens and in the earth blood and fire and pillars of smoke the
Sun shall be turned into darkness and the moon into blood before the great and the terrible day of the
Lord come and It shall come to pass that whosoever shall call on the name of the
Lord shall be delivered That's the Old Testament word for saved in that beautiful See our modern theology you get to say dear
Jesus come my heart and save me. Amen, and you go live like you were But in the Old Testament when you got saved you got delivered
Amen, and you know what today when you really get saved you get delivered and So he says same, you know, this is quoted in Romans chapter 10 verse 13.
We studied that This morning whosoever shall call upon the name of the
Lord shall be saved is a direct quote from this verse It's just that the Hebrew word is translated better and it delivered
That's what salvation is all about for in Mount Zion and in Jerusalem Shall be deliverance as the
Lord hath said You know, don't read over things always remember the little words and phrases so significant
Why is it that people gonna be delivered because the Lord said so? So here we here we see
God is the God of salvation and in the remnant whom the Lord shall call well
Now notice a former and latter rain Former rain now actually it's backwards, but I don't want to confuse you
But really the the latter rain is in the spring over there and the former rains in the fall
But forget that because that'll confuse us Texans So let's just play like the former rain means the first coming is really the other way around But we're gonna do it that way in English.
So it makes sense. The former rain represent the first coming the second season at the opposite end of the season the rain coming down represents the second coming of the
Lord Jesus to the earth and They did not quote verse 30 of Joel chapter 2 because that did not happen at the first Advent But it will happen during the tribulation period you go over and you read in the book of Revelation It talks about exactly the same thing.
It talks about dark that The moon being turned to blood it talks about the
Sun being turned to darkness It talks about the terrible things that happen. It calls it here the terrible day of the
Lord the horrible judgments of God to come down through the tribulation period when you see that Then you need to realize that your sons and daughters are going to once again prophesy
The old men are gonna dream dreams again They're young men are gonna see visions the servants and the handmaids in those days are gonna have the spirit poured out upon them
You're going to see speaking in tongues your languages literal languages that had not been studied
You're going to see the gift of prophecy revived again. You're going to see a word of knowledge revived again
You're gonna see everything that you had in the early church That passed away during the church age.
It will be back again Now if you go on to Joel chapter 3 Now you might ask well, why well,
I don't know that it matters if we know why but there is some insight into it because in first Corinthians 13
It says specifically that prophesying and knowledge and tongues will cease and it says when that which is perfect is
Come and that's in the neuter tense, which means it's the thing It's not a person a lot of them say it's Jesus coming back.
No, it's not if it were Jesus coming back Then why is the prophecy saying that it will start again?
How could it start again if it never stopped? Does that make sense to anybody? How could these things if you read
Joel it's saying at this particular point in time I'm going to pour out these things on these people as if it's a new thing
How could it be new if it had been ongoing throughout the entire church age? Are you with me on that so it you have it at the first Advent it ceases
But then it comes back again at the end right before the second coming In Joel chapter 3 verse 1 for behold in those days and in that time
When I shall bring again the captivity of Judah and Jerusalem now that has begun
The Jews are coming back to the tune of about a hundred thousand a year To Israel from all over the world
I will also gather all nations and will bring them down into the valley of Jehoshaphat and Will plead with them there for my people and for my heritage
Israel whom they have scattered among the nations and parted my land Assemble yourselves and come all ye heathen and gathering yourselves together round about Thither calls thy mighty ones to come down.
Oh Lord Let the heathen be wakened and come up to the valley of Jehoshaphat For there will
I sit to judge all the heathen round about put in the sickle for the harvest is ripe
Come get you down for the press is full the vats overflow for their wickedness is great multitudes multitudes in the valley of decision for the day of the
Lord is near in the valley of Decision the Sun and the moon shall be darkened and the stars shall withdraw their shining
The Lord also shall roar out of Zion and utter his voice from Jerusalem and the heavens and the earth shall shake
But the Lord will be the hope of his people and the strength of the children of Israel So shall ye know that I am the
Lord Your God dwelling in Zion My holy mountain then shall
Jerusalem be holy and there shall no strangers pass through her anymore. What is this?
What is this valley where all these Gentiles are going to be brought to God's gonna judge him.
What do you think that is? What valley do we call that now the valley of what?
my ghetto I've been there seen that man Napoleon stood up I stood somewhere
I guess where he's in the vicinity where Napoleon stood And he looked down into the valley of Megiddo and he said this is the most natural battlefield in the world
Napoleon said that there have been other great warriors that have stood there and said the same thing and God in his sovereignty is going to draw all of the armies of the
Gentile world into that valley put them right there And that's where they're going to be destroyed The Bible says that the blood will flow as high as the bridles on the horses in that huge valley
And I've seen that thing I don't know how many square miles that thing is but that's a lot of blood to fill it up that high for that many square miles and This is what this is talking about and clearly it says this is the latter rain
And this is when your sons and daughters will be prophesying and all this stuff's gonna be happened during this time now Have you seen this happen yet?
I haven't Haven't seen the moon dark of the moon turn red the
Sun darkened. I haven't seen the Battle of Armageddon yet There's a lot of this stuff I haven't seen and these are the things that will be happening around the times when this recurrence of these sign gifts occurs and that's why your pastor has concluded that they
Cease during the church age and we don't really have them yet I do believe as we approach the second coming.
I know we will have them Who's to say how far before it starts they these things might start happening
And as much as I hate to say it as a Baptist you might I don't know
I don't know that this can be proven, but you might see some legitimate signs before We go from here.
I don't know that But I'll tell you one thing you better try the spirits Because what
Satan has done is he has knowing see he can read this Bible And he knows all this stuff is about to take place
So what do you think he would do it put the counterfeit out there first? So that you so it's very difficult to discern the real thing from the counterfeit so Don't be so dogmatic that you say you couldn't have some of these in our lifetime because you might if if We're getting into that last of the last days.
It's going to revive God's gonna bring it I put my theology here and I'm gonna tell you this is my Opinion based on my study of the
Word of God, but it is an opinion and many good Bible students disagree with this
My opinion is the reason it revives is because the Antichrist Removes the
Word of God from the world. He burns Bibles like no one you've ever seen That's my opinion.
And when that which is perfect is come that's the canonization of the scriptures So you don't need a prophet.
You don't need a word of knowledge because you've got you've got the word All right, but when all these are is destroyed in the tribulation period
Or whenever that begins Where you don't have Bibles on every coffee table and they come in they literally take them away and begin to burn them and make
It against the law to have them I can see how the church hiding off in some little barn somewhere would need the gift of prophecy
For the new believers to hear the truth because they don't have a Bible So it makes sense to me that that there will be another outpouring
During that time I have a hard time figuring out why we need it right now when we got 15 Bibles in every house so my opinion is
What you're seeing today is counterfeit, but isn't it interesting how James throws in this idea of being patient?
You're in the end times. Remember there's the former and the latter rain just as sure as he came he's coming again
So be patient Continue to have zeal in your lives continue to have this thumos this heat for the
Lord in your life No matter how discouraging it gets now
Let me go down to this place in verse 8 be also patient. It also says to establish your hearts
This word hysteria. So Which means to set fast and you've seen the little word set
SET in the Bible a lot where it says God sets things And it's always God that does the setting but in this place we are
What should I say working together with the Lord because it says set your hearts and It means to place something and to turn it resolutely in a certain direction where it can't
Turn back again the word establish It comes from the same exact word to establish
Yourselves And your hearts in the last days now, why do you think the Lord tells us that?
Why do we need to make sure that our heart is set and established in a certain direction so that it can't turn and go?
this way The Bible says in the last days if it were possible that the very elect would be deceived
So if you're not established and set right towards this book and in it, you know set in this direction
Who knows you might could be turned Some of these counterfeit things might turn you
The Bible teaches very clearly in the last days that there'll be many false signs and wonders that will allure the flesh into these types of churches and congregations and so forth
And so he's encouraging us to say look there the Lord's coming back, but you need to set yourself in his direction until He comes and then we go down in verse
He does say the coming of the Lord draweth nigh So that's an encouragement for us and in verse 9 he goes back to a theme that we saw earlier in the chapter
I'm sorry in the previous chapter chapter 4 verses 11 and 12 Grudge not one against another brethren lest ye be condemned
Behold the judge standeth before the door. He goes back to this theme of not judging each other
And in this place, he adds another word don't grudge Against each other and this is from a root word
The word grudge is from a root word that means don't stand against your brother or don't murmur
The word murmur is implied. Don't take a stand against your brother and don't murmur against him.
It says Because it says lest you be condemned and it goes back to the scriptures, you know, like in Romans 14 10
But why does thou judge thy brother or why does thou set it not thy brother? For we shall all stand before the judgment seat of Christ And every time you see this in the true sense of what he means by don't judge
To help you figure out how when do you when are you supposed to discern? When are you not what he always says is this he says listen
All of my children are gonna stand before me and I am going to judge you. I am your judge. You're working for me
I'm your boss. You're working for me. Don't let somebody else play like they're your boss Because they're not so they have no right to judge you
So just remember that we're gonna stand before the Lord and that's what it says here at the end of verse 9 behold the judge
Standeth before the door what door he's at the threshold of coming again He's at the very threshold.
He's standing at the door fixing to step through it and set foot on this earth again And so don't be caught grudging one another don't be caught
Taking a stand and murmuring against one another listen, you know, we don't have a lot of that in this church
But every year we'll have a little bit of it and usually there's kind of a rooting that takes place and God just fixes it
And you stick if you just preach the word God will fix those things, but don't be involved in it
Don't pick sides Somebody comes you and says well, you know that there's guys over here doing this over here.
You don't believe that do you? So I'm not gonna tell you what I believe. I Believe you're my brother and so is he and we're in this thing together
Tell him that because in the carnal church the baby church the
Corinthian Church Paul said I have heard there are divisions among you and the word division in the Greek means party -making
You got one little group over here trying to bring people into their party the Republicans We're gonna be over here and we'll be against the
Democrats. You got another one making a party over We're the independents and he's over here. We're the we're the Democrats and Those guys over there are wrong.
You know, here's what they believe and they're wrong. These guys are certainly wrong we're the only right group and that's only baby carnal
Christians get involved in that and Jesus through James is telling us you're in the last days
You got enough people out there in the world trying to kill you these rich Lost people just talking about the power mongers the whole world system
They're trying to destroy everything you've got in your family and they're doing a pretty good job of it They're trying to destroy your church.
So don't bite each other Don't make teams be in it together
Jesus is coming back quickly and the judge will stand right before you and fix everything.
That's a real problem. So don't worry about it and It was interesting
Let me close with this because I had a thought in Sunday school That is a problem in Sunday school.
I get so many thoughts. I can't listen And then I get called on to answer a question that I didn't hear in there right brother
Alfred that happens to some others But in this little passage here where it talks about In Romans chapter 10 and verse 11 where it says whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed.
I Want to take you to Isaiah 28 16 Look that one up and then
I want you to look at Isaiah 49 23 I'm gonna read those two to you
Isaiah 28 16 says therefore thus saith the Lord God behold I lay in Zion for a foundation stone a tried stone a precious cornerstone a sure foundation
He that believeth shall not make haste Now that's interesting because in the Hebrew that very phrase is is quoted in Romans chapter 10 verse 11
Where it says he that believeth on him shall not be ashamed But in the Hebrew it says shall not make haste and he's sitting there thinking that does not even fit
But but if you turn over to chapter 49 verse 23, it reveals the
Bible will shed light on itself That's why one of the greatest principles that brother Roger taught on Interpreting the
Bible is let the Bible interpret the Bible Isaiah 49 23 if I can find it, it'll be very helpful.
All right And Kings shall be thy nursing fathers.
Now. This is taught. God is telling his children that eventually the Gentiles are not gonna rule over you Eventually, it's gonna be my kingdom and you're my children and they're not gonna rule over you forever.
So He's made this promise to them and the King shall be thy nursing fathers and their
Queens thy nursing mothers They shall bow down to thee with their face toward the earth and lick up the dust of thy feet
And thou shalt know that I am the Lord for they shall not be ashamed that wait for me now when you go over to the one in in 28 and verse 16 whosoever believeth shall not make haste it begins to make sense
Those who are not ashamed will wait They will wait
On God because they know that God will not make them ashamed. God will not let them down God is a just God and a just judge
Those who don't really believe in God or who are babes make haste
You see the connection Whosoever believe in the Lord shall not make haste if you if your faith is wavering you make haste to go take care of it yourself
That's why rocky said David if you defend yourself God will let you In other words, he won't defend you.
Now. Would you rather have yourself defending yourself or God defending yourself? See, so if you believe
You will not be ashamed. Therefore. You will not make haste Therefore you will wait upon the
Lord and his timing and that's what James is telling us here in this last verse He's saying look you're gonna have problems from outside Which is the evil rich world system we read about the first of chapter
You're gonna have trouble on the inside with other Christians grudging you Be grudging you and being against you and saying things about you behind your back the babes the carnal ones are gonna always always always do
That but he said don't do it back to him Don't participate in it
You will never be ashamed if you believe in the Lord because he will work it out and it says he's at the door
He's at the door he's just about to come back and fix everything So let him do it.
Don't get involved with it. Don't try to do it yourself. Don't make haste. Don't get in there and Benigal and make everything happen
God will work it out. He's the ultimate judge. He's the only one with all the facts he's the only one that loves every brother and sister equally and He can do it
And so be patient Set yourself in the word in the right direction and don't change your direction and don't begrudge one another that's the message