Nov. 19, 2017 PM Service The Holy Spirit and His Works by Pastor Josh Sheldon


Nov. 19, 2017 PM Service: The Holy Spirit and His Works John 16:4-15 Pastor Josh Sheldon


And in chapter 16 we'll look this morning or this afternoon
I should say verses 4 through 15 These are the words of the
Lord Jesus Says I did not say these things to you from the beginning because I was with you
But now I am going to him who sent me and none of you asks me. Where are you going? But because I've said these things to you sorrow has filled your heart
Nevertheless, I tell you the truth. It is to your advantage that I go away For if I do not go away the helper will not come to you but if I go
I will send him to you and When he comes he will convict the world concerning sin and righteousness and judgment
Concerning sin because they do not believe in me concerning righteousness because I go to the father and you will see me no longer
Concerning judgment because the ruler of this world is judged. I Still have many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them
Now when the Spirit of truth comes he will guide you into all truth for he will not speak on his own authority
But whatever he hears he will speak and he will declare to you the things that are to come He will glorify me for he will take what is mine and declare it to you.
All the father has is mine Therefore I said that he will take what is mine and declare it to you so quite simply
The Spirit of God continues the work begun by the Son of God The Holy Spirit comes and continues this work begun by the
Lord Jesus Christ in his incarnation If you think about the transition is
Seamless as the incarnate Son God in the flesh returns to his father and the
Holy Spirit's entrance comes the books of Luke and Acts we know share one single author
Which is Luke and some wonder why Luke wasn't made the fourth gospel So that acts would follow in sequence and the same author would have
Luke and then acts because he wrote them both You know as I studied for this message
I decided that I like having John's golf gospel where it is because where the book of Acts is
About the continuing work of Christ by his spirits work in the disciples in the Apostles It is this gospel is
John's gospel that most clearly anticipates that work of the
Holy Spirit The Holy Spirit very simply continues the work begun by Christ Jesus through his the
Spirit's unique ministry By which what does he do? He empowers our testimony of the gospel
The Holy Spirit is the one who makes powerful the words we speak about the gospel of the
Lord Jesus Christ Just before the passage I read and right after speaking of the world's hatred for God in verse 26
The Lord Jesus said when the helper comes whom I will send to you from the Father. He will bear witness about me and Almost immediately
Jesus adds and you also will bear witness So the
Spirit comes and bears witness, how does he bear witness he bears witness to our spirits And he empowers our speaking our testimony our words about the
Lord Jesus Christ in his gospel So in verses 4 through 15 what
I read from chapter 16 of John's gospel We have some of the details of the
Holy Spirit's work, and how he works fleshed out for us The first thing we see in verses 4 through 7 we see why the
Holy Spirit had to wait until Jesus had ascended back to his father Before we look at his words though at Jesus words though it must be stated that God in the flesh
That's Jesus and God the Spirit Who is the Holy Spirit the helper the
Spirit of truth all these names that Jesus gave to that person of the Trinity? They could not inhabit this physical world at the same time now there's several reasons for this and Primarily is that Jesus says so in verse 7
He says he will not come the Spirit will not come or be sent until Jesus returns
Jesus then sends him and Note carefully that he doesn't call him down Which is what he would do if he wanted to be there with him at the same time
Rather than that we have to notice that Jesus Goes back to the father and from there sends the
Spirit to us And that's enough reason right there for us to understand why they can't both be here
Because very simple terms Jesus says that Unless I send him he won't come and when
Jesus sends him he's there and not here And then the Spirit is here and not there But another reason has to do with the last words that Jesus spoke before he died
And that comes in this gospel just a few chapters from where we are now in chapter 16
First Jesus said it is finished He had done all that he was sent to do
All the Father's will for him of All of that not a single word not so much as a jot or a tittle fell to the ground, but all was accomplished
So Jesus like the Word of God in Isaiah 55 11 He did not return to the father except that all he had purposed was done
So it had Jesus remained here after having won our salvation after having said it is finished if he had stayed here
Then it would have seemed as if there's something more to do that his work wasn't finished. He was here still doing
Something but there wasn't anything left to do there isn't anything left to do
So Jesus returned because his mission here Having accomplished all the
Father's will Was done it was complete Jesus Jesus resurrection ascension is
God's final stamp of approval that the work of redemption was flawlessly finished
It's a perfect work that Jesus did a complete work a perfect work a work that actually in fact saves because Christ accomplished everything in regards to our sins before God and Answering those sins in his own suffering as God put the wrath deserved by us upon him
He left none of the wrath out and Jesus never left. None of the wrath paid for It is finished and so being finished
Having done all he returned to the one who sent him to do all So when
Jesus says it was to their advantage that he goes away one reason is that this means Salvation is final and secure
Which is of course a great advantage to them who first heard these words and to us today
It's a great advantage to our spirits to know that this work is complete so much So that Jesus returns to the father where he sits down sitting meaning he's finished his work at the father's right hand
So many people wrestle with salvation whether or not they're good enough to enter into God's presence in heaven
And we can understand very simply that you're not good enough to go to heaven I'm not good enough to go to heaven nobody as Jesus is and There he is.
He's there. He's not here He's there ready to welcome his blood -bought disciples into his father's company, which he couldn't do if he were still here
Second is the Holy Spirit's work in the world at large There's kind of a threefold
Chord of what he's going to do or what he did when he came in verse 8 he will convict or convince in some
Translations he will convict the world concerning sin righteousness and judgment these three
Then the Lord addresses in the next verses in order sin in verse 9 righteousness in verse 10 judgment in verse 11
There's a pattern in to these verses that helps us understand the spirits work here First is the word concerning It introduces what they're guilty of the world world is guilty for its sin is guilty concerning sin
Guilty for having established a righteousness of their own, so they're guilty concerning righteousness. They're guilty of judgment
Guilty concerning judgment because their spiritual blindness led them to create their own standards of judgment
By which they judged and crucified for example the Prince of Glory and then there's the word because It tells us why the
Spirit engages in this work so guilty of their sin because they do not believe guilty of their righteousness
Because Christ's ascension is God's final word about righteousness Guilty of judgment because what they had followed the one they had fought we should say who they followed is judged
So concerning sin because they do not believe in me You or I can do a lot in regards to sin.
I Don't mean our own sin. I mean in explaining it to others We can point it out we can prove that this or that is considered sin according to God's Word There's a lot we can do about sin
Go to our brother and tell him how he sinned against us We can do this and we should do this
But we are limited Because you know you and I cannot do of sin with sin
Especially in regards to others We cannot convict of sin
We might very well make people angry Enough so that they never want to be near a holier -than -thou fanatic again or so they may view us
We may be even be able to make someone feel guilty But we can't make them feel guilty in the biblical sense of the gospel and salvation
The best we can do is make them feel bad You see conviction convincing someone of their sin in The true sense of the word as Jesus means it.
That's the spirits realm Worldly ways are hard to abandon. No one is going to change the way of life unless it's proven wrong or even harmful
Say why should I stop living thus unless there's something better? but only the
Spirit Brings the kind of convincing the kind of conviction that can break down those kind of strongholds
So we can point out sin and we must God calls us to in ourselves in others within the church
We can talk to our neighbors if they ask us we can talk to them about sin And we can show them how this or that behavior is against God word and God's word calls us in but only the
Holy Spirit Can at the level of the soul the heart the spirit of a man convince someone
That they are actually a sinner He says concerning righteousness because I go to the
Father and you will no longer you'll see me no longer The world's view of righteousness is so diametrically opposed to God's Jesus speaks of his resurrection.
He will go to the Father only after he has made atonement for his people's sins and How will we know that this has been accomplished?
That's easy At least it's easy to state the resurrection
Jesus after having made satisfaction was laid in the tomb and on the third day
He rose and 40 days later. He returned to the father riding up to him on the clouds accompanied by angels
What is this? This is the divine confirmation that Jesus the righteous in fact satisfied all the father's demands for righteousness
Righteousness is required for anyone who would stand before God Righteousness is to be had only by faith in the
Lord Jesus Christ Most the argument of Romans chapter 4 Righteousness which
God in his grace imputes to those who have faith in his son the righteousness of God himself
Christ's righteousness imputed to those who believe And so it's the
Holy Spirit Who will convict convince the world concerning righteousness
Not us We can't do it because we cannot prove at that level of a man's spirit that God's righteousness is right we cannot prove or convince someone that by the resurrection god said
Righteousness has been accomplished We can tell people that and we must
But only the spirit only the holy spirit the spirit of truth the helper only he can convince men spirits
Verse 11 is concerning judgment because the ruler of this world is judged The prince of the air has held sway since the disaster of eden keeping men in his power by keeping them afraid of death
That's hebrews 2 15 So fearing death what do men do they flock to his banner?
Pardon me They seek his answer they look there for comfort And they find it don't they they say things like death is just a natural part of life and that's how they assuage their fear of death hebrews 2 15 speaks about Oh death death is just a part of living and we scream from the scripture.
We say no it isn't There's nothing natural about death. It is awful. It was never intended by god
Death is contextual says the ruler of this world It applies only to those who've been born fetuses don't count the world buys this and more
God's judgment says something different. It says i'm fearfully and wonderfully made it says before word was on my tongue
Behold, you knew it all together The scripture says god set me apart before I was born
All that the enemy has propagated stands judged He with his adherence is judged by the death burial and resurrection of the lord jesus christ
And then there's the spirit's work in us which is verses 12 to 15
The lord begins by telling the disciples that they cannot bear the rest of what he has to say
That doesn't mean that they or we will never know just that while he while jesus was there
The rest would have been unbearable The original says something like you haven't the power yet to bear them these words that i'm holding back on you
And what exactly these things are we're not told quite exactly But we can make an educated guess that he means the proceedings of the coming day
You see when jesus spoke to his disciples here his passion was only hours away They would see him beaten and spat upon and scourged to the bone
They would see him nailed to the cross and mocked And they would see him give his last breath and they would see him dead
He says you wouldn't be able to bear the rest of what I have to tell you You'd ask ourselves.
Why would this have been unbearable? And the answer to that question is because without the resurrection
Jesus's death was just another unjust death If there's no resurrection then all he bought was a better you your best life now or be all you can be
But these are no cause for joy or hope After the resurrection
For those whose hearts have been furrowed and sown and cultivated with this life -giving message of salvation
Then the resurrection brings together everything from genesis to revelation Because by the resurrection we know that our lord's death was accepted and therefore so shall we be
So jesus held back Telling them all the details Because until they see him risen
And alive and later ascended back to the father without that is just an ugly brutal unjust death of a good man
But with the resurrection Not only can we then bear what happened not only would the disciples be able to look upon the whole thing with God's eyes with joyful eyes
But then they'd be able to be empowered and Certain and confident in this gospel, which they actually saw with their own eyes the whole
Drama of it with the resurrection It all becomes quite bearable
The 11 disciples would know that he rose from the dead because they would see him die on the cross
Then they would see him on the shore and join him from breakfast. Then they would dance for joy Face down any trial stand up against the powers that be even with execution hanging over them after Not before but after the resurrection
The lord says when the spirit of truth comes he will guide you into all truth for he will not speak on his own authority
But whatever he hears he will speak and he will declare to you the things which are to come
Now note that he does not say that the holy spirit doesn't have authority Only that when he speaks
It is not on his own The spirit goes where he will and he brings new birth to whomever he will that's john chapter 3 verse 8
This is actually an affirmation of our trinitarian doctrine. God is one Eternally existent in three persons father son holy spirit
And each person of god has in and of himself all that it means to be god
All three father son and spirit they each have in their own person
The full attribute of holiness of power of righteousness of authority all the attributes of god
What jesus seems to say is that the authority of the holy spirit's word is the authority vested in the totality of god
So when he speaks he does not speak for god so much as he speaks as god
Not his own authority as though the father had one set of decrees The son had another set of decrees and the spirit had yet another set god is one
The spirit declares things to come just as jesus did chapter 15 verse 4
So he will not speak on his own authority as though he has a different authority from anyone else in the godhead he speaks as god
Christ goes on. He will glorify me for he will take what is mine and declare it to you
All that the father has is mine. Therefore. I said that he will take what is mine declare it to you Christ will be disgraced on the cross the next day.
He will be made to be sin who knew no sin And then the spirit will by the father's will and satisfaction with his son's accomplishment glorify him by raising him from the dead
He will declare this to god's people a message that we declare to an unconcerned world a generally unconcerned world
That christ our lord is risen today And every time we think this we have to think or say hallelujah because christ is risen.
He is risen indeed so the spirit continues jesus's work
He does this By working in and through us. He does this by empowering us to speak with conviction and power because only he can bring that kind of conviction
He does this by speaking the words of god to the people of god the way jesus the word of god in the flesh did
He continues What jesus did there's no new declaration only that it comes not just to those who saw and heard jesus 2 000 years ago but to all whom the spirit wills
Jesus then clothed in the like or jesus then I should say clothed in the likeness of sinful flesh could only be where he was
I am here with you and I can be nowhere else Even if technology transported my words my image somewhere else.
I am only here Just as you are And so also it was with the word made flesh while the word was flesh.
He could only be where he was But the spirit of god
Has no such limitation The spirit of god is not god incarnate. He's god the spirit Jesus only jesus only god the son became god in the flesh
But the spirit Is spirit He never has been he never will be flesh and bones
So he's free to go where he will and too many as he will without limit of place or number
So our lord has left us here We're surrounded by a world that not only does not acknowledge sin, but hates the very idea of sin
They have their own righteousness Judge things their own way and all that with the scriptures closed
They're probably not even in the environs where they make such judgments. Our lord has left us here in a world like that So what can we do in the face of such enmity?
Because just before this part of his discourse he said the world will hate you Remember if the world hates you it hated me first So we discussed last sunday
So what do we do? How do we change this topsy -turvy world? Where good is called evil and evil is called good light is called darkness and darkness is called light.
That's isaiah 5 What can we do? Can we do anything about it?
And the short answer is really well, we can't I don't believe we can and And this inability once the wound to our pride is healed should be a great comfort to us because the lord said
My grace is sufficient for you My power is made perfect in weakness and that power working in us by the spirit of god is a power that has changed countries and people and nations
If you're here believing in the lord jesus christ that same power changed your heart And there's no limitation to what the spirit of god can do
If you read the book of acts this continuing work of jesus by the apostles through the indwelling spirit and his power
We know that he's powerful We know that he's great. We know that he does bring conviction
We know he does convince of sin and righteousness of judgment because we sitting here today believe in him
And have been convicted And I imagine that you were no more or less stubborn than I was
It's the same god doing the same miracle by the same spirit in the broken hearts of sinful men
My grace is sufficient for my power is made perfect in weakness. Paul was told that in regards to his
Physical malady he had that thorn in his flesh It well applies to our spiritual maladies
In our weakness christ made perfect Or as the lord said deservable by the prophet not by might nor by power but by my spirit says the lord of hosts
Once convinced of sin and righteousness and judgment by the spirit of god the one whose soul has been penetrated
He cries out with the men in acts chapter 2 after peter's first sermon men and brethren. What shall
I do? Well, I can't cause anyone to make such a plea I can't make it happen
But the spirit of god he can and he does He made me cry out to god for an answer to my sin as he did you
And every other believer who ever fell before his cross And by the spirit's work if one should ask you or me that question, what shall
I do? We have the answer don't we? We have a spirit empowered answer.
We have an answer true to the scripture that carries on the work of jesus christ Which is what the spirit does in and through us
That's not just an answer. It's the answer is what peter said at pentecost repent and believe in the lord.
Jesus christ So we when we gather together We when we go out in the world and speak of jesus christ
We are a continuation of that work We are those who can know the truth and compare what happened on that awful day when jesus was
Tortured and crucified and god porters wrath upon him because we are those
Who are convinced of sin and righteousness and judgment and by that same spirit given faith to believe
That god has raised him from the dead We are those who when we speak as we speak for god in prayer and submission to his spirit
We speak with as it were the power of god at least we speak the powerful word of god
That the spirit then uses to convict and convince souls and bring them to christ just as he did you
Just as he did me And by the resurrection
Which of course we'll speak of and remember at the lord's table in a few moments by the resurrection
We know that all this is true And we know therefore that we can bear the horrible things that happened to jesus that terrible day when he paid for our sins because we could look upon it with joy and Thanksgiving because we know there
Our sins were answered. We know this because god raised him from the dead This is the work of the spirit to convince men of these glorious truths.