Joe Carter Tried to Put Me In My Place, Gospel Coalition Leader Exposed

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Joe Carter, yikes #NoDespair2020


All right, let's let's get started today. This is a video about Joe. I might be a CIA agent
Carter Seriously guys,
I don't have time for a video on this right now. This is Thursday night I'm gonna do a video on Joe Carter tomorrow morning
But this guy I'm starting to think that there's some truth behind the people that say he's a bot He's not a real person.
Has anyone actually ever seen Joe Carter in real life. That's the question I want to know. I mean this guy can't be this guy can't be serious.
I mean Look at it. So he went back and forth. He does this all the time. He went back and forth Ooh, he didn't delete them all so Tom Askell and him went back and forth.
Well, we'll go over these off. Don't worry I'm gonna save all this stuff He's talking about how
General Flynn is still guilty, even though clearly he isn't All that kind of stuff sounds awful.
I like a conspiracy theory, but hey, what do I know Joe? Anyway Yeah, this guy man.
He's he's something else. Let's go through all this stuff later. He deleted a ton of stuff here
Because that's what he always does. He deletes a lot of stuff. This is what Big Eva does this a lot They I'll give John Lehman credit
He didn't delete any of his tweets But Joe Carter deletes a lot of his tweets and he got embarrassed thoroughly embarrassed by Tom Askell thoroughly embarrassed
He was outmatched outwitted. No question about it Joe Carter is out of his depth in so much of this stuff, but he thinks he's the smartest guy in the room
Which is a very scary place to be and here's the then what he says here I've decided to delete all of my tweets related to this thread.
Feel free to claim victory accuse me of slander I was warned how disgusting they love that I was warned about you.
I should have listened to my better judgment We're gonna talk all about this. This is a bunch of tactics here
And let's just face it Joe Carter's a loser He's a loser. This is how losers talk.
I Mean, I don't mean like a loser like he lost the debate like I mean like an actual like in life a loser
Anyway, we'll talk more about this tomorrow. Take care Yeah, so let's get to it man
I've always known there's something fishy about Joe Carter Joe Carter, of course on his
Twitter page. It says that he's the executive pastor of McLean Bible Church in Arlington campus.
Yikes Pastor Joe Carter editor of the gospel coalition double yikes
And communication specialist at the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission, which means that a lot of you guys probably pay him
That's something that you should probably rectify right away. This guy is something else. I Honestly as a joke,
I said earlier that he might be a CIA asset, but maybe he is I don't know because that would make more sense than he actually
Acts and thinks this way for real like I don't want to live in a world where people actually think and act the way
Joe Carter does He's incorrigible, yeah his behavior online is it's listen
I appreciate good zings I appreciate a little a little spice, you know that kind of thing
But he means and jokes like a liberal. I mean, it's just like it. None of it makes any sense.
It's not He thinks it's really good, but it's really not good It's like it's like reading a liberal meme liberal memes are the worst
They're not funny that you don't even understand really what they're trying to do They're obviously trying to mimic conservative memes which tend to be hilarious and it just doesn't work
And so Joe Carter and by the way, Joe Carter is a perfect example. This guy is connected. He leads the gospel coalition
He's involved in the ERLC. He's a pastor for goodness sake a pastor and He proves that it's really never about tone
Evangelicals like to say all you're toxic. You have a mean tone. You say this you say that Joe Carter's a
Evidence to the contrary. It's not about tone. It's about your message Joe Carter is one of the most vicious people that I've ever seen online ever and I'm talking about village atheists
I'm I've seen all kinds of stuff and Joe Carter is one of the worst but he's connected.
He's initiated He's in the guild and so nobody calls him out. Why would they? He's in the guild, but you know, someone like me says something a little spicy, which you know, listen, it's my heritage
Anyway And all hell breaks loose. I say something spicy and well, I'm toxic. I'm toxic
That's the kind of thing that you hear but Joe Carter is living proof that that's actually not it No biggie, but doesn't have a problem with that kind of stuff.
It's about what you actually say. It's about your message It's about being on the right team. It's about being in the guild
So what I'm gonna do is I took a video Joe Carter and I had a little conversation We mix it up a little bit.
We matched wits I'm gonna provide some commentary on this conversation Now if you go to my Twitter, you won't be able to find this conversation because Joe Carter is
Notorious for deleting tweets and so you have one half of the conversation He deletes all his tweets and then at the end he'll put something like this.
So this is what I'll say I was warned about communicating with you. I should have listened to my first instinct.
You're toxic I should have known what this was gonna go like and all that kind of stuff And so you don't know what the conversation was like, you don't know what he was saying but then at the end he makes it seem like as if his behavior was as pure as the driven snow and You are an evil white supremacist.
I should have known that's his stick. That's his thing. That's his strategy What a loser. I mean that like like a loser
This guy's a loser and I don't mean like he lost the debate like that's up for somebody else to decide You know what?
I mean? Obviously, I think my opinions are correct you know, I wouldn't have them if I didn't think they were correct, but But I don't operate like a loser.
This guy's a lightweight. He's a lightweight before we get into I'm gonna say one more thing Actually, let's just get into it
I'm sure this will come up in the course of this conversation because this conversation is super helpful
I think so if you remember Joe Carter put that article about Conspiracy theories and how it's a sin to be a conspiracy theorist and you know many people teed off on that because there was no
Principles there at all. I mean, you know things that were called the conspiracy theory yesterday today have been revealed are completely true
And so, you know mainstream media reports on things being quote -unquote a conspiracy theory that are actually 100 % accurate
And so no, you shouldn't be church disciplined for for believing things that are accurate just because CNN didn't believe it
You know what? I mean? So I've been tweeting that joke Carter. Yeah, you know, I've been picking at him I've been trolling a little bit.
There's no question about it. And listen ain't nothing wrong with trolling. I saw another Big Eva minion
Lamenting that Trolls have gotten trollier in this whole coronavirus pandemic and it's just like like you're a troll.
How do you like that? You're a troll Nothing wrong with trolling so long as you have good intentions here,
I think and this is the thing I've been tweeting at Joe Carter of all these different conspiracy theories that are not actually wrong
They're actually true, but they used to be called conspiracy theories and I've been asking Hey Joe Was it a sin to believe this back when everyone was calling a conspiracy theory now that it's come out that it's true
And he hasn't responded, but he finally got him I got him to respond and here's how it went so Steven Crowder posted this fake poll that CNN did that claimed that 68 % of Americans said that Vaccine is needed before they things go back to normal.
Like we can't go back to normal until there's a vaccine created That's the one of the most insane positions I could ever imagine
CNN is saying that 68 % of Americans almost 7 out of 10 said that that's the case and Obviously, that was fake news.
They just made it up. It wasn't even like a mistake They just made that stuff up. The real number was less than 10 % which yeah, of course
There's less than 10 % of idiots out there. No question about it. Anyway, so I tweeted Joe Carter.
I said hey Joe Carter Was it a sin to disbelieve CNN when they made this number up of 68 % of Americans saying this or is it a sin?
Now to believe that only 10 % or is it ever a sin to believe CNN or to disbelieve
CNN? That kind of thing. I finally got him. I finally got him. He decided to respond.
He said When did I say it was a sin to disbelieve CNN? Are you intentionally trying to mislead people about what
I said, or do you have an issue with reading comprehension now? this is Spicy, it's not a very good joke, but it's interesting.
You know, I appreciate a little a little mockery here and there but this is something
Joe Carter likes to do then Joe Carter's in a very Unfortunate situation I feel for him.
I feel for the guy because This is the worst position to be in when you're engaging in any kind of intellectual discussion doesn't have to be public
It can even be just in your family. The worst situation to be in is to think that your intellect is up here but really it's like down here and You don't you can't you don't know that you're actually not as smart as you think you are
You're actually pretty stupid, but you think you're really smart That's the worst position to be in because you'll always make a fool of yourself when that's the case
It's it's it's it's really it's a tough spot to be in what you want is to have an accurate
Understanding of your own intellect like a guy like me. I don't think I'm the smartest guy in the room I'm not the stupidest guy in the room either
But you know, I think I have a fairly accurate, you know analysis of my own intellect I don't jump into situations that I don't know about I try to avoid that kind of thing because I don't want to put my
Foot in my mouth. I'm sure I have not done that perfectly every time that's for sure But what you want to do is have an accurate view.
It's actually it's actually it's better to have a lower view of your intellect Than it actually is than a higher view because if you have a lower view of your intellect
There's a lot less likely chance that you'll put your foot in your mouth and look like an idiot like Joe Carter does in this thread
But that's the situation that Joe Carter's in and so he often tries to remind you that he's better than you
That he's smarter than you that he's more moral than you. This is something he does regularly on Twitter and he does it in a variety of different ways.
This is one of them He tried to zing me and ask if I knew how to read Which is interesting because if you read my tweets,
I Didn't say he said it was a sin to believe disbelief CNN in fact I was just asking him if it was a sin to disbelieve
CNN so Someone might have a reading comprehension problem But it's not your boy
So I called that out I called that out and so Oh before I move on the way he framed his little question there too is like there's only two options either
I'm immoral trying to spread disinformation or I'm an idiot. I can't read very clever.
Very clever Joe Carter I don't think many people bought into it. But hey, you know you do you
I Responded I said I don't believe CNN's reporting on Epstein's death Like you like that other chap that you talked down to on Twitter the other day also, by the way
He deleted those tweets as well where he was insulting this guy on Twitter Anyway, so I said
I don't believe CNN's reporting on Epstein's death Would you like my pastor's number so he can start up the steps of church discipline
That was a good one because obviously he's not gonna do that he's not really that interested in people
People's morality or people sin. No. No, he's just grandstanding, obviously, obviously
So Joe goes hey, you didn't answer the question. When did I say it was sinful to disbelieve
CNN? For someone so focused on the misinformation of the media you seem to not care much about truth
Why should anyone trust you when you spread you yourself spread misinformation? Now if you notice here, there's an accusation here that I've spread
Misinformation because ready because I said that Joe Carter says it's a sin to disbelieve
CNN which if you remember the what the tweet actually said it didn't say that it just asked a question of Joe Carter, so I'm being accused of spreading misinformation
When it's actually in fact, he's the one who's spreading misinformation I never said that he said it was a sin to disbelieve
CNN In fact, I was asking him and the reason I was asking him was because of the conspiracy theory article that he wrote
I think everybody could see that very easily. So let's move on here.
I So it did not state anything about you. I simply asked you when it was okay to disbelieve
CNN perhaps you were referring to my video Would you timestamp please so I can respond now?
I didn't in the video either say I listen. I know what I said in the video So in the video,
I didn't say he said it was a sin to disbelieve CNN always I but I wanted to hear You know how he how he worked through this which is a con which how does he decide?
What's a conspiracy theory and what's not when CNN reports incorrectly? But what
I was asking here is and he didn't bite he didn't bite but what I was asking I wanted to know if he watched the video because I know a lot of these guys watch my content
I don't know for a fact that Joe Carter does and so I was wondering if he did and that's why I I said that it was a little bit of a sneaky question.
I was trying to gather some information But he didn't bite. I'll give Joe a little credit there.
He's he's somewhat intelligent. He didn't bite So here's how he responds he says your tweet implied that I said it was a sin to disbelieve
CNN I sort of expected you to dissemble when confronted because that's your pattern and no,
I didn't watch your video I have a sneaking suspicion That he did
But he said he didn't so i'll go ahead and accept that what I found so interesting about this tweet though Is that he used a word
That I don't understand At the time I did not know what dissemble meant which I found very spicy because when you get insulted
Using a word you don't understand It's actually kind of like a double insult because Joe Carter used that word
Intentionally Joe Carter is very much the kind of guy that uses big words to confuse his prey
I don't do that. I I I'm the kind of guy I want to be understood And so I use words that i'm pretty sure everyone will understand nope
Joe Carter on the other hand He'd rather use words that you have to look up Which is interesting because he's already insulted my intelligence once in this tweet and then he uses a word that I don't understand which is
Extra good. I will give him credit. That was a good zing because I had to look I had to look this one up on dictionary .com
dissemble if you don't know what that word means is To try to hide your intentions So what he's saying here is that I did say even though I definitively
According to any rules of grammar did not say That he believes it's a sin to always disbelieve cnn.
He's saying I actually did and in fact, I hid my intentions I dissembled when confronted
What's interesting about this as well is that he likes to make it seem like he doesn't Follow me.
I didn't watch your video ad But he definitively does follow me because He said that dissembling is my pattern
How would you know my pattern if you didn't watch joe? Maybe you don't watch maybe you've hired someone to watch me
But anyway, I just found that interesting. He knows what my pattern is dissembling is clearly not my pattern
But that's what joe says. So there you go All right So then
I responded to uh to that here I said here's the thing joe I answered your question Would you answer mine about cnn's reporting on epstein's death?
So I I I answered his question He wanted to say when did I say he wanted me to answer when did
I say that? It was a sin to disbelieve cnn. I said I didn't say that that's the answer to his question and I just wanted
Him to answer. Is it a sin to disbelieve the cnn report that jeffrey epstein committed suicide in jail?
All right, so this is where we get into the This is where we get into the uh, he starts to avoid answering this question.
It's it's it's really painful It's like it's like pulling teeth really and so we're gonna see joe dance around this for quite a few tweets
And it's gonna be very annoying, but we just gotta go through it because this is the kind of man That joe carter is so I asked him
I asked him to answer the question about epstein's death and so he says What is it that you want me to answer do you have some knowledge about epstein's death that the rest of us do not have
What is the point that you're trying to make? So he's trying to cut to the chase here, but i'm not ready to cut to the chase yet So i'm gonna just ask him again the question.
I said the question joe is this Am I in sin? I don't believe cnn's reports on the epstein's death.
I think it's preposterous Am I in sin? This is a yes or no question.
I say i'm saying I don't believe the report. That's all i'm saying by the way I don't believe the report Am I in sin?
This is where the dancing begins He says you're in sin if you publicly claim or imply without evidence that the jailers had a role in murdering epstein.
Have you done that? So if you notice he's hasn't answered my question yet, but he's asked me another question and i'm a generous guy
It's all answered I said this. No, I haven't done that joe But please answer the question.
I don't believe the reporting that epstein committed suicide in his cell. Am I in sin for that? That's been called a conspiracy theory by some which is why i'm interested in your opinion.
So i'm helping him out here I'm i'm telling i'm giving him my angle The reason i'm asking you joe is because some people say that if you don't believe the cnn report on epstein that that's a conspiracy theory
What do you say? This is where joe tries to When you're talking to joe carter, you have to realize that everything that he's doing
Pretty much is attempting to trap you right because i've already said All i'm asking is if I don't believe the cnn story period i'm not saying anything else
If I don't believe the cnn story am I in sin? That's the question. I want answered. That's an important question.
I'll tell you why later and he's saying Have you have you implied that someone you know was participating in the death
Because that would be a sin and I said no i'm not i'm not implying that i'm just saying I don't believe the cnn report
He's trying to trap me here he's trying to get me To promote a conspiracy theory.
He's trying to get me to say something like hillary did it or He's trying to get me to say something like the jailers killed him in his cell something like that Um, but I recognized it right away because the reality is joe carter thinks his intellect is up here
It's really not you know what? I mean? It's really not he thinks this is a sneaky attack, but it's not a sneaky attack
So he he asked me he's baiting me here into a conspiracy theory He says how did he die?
You are saying that you don't believe he committed suicide which implies that either the jailer the jailers killed or had a part in his death
What is the evidence for your review? Do you see what he's doing here? He's giving he's assigning a belief to me and saying what is the evidence for this belief if you've noticed
At no point in this conversation no point in my entire life Have I said the jailers killed him or had a part in his death?
At no point have I said that but he's assigning that to me He's assigning that belief to me.
That is the very definition of slander He's slander. He's he's he's saying that I I said a lie that I did not say
And then he's insisting that I provide evidence for a view I do not hold this is sneaky well
He thinks it's sneaky. It's not everyone can see what he's doing here, I think but I think it's worth calling out
I think it's worth calling out the kind of bad actor that joe carter is this is Who he is?
Sorry, I think my son was doing something dangerous up there my wife. My wife sounded scared anyway Um, but this is who he is
You see that he's assigning a belief to me insisting evidence for that belief and I don't hold the belief
So let's continue see what he has to say next I said joe Oh, i'm, sorry.
Let me uh Say that way you can see. Okay I said it's not my story joe I don't know what happened.
I don't know and I don't have to provide a theory What I do know is the story offered by cnn and the rest of the guild is preposterous
And when an untrustworthy person says a preposterous thing, I don't believe it am
I in sin? because this is the point like like it's not that I just Decided up and decided one day that I don't trust cnn and i'm just not going to trust cnn because I just don't want to No, no, no, it's it's because there's a pattern of fake news.
There's a pattern of lying and it's not just mistakes It's like intentional lies a pattern that cnn and msnbc and washington post and all these, you know mainstream legacy media guild members
There's a pattern of lying about all kinds of stuff including Jeffrey epstein.
There's a pattern of lying about jeffrey epstein And so I don't believe someone when they lie a lot and then they tell me something that's outlandish
I don't believe it. That's it. I don't have to have a theory So this is the thing guys and I want you to believe this because I feel like I have a lot of people in my audience that are interested in um in in Things that have been labeled conspiracy theories, right?
And i'm being careful to call it that because some of them aren't conspiracy theories But some they're labeled conspiracy theories and what you don't want to do is
You don't want to say things that you don't know are true So for example, like I it's not a conspiracy theory to deny cnn's reporting on epstein
But it is a conspiracy theory to say and you know I know for a fact bill clinton was the one who did it because you don't really know that for a fact
You know that you know, you don't trust cnn That's something that you can know but you don't but the theory is that's what that's when you get into trouble, right?
You can you can look into people. Of course you can say well, yeah, I mean hillary definitely had uh reasons to want jeffrey epstein dead
But that's all you got, you know I mean, you don't have much more than that. So you want to be careful with that kind of thing
It's not my story. That's that's what I always say. It's like I don't I don't know what happened But but I know that didn't happen
That that's that's crazy what you just said to me And that's something that is healthy and I think is right
And joe doesn't want you even doing that. That's the thing and that's why he's trying to bait me here Into a conspiracy theory so he can call me a sinner joe wants to call me a sinner
He is so much smarter than me and so much more moral than me and so he
Assigns a position to me Insists that I have evidence so that he called he can call me a sinner a position.
I do not hold let's Continue because he doesn't stop trying to do this. This is really kind of sad
So actually, let me jump back for a second because uh, there was a couple threads going on. I hate twitter sometimes
It's hard to organize Um, but anyway right after he told me he didn't watch my video and that I was implying something that I didn't say
I said hey joe that sort of smacks as a conspiracy theory joe. Do you have evidence? That I said something.
I clearly didn't say how do you know my pattern of dissembling? And so, um, you know i'm basically calling him out for his own nonsense
He likes to say well You're slandering if you don't have evidence of something that you say And clearly he doesn't have any evidence that I said something
I didn't say That's how it works when I don't say something And this is where he gets his moral robes on This is what he often does this kind of thing when he's interacting with someone and losing the conversation
This is what he says Forget it. It's silly of me to assume that just because somebody calls themselves a christian that they will be willing to correct their
Dishonesty when confronted I knew better than to engage with you. I should have avoided getting sucked in So Sanctimonious he did the same thing with tom askew yesterday.
I should have known better than to engage with such a commoner like you This guy's a joke
This guy's a joke and then you know, of course He questions my christianity as well, which is pretty typical from people at this level these lightweights
There's when when a lightweight doesn't have much to offer in terms of rationality logic reason arguments
Nothing like that. What they do is they attack your character That's that's how it works when when when you don't have anything really to say rationally they attack your character here
He's questioning my uh, my status as a christian because I refuse to admit I said something
That I clearly didn't say I mean everyone saw the tweet. I didn't delete the tweet because I don't have to delete the tweet
I said it doesn't say what it's what he said. It said anyway, let's continue. So so so after I said hey joe
It's not my story. I don't have to have a theory because I knew exactly what he was trying to do He's trying to bait me into spinning a yarn
About how epstein died. I said no, I don't I don't believe the cnn report.
That's all i'm saying I don't believe that I think it's preposterous. I think cnn is untrustworthy I'm, not saying anything about what happened.
I'm just saying I don't believe that story And here's what he does. He he's still trying to trap me.
He doesn't get it He doesn't get it that he's not dealing with a lightweight here and so he tries again to bait me this is gross man
This is gross He's baiting me into a sin here just so that he can put his robes on again and call me a sinner
This is so gross He continues he says are you in any way? Implying the guards were involved you say you don't think he committed suicide
So it would seem you are claiming the guards were involved Unless ninjas snuck in somehow,
I think the problem is you don't even understand what you're saying This is the this is the pattern joe thinks he knows my pattern well,
I definitely know his pattern insults questioning your intelligence and Baiting you into sin joe is trying to bait me
Into sin so he can call me a sinner and put his mighty robes on it while doing so i'm not gonna fall for it
Obviously, he still thinks he's dealing with a lightweight because joe's got this problem where he he thinks He's the smartest guy in the room.
Don't be that guy Never be that guy where you think you're the smartest guy in the room You're sure to look like a fool if you do that.
It's much better to Underestimate your intelligence than to overestimate your intelligence in any way you see here.
He he says i'm so stupid I'm, so stupid. I don't I don't even know what i'm saying He's trying to he's trying to I mean, this is kind of like gaslighting a little bit.
I don't even know what I believe Is what he's trying to tell me and he's trying to tell me what I believe I I believe the guards killed him or the guards had something to do with his death
And and so he's trying to get me again. He's baiting me into a conspiracy theory, but your boy's not gonna fall for that Come on, man.
This is not my first rodeo now. I did uh Not get every single tweet in this conversation.
I I I missed a couple that he has since deleted Which makes this kind of hard because now he can say
I slandered him if I misquote him But the thing is, uh, the internet doesn't forget joe and everyone knows what you're up to here
We went back and forth, uh a couple more tweets where again He's trying to bait me into some narrative that I don't believe and then finally
I said joe Let me just ask one more time. I said joe i've answered probably 10 of your questions
You've not answered one of my questions My question is for the last time If I don't believe cnn's reporting on epstein am
I in sin and his response was I can't tell if you're in sin because I you're you're because you're being incoherent and the reason
I was being incoherent according to joe carter is because I Would I refuse to put forward a theory that he could call me a sinner on I refuse to do it
I all I said was I just don't believe cnn's report on it And so he would he didn't even have the decency to say no based on what you said.
You're not in sin No, he said I can't tell about that Um Because you're incoherent
Again, because i'm super smart and you're just an old moron and so that's kind of where it ended
I said thanks for sort of answering joe. That's where that conversation ended and then and then there was another interaction uh, one of my followers said
The real purpose of carter's article isn't to start calling out sin and putting people on church discipline
But rather it's to make christians with sensitive consciences feel guilty if they're ever tempted to question the establishment narrative
Simply put it's gatekeeping And I and I agree with that. I think that is the purpose of this article
It's not really to have any principles that you can use anything meaty anything really biblical Really what it is is so people that they really don't want to sin
They won't even look into anything that has that stigma of conspiracy theory.
That's what he wants. He wants Official narratives only that's my that's my opinion on his article
I mean, it doesn't it doesn't seem to serve any other purpose in my opinion and joe carter.
He saw an opportunity Joe, super intelligent super moral joke put his robes on again, and he said how do you know my real purpose?
What are you basing that on? I'm sure you have solid evidence for your claim. If so, i'm interested in hearing what it is
Now joe Forgot for a moment That he wasn't dealing with the lightweight here. And so he thought he had him.
I finally get to call someone a sinner That's how perfect I found an opportunity. And so I responded because this was very interesting considering The very first tweet in this conversation if you remember he uh erroneously said that I called him
Uh, I said that he said it was a sin to believe cnn Which I definitely definitely did not say in fact, he was interpreting my tweet to say that even though it didn't say that and so I responded
I think he was expressing his opinion after reading the article joe. I don't think he was claiming any secret knowledge
Opinions are still okay, right? Kind of like you had an opinion about what my tweet implied earlier
Obviously you weren't claiming to have read my mind right joe So you see the thing with joe carter is?
The things he wants to apply to you He refuses to have applied to himself.
This is the definition of someone who is Inconsistent and really just an ideologue if if it's against the right person then it's fine
But if it's not against the right person if it's against the wrong person, he hates it and this has been demonstrated in another thread
He got he got into the mix with uh with tom askell as well about general flynn
And i'm not going to go through the whole tweet log. Uh, there's a lot of people that have been kind of Quoting the tweet log and stuff like that.
But but general flynn is the right target and so all kinds of Shenanigans all kinds of evil all kinds of lies are acceptable against general flynn.
Let me show you what he said about general Actually, I don't have those tweets but basically what he said about general flynn is that he was a foreign asset
That's a wild conspiracy theory. There's there's no evidence of him being a foreign asset and there's lots of evidence that he was entrapped
Entrapped by the fbi and that's why the case against him was dropped. But no no to joe if it's the right target
Then a wild conspiracy theory is okay But if it was I don't know an obama guy or something like that Well, then that would be he'd get a sanctimonious.
How could you be such a conspiracy theorist q anon? Oh my goodness.
You're a conspiracy theorist. You see this is who joe is This is who joe is and I don't know if this this video was helpful
Maybe this is a little bit of catharsis for myself here. Um, but but but this is who joe is
He's a guy who thinks he's a lot smarter than he actually is he tries to bait Christians into Sins, so he could call you a sinner
He then deletes the evidence of all this. This is the kind of guy that we're dealing with here
He doesn't want people to see what his activities were online. He's obviously ashamed of himself
But he doesn't apologize like it's like when when i'm ashamed of myself You know,
I try to muster enough, you know courage to apologize to the person that i've that i've wronged
You know sometimes i've done this before I mean There was a uh, you remember, uh, joel askew called me out for for saying something about uh, oh my goodness
I think it was the bd's daughter Or something like that Joel askew reached out to me.
He said dude. That was wrong. You shouldn't have said that And he was right He was totally right.
So I reached out to the bd's, uh, not the bd. Oh my goodness Vaddy bachem's not the bd's daughter vaddy bachem's daughter
I reached out to her She was super gracious. I apologize like that's what you got to do when you're ashamed of your words.
You've wronged somebody That's what you got to do Joe carter's not gonna do that Joe carter's not gonna do that.
He just deletes the evidence This is the kind of guy we're dealing with he thinks he's smarter than you.
He's not he thinks he's more moral than you He's not and then he deletes the evidence as if the internet's not gonna remember the internet remembers joe
This is not this is not Behavior that's becoming of a christian right like and the other thing is
Partiality all day long. I mean, yeah, you know conspiracy theories theories that I believe well that that's okay
But conspiracy theories that you believe well, you're just a sinner slander all this kind of stuff joe joe
You know, I know you think we're stupid We're not stupid You can't get away with calling tom askew a white nationalist
Well, you didn't say white nationalist, but that's the dog whistle that you were sending joe. Let's just be honest
That's the dog whistle. You can't call him something that he's not You can't call me stuff that i'm not
I mean you can if you want to it doesn't hurt my feelings But people see that man And you're the gospel coalition editor.
You're this communication specialist for the erlc. You're a pastor for goodness sake joe. Are you serious?
This is how you're behaving I'm, not worried about the tone. I don't care about your zings. I like a good insult
In fact, I gave you prompts for that insult using a word. I didn't understand You're insulting my intelligence while using a word.
I don't understand. That's a good one But the end of the day man, you can't lie about people You can't do that kind of stuff man.
And the thing that really bothers me It's not people that are online that are public, you know, tom askew can handle it man.
That guy's got it going on He could take a take a punch I could take a punch You know how many times i've been called names that's who cares
But what bothers me man is just the regular joe's man because you delete those tweets too. You insult a regular person
And you're just like well, you're a sinner I'm, so sorry you have terrible pastors who won't call you out for your sin of slander because you disbelieve cnn's reporting on epstein
Those are the people that I that I that I that I get angry about joe The regular people in the pews man that aren't used to taking punches like that They probably don't care what you have to say either joe just so you know but But man, if you find those little old ladies who maybe believe a uh, a conspiracy theory
That you don't approve of because it's really not about conspiracy theories. Joe. We we've we've established that it's about the conspiracy theories
That you don't approve of that's what it's about. It's about the q anons and the conservatives and anything conservative.
That's Joe this is stupid like you can't do this stuff joe
And it's so funny because the fact that you've deleted tweets you think that that helps you somehow man.
It doesn't It doesn't Because regular people joe six -packs when they see even if even if you won those debates joe
When they see that you've deleted all of your tweets and all they see is a one -sided conversation They can only imagine the insanity
That you that you were saying they can only imagine it doesn't serve you which is fine, so you keep doing it as far as i'm concerned because Ideologically, you're you're you're on the wrong side of this.
It's just that simple And guys if any of you guys know joe carter personally you gotta help this guy man this guy needs help
This is this is uh, this is a not Good, this is not a good look. This is not good evidence
Uh for someone, you know if they engage in this way, I mean look i'm not talking about tone here I'm talking about the content
So you guys need to help joe carter. This guy's this guy's out of control or Maybe he's just a cia asset
Got no evidence of it, but that would certainly make a lot more sense than he actually thinks this way this is this bad
Anyway, I hope you found this video helpful. God bless So so I was just working out and I just thought of another tactic that That joe used on tom rascal
When he said i'm gonna delete all my tweets so you can claim you won whatever you're a nationalist
What he's doing there that's such a loser tactic guys what he's doing there is that He's he's trying to make you feel like you didn't own him when you did own him
He's like well, you can just say you won i'll let you have that I won't let anyone see that you actually did win, but you can just say that try to undermine the intellectual ownage that just went on That's a pretty that's a loser tactic