What is the plan of salvation for kids? - For Kids - | GQKidz.org


Hey kids, do you know what the plan of salvation is for kids? In this video, we answer that question! For lots more, go to: GQkidz.org We hope you enjoy this fifth video in our new series made for kids! Adults will also enjoy these videos and may use them for at home teaching or Sunday school lessons.


So, have you ever wondered what the plan of salvation is for kids?
That's a great question. And the answer is one of the most important things we'll ever learn. The first step in accepting
Jesus as your savior is to understand that you need to be saved. Because like it says in Romans 3 .23,
we have all sinned. And Romans 6 .23 tells us that there is punishment for that sin, death.
Yikes. Yeah. But the good news is that God has a plan to save us.
First Corinthians 15 .1 -4 tells us that the plan of salvation is the good news about Jesus.
He died for our sins, was buried, and rose again the third day. So Jesus died to take the punishment for my sins?
That's right. That doesn't exactly sound fair for Jesus. Oh. The thing is,
Jesus is the only one who lived a perfect, sinless life. His sacrifice is the only thing that can take away our sins.
In other words, we can't save ourselves. That's right. But every person in the world has the option of accepting
God's plan of salvation through his son. By believing that Jesus died for us, was buried, and rose again on the third day, we can have salvation and live forever with God.
That's good news. It's great news. God has a plan of salvation for everyone, and it begins by knowing that we need a savior.
And that savior is God's son, Jesus. Oh, hey there.
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