Love MUST be Defined Biblically - A Particularly Disturbing Example

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The man in this video says that God loves everybody. Sounds pretty good, right? Well until you find out that he has raped 24 women and feels he wont get face punishment from God because God loves him. Brothers, we MUST define "love" biblically. Incidentally, this man should be executed if convicted of these crimes by the civil magistrate.


Well, if you want to see why we need to define the word love Biblically why we need to go to the
Bible no matter what people say You know, you'll see social justice warriors say love your neighbor as yourself.
You'll see Liberal politicians say love your neighbor as yourself. You'll see everybody say love your neighbor as yourself that's one of the world's favorite
Bible passages, but We have to be focused on defining love in a biblical way that with using biblical
Category using biblical law because love your neighbor as yourself is actually just a summary of the Old Testament law all those laws in Leviticus Deuteronomy numbers
Exodus all of that Describes what loving your neighbor as yourself is. Here's an example.
I was watching this this documentary about Rapists and and vigilante justice in South Africa watch what this guy said
This guy is being this the guy in the picture right now is not one of the rapists. He actually saved one of his
His friends from a vigilante mob from being killed because his friend is a rapist and then he's very disturbed to learn that he
Continues to rape even after he saved him from this vigilante justice. And so he asks him here. You're not afraid of mob justice
Let's listen to what he has to say here You're not afraid of mob justice. No, I don't care about that people banning you putting petrol on you
You don't care that kind of punishment. I pray my God I You pray to God and then tomorrow you wake up you hit the woman
Yeah, but God saves you from your own do you have but God is loves everyone As long as you pray of God, then
God will save you always I he prays to his God and God loves everyone.
What do you think? He means by that? You see this is why we have to define love
Biblically because when he says well God loves everyone therefore he will save me from the punishment of me raping 20 women
That's not what the Bible is talking about because the Bible says in order to love your neighbor when you catch a guy like this
Do process I'm not saying mob vigilante justice do process and once you've established that he's raped even one woman
He gets the death penalty and it's just that simple There is no reason that this man if he was caught for what he did should have lived
This one should have been executed and he will face his judgment I mean he God is not going to save him from his wrongdoing
Unless he repents from that sin and Christ pays for those sins. He that's the thing This guy doesn't have the real
Christ. This guy says as long as I pray to my God Yeah, he's got that right actually his God isn't a
God his God is false His God cannot save him from his wrongdoing and he will pay the ultimate penalty
Unless he repents and so that's you want to apply love your neighbor as yourself Catch this guy give him to a due process and then execute him
That's how you love your neighbor as yourself. And that is why we need to define the word love Biblically because if this guy can use the word love