Pastor Chandler: You Just Played Yourself – ERLC, TGC, #MLK50

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Pastor Chandler stands condemned by his own words in this section. His speech is chock full of partiality and I hope that one day he sees the irony of his use of Galatians 2. (Viewer request)


There's one more passage that this viewer asked me to respond to and this is from minute 27
And so I actually have not watched this. So I'm just gonna do it do this do this one live without any preparation
This is minute 27 and the viewer says it's Galatians chapter 2. So let's just jump right in I am saying nothing today out of white guilt.
I do not feel guilty for how I was born Or how could I serve anyone if I shook my fist at the heavens that determined to make me a gangly white man?
With a loud voice. I am
NOT a political man But I am a gospel man. I don't think you know.
Yeah, I don't think you know what that word means If you think you're not a political man
By the way, incidentally the gospel is a Uniquely political message. It's not a partisan message
But it is a political message saying that that that got Christ is the king of kings saying that the government
Lies on his shoulders. These are political statements This is there's no way around that.
I'm not I'm not criticizing Matt Chandler for being a political man He should be if you're a gospel man, you should be a political man because the gospel is a political statement
You shouldn't be partisan though. That's the that's the trick In Galatians 2 11 through 14 where we see
Peter who should have known better Drift back into his foolishness
The Apostle Paul confront him with these words But when
Cephas came to Antioch, I opposed him to his face because he stood condemned
For before certain men came from James. He was eating with the Gentiles but when they came he drew back and separated himself fearing the circumcision party and The rest of the
Jews acted hypocritically along with him this again I would point to what
Jackie taught us your people are watching white pastor white parent
But when I saw that their conduct was not in step with the truth of the gospel when
I saw that their conduct was not in step with the truth of the gospel when
I saw That their conduct the way they were behaving was out of step with the truth of the gospel to Paul This issue is not political
It is tied to the finished work of Jesus Christ and there's a behavior that is out of step
With that gospel of Jesus Christ and Paul a Jew among Jews Yeah, so I'm gonna stop it right there he's condemned by his own words
Pastor Matt Chandler you are condemned by your own words Because here's the thing in the instance that that he's bringing up with with Paul and Peter There's a very clear violation and there's evidence for it and it's not even denied it when when when he's confronted by Peter It doesn't seem like there's any
Denial there Peter admits it. It seems like Now there could have been some stuff that we that was not recorded in the scripture, but we just don't know and so There was evidence there there was two or more witnesses and so he confronted him to his face and looks like Peter repented
That's exactly what I'm saying to you pastor Chandler your little practice of affirmative action
That's out of step with the gospel. That's showing partiality in the same way that Peter was showing partiality
When you say white people do this white people do that white people do this and you just ignore blacks and Latinos That's also partiality.
Okay, that's out of step with the gospel When you say that black people who are agree with with certain things with white people are only of doing it because they don't really agree
They're only doing it to get position or a power or approval That's out of step with the gospel.
Okay, that's partiality. That's exactly what Peter was doing Repent of that. I Know that there are people out there that say that that this the gospel doesn't apply to this area and they're wrong
The gospel does apply to this area as I've just demonstrated you need to actually have evidence that something is happening if somebody is doing what
Peter was doing and Is showing partiality and and not eating with certain people when other people are watching
So if you have black friends, but then you don't eat with them when your white friends are watching Yeah, you need to be called out of that about that.
You need to be called to repentance. Nobody would argue with that. I don't think But you have to prove it
Income inequalities don't prove it unless you're a Marxist and I'm pretty sure you've made it very clear. You're not a
Marxist So why are you talking like one? Income inequalities don't prove it statistical disparities.
Don't prove it. You have to actually demonstrate it. You have to actually give us evidence That's the standard that's justice
And if you're not gonna go by that standard if you're gonna have us go by some kind of a storytelling standard Well, guess what?
That's also out of step with the gospel repent And so I don't have a problem with his his his speaking on Galatians here
The problem is he's just not applying it correctly. He's saying okay Well, yeah, there's there's an income inequality and therefore you're out of step with the gospel
No All it would take for me to agree with you there is to show me in the Bible where an income inequality is a sin
Show me in the Bible where income inequalities equal Partiality because I can show you in the
Bible where they definitely do not Even from Jesus's own words, and I'm gonna go with Jesus over what you say.
I hope you can see how how how this How your own words condemn you this this is this is just so it's just so funny
I don't even really know what to say. I'm laughing to myself because it's just It's just sad. Anyway, I hope this is helpful.