Response to Kofimagne (Youtuber) Subscribe to His Channel!

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Kofimagne was kind enough to engage with my video. There is some disagreement and some agreement towards the end but overall I take this as a sign of love and respect. Back at you, brother! Looking forward to a conversation! Original Video:


Well, all right, somebody took the time to respond to one of my videos with a video of his own and I Absolutely appreciate that and that interaction
I hope that this will lead to maybe some live interaction where we can talk ask questions
Hear the responses things like that. That would be awesome. And I'd be willing to do that on this guy Kofi Meng's Channel, but anyway,
I have not listened to this yet. I told him that I would and I figured why not do another live response So we'll see if this is good or if it's boring
I won't upload it if it's boring, but let's jump right in now this is the guy that on the
On jump on jump on the thread that kind of accused John MacArthur of kinism and being a Klansman This is the guy.
I think it was cough. I Forget what it was. But anyway, this is one of the guys that was part of that threat.
So here we go John MacArthur this week posted a interesting article about social justice and And Nate pickowitz here who's a who's an online friend of mine
He said look John MacArthur marched for civil rights in the 60s and now he's speaking about social justice and Phil Johnson corrected him
He said John MacArthur wasn't marching with the demonstrate He was preaching the gospel and practicing real brotherhood in contrast to the angry civil rights activism of those days
And he's advocating the same approach And so Phil Johnson in a very kind of summarized way said look he wasn't actually marching or fast -forward
Well, he starts talking cuz y 'all already saw my video here it is. All right, go for me
I hope I'm pronouncing that right if I'm wrong John MacArthur issued a
Entry into his blog series he calls social injustice and the gospel
So In that article, I like how he's got the MacArthur books down there.
This is a fan. I like it He's afraid that the social justice movement is very
It's one of the most dangerous or actually is the most dangerous Opponent of the gospel today, basically,
I'm paraphrasing that aspect that part But I would I would maybe maybe differ from John MacArthur in one slight way
I actually agree with him It is a very dangerous and possibly one of the most dangerous recent
Oppositions to the gospel But I don't say that people who are in the social justice movement are necessarily preaching a different gospel
Some of them are but not all of them. And so I would want to make a distinction there I wouldn't want to throw the baby out with the bathwater kind of thing
But I I do agree that this is very dangerous. It's very subtle and lots of people are buying into it a little further ahead or previously in that post he talks about how
He shares a story that he does often when I hear him talk about race how he was involved in in civil rights movement yeah, and I think so I saw a lot of people criticizing him for that and and I think what you got to understand is that the reason that he does that is
Because lots of people from the social justice perspective and not just Christians, but Christians as well
Basically want to say that white people are unqualified to talk about this thing in many ways And it's the same thing that I do when
I introduce myself as a Puerto Rican or a Latino I don't do that because I really consider that an important part of my identity.
I do it because you guys do You guys need the street cred I guess so a lot of people will make the mistake
In fact, somebody did it yesterday and they call me white They say I'm a white supremacist or they say I've got white privilege or whatever it is.
And I always say well Look, you guys are race and skin color is very important to you.
So let me tell you about my skin color It's not me. I don't care I'd never identify as a
POC in any other context except this one because y 'all care about it And I think that's what
John McArthur's doing as well it's like when somebody says I've got a black friend the only do that because they're constantly being called racist and so they want to just Meet that up front and say hey get yeah guys.
I'm not racist anyway, he usually talks about how He went around preaching with other black preachers in in the south one he names is
John Perkins and he References Charles Evers the late great. I appreciate your
Evers. I appreciate you getting that right He preaches with them not at them not to them like the thread that you commented on said so anyway
Brother and how he know he worked with him and how they traveled around preaching in the south to black segregated high schools
And then he goes on and talks about how he had a taste of how we are usually discriminated against, right?
in the story he tells he says that a Racist sheriff that comes right out of the heat of the heat of the night movie a
TV show I remember that my aunt and my mom used to watch all the time And how he arrested him and the other pastors he was with took his money and threw them in jail
Charged him with disturbing the peace and he talks about how He was nearby when dr.
King was killed At the Lorraine Motel in Memphis and how he was he stood there
Where his you know where he died or when you know where he was shot and he saw where? Where James Earl Ray pulled the trigger and you know, and it's like stuff like that So he go he expounds on all this stuff as if to give himself some sort of clout
Yeah, it is that because of that he wants to get some street cred because the social justice movement is obsessed with that kind of thing
They're obsessed with calling white people racist. So I don't blame them. I don't blame when white people say Oh, I've got a black friend or I've got a
Latino friend. I don't blame them I understand why they do it because they're sick and tired of being called bigots They're sick and tired of it.
And so they just want to get that up front. I'm not a bigot The same reason why I introduced myself as a
Latino because I know that social justice advocates are obsessed with skin color and ethnicity I don't care.
I like being Puerto Rican. It's great. I love the food. I love my family. I love the culture I love the music.
I love everything about being Puerto Rican. It's great But it's not a major part of my identity. I don't care.
I don't introduce myself as a Puerto Rican I don't obsess over Puerto Rican stuff. I just don't you know,
I'm a follower of Christ. That's my identity That's the only identity that I actually care about I'm credence some cred
That's right how he's in the trenches, right? And I agree He's an authority, you know,
I've been there. I was Locked arms with these he's man. We preach the gospel everywhere, you know in the south in the midst of the civil rights movement fine
Cool respect is their respect though because that thread that you were on called the
McInnis than a Klansman And it might have been a bad joke. I mean it wasn't very funny if it was a joke
I mean if it's a joke that is what it is, but it was a stupid joke I make jokes too, you know, but I hopefully hopefully mine are better but In the midst of this though, you have the the anti social social justice crowd who celebrated this
They were so excited that John MacArthur came saved the day So then this guy that works for John MacArthur his name is
Phil Johnson I believe has said something really stupid and We can be grown -ups and admit that what you said was stupid
Phil if you're watching this a guy named Nate or Nick like I said, I can't remember he had made a comment talking about how
John MacArthur marched in the 60s and in Phil and all of his Excitement caught up in the moment was like a portent distinction.
He didn't march He went around and practiced real brotherhood preaching the gospel in contrast to the angry civil rights
Demonstrations or whatever of the day Yeah, so this is interesting because I think probably
I would differ with Phil on this one as well I I don't think marching and protesting is necessarily on unrighteously anger angry angry rather There were
I mean you'd have to agree Kofi ming that some people had unrighteous anger in the civil rights rights movement
I think that that's very clear. You could pull the quotes You could do whatever we want to do, but not all of them and and and and honestly
There's a lot of righteous anger in that movement as well. There's nothing wrong with that And I don't think that Phil would disagree with that as well
I think he would have a distinction with me. Where's the appropriateness of of Marching and petitioning the government for things
I don't really know because I'm not sure what his whole opinion is the point is that was a very summarized statement So to draw all kinds of just ideas from that about his racism his bigotry this and that I think it's pretty silly but You know you do you
I guess What? Okay, and so you know naturally people got upset
Every time I've heard personally heard John MacArthur talk about race How he talks about the
Black Lives Matter movement how he talks about? This whole thing you know social justice.
He always leads with this story about how he Marched and did and I marched, but how he was preaching and with all these black pastors, okay?
He always leads with that and as he leads with that story We are under the assumption that he marched and he
Participated in the sit -ins and all he's up in the protests You know and he and how he was beat and things like that like that's the assumption that he gives and what
Phil does You know basically what Donald Trump did to his son He threw MacArthur in the bus talking about well.
No he didn't march. He just preached all right That's an interesting point actually Kofi man, I I don't
I'm not aware of how MacArthur tells this story I don't follow MacArthur very religiously you obviously do because you have the books and you have
I'm sure you've listened to him more than I have to be perfectly honest with you but The article that he wrote which is what was being criticized did not in any way give that impression to me
I didn't think that he Was saying he got beaten or hosed down or things like that or all the horrible things that would happen all
I thought was that He got arrested once which I mean, I'm pretty sure you're not disputing that so if Based on this article alone if somebody read this and got the impression that he was you know doing all this kind of stuff
But that's on them because he didn't say that But then again, I admit I have not listened to him tell the story so maybe he has
Misrepresented the story I don't know But you have to show examples of that because John MacArthur as far as I'm concerned still has the benefit of the doubt is for me and so Whereas I'm not a sycophant either.
I I disagree with John MacArthur on many things Had that not been said people would have gave him a car through the benefit of doubt that you know well, okay
This dude was he was with it Now he's like okay. Hold on. So you just went around and preach to people and Like that's it.
You didn't even get involved in the attitude. All you did was preach. I mean, what's that gonna accomplish?
Brother There is no comparison between preaching and Protesting and this is coming from a guy that is okay with protesting.
I think process protesting is just fine I think it can be effective and I think that many of the protests back then were righteous.
I think they were good But you cannot compare the two one is the power of God unto salvation.
The other is Just protesting Again I think it could be effective but to say all you did was preach brother.
That's all you need to do The protesting is it out is it out working of?
Conversion and things like that. It's not conversion itself. And I think you know that you seem like a smart guy
But if all you did was preach and pray That would be a heck of a lot. That would be a heck of a lot and it's what's commanded
Protesting is not commanded in the scripture. It's not disallowed, but it's not commanded Preaching is and so to put this coat.
All you did was preach brother That's a pretty ridiculous attitude. I think that if you take a step back and think about it
You'll see how ridiculous that attitude is Yes, like that's different. That's drastic.
It's different and it's much better. It's the game has changed. It's a different story It's it's a different narrative.
All right, we could be honest about that so And naturally people responded to that and and Lex was upset
Oh, we joke with Lex Lex was upset. That's for sure and it's just like how it just goes and then and here's the thing too was like What Lex was really responding to?
was how In a way it seems so dishonest the way
MacArthur had presented His so I guess he must be a kinest right?
I mean he misrepresented the story So he's obviously a Klansman in disguise That's some world -class logic right there glory his stance
Within the civil rights movement, but it also emboldened The white supremacist and emboldened people who are anti social justice today.
So going back to the tweet Lex says and if you could give me some examples of the white supremacist supremacist that it emboldened emboldened
I'd like to see those because I I don't believe you but it's possible that there there are some
Another problem I'm seeing is Phil clarifying shows J Mac was there John MacArthur was there to preach to the blacks not staying with them
John MacArthur literally had nothing to do with the civil rights and his crew wants to make sure we know it, right?
so this is in response to what say that preaching has nothing to do with the civil rights is a profoundly difficult
To Say that preaching had nothing to do with civil rights the preaching that John MacArthur was doing is just a profoundly theologically troublesome idea
That is very silly. So unless you unless you march unless you do The things that you say then you have nothing to do with it.
That's silly. That's very silly at that time When he got arrested with that black man for preaching the gospel and things like that with that black man
That had absolutely something to do with civil rights probably more than you've ever had to do with civil rights if I'm if I'm gonna make
Some assumptions here, but that's that's you know, again, this is a theological problem that he has here
He doesn't think that preaching is enough and I would say again Protesting is great.
I have no problem with it But preaching is way more important if there was no protesting and only preaching that would be fine
But if there was protesting and no preaching that would be unacceptable I feel I said when he said important correction here
John MacArthur wasn't marching with the demonstrators He was preaching the gospel and participating.
I'm sorry in practicing real brotherhood in contrast to the angry civil rights activism of those days
He's still advocating the same approach, right? Yeah, I think my video too actually doesn't really address that in extents in an extensive way
But I I would I did say in that video, but I'll say it again here I actually would disagree with that side of it.
There certainly were angry people in the in the civil rights movement I don't think anyone could disagree with that fairly
But not all of it was and I think I think Phil has clarified that but I'm not a hundred percent sure So anyway, that was not really part of my video on purpose, but I do disagree with with that idea
So then that was Lex response and then Berg says or maybe preach at And Lex says bingo and I say
I wonder if he preached to his fellow Ken And Lex says you forgot
Ennis, right? So let's talk about this. Yeah, let's Like I said earlier when
I talked about how it seemed sort of dishonest of MacArthur to to leave his his discussions on race with the story about how he preached and It leads people to assume that okay, so he was with these these brothers and so he must have protested he must have marched whatever but then
Phil says that no he didn't right and so Lex are responding to that and Then my response was
I wonder if he preached to his fellow Ken Which is a legit question because and this is why
I asked it wasn't because I was trying to make John MacArthur out to be a racist No, no, you weren't your bro.
Your boy Lex was So, so let's let's just get that thing straight Kofi man, I was not accusing you of doing that I think that the idea of saying
I wonder if he preached to his Ken is pretty ignorant I think it's obvious that he did he does it today and he probably did it back then
I have no evidence that he's changed over the years. So I think that that's ridiculous and it tries to draw a distinction between John MacArthur The man we all know and John MacArthur this, you know kind of prejudiced potentially person in your head
But then your boy Lex went the extra mile to call him a Klansman and a Kinnest That wasn't even what
I was saying. What were you saying my point? He goes out his way to talk about how he preached in segregated black high schools
I Have honestly never heard him say that I had preached to other neighborhoods or I had preached to racist white people
Interesting so what you're saying is because he's omitted the other stuff that he's done you're saying he probably
I wonder if he even did it Wow, what a prejudice Bro that is a colossal logical error
It doesn't make any sense and knowing what you know about the man today who preaches to thousands upon thousands of white people every day
I don't know why you wouldn't try to draw a distinction like that. I think that is pretty dishonest Who were enforcing these horrible conditions
To accept the gospel. I've never heard that he may have said it But I have never heard him say that whenever he talks about I guess he must be a
Kinnest So then my question was valid like did he that does he? Talk about that to them.
Did he talk about that to them? Maybe he should talk about that more It wasn't that I was saying it was a racist thing that these black
You know black people are savages and John McCarthy gotta come and save the day Yeah, but Kofi, man, you have to understand you didn't say
I will have to admit that and if I Probably did in my video over exaggerate that you didn't say he was racist.
You didn't say he was prejudiced But that's the implication that you were trying to make and people do this all the time
They'll say something without quite saying it and so that way they could always backtrack and it's a pretty effective strategy
But but let's just be honest. Let's just be honest about this for a second That's the insinuation you want people to get in their heads.
I wonder if he even preached to racist white people Did he agree with them and actually that don't you know how
I know that's the insinuation that you wanted because Lex actually took that Insinuation and ran with it.
And so I'm not the only one who knew what you were saying Lex also did your boy Lex also knew what you were saying.
So let's just be honest about that Yeah, I will have to admit you did not outright say it But you said it
Ads done is the very same thing that he had accused us of doing
He had a whole video talking about making it racist and he went out his way to call us
Racist or no slanderers, but he Was doing that and so he doesn't like it doesn't work though Kofi man.
It doesn't work because your boy Read your tweet the same way
I read it and he ran with it and called him a kinnestin a Klansman based on what you Said brother, so it doesn't work in reverse.
I I think you seem like you think you have a real good point here I don't think you do because Lex your boy who you're kind of defending here
Actually read you the exact way I read you and so, you know, he knew he knew what you were saying
It's just that simple. He knew what you were saying. You say he doesn't know me You never you know haven't had a conversation with me but yet he knew what
I was getting that I used to Love John MacArthur, I still
Interesting, but yeah, so no, I I did I don't know you and I don't know for a fact That's what you mean
But your boy Lex also thought you meant the same thing that I thought you meant and you didn't correct him
And so I I hope you're about to correct him here in the next what five minutes of this video You're about to correct what he said
Maybe distance yourself from that if you do I will retract what I said about you Love him as a person but I mean in the sense that in my earlier days in the faith early 20s
I Had Got on this bench where I wanted to read more
And so I will go to the Christian local Christian bookstore And I would read you know find a bunch of books and he was one of the people that was drawn to I have no
Idea why I just saw one of his books and I just read it and I loved What was in it, yeah, it's a gospel preacher man
He's good me a lot matter of fact like I you know, I got props here I love have a bunch of books that I bought of his over the years.
You have more books of his than I do Jesus The Jesus you can't ignore
Hard to believe I didn't even know he wrote so many books I think I have one book of his about about Charismatics and stuff like that according to the
Apostles an older one. Not the most recent fool's gold. I really like this Anxious for nothing
Tell of two sons and then also have 12 angry. No, that's why 12
Ordinary men and 12 extraordinary women. I have those two somewhere put up but needs to say that I Was a big
MacArthur fan. I Actually wanted to go to his college the master seminary in college in Santa Clarita, California I want to go there and you don't want to go there that that place is committed to white supremacy
Because I admired I wanted to buy his whole collection on preaching because I admired John MacArthur Things have changed though, like I don't agree 100 % with everything you said or what he taught
Neither by the way, you'd be crazy to agree 100 % with someone else. I agree You know, but he's
Jesus and he's always right but there's some things I'm a man that's I don't know but I also mean anyway, um
So yeah, like it was to that point But as I got an older and more immature more in my faith he wasn't the only person that I that I read like my favorite person
CS Lewis, but um It's just like certain certain views we had
I'm just like, you know, he taught me a lot but We just have to grow apart on this yeah, that's that's very mature of you
I agree with that because I had the same Idea with a lot of people as well, and I think that that's a good thing
I think God drives us to the scripture through disagreement and that's what I want to do I want to talk about the scriptures with you or anybody really
I want to talk about what the Bible says Let's sit down. Let's pull out of it what we can and see who's more consistent
That is what needs to happen and I you just actually messaged me on YouTube a second ago that you're willing to do it
Thank God for that. I'm looking forward to it. We'll set that up and I don't hate the man I don't think ill of him.
I just the certain stances that he takes Tours and like this race issue does bother me
And it created a chasm there Like I said, I don't I'll tell you mine with him.
I think the stance it takes on alcohol is a little weird I think that the stance that he takes on eschatology is a little bit weird.
So those are two of mine I can't really think of any others that I would disagree with him too much But yeah, I've got mine too.
It's all good Necessarily believe that he is racist Good, I believe he is out of touch
But Lex does though, right you'd have to admit that and you only have about three minutes left I hope you're about to rebuke what
Lex said about him because he read that your tweet exactly the same way I did I believe he Misunderstands and misses the mark on this and that happens where humans are infallible.
I'm sorry. We're fallible I agree with that. I will beans We're going to miss some things.
We're not going to be a hundred percent on the nose We're not gonna be a hundred percent right on everything So my appeal
This video is long enough, but here's my appeal I truly believe that at some point
The shouting the name -calling the cultural works is social justice warriors.
All that stuff is ridiculous Yeah, I can understand that and I I've had a lot of people pushing back on on both of those two terms
I'm gonna continue to use social justice warrior Cultural Marxist. I've actually never called somebody a cultural
Marxist. I've called ideas Influenced by cultural Marxism because I think they are and I think I demonstrate that But if you can catch me calling someone a cultural
Marxist and saying that they're, you know Self -consciously cultural Marxist or critical theorist and it's inappropriate call me out on it
I'm willing to retract those kinds of things, but I'm gonna continue using social justice warrior, even though I know it triggers Even though I know it's a little bit risky to do it.
I'm gonna continue to do it So sorry, I can't control my language at some point and has to someone has to be mature
Someone has to Truly exhibit now Kofi has not
Kofi ming has not used the term white supremacist But but here's the thing though This all rings very hollow you want to control my language don't call me a social justice warrior and meanwhile
We've got Eric Mason calling me angloid on the inside. We've got people calling half the country white supremacist
We've got your boy Lex calling John MacArthur a kinnest and a Klansman Yeah, somebody's gonna have to get mature here real quick And right now
I don't see the immaturity on my side or even your side, but I do see one side
Documenting things and the other side just making crazy accusations without any evidence. That's what I see
The love of Christ and say hey, you know what? Can we talk like adults? I've been asking
Constantly, let's talk like adults so far Only one person has been willing to do it and it looks like you're gonna be the second and I'm looking forward to it, brother
And come to a solution on this matter and And And we will go far
I agree brother I agree in one of his videos how that would be this thing what
I'm doing here interacting with your video I I don't want to do this too much because I think it's not as helpful as a back -and -forth
Interaction where we can both cross -examine each other talk to each other face -to -face man -to -man as brothers.
I'm looking forward to it, man One of the greatest indictments he had was when a
Former gang member had came to his church And he was he was excited But then he knows that the guys slowly stopped coming
And he saw the guy one time and he asked him why he stopped coming He said well because I felt more like I was in the family in my gang than I did at the church
Yeah, and that's the thing that's a that's a person who's not converted though, right I mean if somebody says hey,
I like my criminal organization more than the church. That's someone who doesn't love Christ I mean, it's just that simple.
Let's see what you have to say about it. So uninviting Well, we want to talk about preaching the gospel
Preach the gospel with this how you live amen to that brother. But the reality is if someone doesn't love the church
They don't love Christ. That's an unconverted person. They need the gospel. Absolutely And once we can get come together we can merge preach the gospel the other gospel
That's all we're saying this side here saying Live it. It's other guy other side over here saying preach it.
No, no, no, no. No, we're saying preach it and live it and that's the whole point we think that that this idea of You know, it's white supremacy white privilege these ideas that the churches are racist
We think that they're based on unbiblical presuppositions And so we're saying look we need to live that gospel
But we need to do it according to Scripture and that's what we want to talk about Scripture and I'm looking forward to talking about Scripture with you coffee main merge the two
Will be unstoppable Amen, that's what I'm talking about the simplicity.
That's what I'm talking about one side just wants to preach. Ah, okay That's over generalization, but that's the idea.
That's the thank you. I appreciate that nuance there I appreciate that because that's true. That's not only an ungeneralization, but it's in general not really true.
It's true Sometimes I'll give you that kind of what I get from them. It's always preaching Preaching live it do both
Anyway, I know you haven't watched my videos and that's totally cool You don't have to but I've said this constantly bro. I've said this constantly that I cannot stand the
Sunday school answer I'll just preach the gospel or Jesus is the answer. Well, yeah, obviously Jesus is the answer, but Jesus is the king he has
Righteousness and justice that we need to extract from his word and apply it to our everyday lives in every every area of life
It's very specific too It's not just overarching principles of love because we as fallible humans can't define love without the scripture
We have all kinds of ideas of what love means. That's not scriptural. And so Jesus Yes, Jesus is the answer preaching the gospel is the answer but the
Great Commission is about more than conversion It's about more than baptizing people. It's also about teaching them to obey everything that Christ commands and what is
Christ's command? Well Christ wrote the scriptures, bro. He wrote the law of God. He wrote all of this stuff including stuff about justice
And so yeah, I know you don't watch my videos. So yeah, I don't think you're talking about me. But Yeah, I'm right there with you, bro.
And that's why I constantly am asking people. Let's talk about this Let's talk about the Bible and no one's really taking me up on it except for you.
I'm looking forward to it That's it for this video Thanks for watching Sorry for being as long as it was
I usually don't make really long videos. But anyway, thanks for watching if you're new, please subscribe and God bless.
God bless you Kofi Mangan. Let me go ahead and give you a thumbs up here I have subscribed to your channel and I'm looking forward to watching the content.