Lesson # 4 / Part Two - The Person of Jesus Christ (Fundamentals of the Faith by John MacArthur)

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We're going to continue with lesson number four on the person of Jesus Christ.
The verse or the two memory verses were John 1, 1 and 14, in the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was
God. And the word became flesh and dwelt among us and we saw his glory, glory as the only begotten of the father, full of grace and truth.
I think this is a quotation from the NASB, I haven't memorized in the new King James. So whatever version you memorize it in is, is okay.
So we're going to continue. Last time we ended in section two, the man who is
God. Part one was the God who became man, but then part two, the man who is
God. And we looked at all of the attributes. So if you, who sees that where we left off?
Talks about how Jesus is sovereign, eternal, unchanging, all knowing, perfect or sinless, holy and truth.
So let's, let's move on. It says Christ, the next part says Christ demonstrated his power, that is omnipotence in his earthly ministry in the following ways.
So let's look up these verses who would like to look up Matthew eight, starting in verse 23, uh,
Linda, okay. You're going to look that up Luke four, verse 40, who's got
Luke four, Mark, uh, Luke four, 33 through 36.
Who would like to look that up? Uh, Tim. Okay. Luke four, 33 through 36.
And then John 11, 43 through 44. Who would like to look that fourth one up?
Dad. Okay. So again, Christ demonstrated his power, omnipotence.
That's what does omnipotence mean? It means all, all power or all powerful, uh,
God almighty in his earthly ministry. He demonstrated that in the following ways. So let's read
Matthew eight, 23 through 27. So the men marveled saying, who can this be that even the winds and the sea obey him?
Okay. So Jesus demonstrated that he is all powerful by rebuking the storm, calming the storm.
And you notice what they said, who is this? That even you can even control the weather.
Well, what's the answer? He's he is God almighty. John one, one in human flesh.
John one 14. Yes. Larry. Well, my, my thinking of that is because it says that then there came a call, like immediately the waves were calm.
Have you ever noticed that before a storm or after a storm, if you're near a lake, how the waves, it takes a long time for the waves to settle down before there's a calm, right?
He did it right then, right? Right. Yeah. The, the miracles of Christ were,
I think all but one, they were all immediate and without question.
This was an act of God. If I pray that tomorrow, I pray that tomorrow is a nice day, 50 about 58 degrees, but it could be a nice day and it might even be 58 degrees, but that's not proof that I caused it.
But if you can rebuke the wind and it immediately ceases, I mean, that's another story.
Or when somebody is healed, I pray that someone gets better or, you know, some of these people out there, they decree, this is the new thing you're starting to hear or people
I decree in the name of God that you will feel better. And then the person feels better the next day.
Well, that's not proof. They could have felt better the next day anyways, but if you can lay hands on someone or speak the word and they immediately, someone who's paralyzed can get up and walk.
I mean, that's a indisputable miracle. So that's what Christ could do. Totally unlike the mirror, the so -called miracles you see today.
So Christ demonstrated his power during his earthly ministry in that number one, he could calm the storm.
All right. Number two, Luke four, verse 40. When the sun was setting, all those who had any that were sick with various diseases brought them to him and he laid his hands on every one of them and healed them.
Okay. So Christ not only had power over the creation, power over the weather, he had power over all sickness and disease.
Was there ever a time where Jesus couldn't heal? Well, there was one time, right?
Because of the, he went to a place and because of their lack of faith, I think he chose not to.
But if Jesus wants to do something, he can do it. So he has all power and that's demonstrated in that.
He had power over sickness and disease. Okay. Luke four, 33 through 36.
I'll not throw those curve balls at you. I'll try not to do that. All right. Luke four, 33 through 36.
Tim. In the synagogue, there was a man which had a spirit of an unclean devil and cried out in a loud voice saying, let us alone.
What have we to do with thee, thou Jesus of Nazareth? Have thou come to destroy us?
I know thee who thou art, the holy one of God. And Jesus rebuked him saying, hold thy peace and come out of him.
And when the devil had thrown him in the midst, he came out of him and hurt him not. Okay.
So we're all amazed. One more. Yeah. Sorry. We're all amazed and spake among themselves saying, what a word is this for authority and power he commanded the unclean spirits to make him out.
And Jesus said, let us alone. All right. So we see that Jesus had power over the unclean spirits or he had power over the demons.
Today people, I personally believe that there are individuals in this world who are demonically oppressed and some that are demonically possessed.
And then there's others who are struggling with other issues today. We really can't even discern the difference oftentimes.
I think it's dangerous to try to discern, but Jesus not only could discern someone who was demon possessed, he was able to cast the demon out and they recognized him as the holy one of God.
So the demons personally knew Jesus because Jesus is their creator.
So they knew full well who he was. So Jesus had power over the weather.
He had power over sickness and disease. He had power over the demons. And now let's look at John 11, 43 through 44.
He had said these things, he cried with a lot of boys, Lazarus come forth and he had died, came out bound hand and foot with grave clothes and his face was wrapped with a cloth.
Jesus said to them, loose him and let him go. Okay, so in this passage, we see that Jesus had power even over death.
He could raise the dead. Now there were other men in scripture who raised the dead, weren't there?
In the old Testament, there were a few prophets who raised the dead. Elijah raised the dead. Elisha raised the dead.
In the new Testament, the apostle Paul raised a young man from the dead, but they were doing it by the power of God.
Jesus has in himself the power of God because he is God in human flesh.
And the thing that sets Jesus apart from them is that Jesus, yeah, he has that power in himself.
And when he died, he was able to raise himself from the grave.
So Jesus has power over death. In the book of Revelation chapter one, he says,
I'm the beginning and the end. I am the one who has the keys of death and Hades. So Jesus has power over life.
He has power over death because he is indeed, he is the almighty
God. Okay. Any final or any more questions on that before we move on from this section?
Yes. Well, I think it's Acts 17, 26 that says that we are all created from one blood and God has predetermined our times and the boundaries of our habitation.
So not over, not only when we will live, but where, you know, and yesterday
I was visiting Winnie and the scripture passage in the daily bread was
Genesis 45, which that's when Joseph showed himself to his brothers.
You remember when he was in Egypt and he is now second in command in Egypt and overseeing all the grain for the years of famine.
And he tells his brothers that God, God sent me here to provide for you, to, to save and to, you know, so people of the world didn't die.
And Winnie, she had no strength the other day to get herself up.
So she called the ambulance. While the ambulance came to get her, she said that they were have her on the stretcher and taking out, taking her out of her apartment and her neighbor came to see how she was doing.
He had a heart attack and collapsed on her living room floor while they were taking her up.
So did God have Winnie with no strength so the ambulance would be there so they would help him immediately?
You know, I mean, you don't know, but it's possible. Sure. That God had worked out, you know, so even though it was kind of a bad situation, but therefore his life was preserved and he's home now,
I guess. And Winnie was going to call him, but pray for Paul. He needs, he needs Jesus.
Yeah. And what a way to witness to him. Yeah. And I think one of the most powerful ways to witness is when a believer is faithful unto death.
That can happen in two ways. Maybe you've heard the expression that the blood of the martyrs is the seed of the church.
So when there's great persecution, that's when the church expands and grows.
Obviously, if somebody is faithful to the point of losing their life for their faith, that's a great witness to people and they're willing to do it.
Hopefully we are willing to do it because we know that Jesus has power over death.
So are we praying for expansion? Well, you all have to answer that question yourself, but I'm willing,
I'm willing to do that. I don't know that we want persecution, but yeah, that's something that's outside of our control.
Also though, when somebody is faithful unto death and that maybe they die of natural causes, they're in the hospital, they only have hours or days to live and people come in and, and they let them know they're at peace with it.
They're not afraid. I mean, that's a, that's a powerful testimony and you've seen the difference between a funeral for a believer in a funeral for an unbeliever, the funeral for the unbeliever.
There's, there's not really much to be happy about. But for a, when a
Christian dies and I guess it depends on what happened to them, but generally a funeral for a believer, everybody's got a smile.
They're happy, especially when it's someone who lived a long life. You know, there's reason for rejoicing because Jesus has power, all power over death.
The next question, what additional authority did
Jesus claim and exercise? Mark chapter two, verses three through 12.
We don't need to read all of this, but this is the account when Jesus told the paralytic, take up your bed and walk.
And what did he say to him that really caused the stir? He said, your sins are forgiven you.
You remember what the, the Pharisees said, I think it was the Pharisees.
Who does this man think he is? That he has power to forgive sin. Only God can forgive sin.
Now, is that true that only God can forgive sin? Yeah, we believe that is true. And yet Jesus forgave the man of his sin.
So what does that tell you? That either Jesus was doing something akin to blasphemy and he was a false prophet, which is what they believed and what they were accusing him of, or he had the authority to forgive sin.
And of course, that's what he said when he, which is that, which is harder to say. Your sins are forgiven you.
Anyone could say that. And you would never really know if that were true, true. But Jesus said, or is it harder to say, take up your bed and walk.
And then he healed the man right there on the spot. And that proved that the son of man has authority on earth to forgive sin.
So who can forgive you of your transgressions?
Only one person, God through Jesus Christ.
You can receive forgiveness from other individuals. And you never really know if they've truly forgiven you, right?
Have you, have you experienced this? They say they forgive you, but then they throw it in your face three months later.
And I guess we're all prone to do that. Or there's the expression, we'll all forgive, but I won't forget.
Well, God, it says God actually forgets. So Jesus Christ has authority on earth to forgive sins.
According to Mark chapter two, verse seven, who alone can forgive sins. God alone forgives sin.
So since Jesus had the authority to forgive sins and only God can forgive sins.
Therefore, who is Jesus Christ? He is God. What do you think the objection is?
Obviously not everyone believes that. Uh, what's the objection that Jesus is
God? Why, why is it that people can't accept that or refuse to accept that?
You have any ideas? He is just a man.
All right. Well, but if you believe the things written about him, um, then you would have to acknowledge he's more than just a man.
So if you say he's just a man, then you would have to reject the teachings of the new Testament.
You know, and I asked this because I think it ties into this issue of sin. This is the reason why people don't want to believe in the
Lord is because they love their sin too much. They don't want to be forgiven. They want to do it this afternoon and they want to do it tomorrow and they want to do it next week.
And that's the reason why people will not come to church or profess faith in God.
And get back. They love their sin too much. So that's, that's what it really comes down to.
But Jesus has the authority in the ability. He's not only able, he's willing.
All right. Moving on to the next section, titles of deity.
I'm trying not to preach. Okay, you guys, the Sunday school I'm supposed to be teaching.
I'm trying not to preach, but it's hard. So Matthew one 23,
I don't know how many titles. I think Jesus, there's over 300 different titles for him in the
Bible. Does that ring a bell? I'm pretty sure it's over 300, but what are some of the titles given to Jesus?
Titles of deity. Matthew one 23, which one is this? Emmanuel.
So we read this around Christmas time. Emmanuel being interpreted means what? God with us.
I would say that's pretty clear that Jesus is God with us because he came to earth.
Carolyn, did you have your head up? Okay. You want to answer the next one? Philippians two, 10 and 11.
Another title of deity is Lord. Okay. This is one that, you know, the, maybe the groups like Jehovah's witnesses and the ones that deny that Jesus is
God. I just, I just can't wrap my mind around it.
How they can say that because in the old Testament, who's the Lord? Well, he's the Lord, the
Lord God. There's no, nobody really argues with that. But in the new Testament, who's the
Lord? Jesus is the Lord. And that's repeated maybe more times than any other name or title for God.
Lord, the Lord, Jesus Christ, like it's in the name. He is the Lord.
You're you're saying he is God. He is the Lord of heaven and earth.
So yeah, one of the most obvious, but sometimes overlooked titles of deity, right?
John eight 58. This isn't one that people would pick up on if they hadn't been taught.
But another title of deity is what? I am.
So if you didn't go to church, if you weren't brought up in the church and you didn't know, nobody's ever taught you that you could read this.
Jesus says, I am the bread of life or I am there's seven. I was a seven or eight.
I am statements. Marcus eight, eight. Okay. But right.
You would read that and you wouldn't, you wouldn't think much of it. I am. Okay. He is.
But yeah, that's a title of deity. It comes from Exodus chapter three. Moses meets the
Lord in the burning bush. He asked him, what, what is your name? Who should, who shall
I say sent me? And God responds. I am who
I am. So I am is a title of deity. And of course, Jesus says in this section of John eight before Abraham was,
I am statement. Doesn't really make a whole lot of sense to the average person reading it.
It doesn't know what Jesus saying. I was before Abraham because I am,
I'm the self existent God who has always existed from eternity past to forever.
And, uh, that's what I am means the self existent God. All right.
It says, this is a quote from John MacArthur. He says it stands to reason.
I believe that the one who is first in rank in the universe, the one who is the point of reference for history, the one who is the agent, the goal, the forerunner, the sustainer, the governor in the sphere of creation, the one who is head of the church and the one who is the beginning, the source of the chief one, the one who is the ranking one of all those resurrected, the one who is the first fruits, if you will, of them that sleep, the one has the right to the title preeminent.
Wouldn't you say, okay, yes, yes, I would say that's true. So Jesus is preeminent.
What does that mean? He is first, right? Why is he first? Because he is
God. He is God in human flesh. I had something
I was going to say and I slipped my mind. It seemed important at the time. Stands to reason.
John MacArthur. What was it? All right. I'm going to, maybe it'll come back to me. It's going to get worse. Yeah. Yeah.
All right. Let's go. Let's move on. Statements of deity. Write out the key statements.
So Colossians chapter two, nine. What do you have written for Colossians chapter two, nine?
The fullness of the Godhead bodily complete in him, which is the head of all principality and power.
Okay. For in him, all the fullness of deity dwells in bodily form.
And then Hebrews one, one through three, who, who wants to share what they wrote for that?
Or I'll do it. He is the radiance of his glory. That is the radiance of God's glory in the exact representation of his nature.
And then John one, one in verse 14, Jesus Christ. The word is
God, right? The word became flesh and dwelt among us.
Titus two, 13. He is called what blessed.
Yeah. And it continues our, our great God and savior,
Jesus Christ. Another one that comes to mind is from John chapter 20, where Thomas sees the risen
Lord and Jesus, you know, put your, put your fingers in the nail prints. What does
Thomas say? My Lord and my God. So this is the universal testimony of the early disciples that Jesus was in fact.
God. Okay. Let's move on to the next section. Number three, the
Christ who is savior. According to John three 17,
Jesus is the savior of the world list. The following titles that describe
God's saving grace. Okay. John one 29. What's that title?
All right. So this reflects his, his nature or his work as savior.
He is the lamb of God. John six 35. He is the bread of life.
John 14 verse six. He is the way, the truth and the life.
All right. Let's just spend a moment on these. Jesus is the lamb of God. Why is he called the lamb of God?
Again, if you're not brought up in church, if you're not taught this, this seems like an odd title, the lamb of God.
See, this is yeah. Carol. Yup. Right.
So this is why knowing the old Testament and teaching the old Testament is important because without the context of the old
Testament scriptures, lamb of God doesn't make any sense. It's weird if you don't know the context of the old
Testament, that the Passover lamb was offered as a sacrifice. Every Jew would have understood that they understood the sacrificial system.
So when you, when you get that, it's all pointing to Jesus. Jesus is the lamb, the lamb slain from the foundation of the world, right?
John six 35. He is the bread of life. Again, without the context of the old
Testament being taught that this wouldn't make a whole lot. What do you mean? He's the bread of life. What does that mean?
Who wants to try to explain that? Mary. It says the, whoever believes in and comes to Jesus will never hunger or will never thirst.
Okay. Yeah. And they thought, well, at times when Jesus would speak this way, they thought there, we, we believe the
Bible. We take it literally, but sometimes people took Jesus overly literal.
I'm a Nicodemus. How is a man born again? Does he have to enter into his mother's womb a second time and be no, that's taking it too literal.
When Jesus says about the bread or the drink, the woman at the well, the water, you'll never thirst again.
You will never be hungry again. You don't take that too literally. So Jesus is the bread of life life or excuse me, bread sustains life.
I think this comes from the manna in the wilderness. The Israelites would have starved to death.
If God didn't feed them, of course they ate the manna and they got hungry again. And of course they all died, but Jesus is that bread from heaven.
The man appointed to him, he's the bread from heaven. So if you eat, if you partake, meaning if you believe in him, you will never hunger.
Meaning you have everything you need to sustain you for life and life everlasting.
So he is the bread of life, but you have to know about the manna in the wilderness for this to make sense. Larry, have you ever thought about how much manna, how much water was provided?
Daily for the Israelites as they wandered for 40 years in the wilderness?
A lot, a whole bunch. When I was in Bible college, my
Old Testament professor, he was into trains. He loved trains. So he calculated the space everyone needed.
You know, like I think it was like if a three foot square, your personal space for everyone that left
Egypt, I think it was 50 miles wide by 150 miles long.
That's the people. And so then the daily provisions and he had it all calculated it up and it come down to like a train nine miles long every day and twice on Friday.
That's no problem for God. I mean, how long, you know, when you sit at the railroad crossing, come on, when's the train ever going to end?
You know, nine miles is a long, long train. We'd be sitting there for a long time.
And just as there was obviously a supernatural element to the manna, there's something supernatural to the bread of life.
So how hard would it be for him to provide what we need? Not hard at all. John 14, verse six,
Jesus says, I am the way, the truth and the life. Remember, that's a title that describes
God's saving grace. So Jesus is the way there's no other savior, you know,
Buddha and Muhammad and all these other religions. I mean, you know, that they cannot save because everybody who was part of these really, they all, they all die.
So while every Christian dies too, right? But there is everlasting life in Jesus, which is a matter of faith.
So we need to trust him by faith that he is the way he told the truth and he is the life.
Eternal life is found in him and in him alone, which is obviously not the majority viewpoint.
Even in Christianity today, most professing Christians do not actually believe that Jesus is the only way.
They think there's many paths, but this is not what the, certainly not what Jesus taught
Marcus. When he, when Jesus said, I am the way, the truth and the life, you said he, he told the truth.
I, I would just add that he, he more than told the truth. He was, he was the truth in the same way that God is more than loving him.
God is love and Jesus is truth. And can
I make one more comment while I'm talking on that thing where you were talking about translating or interpreting scripture as literally as possible.
There are those places where I like to use the verse in Isaiah 118, it says, come now, let us reason together.
Because at the same time that we will take it as literally as possible, especially in the poetic books of the old
Testament. Come on now, let's reason together. Let's use, let's use the brain that the
Lord gave us. Common sense is a, is a commodity that seems to be difficult.
Right. And I'd rather, I'd rather take things too literally and then be corrected on it by the
Lord when I stand before him, then not take it literal and just think that, yeah, what he said actually means the opposite because that's what you have today.
Jesus, the scripture will say something in the way people interpret it. They actually interpret it to mean the exact opposite of what it says.
I'd rather be corrected for taking it too literal than, than that. Yeah. You have two choices every day.
Who are you going to serve? It's either the Lord God or the sacred.
So, well, I'm just saying, you know, so yeah, you're going to, you're going to serve somebody.
So who choose today, who you will serve. Good. All right.
The next, the next one, number four, the King who comes to rule.
Jesus is not just a person of the past. He is the destined King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
First Timothy six, 14 and 15, who will someday reign over all the earth says according to Daniel seven, 14, what three things has
Christ been given? They are dominion, glory, and a kingdom.
So you notice this is worth pointing out. I think that this is John MacArthur.
John MacArthur is a pre millennialist that he believes that Jesus will return.
There's going to be the rapture of the church, seven -year tribulation. Jesus comes back to the earth and that's when the kingdom of God is set up.
That's what he believes. That's what this church teaches. So notice what he said that Jesus will someday reign over all the earth.
What would be the implication of that? He's not raining now.
So you, just to let you know, this is out there. So we are more in the dispensational camp.
Those who are reformed Presbyterian, they would say, no, that's not right.
Jesus is actually reigning right now. So we believe the kingdom is either spiritual or its future.
They believe the kingdom. This is it. That Jesus is actually ruling and reigning right now.
So that difference is out there. Just to let you know that you might come across that. Barb.
Don't some of the reformists believe that the church bringing in the kingdom by their own, by their works.
Right. You know, we gradually spread the gospel and, you know, here we are, we brought in the kingdom.
Right. Yeah. Some who are reformed believe in post -millennialism.
Like I said, we are pre, we believe Jesus comes back before the kingdom age. Those who are post -millennial believe
Jesus comes back after the kingdom age. Meaning they believe the church ushers in the kingdom of God on earth.
These would be the most well -known name right now is Doug Wilson. Uh, who's, who's teaching pre or post -millennialism that the church is actually, we usher in the kingdom of God.
Well, we're not doing a very good job at that. And if Jesus is ruling and reigning right now,
I mean, you wouldn't, you wouldn't know it. So anyway, moving on, uh, what did
Jesus tell his followers in Matthew 25, 31 and 32?
I'll just read this. He says, but when the son of man comes in his glory and all the angels with him, then he will sit on his glorious throne.
All the nations will be gathered before him and he will separate them from one another as the shepherd separates the sheep from the goats.
So when Jesus returns, there's going to be the judgment of the nations.
So we would recognize that as an event that is still yet future.
So the Jesus, he is the King who comes to rule. He has not come to rule. When Jesus came the first time he came to what he came to save, he came to die, but he came to save, but he's not ruling on earth.
As of, as of yet, when Christ ascended into heaven, 40 days after the resurrection, what were the apostles told?
Acts chapter one, verse 11 says, they also said, men of Galilee, why do you stand looking into the sky?
Who's speaking here? The angels, right? This Jesus who has been taken up from you into heaven will come in just the same way as you have watched him go into heaven.
So they watched him go up. You're going to see, people are going to see him come down.
So when Jesus returns to this earth, no one's going to have to wonder. There are people out there think
Jesus already came back. It's already happened. This is the kingdom.
It's just invisible. Well, that's not what the angels said. Then it says, describe the return of Jesus Christ.
Second Thessalonians one seven B through 10 says when the
Lord Jesus will be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels and flaming fire, dealing out retribution to those who do not know
God and to those who do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. These will pay the penalty of eternal destruction away from the presence of the
Lord and from the glory of his power. When he comes to be glorified in his saints on that day and to be marveled at among all who have believed for our testimony or who have believed for our testimony to you was believed.
Okay. So when Jesus comes back, that's what's, that's what's going to happen. So when people look at all the things happening in the world today, and it seems that the nations and the kings of this world are just getting away with all of this.
You know, there's, there's a day of reckoning. And that day is when Jesus comes back at the second advent.
So rest assured, uh, there will be justice in the end.
So this is the king who comes to rule, uh, the, now we move on to the last section.
Number five, this is the application. Christ is God. Christ is savior.
Christ is king slash ruler. So in light of this, how can you best prepare for his second coming?
And this is where I want you to give an answer. How can you best prepare?
What did you write down or off the cuff? How can you best prepare? Mary. You have to obey, well,
I agree with that. You know, part of what Jesus said, I'm the way, the truth, and the life part of following Christ is to, like he said, if you love me, keep my commandments.
So the best way to prepare is to make sure you're right with God and you're not, you're trusting in him.
You're walking with him. You're being obedient. Good.
Who, who else? Marcus. Amen. Amen.
A few verses come to mind, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.
Be diligent to make sure to make your calling and election. Sure. Uh, we, we want to be more faithful, not less faithful as time goes on.
And I guess there's some people who are remaining in the same spot. They always were. I guess that would actually be disobedience because we're told to grow, right?
So I think people are either going in one of two directions. They're either getting more Christ -like and growing in their faith or they're going, going the opposite way.
Well, the day of Christ is coming closer and closer. We want to be walking with him.
Okay. You had something. Okay. Be without spot. Great, great answer.
And here's the final one. What can you do this week to acknowledge who he is?
Now the reference is revelation five, 11 through 14. But what can you do this week?
I guess we're sort of both. Those answers could apply to this,
I suppose. But does anyone want to add something? What can you do this week? Show kindness.
Show, show kindness. Okay. Anybody else? Marcus. Spend as much time as possible in worship, study and prayer.
Worship, study and prayer. And then take what you've studied and prayed about and then go, go do something about it.
Tell others, what'd you say? Live it, right? Doesn't do a whole lot of good if you believe it, but you don't live it.
Let me just read this revelation five, 11 through 14. Then I looked and I heard the voice of many angels around the throne and the living creatures and the elders and the number of them was myriads of myriads and thousands of thousands saying with a loud voice, worthy is the lamb that was slain to receive power and riches and wisdom and might and honor and glory and blessing.
And every created thing, which is in heaven and on the earth and under the earth and on the sea and all things in them.
I heard saying to him who sits on the throne and to the lamb be blessing and honor and glory and dominion forever and ever.
And the four living creatures kept saying, amen. And the elders fell down and worshiped him.
So that's where, that's where it starts having that heart of worship. And if this is your heart, this is where your heart is.
That is going to come out in all these other areas. All right.
I guess we'll end here. So unless anyone has something else, we'll pick up next week.
We covered the person of Jesus Christ in lesson four. So lesson number five is what?
The work of Christ. So do the work, get this filled out and we'll, Lord willing, cover it next week.